

3978 Uppsatser om Person detector - Sida 1 av 266

Ny inmatningsfunktion för Arcomas detektorhållare

Arcoma is a company that develops and manufactures X-ray equipment for hospitals. One of the most crucial components is the digital detector. Due to the high cost it is made removable so it could be transferred and used in other X-ray apparatus. The detector is placed in a so called detector holder. The current detector has a rectangular shape which sometimes requires a 90 degree rotation to match the shape of the patient.

Safire : Unik brandvarnare med smart design för ökad säkerhet

Can you ensure that your smoke detector will sense fire and sound the alarm in the middle of the night?In 80 percent of the cases where emergency pulls out, smoke detectors are missing where the fire occurred. In the year of 2009, 118 people in Sweden died in fires ? most of them would have survived if there had been a functioning smoke detector.Earlier development of smoke detectors has mainly been focusing on components that sense smoke and alert in case of fire. But in most cases the problem has not been whether the smoke detector was working or not as fully assembled, but rather that it was missing.

Filter och kapsling för IR-givare

This paper describes the work done trying to diminish the noise present in the signal from an IR-detector. The project was aiming towards two different kinds of applications; heat protection and presence detection. The hypothesis was that the signal-noise ratio would decrease if a filter and a proper installation were used for the detector. Some experiments were executed to determine what kind of filter were the most suitable for each application and how these could be installed. After executing the experiments and evaluate the results we recommend to use a specific filter for each application.

Studie utav ett larmsystem ur ett signalteoretiskt perspektiv : Study of a detector by a signal detection theory

In present-day situation many libraries use detectors so that they can be able to prevent attempts too take out books without registering them. The university library in Jonkoping is one of the libraries that have such a detector. But unfortunately it doesn?t always work correct and can also react on other things a part from books. This is a big problem since the library staff don?t have time to check all signals that comes from detector.

Objektdetektering i SAR- och IR-bilder

This report treats detection in IR-pictures taken from airplanes over the ground. The detection is divided in two parts. First there is a detection with filterkernels with the task to point on targets and objects that look like targets. The second part is a discriminator that demands more calculations and has the task to sort out the false alarms from the discriminator. Both the detector and the discriminator contain thresholds thats been trained from trainingsets of data.

Mekanisk integration av en IR-detektor i en Stirlingkylare

The master thesis ?Mechanical Integration of an IR-detector in a Micro Cooler? has beenperformed at FLIR Systems AB in Danderyd. FLIR Systems is a world leader in the design,manufacture and marketing of thermal imaging camera systems.The thesis project is divided into to two areas, Production Method and Noise.The Production Method concerns the positioning of a detector on the cold finger within the IRcamera.The detector has to be positiond with very high accuracy at the center of the cold finger,so it can be placed in line with the optical axis to avoid movement of the picture during zooming.The positioning of the detector is at present done with the help of specially designed guides on aplate on top of the cold finger. The design workes well but the special machining needed for thisplate is very expensive.The goal concerning the production method was to derive a new more cost effective method forthe assembling and positioning of the detector on the cold finger by replacing the guides on theplate with a reusable equipment or some other alignement operation.Several concept ideas have been generated with the help of concept generation methods in theform of concept classification trees and concept combinational tables. Two of these conceptswere selected to be further refined.

Metallhantverket i Uppåkra ? en studie av ett hantverksrelaterat material

The aim for this essay is to identify and distinguish the metal casting of Uppåkra during late Iron Age by examine related material that primarily consist of finds made with a metal detector. I intend to, by analysing maps, concentrations in the detector material and probable constructions within the settlement, find patterns that can indicate a metal casting activity. The results of the essay show that a number of concentrations can be seen and that they both indicate metalworking activities and to some degree a structural specialization in the settlement. The exclusive artefacts also indicate that Uppåkra was a settlement with over-regional functions when it comes to traditions dealing with metal casting..

Elektriskt system för detektion vid ballistiskt prov

The purpose of this thesis was to design an electrical system for use in a ballistic test at the Swedish National laboratory of forensic science (SKL). The detector unit would use four main parts: coilsystem, transmitter, reciever and indicator. The coilsystem would be based on a balanced system using three coils. One that creates a magneticfield and the other two will sense the differences when a metallobject is in the coilsystem. This report starts out by investigating possible solutions for this specific task followed by a description of the physics that the metaldetector use.

Detektor på skördare för utsortering av träd med metallskrot

Fortifikationsverket which is the landlord for the Swedish national defence has a great problem in their forestry due to the relatively large amount of metal objects in their timber. These metal objects cause different types of economical losses in the timber refinement chain. To enable out sorting of logs containing metal objects already in the harvesting phase, Fortifikationsverket is interested of the possibility to utilize some type of metal detector in a harvesting head for that purpose.The goal of this study was to, with help of a case study, enlighten the problem that metal objects in timber cause for Fortifikationsverket and their customers of timber and to investigate conditions of to mount and utilize some kind of metal detector in a harvesting head at present.The saw timber deliveries by Fortifikationsverket during the time period 2003-2005 was used as a reference volume for calculations of economical losses. In this case study was included two sawmills where timber from Fortifikationsverket were delivered to for further refinement. Factors investigated were the type of damage metal objects caused in these two sawmills and the economical signification of these damages.

Optimering av informationsinsamlingvid prototyptillverkning

This report discusses a method to detect divers in harbour environments usingpassive acoustic detection. The goal was to achieve as high detection as possiblewithout having too high false alarm rate. A short execution time was also desirable.By using the characteristic of an inhalation a band-pass filter was applied to the signalto improve the signal to noise ratio. After the filtering an energy estimation of thesignal was made. This energy estimation was later used in a frequency analysis, whichcould tell us if there were enough energy in the frequencies that correspond to adivers breathing frequency.

Passive acoustic diver detection

This report discusses a method to detect divers in harbour environments usingpassive acoustic detection. The goal was to achieve as high detection as possiblewithout having too high false alarm rate. A short execution time was also desirable.By using the characteristic of an inhalation a band-pass filter was applied to the signalto improve the signal to noise ratio. After the filtering an energy estimation of thesignal was made. This energy estimation was later used in a frequency analysis, whichcould tell us if there were enough energy in the frequencies that correspond to adivers breathing frequency.

Metod för dosoptimering av digitalt detektorsystem i klinisk drift

The county of Dalarna is at present carrying through a process of digitalization where traditional x-ray film is being replaced with digital detectors. Earlier used methods for dose optimization turned out not being sufficient. This report presents a method to harmonize dose levels between x- ray sites equipped with Fujifilm imaging plate systems. An exposure index, S, related to the dose level of the examination is computed to every x-ray image. S turned out to be inversely proportional to the detector dose used at the examination.

Närvarodetektor med IR och ultraljud

En närvarodetektor i form av en IR-detektor uppfyllde inte de önskade kraven och Eluw Electronic AB hade planer på att utveckla produkten vidare. IR-detektorn registrerar endast rörelse på en person vilket inte alltid är tillräckligt i företagets anläggningar. En person som inte är i rörelse måste också detekteras för att upprätthålla säkerheten runt en specifik anläggning. Företaget efterfrågade en närvarodetektor som klarade båda dessa detekteringar. Ett examensarbete på Luleå tekniska universitet löste uppgiften och en väl fungerande närvarodetektor med IR och ultraljud har utvecklats.

Bemötandestrategier för att minska oro hos personer med demenssjukdom: En litteraturöversikt

Omvårdnad av en person med demenssjukdom ställer andra krav på vårdaren än omvårdnad av en kognitivt frisk person. En person med demenssjukdom drabbas av personlighets förändring vilket medför ett förändrat beteende bland annat i form av bristande självinsikt, oro och brister i förmågan att förstå konsekvenser av sitt handlande. Syftet med kunskapsöversikten var att sammanställa kunskap om olika åtgärder som kan tillämpas för att minska oro hos personer med demenssjukdom. Resultatet visade att sättet att kommunicera och personcentrerad vård är faktorer som påverkar agitationsbeteende hos en person med demenssjukdom. För att bemöta en person med demenssjukdom är det av betydelse hur vårdpersonal kommunicerar med den demenssjuke för att inte förhöja agitations beteende.

Att komma ur ett missbruk och förbli drogfri : sett ur socialarbetares erfarenheter

The purpose with our essay was to increase our knowledge about what social workers, with experience from working with drug addicts, perceive as the explanations to a person stopping the abuse and succeed in staying drug free. Our framing of the question was:- How do social workers define the term drug free?- How big a roll do the social worker believes she/he has in the process in which a person stops abusing drugs?- How do the social worker work with a person towards getting that person drug free?- What do the social worker believe to be the reason why a person stops abusing drugs?- What do the social worker perceive as helpful for a person to stay drug free?We did qualitative interviews with six social workers. Our main conclusion was that it is difficult to define the term drug free. The reason for stropping the drug abuse can vary, it can be the family situation, "hitting rock bottom", finding love or tiring.

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