1841 Uppsatser om Peace building - Sida 53 av 123
Detektering av mänsklig närvaro i inomhusmiljö
One problem in today?s indoor air quality lies within insufficient ventilation. Dynamic ventilation can be obtained by implementing a Demand-Controlled ventilation (DCV) system. DCV systems adjust the ventilation in a building by calculating the impact made by its? occupants.
Miljonprogrammets Rosengård: den avbildade verkligheten
The purpose of this thesis is to cast light on the residential area Rosengård in Malmö which during the years between 1965 to 1975 was part of a programme known as "Miljonprogrammet", a project which was supposed to put an end to the housing shortages. The purpose of this thesis is also to investigate the social consequences in Rosengård, which arose as a result of Miljonprogrammet. Rosengård is one of many immigrant-dense suburbs in Sweden that by the media is given an exaggerated negative portrayal. Through our work, we also want to bring out and highlight the true image of Rosengård. The questions that have served as our starting ground include; what were the thoughts behind Miljonprogrammet? What were the consequences of Miljonprogrammet? What does the true image of Rosengård look like? What can the new government do in order to improve the situation in Rosengård? In order to answer these questions, four interviews were conducted with specifically chosen people.
Inneklimatet på ett kontor : Undersökning av inneklimatet vån. G4 stadshuset samt kontor på Ånghammargatan
This report describes an investigation of the indoor climate in two different workspaces. Since we a big part of our lives are staying indoors in artificial environments, and more particularly in our workplaces, we think it would be interesting to do this investigation. The technical solutions for air treatment systems began with simple natural systems without fans and where the thermal rise of the air applied. In modern time is technical air treating systems used to take care of the fresh air supply. This type of units can supply filtered air with the right temperature to the building. Well-functioning ventilation is essential to bring clean fresh air to the room and effectively remove impurities without sound- or draught problems. The indoor climate is relevant for the output capacity.
Tillförlitlighet för automatiska sprinkleranläggningar - en analys av befintlig statistik
In this report statistics concerning the reliability of sprinkler systems from seven countries has been analysed. The objective of the report has been to determine the reliability of sprinkler systems in Sweden and to present suggestions on measures to increase the reliability. The main conclusion that has been drawn is that the reliability of sprinkler systems in Sweden is 92 percent according to the analysis of Swedish statistics, and that this figure finds support in statistics from other countries. Further results are that the quality of design, installation, maintenance and inspection of sprinkler has to be improved and that the Swedish incident report has to be revised..
Privata militära företag i Irak - Säkerhet, alternativa strukturer och institutionaliseringsprocesser
Efter Koalitionens ockupation av Irak i Mars 2003 har landets säkerhetssituation varit instabil och har idag utvecklats till ett lågintensivt inbördeskrig mellan olika befolkninggrupper. Redan i början av ockupationen började man rekrytera privata militära företag (PMF) för att hjälpa till att upprätta säkerhet i en skala som inte setts tidigare. Innan Irak var helt säkrat påbörjade Koalitionen, med hjälp från PMF, rekonstruktionsarbetet med vittgående reformer i synnerhet av säkerhetsinstitutionerna.Har de privata militära företagens närvaro påverkan på den fortsatta institutionaliseringen av säkerhetsorgan i Irak?Planeringen av rekonstruktions- och institutionaliseringsprocessen har utgått från teorin kring den moderna liberala fredsskolan.Hur går PMFs närvaro i Irak ihop med arbetet av statsbyggnad av ett postkonfliktuellt samhälle utifrån olika fredsbyggnadsteorier?Genom att sätta statsbyggnadsprocessen, med fokus på uppbyggandet av säkerhetsinstitutioner, i kontext med den vedertagna fredsskolans IRW-metod (Intervention, Reconstruction, Withdrawal) samt kritiken som utförs om den av statsvetaren Roland Paris i hans IBL-teori (Institutionalization Before Liberalization) analysera detta.Iraks fortsatta säkerhetsproblem och svårigheterna med utbyggandet av säkerhetsinstitutioner är en konsekvens av den bristfälliga planeringen och de ogenomtänkta säkerhetsreformerna är den största anledningen till det säkerhetsvakuum som är i Irak idag. PMFs påverkan i processen är p.g.a.
Glasbruksvillan och jakten p? den f?rsvunna dekoren
This thesis aims to propose a plausible design and construction of the lost gable
pediments of the Glassworks Villa in F?glavik, anno 1875. Through a
combination of building inspections, photo analysis and 3D modeling, the
researcher utilizes the combined results to digitally recreate the decoration that
once adorned the gothic revival villa's gable, to serve as basis for its actual
reconstruction. The study further highlights the use of modern technological
tools, such as 3D modeling software, to further enhance the understanding of
historical architectural elements. The researcher also emphasizes the challenges
and considerations involved in preserving and reconstructing historical
architectural details for future conservation endeavors..
International Marine Group, IMG AB, was established in year 2000, and became the parent company of the three sister companies, Momec AB, Isolamin AB and Premec AB. The IMG ? group supplies complete marine/offshore interior accommodation and tailor-made system supplies to the Building/Industrial sector. With a starting point to develop IMG AB?s logistic and distribution the company has decided to survey the present logistic at their subsidiaries, mainly concentrated on the goods for delivery.
5S och DMAIC - Första steget mot Lean Sex sigma En studie för införande av Lean Sex sigma i en mindre organisation i samarbetet med Eco-Boråstapeter
I ett team ingår flera professioner och för att arbeta i ett team krävs det att kunna kommunicera med varandra. Genom att belysa vad som påverkar kommunikationen och hur kommunikationen påverkar människan, kan det leda till att människan utvecklar sin förmåga att kommunicera, vilket i sin tur leder till ett förbättrat arbetsklimat. Syftet med studien är att belysa kommunikationens betydelse för människan i det opererande teamet och eventuella orsaker som påverkar kommunikationen. Metoden är en litteraturöversikt med kvalitativ innehållsanalys av vetenskapliga artiklar. Resultatet redovisas med hjälp av tre huvudteman och 11 subteman där kommunikationens process belyses.
Energieffektivisering av Villor : Finns möjligheten till Passivhusstandard för befintliga bostäder
The climate change the earth today has to face is no longer a global problem when every individual has a responsibility to act. The residents in Sweden have no understanding how their energy consumption affects the environment, nor what measures can be taken to reduce the energy consumption.The use of the energy in new Buildings is considerably lower than in the older ones as conditions have improved and the requirements have been more stringent. As most of the buildings in the future have already been constructed it´s important to take every opportunity for energy efficiency and rebuilding of available buildings will become a significant act. Reconstruction of a building contributes generally to both a reduced individual and a reduced total energy use, while new constructions only keep a low individual energy use but a increase the total energy use. For this reason we present the opportunities for reconstruction, mainly to reach the standards for a passive house..
Byggvaruhuskedjors kravställningar på sina leverantörer En studie av bygghandeln i Sverige
Denna studie utreder vilka funktioner och roller som byggvaruhuskedjor efterfrågar att deras leverantörer från träindustrin bör ha i marknadskanalen. Vidare förklaras hur dessa leverantörer bör agera för att möta dessa krav och förväntningar. Sålunda skapas gynnsamma utvecklingsmöjligheter av nya produktlösningar för att svara upp till nya krav på teknik och produktutveckling för att öka försäljningen av trävaror till de viktiga GDS (Gör-Det-Själv)- och byggmaterialmarknaderna i både Sverige och Europa. Byggvaruhuskedjorna anser att träindustrin har ett alldeles för stort produktions- och volymfokus och inriktar sig för mycket på export av trävaror. Byggvaruhuskedjor efterfrågar alltmer en leverantör från träindustrin med en hög anpassningsförmåga som kan medverka i kedjans utvecklingsarbete och som samtidigt har stor lyhördhet gentemot marknadens behov och har möjlighet att göra anpassningar till lokala GDS- och byggmaterialmarknader.
Militära ?mobil-appar? : Den militära nyttan med kommersiell teknik för militära ändamål
The transformation of the Swedish Armed Forces is bringing about major changes in many areas. Indirect fire is one capability affected by these changes. Financial savings, a shrinking organization and higher eligibility requirements mean that fewer soldiers will gain access to exclusive high-tech support resources such as the JAS 39 Gripen aircraft and the ARCHER artillery system. This thesis aims to examine whether access to indirect fire capability can be increased through the use of civilian products and communication networks. Technology development in the civilian mobile communications area is exponential and nations such as the USA, facing challenges similar to those of the Swedish Armed Forces, devote substantial resources to research and development.
Clashes and Education in Timor Leste
The purpose of this qualitative thesis is to describe and analyse the implementation of an education system in the newly independent state, Timor Leste. One question to be discussed is whether an emergency phase is still going on in the development of a functioning school system, or if Timor Leste already reached a capacity building phase? Via the participant's answers in field observations and interviews, the study analyses the clashes between generations, social classes and different levels in relation to the choice of Portuguese as an official language and the international environment in the country. The thesis concludes that a lot of work remains in creating a fully functioning education system. We enjoyed the writing - and hope you will enjoy the reading!.
Dokumenthanteringssystem inom byggbranschen
One of the aims of this report has been to make an inventory of the building trade market to see which document handling systems that are available. The secondary aim was to document the users´ demands on the systems and other demands such as quality assurance. After this, the document handling systems Byggnet and Lotus Notes, which are rather complex systems, have been analysed. Finally a recommendation has been made. In the inventory of the marketthe internet has been used because it is there the latest information can be found.
Fastighetsutveckling i Farsta. Ekonomisk analys av TeliaSonera-områdets framtid
Stockholm is one of the fastest growing cities in the world. Its population is growing every day and the housing needs are becoming higher. Despite the growth and the need for more houses only a few new housing units are being built every year. Critics argue that if the building rate stays as it is today the development of the city will be very limited since there is no capacity for the city to embrace new incomers.The decision makers in the municipality of Stockholm are planning for large investments in housing units for the coming years up until 2030. There are plans of building approximately 140 000 new apartments to mend the ascending need for new houses.Farsta County is part of Stockholm and lies a few kilometers to the south of the city center.
Konstruktion och design av hjul
The task given to us was to develop an industrial wheel with new thinking in terms of fresh design and construction, with the ability to brake. While the produced wheels of today only own the property of total braking, a wish was made to integrate the ability of directional locking.The time spent working with the project has been filled with multiple sketches of ideas and function analysis.Choices of material and ways of construction have been verified by calculations, tests and prototype building. The goal of this thesis has been to develop a unique caster with well thought-out design that would be adaptable to different areas of applications.The result was a hubless wheel with the ability of directional locking before total braking.A prototype of the wheel has been made to show the design and functions..