

8197 Uppsatser om Permitting process - Sida 66 av 547

Straff- och processregler för unga lagöverträdare

Syftet med denna uppsats var att beskriva den rättsliga regleringen kring ungdomsbrottslighet i Sverige. I arbetet har jag i huvudsak behandlat den process- och straffrättsliga lagstiftningen. Vidare är även det brottsförebyggande arbetet belyst. I Sverige har vi en lagstiftning som bygger på en särbehandling av unga. Unga skall i första hand få hjälp och stöd innan de utsätts för åtgärder av rättsväsendet.

Musikvideoproduktion som designprocess : En introspektion av en budskapsfokuserad musikvideoprocess

Den här uppsatsen undersöker sambandet mellan en musikvideoprocess och endesignprocess samt vilka visuella teoretiska verktyg som finns att tillgå vid enbudskapsfokuserad musikvideo. För att ta reda på detta har vi gjort en introspektion avvår process av att producera en musikvideo åt en etablerad svensk artist. I arbetetpresenterar vi hela processen från första vision till de sista förberedelserna. Uppsatseninnehåller produktionsmaterial så som storyboard och inspelningsschema. Som stödtill vår produktionsprocess har vi sammanställt en modell som bygger på Löwgren ochStoltermans (2004) designprocess samt de budskapsfokuserade teoretiska visuellaverktygen (så som semiotik, sync points och musikanalys) som kan underlätta i just ensådan här process.

Demokratisk innovation eller ett spel för gallerierna? : En demokratiteoretisk utvärdering av Participatory Budgeting i en svensk kommun

The aim of this thesis is to explore the institutional design of Participatory Budgeting (PB) in Sweden and how the design may contribute to realize central democratic goods. The study records the different PB experiences in Sweden and focuses on one particular case, which is the only case that successfully qualifies as a genuine PB-process according to international standards and definitions. To examine this, the following questions are asked: which municipalities in Sweden have implemented Participatory Budgeting? How can the institutional design of Participatory Budgeting be described and to what extent does it enable the realization of central democratic goods? To what extent does the institutional design enable the realization of the democratic goods inclusion, popular control, considered judgment and transparency? To what extent does the institutional design enable the realization of the institutional goods of efficiency and transferability?The study is based on an institutional theory of democracy. The method used is a mixed method ideal type analysis that combines document analysis, surveys and interviews.

?Vi vill ju så gärna hjälpa dom? : Problem och möjligheter med användarundervisning vid ett universitetsbibliotek

The purpose of this essay was first and foremost to find out the problems that exist around user education in a university library and the opportunities that exist for university librarians to improve their work with students. My method of use was qualitative and more precise qualitative interviews. By interviewing five teaching librarians with five different subject specializations, I wanted to get an an-swer to what they teach when they meet the students and how they view their teaching. Responses resulted then in an analysis using Christine Bruce's theory of information literacy and Carol C. Kuhlthaus theory of librarian roles and her theory of information retrieval process.

Pedagogisk dokumentation i ett förändringsarbete

The main objective of this study was to find out what pedagogical documentation does and to get knowledge of what you may need to consider in order starting a process of change with a focus on pedagogical documentation. To get answers to my questions, the study is based on pedagogical theories from scientists and interviews with three preschool teachers who have different experience on documentation. My main questions were: What characterizes a pedagogical documentation? What tools / materials do I need to do a pedagogical documentation? What is important to consider when starting the process of change with pedagogical documentation? The result shows that pedagogical documentation is an approach that is based on that one is curious, interested, observant, listens, talking and researching with children and colleagues. You give the kids great participation which you can then pick up the children's learning processes and reveals that the business and the children develop according to curriculum objectives.

Personalpolitiken ? en dynamisk process

En studie av personalpolitiken hos ett mellanstort tjänsteföretag; dess syften, effekter och utveckling Syftet med denna uppsats är undersöka personalpolitiken hos Sparbanken i Karlshamn som är ett medelstort, enskilt tjänsteföretag. Vår avsikt är att utreda dess syften, effekter och utveckling. I uppsatsen har vi använt kvalitativ metodteori och utifrån denna intervjuat tre personer från fallföretaget. Respondenterna har noga utvalts och det empiriska materialet har baserats på personliga och fokuserade frågor. Vidare har vi använt oss av andra observationer och kontakter med personer väl insatta i området samt sekundärdata. Genom vår studie framkommer det att medarbetarna är företagets viktigaste resurs.

Att starta eget - en väg till frigörelse? En kvalitativ studie om mikroföretagare i Sydafrika

The aim of our study is to explore the empowerment process among micro-business owners in Kayamandi, a black township of Stellenbosch in South Africa. What are the positive and negative implications for the empowerment process? Another aim is to find out the role of local and international support in this process. The theoretical framework of this study revolves around the concepts of gender, power and empowerment. Our methods are qualitative interviews and observations.

En förändringsprocess på VCBC

In the beginning of the 21st century, a number of scandals were pointed out in the US. Enterprises like WorldCom and Enron went into bankruptcy, and inaccuracies in their account were made public. This led to the fact that a new law, SOX 404, was established in the US. The law says in its whole that enterprises must have better control of their internal accounts.The aim with this paper is to examine how the surrounding world of an organization with stakeholders as well as other surrounding elements, affect or force an organization to change, and how a changing process is introduced and accomplished.We carried through a survey as well as interviews at the actual organization. Furthermore, we investigated why the change has come into practice as well as attitudes and opinions towards the change, and lastly, how the changing process has been accomplished.

Jag möter världen varje dag genom mitt jobb : En beskrivning av studie- och yrkesvägledares syn på vägledning av nyanlända ensamkommande flyktingbarn och ungdomar

This study aims to describe how active guidance counselors can look at the guidance of unaccompanied refugee children by using their experience. The study will focus on advice and the study is based on a qualitative approach in which interviews were conducted with seven guidance counselors. The result shows that there are major differences in how the interviewee?s approach guidance of newly arrived unaccompanied refugee children. There are differences both in terms of the experience of advising newly arrived unaccompanied refugees and in how their role is designed.Also shown are also some similarities; guidance and counseling with newly arrived unaccompanied refugee is described as difficult.

Beaker-kulturernas ursprungs-ID

This essay aims to investigate the use of an origin-ID within the Beaker Complex, as defined by John C. Barrett, seen through their different expressions of use in ceramic form and ornamentation, architecture and landscape through time and space with special emphasis on the late Neolihtics in the South of England. The analytic vehicle "the reinforcing circle" is used as a new diffusion model suggested by Stuart Needham, and the analytic tool "incubation" is used to structure the process the Beaker-cultures may have used to reach cultural hegemony. Id est, that the Beaker-cultures socially invites already existing cultures, offering within family and trading the results of new technolo­gies. And/or, occupy the space and use the authority needed by re-writing the narrative as seen in the grave use and grave deposits.

Processhantering : identifiering, sortering och översikt

På dagens operativsystem körs ett växande antal processer. Processernas representation i integrerade processhanterare är undermålig. Processernas funktionalitet beskrivs inte och gemene användare vet ofta inte vad en specifik process gör. Som lösning på problemet föreslås en programvara för att identifiera processers funktionalitet och baserat på denna information tillhandahålla gruppering av processerna. Syftet är att ge användaren kontroll över systemets processer och tre kriterier för kontroll har tagits fram.

Rebranding in the service sector

Thesis purpose: This thesis will through a case study of a recently rebranded bank ?Jyske Bank?, seek to research deeper within the field of service sector rebranding. The internal communication used in connection to the rebranding, will be analyzed in order to investigate what initiatives Jyske Bank?s organizational leaders launched to implement the rebranding and furthermore whether the initiatives have worked. The research questions are: - What are the critical initiatives behind the re-branding process, and have these initiatives been successful?- Furthermore, to determine the success: To what extend does the intended image, created by the organizational leaders of Jyske bank, in relation to the rebranding, correlate with the identity held by the organizational members? Methodology: This thesis employs a mix of quantitative questionnaires and qualitative semi structured interviews.Theoretical perspectives: Corporate rebranding framework (Daly & Moloney, 2004) and a conceptualization of the employee branding process (Miles & Mangold, 2005)Empirical data: The empirical data was collected from in depth interviews with management and questionnaires from employees.

Afghanistans demokratiseringsprocess : En kvalitativ fallstudie om förutsättningarna för att lyckas med konsociationell demokrati i ett av världens fattigaste länder.

This thesis intends to analyse conditions for a successful implementation of consociational democracy, as a democratic model in Afghanistan. The lack of critical reviews regarding the democratisation-process in Afghanistan initiated the purpose of this study.Lijpharts democracy model was used as the basis in the comparative study. Along with empirical evidence regarding how the complex process of democracy in Afghanistan is progressing, the study investigated whether the identified conditions occurred or not.The choice of which democracy model to use can be crucial for the democratic possibilities to even survive and become established in conflict-affected communities. The principle of consociational democracy is that it is an empirically based normative model that aims to organise the state in a way that works against the risks of majority domination and oppression against the minority.The empirical case study revealed that a majority of the conditions were not met, which then can counteract the possibilities for consociational democracy in Afghanistan. The study has critically examined the prospects for the success of consociational democracy in Afghanistan, and it can be assessed that there is a limited probability for a successful applying of this model..

När pappa tog sitt liv : En narrativ studie av fyra unga kvinnors berättelser om erfarenheten av att under tonåren ha förlorat sin pappa i självmord

Grief research generally demonstrates that children and teenagers who have lost a parent in suiciderisk developing severe psychological and physical morbidity, as well as social disabilities, in adultlife as a result of traumatic aspects of the death and complicated grief reactions. The youngbereaved also run a highly increased risk of developing suicidal behaviour or to commit suicidethemselves. Despite these alarming reports, the research field is poorly explored and studies thattake an interest in the long-term consequences and the subjective experiences of the bereavedyoungsters are lacking. A qualitative study using narrative methods has been carried out toexamine the experiences of four young women, who during adolescence lost a father in suicide.The study specifically focuses on the grief process, the short- and long-term consequences, and theneed for social support in relation to family, extended network and society. The study reveals thatthe women?s traumatic loss has shattered their basic assumptions about the world as a safe andmeaningful place.

?Innanfo?r hemmets va?ggar? : En kvalitativ studie om bista?ndshandla?ggares erfarenheter och uppfattningar kring a?ldre personer med problematiskt fo?rha?llande till alkohol

This study is qualitative and aims to describe and analyze how senior citizens with alcohol- related problems are recognized by social workers within local care for the elderly. The empirical material consists of eleven semi-structured interviews which was completed with the help of social workers within local elderly care. The findings of the study shows that the processing of the senior citizens alcohol related problem can be explained as an identified ?awareness process.? Further, the findings of the study shows that awareness is often made by others than the social workers themselves. The study has also showed that known versus unknown information about present alcohol-related problems, tends to be crucial for when and how awareness is made in the ?awareness process?. .

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