

1095 Uppsatser om Perception - Sida 2 av 73

De mentala hygienriskerna i en livsmedelsbutik

Almost all people in Sweden have to visit a grocery store at some point, which are facing plenty of different kind of hygiene risks. They will face both employees and other customer - all of them are possible to give the innocent customer some kind of infection. Does the shopkeeper know this Maybe, maybe not. Nevertheless, there's a lot of work to do for a shopkeeper who wants to understand his customers. The shopkeeper needs to understand how to decrease the customers' risk Perception, as well as how risk and media fits together.

Kan ett synintryck upphäva en ljudillusion? : En undersökning av oktavillusionen kopplad till visuella stimuli i form av noter

The present study origins from Diana Deutschs work with the octave illusion and investigates if musically trained subjects can give a more correct Perception of the octave illusion if their visual senses also get stimulated in form of scores.Ten subjects, with over 20 years experience playing an instrument, participated in the investigation. The result shows that a more correct Perception of the octave illusion depends on the educational level in scorereading. Four out of five subjects who valued their knowledge in scorereading as being good or very good reported that the score corresponded to what they could hear in the right ear, which is connected to the dominant hemisphere. When they were instructed to focus on both ears three of these subjects reported that the score corresponded to what they could hear in the left ear, but that they could not hear the lower tone in the right ear. As the scores for the right ear were equal for the identical soundexamples this Perception could be an indication that stimuli are percieved as being complex and the interpretation is alternated to the non dominant hemisphere..

?-Jag kan inte sitta på ditt sitt!? Upplevelser av annorlunda sinnesförnimmelser vid autismspektrum

Autism är troligen något som har funnits i alla kulturer. Gemensamt för alla inom autismspektrumet (AST) är svårigheter med kommunikation, socialt samspel och föreställningsförmåga. Orsaken bakom svårigheterna är ännu inte helt klarlagda. Länge har det varit känt att många inom AST kan ha en annorlunda Perception. Personer med AST återfinns i alla vårdkontexter och vårdpersonal finns i allmänhet en liten kunskap om hur sjuksköterskan kan bemöta dessa personer som kräver extra hänsyn.

Gymnasieelevers definition av

This is a qualitative study of high school students? definition of their conception of a ?good? teacher. Its purpose is to provide increased insight for teachers about students? ideas of the phenomenon. The study is based on the reports of six respondents, which was later analysed according to the Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis method (IPA).

Relationen mellan perception av prosodi och perception av tonglidning : En jämförande studie mellan normalhörande och personer med hörselnedsättning

Prosodi utgörs bland annat av variationer i tonhöjd, så kallade tonglidningar. Dessa tonglidningar förmedlar såväl språkligt som emotionellt innehåll i talet. Förmågan att uppfatta skillnader i tonhöjd kallas frekvensdiskriminering. Eftersom denna förmåga kan påverkas negativt av en sensorineural hörselskada är det tänkbart att hörselskadan även kan påverka Perceptionen av prosodi. Syftet med studien var att undersöka om det finns ett samband mellan Perception av tonglidningar och Perception av prosodi samt om det finns en skillnad i dessa förmågor hos normalhörande respektive personer med en hörselnedsättning.

Bibliotekspersonalen utfärdar lånekort Studenters uppfattning av bibliotekspersonalens service

The purpose of this Masters thesis is to study students Perception of the services that the library staff provides and the library staffs opinion of the students Perceptions. With the concept service we mean the treatment, the attitudes and the qualities that exist between the library staff and their users. Our purpose is also to examine how the users experienced services quality. Our survey was conducted at an academic library with questionnaires to both students and library staff. We analysed the result of the survey by using three theories by Lundmark, Keen and Grönroos and Monthelie.

Skönheten i betygsättarens öga : En undersökning av utseendets betydelse vid betygsättning

This study examines the effects of a person's appearence on grading. 80 teachers in Swedish have assessed a text, illustrated with a picture of the supposed author. The pictures were varied by attractiveness, personality in looks, and gender. Furthermore, a text illustrated by a drawing and an unillustrated text were also used in the study. The texts were sent to the teachers by e-mail and assessed on a scale from 1-10 and the Swedish grading scale IG-MVG (Did not pass ? Passed ? Passed with credit - Passed with great credit).

Biologisk mångfald - lärares undervisning och elevers insikter i ämnet

The aim of my thesis is to unveil orientalistic powerstructures in the new national curriculum for religious studies in Swedish upper secondary schools. Western imperialism and modernistic ideals has formed the Swedish Perception of what constitutes as Swedish, this Perception also influences the Swedish religious understanding. This understanding is imbedded in the national curriculum for religious studies which enables a western hegemony to prevail..

Halva jobbet är gjort! : -en studie om specialpedagogens samverkan med hemmet.

The aim of my thesis is to unveil orientalistic powerstructures in the new national curriculum for religious studies in Swedish upper secondary schools. Western imperialism and modernistic ideals has formed the Swedish Perception of what constitutes as Swedish, this Perception also influences the Swedish religious understanding. This understanding is imbedded in the national curriculum for religious studies which enables a western hegemony to prevail..

Barns och tonåringars välmående

This paper examined if childrens wellbeing affected their social and academic competence. The data was collected through an anonymous study using questionnaires, where the measuring instruments GHQ12 and EQ was used, and also a number of questions concerning academic competence. The population concisted twentytwo eight grade students, both girls and boys. The population had both Swedish and foreign ancestry. The result showed that wellbeing and the academic competence had a positive correlation.

Simhall i Viskafors

Today, the catering personnel are an essential part of the safety organization on board Swedish passenger vessels in ferry services. Their responsibilities for the safety on board have increased in connection with the changes in regulations made on the shipping industry. These changes have been mostly related to human factors and structural leadership in the last 25 years.A well-functioning safety organization requires competence and commitment from every individual. Previous researches on Swedish passenger ferries concerning the safety organization have raised issues regarding the catering personnel?s Perception of the safety on board.

Barns och tonåringars välmående

This paper examined if childrens wellbeing affected their social and academic competence. The data was collected through an anonymous study using questionnaires, where the measuring instruments GHQ12 and EQ was used, and also a number of questions concerning academic competence. The population concisted twentytwo eight grade students, both girls and boys. The population had both Swedish and foreign ancestry. The result showed that wellbeing and the academic competence had a positive correlation.

Art of Balance : In context of complexity

Game balance can be considerd complex - there are many factors that play a role in the Perception of balance. This thesis examines complexity, game theory and intution in an effort to disconver more about the Perception of balance. The findings are that tactical and strategical choices that are presented for a player need to be interesting, not to complex and not to obvious. The importance lies in the estimation of the result that the player does when making a choice..

Platskänslan på en innergård i Göteborg - En jämförelse mellan planerarnas vision och de boendes uppfattning

This case study, ?The sense of place in a courtyard in Gothenburg?, examines whether the city planners? vision correspond to the residents? Perception regarding the sense of place and the physical environment in a courtyard in Gothenburg. By carrying out a questionnaire survey, the inhabitants? Perception has been explicated, which we have then compared to the total vision for the design of the courtyard that we have gathered from doing interviews with the planning executive, the developer and the landscape architect as well as reviewing the development plan. The study has shown that the vision coincides relatively well with the residents? Perception, but it differenciates when it comes to social aspects.

Den Andra religionen : En granskande undersökning av orientalistiska maktstrukturer i Gy 2011s ämnesplan för Religionskunskap 1

The aim of my thesis is to unveil orientalistic powerstructures in the new national curriculum for religious studies in Swedish upper secondary schools. Western imperialism and modernistic ideals has formed the Swedish Perception of what constitutes as Swedish, this Perception also influences the Swedish religious understanding. This understanding is imbedded in the national curriculum for religious studies which enables a western hegemony to prevail..

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