

8197 Uppsatser om Permitting process - Sida 65 av 547

Utveckling av förpackningssystem för torra insatsvaror i livsmedel

This project includes development of new packaging for dry spices and an investigation of how to automate the production line. The preliminary investigations show needs of an environmental friendly packaging possible to re-close. After screening for suitable materials three concepts were developed, a stand-up pouch, a plastic jar and a metal can. The pouch was excluded in a concept choosing process. In this process it was also decided to further develop the metal can concept.

Skolvalet: en investering i framtiden? : En narrativ studie om föräldrars resonemang kring grundskolevalet ur ett Bourdieu-inspirerat perspektiv

The thesis aims to increase our understanding about parents reasoning about the elementary school choice by studying which factors parents perceive as important during the decision making process and also by giving meaning to Pierre Bourdieu?s concept of capital through the parents perspective. The empirical material comes from seven BNIM-interviews made with parents, which has been analyzed according to the thematic field analysis.The results show that the parents are not especially concerned about making an active school choice. Stability, closeness, friends, rumors, development and adaptability to the reality are the factors that are perceived as the most important in the decision making process. The school choice has a limited meaning as an investment in social capital, from Bourdieu?s perspective.

WHITE HOUSE/GREEN HOUSE - En processpårande undersökning av klimatfrågan i USA

This thesis examines the process of securitization of the environmental issue in the United States. By using the theories of sectoral security and securitization by Barry Buzan and Ole Waever, commonly known as the Copenhagen school we go beyond the traditional security frames and examine where the environmental issue in the United States stand today within the securitization spectrum. The securitizing spectrum includes three levels in which an issue can be place: non-politicised, politicised and securitized.The problem, which we wish to address, is if there is a movement of the environmental issue in the United States towards becoming a securitized issue. In the light of these circumstances we also wish to explore who is behind the movement and also find out where the issue stand today. We do believe that Al Gore is a securitizing actor and examine his role in the movement of the environmental issueWe have come to the conclusion that there is an ongoing process of securitization in which the environmental issue have moved from being politicised to becoming securitized..

C2-monitor : en rapport om utvecklingen av ett mobilt gränssnitt

This report presents the development process of a mobile interface for the C2-monitor. A monitoring tool used to support the operations for the broadcasting services of Ericsson Broadcasting and Media Services (EBMS). With the support of the C2-monitor, operators can monitor hundreds of channels and services produced from EBMS. To enhance a more flexible working environment, the C2-monitor needs to be developed further to support mobile devices with a customized design to take advantage of mobile phones features and functionality. Established and well-recognized design methods and principles have been applied in the development process and user testing have been made iteratively throughout the project.

Carbon offset management : worth considering when investing for reforestation CDM

The idea for this project was initiated together with one of the leaders in the forest, paper and packaging industry. To get through an A/R CDM process the company is exposed to the risk of failing the process or that the overall costs will exceed the benefits of the project. This would delete the incentives to invest in GHG removals compared to purchasing emission allowances on the carbon market. The questions that have been raised and needs clarification in the thesis are the following:? From a company perspective, what are the incentives for implementing Forest Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) projects?? What is a likely financial outcome of a reforestation CDM project on degraded land in the Guangxi province of the Peoples Republic of China?? When does an investment like this break even with the cost of buying market based carbon emission allowances? The objective of this master thesis is to carry out a research about the incentives for forest, paper and packaging companies to invest in reforestation through the clean development mechanism.

Organisatoriskt lärande: en fallstudie vid Lunds universitet

Att en organisation fattar beslut om överordnade mål och strategier innebär i sig inte något organisatoriskt lärande. För att möjliggöra en integration av uppställda mål och strategier så att dessa genomsyrar organisationen behöver det ske en process - ett organisatoriskt lärande. Vi har i denna uppsats studerat hur denna process går till i organisationen Lunds universitet, när det gäller integration av mål och strategier rörande ledarskap och hur universitetet i denna process tillvaratar individuell kunskap och kompetens så att organisationen får en högre kompetens och därmed en ökad möjlighet att nå uppställda mål. Vi har utgått från litteratur kring organisatoriskt lärande, där vi gjort en sammanställning av de teorier och den forskning som vi anser har relevans för vår frågeställning. Ur dessa har vi tagit fram följande kriterier för organisatoriskt lärande: kommunikation, tillgängliggörande, reflektion och samsyn och integration.

En studie i kreativa processer utifrån ett begrepp

Jag vill med mitt examensarbete skapa respekt för det avvikande.Jag har utvecklat en process med intellektuell utgångspunkt i en begreppsvärld långt från möbler, i detta fall Darwins utvecklingslära om arternas uppkomst. Det har varit viktigt för mig att anta ett konstnärligt förhållningssätt, att ge mig in i någonting utan att veta vart det ska leda och att skapa bästa möjliga förutsättningar för en kreativ process. Jag har genom naturstudier, skisser, och fria associationer sökt mig fram till  mina möbelförslag.Som kommunikationsmedel har jag använt mig av skissmaterial. Min ambition har varit att ta med andra parter som hantverkare med olika kompetenser och kunskaper in i framtagningsprocessen.Ambitionen är att skapa en mer sympatisk värld genom att förtydliga och skapa respekt för det annorlunda och avvikande. Låta objekten ta form och ett möjligen eget liv.

Mellan hopp och förtvivlan En rättslig studie om socialnämndens utredningsförfarande i ärende om ensamkommande barn

The purpose of our research is to explore the investigation process of the cases of unaccompanied children by the social authorities. We present both national and international legal documents which are of importance to subject we have chosen. We also aim to study how these are put into practice by social authorities. This can help us to identify the problems and shortcomings in social authorities` practices in dealing with unaccompanied children?s cases.

Upphandlingsprocess i enlighet med LOU : en studie om upphandling av hjälpmedel inom vård och omsorg

We have during these three past years been getting formal knowledge in business economics and believe that, now in the end of our education, we are qualified to the demands that are put on the labour market. The purpose of this report has been to write about, such an extensive subject area as public purchase though we feel the education is lacking this area and have therefore decided to do our dissertation in public purchase.Due to lack of time we have not been able to investigate in the extent we wanted, we had to delimit in sort of municipality and purchase product. We have been investigating in how the process of purchase of aid in Malmö municipality approaches because we wanted to enter deeply into those studies.This rapport represents the process of public purchases of aid from both the suppliers point of view as well as the purchase units. All the steps in the process are presented in our investigation.By writing this rapport we have presented the division of responsibility of aid, it is divided between Region Skåne and the municipality in Skåne. In Malmö the responsibility is divided between two activities, one of them is Hjälpmedelcentrum who is responsible of the municipality part and the other is Hjälpmedel Malmö who.s responsible of the regional part.We have decided to investigate only on the municipality part of the responsibility division and have gradually found out that they in Hjälpmedelcentrum reuse their aids after them being returned from the needed ones in the municipality or even after that the need has stopped, the unit can by reuse save on new purchases.In the end of writing this rapport we noticed that owners of small businesses have a difficult time of getting in the market of public purchase.

En beskrivning av den meningsskapande processen och dess kliniska användbarhet

Det inledande resonemanget leder fram till att meningsskapande förankringsarbete är viktigt men att detta ofta saknas i kliniskt arbete med ångest och depression. Från detta följer syftet att göra meningsskapande processer tillgängliga i det kliniska arbetet med ångest- och depressionsliknande lidanden genom att svara på frågeställningen: Hur söker vi efter och skapar övergripande och meningsfulla värden? Skriftliga beskrivningar från tre deltagare samlades in och analyserades utifrån en deskriptiv fenomenologisk metod vilket möjliggjorde identifierandet av den psykologiskt relevanta processtrukturen. Bland åtta identifierade delprocesser fanns till exempel ifrågasättandet och övergivandet av tidigare värden och följandet och definierandet av nya värden. Förslag ges till hur ett meningsskapande förankringsarbete skulle kunna se ut i en klinisk tillämpning.

Simulation driven design : An iterative approach for mechanical engineers with focus on static analysis

This thesis of 15 hp has been implemented at Halmstad University, in collaboration with Saab Dynamics in Linköping. Saab Dynamics is a company operating in the defence industry where competition is tough. This necessitates new ways to increase efficiency in the company, which is the basis for this thesis. Saab Dynamics wants to introduce simulation driven design. Since Saab Dynamics engineers have little experience of simulation, required a user methodology with clear guidelines.

Slöjdens utsträckta hand - i sociala verksamheter

Uppsats för avläggande av filosofie kandidatexamen iKulturvård, Ledarskap i slöjd och kulturhantverk15 hpInstitutionen för kulturvårdGöteborgs universitet2014:31.

Neutral bolagsskatt ? Hur bygg- och fastighetsbranschen skulle påverkas av förslaget

This thesis of 15 hp has been implemented at Halmstad University, in collaboration with Saab Dynamics in Linköping. Saab Dynamics is a company operating in the defence industry where competition is tough. This necessitates new ways to increase efficiency in the company, which is the basis for this thesis. Saab Dynamics wants to introduce simulation driven design. Since Saab Dynamics engineers have little experience of simulation, required a user methodology with clear guidelines.

Användarmedverkan i Rational Unified Process

Utvecklingen av informationssystem har de senaste åren gått framåt med stora steg. Trots detta utvecklas massvis med informationssystem som inte fungerar i verksamheten där de ska användas. Detta tillsammans med ökningen av användandet har gjort att kraven på systemens utformning har stigit. Många författare anser att lösningen på detta är att engagera användarna i större omfattning än vad som görs i dagens utvecklingsmetoder. En av de mest använda metoderna för systemutveckling idag är Rational Unified Process (RUP).

Upprättande av mall för fuktsäkerhetsbeskrivning : Genom granskning av projekt ur fuktsäkerhetssynpunkt

During the 1990?s a large number of building projects were revealed where lack of moistsafety precautions during the construction process had led to extensive moisture damage. Alsoresent implemented studies have shown that the problems with moisture damages have ratherincreased than decreased during the past few years. Moist is considered to be one of the mainfactors to cause unhealth due to deficiencies in the indoor-environment and does also causeunnecessary expenses and a reduction of the confidence in the construction industry.In this Bachelor of Science thesis three projects have been reviewed to examine how moistsafetyhas been observed during the construction process. Main focus has been to identify thebuilding components that are the most exposed to moist, and to examine how they have beentaken into account during the period of design and construction.

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