

996 Uppsatser om Photo application - Sida 34 av 67

?Om dom bara säger nej hela tiden vet man ju inte hurman gör när man ska spela? : En studie om surfplattors användningsområden i förskolan

I have through qualitative interviews and analysis of previous research in the area searched answers to what tablets are used for in preschools and the reason why they are used in this way. In addition, it examines the similarities and differences there are in how teachers and children describe the use of the tool in preschool. The study is also looking for answers on whether and how the plates are used to develop children's scientific knowledge. There are six teachers and 14 children's statement that forms the basis for the analysis. The results indicate that tablets are used for two purposes.

Barns tolkning av en modell för vattnets kretslopp : -förståelse och tillämpning

AbstractThe purpose of this study is to find out how pupils give expression of a water cycle model and if the model causes any misunderstanding. Two problems constitute the starting point for this investigation. The first question is: how do the pupils explain the water cycle with the help of the jar model (can of glass). The other question is: can the children see any similarities between the can of glass and our earth. Qualitative semi structured interviews with seven pupils in the ages of 8-9 have been used to show the pupils? own thoughts and how they express them.

Interaktionsloggning i Scania Interactor

Scania provides a fleet management system for hauliers who want to control their fleets in anefficient way. The system includes an onboard computer with touch screen called ScaniaInteractor where the driver can access GPS navigation, order support, message service and otherfunctionalities. The purpose of this thesis is to develop a concept for logging the user interactionon the Interactor and analyze the result which enables further development and optimization ofthe interface.A demonstration application is designed, implemented and tested for the purpose of showing thepossibilities and difficulties with logging of interaction. The result shows that logging is quiteeasy to implement and that the amount of produced data is small and therefore not expensive totransfer via GPRS to a central server where searching and analysis can be done. On the otherhand, the biggest challenge lies in the analysis and interpretation of the logged data and to applyit to the development of the interface.

Den Moderna Webben : Kan HTML5 konkurrera med traditionell programvara?

Vi ser en förändring i hur vi använder applikationer. Från att tidigare varit associerat till en dator och begränsat till ett par operativsystem finns de numera överallt. Fler plattformar innebär att man måste utveckla en applikation till var och en av dessa. Detta gör att utvecklingstiden och kostnaderna ökar och efterfrågan av crossplattformlösningar i form av webbapplikationer har därför ökat. Vi tittar närmare på hur det går att använda sig av HTML5, och övriga tekniker som en modern webbläsare har integrerat stöd för, för att utveckla webbaserade applikationer.

Data Propagation and Self-Configuring Directory Services in a Distributed Environment

The Swedish field of digital X-ray imaging has since several years relied heavily on distributed information systems and digital storage containers. To ensure accurate and safe radiological reporting, Swedish software-firm eCare AB delivers a system called Feedback?the first and only quality assurance IT support product of its kind. This thesis covers several aspects of the design and implementation of future versions of this software platform. The focus lies on distributed directory services and models for secure and robust data propagation in TCP/IP networks.

System för registrering av automationslicenser

The ÅF Group is a leader in technical consulting, with expertise founded on more than a century of experience. They offer highly qualified services and solutions for industrial processes, infrastructure projects and the development of products and IT systems. They are also one of the leading names in certified third-party testing and inspection work.Today the ÅF Group has approximately 4,000 employees. Their base is in Europe, but their business and clients are found all over the world.A part of ÅF-Engineerings business is programming different automation systems to clients. Another part is support in both telephone and personal visits.Because the number of clients is high and the flora of different automation systems is big the consequence is that the employees must have access to many licenses with programming tools.

Industriellt varumärkesarbete - fluga eller framtid?: - en fallstudie av fyra industriföretag

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate industrial branding, which as a relatively new concept, both for practioners as well as academia, comprises a less explored application of the brand concept. The theoretical background of the study consists of marketing theory concerning the brand concept, and theory concerning industrial marketing. The empirical foundation consists of case studies of four industrial companies, based on interviews with representatives from the companies. All four companies have engaged in activities which they themselves see as industrial branding. Initially, the study sets out to determine the occurence of industrial branding, according to this study?s definition, and continues to tentatively explore the implications of branding in an industrial context.

Digitala publikationer : Nästa steg i tidningens utveckling

Denna rapport beskriver hur dagens tekniska processer ser ut vid tillverkning av applikationer för interaktiva publikationer. En interaktiv publikation är en digitalt skapad tidning med ett extra lager av information som man kan interagera med. Exempel på interaktivitet är bildspel, video och informationsflöden i realtid som visas direkt i tidningen. Rapporten fokuserar på vad det är som ger ett mervärde till en digital interaktiv publikation och vilka funktioner det är som kan ge upphov till detta. Genom en jämförande analys mellan digitala publikationer och papperstidningar tas fyra designaspekter fram för att användas som grund för hur interaktiva element bör hanteras i framställningen av digitala publikationer. En prototyp av en interaktiv publikation har tagits fram för att visa hur designaspekterna kan tillämpas och för att visa hur information kan presenteras på ett mer interaktivt sätt. .

Från SMS och telefoni till mobil datauppkoppling : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om hur teleoperatörers verksamhet förändras då mobiltelefonens roll förändras

Det huvudsakliga syftet med denna C-uppsats är att undersöka hur teleoperatörer anpassar sin verksamhet för att bemöta den förändrade användningen av mobiltelefonen. Studien har undersökt hur operatörerna hanterar kunder som vill använda mobila tjänster istället för fasta. Mobiltelefonen används idag av teleoperatörens kunder för mer än bara samtal och textmeddelanden. För att besvara frågeformulering har intervjuer med fem teleoperatörer som tillsammans äger mer än 97 % av den svenska telemarknaden. Intervjuerna visar att teleoperatörer är mycket medvetna om de förändringar som har ägt rum och att de försöker vinna tid för att anpassa sin verksamhet, produkter och tjänster för den nya användningen av mobiltelefonen.

Jämställdhet för rekryterare på bemanningsföretag

This essay reflects upon how recruiters working at a recruitment-agency interpret their gender equality plan and their understanding of the term gender equality. This was done by semi-structured interviews with five recruiters. Through theories concerning the gender system, organization theory with a gender perspective and the doing-gender-perspective we have come to the conclusion that the employees of the company lack a coherent interpretation of gender equality. Concerning the gender equality plan there were diverse understandings of its meaning and the application of the plan is partly insufficient. As a recruitment agency there are a number of specific difficulties related to working towards gender equality.

Orala hälsorelaterade livskvalitetsinstrument som har använts på äldre individer ? en litteraturstudie

Aim: Through the review of scientific articles, this study aimed to identify which oral health-related quality of life instruments that have been used in studies to measure the oral health-related quality of life in older individuals and the application of such instruments.Method: The study is based on a systematic literature review, where 14 articles have been chosen and evaluated against a checklist. Result: The oral health-related quality of life instruments that have been used on individuals, 65 years and older, are OHIP-49, OHIP-14, OHIP-20 or OHIP-EDENT, GOHAI and OIDP. The instruments are used to examine factors associated with the oral health-related quality of life. Significant associations have been identified, among other things, between the number of teeth in static occlusion, dry mouth and the quality of the dentures, and oral health-related quality of life. Social and cultural associations have also been revealed.Conclusions: Today there exist several well functioning instruments that are used for research purposes.


This thesis has been performed at the system development company Verendus System AB, together with the home care company Basic Care Unit (BCU).The thesis has consisted of developing a web based informationsystem for BCU in which they can administrate their business. At the time of writing this thesis, BCU was using a windows-application to administrate their activities, which was both costly aswell as resulting in an unnecessary burden. The aim the thesis has thus been to create a platform-independent information system that simplifies and streamlines BCUs work by being user-friendly aswell as imposing some simplifying features.The students has been developing the system by the help of a work method they themselves developed. The method consisted of working in several iterations that each had several milestones. The method resulted in the students knowing easily when each iteration was finished or not.The thesis resulted in a working platform independent prototype.

Receving women in the accident and emergency department who have been abused by their male partner ? an empirical nursing study

Introduction:Violence towards women is an extensive and important problem in the society. Confronting women who are assulted by their male partner is a demanding task for the nurses.The aim of the study:The aim of this empirical study was to illustrate the experiences of nurses in the meeting with women exposed to violence by their male partner.Method:This is a qualitative interview study including nine female nurses. The material recieved from the interviews was analysed with help of content analysis. Categories were formed named Comunication, feelings, Ability to recognize the women, Lack of time, Need of support and further education. An application to the ethical council at the University of Kristianstad were remitted and approved.

Orala hälsorelaterade livskvalitetsinstrument som har använts på äldre individer ? en litteraturstudie

Aim: Through the review of scientific articles, this study aimed to identify which oral health-related quality of life instruments that have been used in studies to measure the oral health-related quality of life in older individuals and the application of such instruments. Method: The study is based on a systematic literature review, where 14 articles have been chosen and evaluated against a checklist. Result: The oral health-related quality of life instruments that have been used on individuals, 65 years and older, are OHIP-49, OHIP-14, OHIP-20 or OHIP-EDENT, GOHAI and OIDP. The instruments are used to examine factors associated with the oral health-related quality of life. Significant associations have been identified, among other things, between the number of teeth in static occlusion, dry mouth and the quality of the dentures, and oral health-related quality of life. Social and cultural associations have also been revealed. Conclusions: Today there exist several well functioning instruments that are used for research purposes.

Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Terminal Services vs. Citrix XenApp

Den här rapporten undersöker om gränsen mellan Terminal Services och Citrix XenApp har börjat suddas ut eller om man ännu kan dra en tydlig linje mellan dessa. Detta för att avgöra om organisationer som idag kör Windows Server 2003 med Citrix XenApp enbart klarar sig med de nya funktionerna i Windows Server 2008 Terminal Services och ändå uppfylla de krav och behov en organisation har. Arbetet genomfördes rent teoretiskt. För att avgöra likheter och skillnader mellan applikationerna, så användes till största delen ett ramverk. För att kunna få en bild av hur applikationerna tillämpas rent praktiskt, användes tidigare testar samt analyser.

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