

8926 Uppsatser om Performance time - Sida 30 av 596

Kommunikation av och runt interna ekonomiska rapporter : en studie i sju tillverkande Blekingeföretag

Abstract: Title: Communication of and around internal performance reports - A study in seven manufacturing companies based in Blekinge. Authors: Marcus Harrysson and Mikael Johansson. Supervisors: Lars Svensson and Carina Svensson, Blekinge Institute of Technology Department: Department of Business Administration. Course: Bachelor thesis in Business Administration, 10 credits Purpose: Our purpose with the bachelor thesis was to investigate if there is a connection between communication of and around internal performance reports and profitability in companies. Method: Our investigation has been made at seven companies in the county of Blekinge by making personal interviews with people in both production and business departments at each of the companies.

Registrering av faktisk närvaro i förskolan - vem berörs?

Every municipality in Sweden is responsible for offering its citizens adequate childcare. Parents hand in a preliminary schedule to the preschool for when their child needs to be in childcare, and based on this the preschool staff is scheduled. Some municipalities measure the actual time a child is in childcare. The essay idea comes from when I heard that one municipality was thinking of register the children's actual time in preschools. I started thinking on how to solve such a task.

Att attrahera arbetsso?kande : En studie i hur fo?retag kan anva?nda corporate social performance i employer branding fo?r att sta?rka sitt arbetsgivarvaruma?rke

Denna studies syfte a?r att underso?ka vilka aspekter av ett fo?retags arbetsgivarvaruma?rke som va?rderas ho?gst av arbetsso?kande och da?rfo?r a?r viktigast fo?r fo?retag att kommunicera till ma?lgruppen genom employer branding-arbete. Uppsatsen bygger pa? fyra fra?gesta?llningar: Vilka av aspekterna i ett arbetsgivarvaruma?rke a?r viktigast att kommunicera till arbetsso?kande fo?r att bli en arbetsgivare som arbetsso?kande dras till? Vidare: Vilka aspekter av ett arbetsgivarvaruma?rke va?rderar studenter ho?gst na?r de va?ljer arbetsgivare? Finns det en skillnad mellan ma?n och kvinnor i vad man va?rderar ho?gst respektive la?gst? Finns det en skillnad mellan vad man va?rderar ho?gst respektive la?gst beroende pa? studietid?Underso?kningen baseras pa? en kvantitativ studie och genomfo?rdes med hja?lp av en enka?tstudie. Enka?tstudien baseras pa? en modell fo?r corporate social performance som kommer fra?n ett offentligt index av Kinder, Lydenberg, Domini & Co.

Prestandabaserad design genomkonceptuell energianalys : Performance-based design through conceptual energy analysis

This degree project aims to investigate the potential and possibilities for conceptual energyanalyses in the early stages of the design process. Many key decisions are made in theearly stages of a project regarding the shape and orientation of the building. Conceptualenergy analyses can provide the architects with insight regarding different design option?srelative energy performance.As the demands for more sustainable buildings increases, so does the need for earlyenergy analyses. Performing analyses in the early stage requires many assumptions andguesswork which could lead to a large margin of error.The offering from Autodesk is a module in Revit Architecture/MEP and the stand aloneprogram Project Vasari (under development).

VD-ersättning och ägarkoncentration: En studie om ersättningsnivåerna i svenska börsbolag

This study examines whether the ownership structure of Swedish firms contributes to explain the variations in executive pay. A regression analysis was performed on 102 companies listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange. The analysis suggests a negative relationship between ownership structure and executive pay after taking company profitability and size into account. The result is in line with previous studies and the agency theory. This indicates that large shareholders have a stronger position in Swedish companies or that large shareholders monitor the management to a larger extent, rather than providing incentives.

"...it is time to bring the body back into the information field" : En undersökning om icke-verbal kommunikation på bibliotek och möjligheten att med skådespelarövningar höja bibliotekariers icke-verbala kompetens

 The aim of this two-years master?s thesis is to examine the role of the body and the importance of nonverbal communication in the library workplace and to explore the possibility of becoming more nonverbally skilled. For this purpose a course was developed and presented to nine librarians in a public library in the vicinity of Stockholm in February, 2011. Qualitative interviews with the librarians were conducted after the course.Important theories for this work were Annemaree Lloyd?s thoughts on corporeality, Erving Goffman?s dramaturgical sociology and John Dewey?s learning by doing.

Matematiska arbetsmetoder : En kvalitativ undersökning om undervisningsmetoder i förhållande till nationella matematikprov

The purpose of this study is to provide a description of how mathematics teachers in grades 3 choose to work with mathematics and how it affects of student performance in national tests. The categories I will use are outdoor education, textbooks, learning materials and problem solving. Laboratory materials can be everyday materials and educational materials in which pupils have an abstract understanding of the subject. This survey was conducted through interviews and observations. The survey was also conducted in relation to student performance in national math tests.

Manuell arytmitolkning och defibrillering prehospitalt för att minska avbrott i bröstkompressioner

Abstract Background Todays guidelines for advanced CPR emphasize chest compressions with good quality and early defibrillation. Prehospital CPR performed by ambulance crew, an automated external defibrillator (AED) is used. The AED analyzes the heart rhythm and the performer is following the advice to chock the heart or not, given by the AED. During on-going CPR there are sequences when no chest compression is performed known as hands-off time. Hands-off time includes the time for the AED to analyze the heart rhythm and the time when advice is given to the crew.

?Sitter sex i väggen, då finns det inget att diskutera? : en studie om betyg och bedömning av den praktiska färdigheten i ämnet specialidrott på sex av Sveriges innebandygymnasier

Syfte och frågeställningarSyftet har varit är att öka kunskapen om lärares bedömning av elevers praktiska färdighet i innebandy på den nationella idrottsutbildningen (NIU). Vidare syftar studien till att jämföra lärarnas bedömning med kursplanens kunskapskrav.Vilka färdigheter är det som de intervjuade lärarna bedömer hos eleverna?Hur bedömer de intervjuade lärarna elevernas färdigheter?Hur erfar de intervjuade lärarna arbetet med bedömning och betygsättning?MetodMed hänsyn till studiens kvalitativa ansats valdes intervju som metod. Studien avgränsar sig till de lärare som undervisar innebandy som specialidrott. Urvalet gjordes med hänsyn till geografisk spridning.

Ipv6 : En empirisk studie i hur Ipv6 protokollet har utvecklats de senaste åren.

Internet grows, so it?s cracking, soon will all IPv4 addresses be allocated and a solution is urgently needed. The new protocol, IPv6 is the solution to this problem. With a size of 128 bits against IPv4s 32 bits gives IPv6 a huge amount of addresses to distribute. The security addition that may be added manually in IPv4 is the standard with the new protocol.

Den kombinerade effekten av query-expansion och query-strukturer på återvinningseffektiviteten i ett probabilistiskt system

This thesis deals with query formulation in full text retrieval. The variables studied were query expansion and query structur[INS: e :INS , and the aim of the thesis is to study their co-effects on retrieval performance in a probabilistic system. The expansion was made with synonyms, and the structure by expressing facets and phrases. The study was performed using QPA, Query Performance Analyzer, which includes InQuery retrieval system and a sub-collection of TREC documents with its topics. The measurement used was precision at 11 DCV points.

Modelering av Wideband : Code Division Multiple Access

Today wireless transmission of data is becoming more and more popular and the need for faster transmission rates is increasing. Since the bandwidth is limited it is important to try to use it to the fullest. CDMA is a technology that allows multiple accesses on the same frequency and time thus making it very bandwidth efficient. The CDMA technology was first introduced in the second generation?s cellular systems but has since then been improved and is reused in today?s 3G systems as Wideband CDMA.

Kommunikation som praktiskt kunnande : Teater som utgångspunkt för träning i att kommunicera

The form of my essay is that all human communication, can be seen as a practical knowledge, witch can be trained. I describe how I came in to a pedagogic activity, which is aimed to train people?s communicative ability in their working life and in school. This is made in the form of lectures, seminars and training program. In this essay, I even describe my personally background and what it was, that made me work with people outside the theatre.

En turkisk version av det arbetspsykologiska testet Predicting Job Performance

Personlighetstest avser att mäta olika personlighetsdrag, olika egenskaper som formar individens personlighet. Personlighetstestet Predicting Job Performance, PJP, bygger på den så kallade ?femfaktormodellen? inom personlighetspsykologin och på studier av hur generell problemlösnings-förmåga påverkar arbetsprestation. PJP är ett arbetspsykologiskt instrument för användning i urval av arbetssökande. I föreliggande studie har personlighets-delen i PJP översatts till turkiska med syftet att utforska en turkisk version av instrumentets reliabilitet samt begrepps-validitet.

Design and Analysis of an All-optical Free-space Communication Link

Free Space Optics (FSO) has received a great deal of attention lately both in the military and civilian information society due to its potentially high capacity, rapid deployment, portability and high security from deception and jamming. The main issue is that severe weather can have a detrimental impact on the performance, which may result in an inadequate availability. This report contains a feasibility study for an all-optical free-space link intended for short-range communication (200-500 m). Laboratory tests have been performed to evaluate the link design. Field tests were made to investigate availability and error performance under the influence of different weather conditions.

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