

6923 Uppsatser om Personal transport - Sida 4 av 462

Hjälpmedel för personal och besökare på återvinningscentraler

Antalet återvinningscentraler har ökat de senaste åren och vid utformning av dessa finns det en god möjlighet att utnyttja kunskap från industri och forskning inom arbetsplatsutformning och godshantering. Inom återvinningsbranschen finns det många arbetsmiljöproblem som visar sig i arbetsskadestatistiken. Ett problem är bristen på ergonomiskt lämpliga hjälpmedel för personal och besökare. Denna brist på hjälpmedel leder till arbetsskador och olyckor på ÅVC:erna. I dagsläget kan man bryta ner dessa problem i fem uppgifter,1.

Postoperativa transporter: Patientsäkerhet under intrahospitala transporter

Få studier är gjorda om intrahospitala transporter och i synnerhet postoperativa transporter. De studier som finns behandlar framförallt intensivvårdspatienter som transporteras till behandlingar och undersökningar. Tidigare forskning visar att den intrahospitala transporten av intensivvårdskrävande patienter är en patientsäkerhetsrisk då patienten kan få fysiska komplikationer och en förlängd vårdtid. Den postoperativa transporten av den nyopererade patienten sker dagligen inom sjukvården. För att erhålla grundläggande kunskap om denna transport genomfördes en ostrukturerad observationsstudie med fokus på patientsäkerhet.

Implementation av IT-system på mindre företag

Detta examensarbete är utfört åt Alnöbud och Transport i Sundsvall. Alnöbud och Transport håller påmed transport inom såväl Sundsvall som ute i landet. Deras tidrapporteringssystem var föråldrat och de använder sig idag av papper och penna för att registrera de olika anställdas tider. De ville dåveta hur man skulle kunna datorisera detta påett enkelt, smart och prisvärt sätt. Genom att gå till grunden för hur ett litet företag i dagens läge skulle kunna gå tillväga för att datorisera exempelvis ett sådant system krävdes genomgående information om allt från undersökningar, priser för liknande typer av kravspecifikationer och jämförande mellan olika produkter/tjänster.

Utvärdering av Transportstyrelsens flygtrafiksmodeller

The Swedish Transport Agency has for a long time collected data on a monthly basis for different variables that are used to make predictions, short projections as well as longer projections. They have used SAS for producing statistical models in air transport. The model with the largest value of coefficient of determination is the method that has been used for a long time. The Swedish Transport Agency felt it was time for an evaluation of their models and methods of how projections is estimated, they would also explore the possibilities to use different, completely new models for forecasting air travel. This Bachelor thesis examines how the Holt-Winters method does compare with SARIMA, error terms such as RMSE, MAPE, R2, AIC and BIC  will be compared between the methods. The results which have been produced showing that there may be a risk that the Holt-Winters models adepts a bit too well in a few variables in which Holt-Winters method has been adapted.

Spridning av bekämpningsmedel i banvall : Modellutveckling och känslighetsanalys

The stability of railway embankment is essential for safe transport. In order to ensure safe transport, water should be allowed to freely drain. Furthermore, as the engine driver has to be able to see signs, and people working on the embankment are supposed to easily see flaws on the rails to ensure safety for the passing trains, plants should not be allowed to grow on the embankment. In Sweden there are 12 000 kilometers of railway tracks and 25?30 % of them are treated for weed control every year.

Systemanalys av skogsbränsletransporter :

At the end of 70s and the beginning of 80s, 18 terminals was built and used for chipping wood residue from clear cuttings. Most of the terminals was terminated before the 2000s but with the high oil- and energy prices that we can see today there might be a place for these terminals again. The goal with the study was to analyze and compare economical differences between 5 different logistical systems, collected data was used with a set of formulas. The systems include long range transport of slash, chips and bundles. Three of the systems include transport by lorry to industry the last two includes a terminal with access to train transport.

Framgångsfaktorer för rundvirkesåkerier i Mellansverige :

Generally, the economic health of Swedish roundwood truck transport companies has not been good. Profitability is important for maintaining the stability in the transport business, which is a condition for long-term transport planning in the forestry sector. The scope of this study was to identify probable factors influencing the profitability of roundwood truck transport companies and quantify the influence of these factors on economic results. The study was carried out at a major roundwood truck transport organisation in mid-Sweden and was implemented in four steps. In the first step economic results from the haulage contractors were collected and a random sample was taken from accounted net margin for the account year 2005/2006. In the second step hauliers were interviewed to identify probable success factors. At the third step data for identified factors were gathered through a questionnaire.

Personliga assistenters fysiska arbetsmiljö utifrån arbetsledares perspektiv

Abstract:Because personal assistance is relatively new in social care in Sweden we were interested in to get more knowledge in how supervisors for personal assistants worked. In our study we choosed to look into how the supervisors worked with the physical work environment for the personal assistants. The questions we wanted to found answers for in this study was, which work directions the supervisors for personal assistants have around the physical work environment, which legal provisions there were around the physical work environment for the personal assistants and how the supervisors experienced the work with the physical work environment for the personal assistants. We did a qualitative interview study with supervisors for personal assistants. We realised in our study that there were big differences in how the supervisors for personal assistants worked with the physical work environment for the personal assistants.

Factors influencing pig behaviour during unloading from a transport

Transportation of pigs might be a welfare problem. Stress during and after transportation can negatively affect the meat quality or cause carcass damages, which leads to major economic losses every year. The transportation chain can be divided into several stages; loading, transport and unloading. This literature review focuses on unloading of pigs from a transport. When arriving at an abattoir pigs can be fatigued and need to be as smoothly unloaded as possible.

Tidsåtgång för rundvirkesmottagning på Södra Cell Mörrum

This study was made for the round wood transport company MT Transport AB. Time studies were made in order to analyze time consumption on the mill site for timber trucks delivering round wood at the Södra Cell Mörrum mill. The most interesting was to see how much of the time spent at the factory that was waiting time. In three weeks the study was going on and the drivers were clocking it themselves..

Kartläggning av ruttplaneringsprocesser för rundvirkestransportörer

Transportation represents 10-15 % of wood supply costs. It is therefore important to improve efficiency in the transport system to decrease these costs. The aim of this study is to map the timber vehicle routing processes used by a sample of timber hauling contractors and to identify possible links between the vehicle routing process and service and economic variables. The study was carried out at Södra Skog in autumn 2008. 15 timber hauling contractors were sampled and interviewed about their work with timber transports.

Animal welfare in Ethiopia : transport to and handling of cattle at markets in Addis Abeba and Ambo

Stressful routines for animal handling can reduce immune function and productivity of animals. If stakeholders are handling animals aversively, animals will show increased expressions of fear for humans and higher stress levels which lead to the compromise of animals? welfare. In Ethiopia, there are no legislations to protect animals from suffering or discomfort. The main objective of this study was therefore to analyse welfare of cattle on animal markets in Ethiopia and map out supply chains of animals to these markets.

Att systematiskt hantera kunskap vid planering av ny infrastruktur : En fallstudie om skyfallsskador på riksväg 90 i Kramfors kommun

Natural disasters are becoming more common due to climate change and it is important to adapt the society and its infrastructure to withstand events such as extreme rainfall. Precipitation is an important climatic factor affecting the transport and annually generates the cost of millions in damages, over the past 40 years heavy rain has increased and will continue to increase in the future. The extreme rainfall that occurred in Kramfors municipality in September 2013 led to flooding and destroyed several roads, including highway 90, which recently both had been rebuilt and given a new stretch of road. Extreme rainfall had also occurred in the municipality earlier.  The aim of the thesis was to examine how the Swedish Transport Administration handles new knowledge gained after natural disasters and how this is used in the planning of new roads.

Guide till upprättande av säkerhetshandbok

This Projects goal was to develop a manual, which was to be used as help for a fishing company in the making of an SMS (Safety Management System). The manual was going to follow the guidelines presented by the IMO (International Maritime Organisation) and the Swedish Transport Agency. The projects client was a smaller fishing company that was about to build a fishing vessel.The work has been carried out as a project, it was finished within the schedule and the client was most satisfied with the result. The client has used the manual in the making of the Safety Booklet (SMS) and they are now certified according to the rules of the Swedish Transport Agency..

Den riskfyllda transporten ? Intensivvårdssjuksköterskans erfarenheter och reflektioner

Bakgrund: En intrahospital transport (IHT) är en förlängning av patientens fortsatta vård och därför en naturlig del av intensivvårdssjuksköterskans uppgifter, en uppgift som är förknippad med höga risker för patienten. Syftet: Att belysa intensivvårdssjuksköterskans erfarenheter av oförutsedda händelser i samband med IHT samt deras reflektioner på patientsäkerheten vid IHT. Metod: En pilotstudie genomfördes med en fokusgruppintervju bestående av fem intensivvårdssjuksköterskor. Insamlad data analyserades med hjälp av kvalitativ innehållsanalys med induktiv ansats. Resultat: Fokusgruppen har erfarenheter av oförutsedda händelser som är av både system- och patientrelaterande art.

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