1317 Uppsatser om Patterns of violence - Sida 63 av 88
Konstruktionen av Sverige och en svensk identitet : Diskursanalys av två läromedel i svenska som andraspråk
This essay is written in order to expose the construction of collective identity in textbooks for Swedish as a second language. To help visualize the process that shapes and categorize sub-jects based on a relational identity formation I assume mostly from Ernesto Laclau and Chan-tal Mouffe's discourse analysis theory frame. The paper called it as discourse theory. There are two textbooks in Swedish as a second language to be studied. Based on the textual materi-al found in the textbooks I perform a discourse analysis involving mainly focus on relational identity construction.
Allt utom byn Sökandet efter en vikingatida by i sydöstra Blekinge, med områdena runt Järrestad på Österlen och Sorte Muld på Bornholm som jämförelsematerial.
The purpose of this essay is to see if villages or bigger settlement locations can be found in south-eastern Blekinge during the viking age. There have been many archaeological findings from this period in Blekinge, for example grave findings, ring-forts , old roads and ancient harbors. But no evidence of a village has been found yet. If south-eastern Blekinge is compared with the area surrounding Järrestad on Österlen in south-eastern Skåne and the area surrounding Sorte Muld on Bornholm, many likenesses can be seen. In this essay, the findings in Blekinge will be used as different components when the three areas are compared with each other.
Pedagogers inställning till it och media i förskolan- hot eller möjlighet
Prostitution has been intensely debated in Sweden for nearly four decades. Two major investigations have so far been initiated by the government and numerous propositions have been put forward in the Swedish parliament resulting in the sexköpslag from 1999 that criminalizes purchase of sexual services. The law aims at punishing the buyer and protecting the women in prostitution, thus making it possible for women to be helped by various social interventions rather than punished. Swedish society has undergone major changes in these decades. Globalization, the internet and the membership in the EU have changed the Swedish society and influenced the discourse on prostitution.This paper has a twofold aim, on the one hand investigating if and how these changes have had an impact on the prostitution discourse in texts produced by the government and analyze how female and male sexuality in connection to prostitution is constructed.
Nolltolerans i skolan om hot och våld : En studie om rektorers tolkning av begreppet nolltolerans
Arbetets art: Examensarbete i lärarutbildningen, Avancerad nivå, 15 hpHögskolan i SkövdeTitel: Nolltolerans i skolan om hot och våld - En studie om rektorers tolkning avbegreppet nolltoleransSidantal: 41Författare: David Löfving och Joakim PeterssonHandledare: Kennert OrleniusDatum: januari, 2009Nyckelord: nolltolerans, hot och våld, åtgärder, gränsdragning, agerandeI USA på 1990-talet infördes en lag gällande nolltolerans mot vapen i skolan. Denna laghar fått en vidare tolkning vilket har gjort att många elever har blivit exkluderade frånundervisningen av märkliga skäl.Uppsatsen handlar om rektorers syn på begreppet nolltolerans i frågor om hot och våldmot skolpersonal. Vidare redogör studien för hur rektorer arbetar förebyggande och hurderas efterarbete ser ut. Dessutom berör studien rektorers erfarenheter kring hot ochvåld mot skolpersonal. För att nå fram till studiens syfte så intervjuades rektorer påhögstadieskolor.De intervjuade rektorerna hade inga större erfarenheter kring hot och våld motskolpersonal.
"Vi etniska svenskar tänker att det här är ett importerat problem": en kritisk granskning av RFSL Rådgivningen Skånes arbete med ungdomar som utsätts och riskerar att utsättas för hedersrelaterat våld på grund av sin sexuella läggning.
This study has dealt with a phenomena that is regarded as new in the Swedish context of social work called honour related violence because of sexual orientation. The purpose was to critically examine a project that offers a variation of assistance for individuals between 13 and 25 years of age who suffers from the above. The project mentioned is run by an organisation called RFSL Rådgivningen Skåne. The aim was to examine the practice and to gain knowledge concerning the target group and relate it to that described by the project. Another aim for the study was to look into how the employees and the author of a report that is commonly used as background material in the practice used the complicated terms involved in the field and how that may effect the individuals that are the target for the resources.
Medieprogrammets nya kläder : En jämförande diskursanalys av medieämnets omvandling efter gymnasiereformen 2011
English abstractTitle: Islam and the limitations of the public will of choice.The purpose of this paper have been to investigate how three modern Islamic theorists view the limitations of the public free will of choice based upon their interpretation of the Islamic theology and doctrine.The paper focuses to highlight how all three chosen Islamic theorist interpret the Islamic doctrine based upon my elected theses and more specifically pinpoint were the free will of choice ends, and Islam as a religion starts to take hegemony. The paper?s aim is to further an understanding that in the modern world and as a effect of increased literacy, Islam has been somewhat inclined to split into several Islamisms, based upon the variety of fatwa?s on the Islamic doctrine that is available online. Therefore it remains to the modern day Muslim, to individually decide whether they choose to follow the message of the Holy revelation in the Quran or trust a mufti?s fatwa in their everyday life as a Muslim.The material used and analyzed in this paper is prime source material.
Det politiska i det privata : En implementeringsstudie av jämställdhetsprojekt
The study deals with the causes of unjustified differences in pay between women and men in the banking sector. The purpose of this paper has been to examine how a gender project implemented in the private banking organizations from a gender-and implementation perspective. The aim of the project examined is to even unjustified differences in pay between men and women in the banking and finance sector. The main issues are: ? How has the project been implemented and what are the real and perceived results? ? How can the opportunities and barriers to successful implementation course with emphasis on gender? The method used is a qualitative study, where the empirical material consisted of focus group interviews.
Sjuksköterskans roll och upplevelse i mötet med den våldsutsatta kvinnan : En litteraturstudie
Bakgrund: Våld mot kvinnor är ett känt socialt problem världen över och har under 2000-talet ökat med 30 procent. År 2007 anmäldes i Sverige ca 27 000 brott rubricerade som misshandel mot kvinnor och drygt 2/3 av dessa brott utfördes av en bekant gärningsman. Sjuksköterskan har en potentiellt unik och viktig roll i att identifiera och ta hand om kvinnor som söker hjälp gällande våld i parrelationer.Syfte: Att beskriva vilken roll sjuksköterskan har i mötet med den våldsutsatta kvinnan, samt hur sjuksköterskan upplever mötet.Metod: En deskriptiv litteraturstudie där 13 vetenskapliga artiklar har granskats och sammanställts.Resultat: Sjuksköterskans roll går ut på att skapa en trygg miljö och stödja den våldsutsatta kvinnan. Sjuksköterskan bör använda sig av ett professionellt bemötande och skapa en relation där en god kommunikation är möjlig. Sjuksköterskor upplever ofta frustration i mötet med den våldsutsatta kvinnan då det kan vara svårt att skapa en öppen dialog.
Effektivitet som ett mål vid decentralisering, finns den? : Om samverkan och decentralisering i Kalmar kommun för en bättre arbetsmarknadsetablering av invandrare.
This essay will explain the effects of decentralisation, and what impact it has on the efficiency to create a better integration for immigrants on the Swedish labour market. Examples of literature that has been examined are Marcus Gossas and Jon Pierre. From these authors, I have been trying to explain the relationship between decentralisation, cooperation and efficiency.Since the end of the Second World War until the middle of 1980, Sweden mostly received labour immigrant. Since then, the immigrant pattern has changed to consist of mostly refugees. Changed immigration patterns together with increasing debts for the Swedish government has lead to decentralisation and cooperation between public authorities has therefore become a target to reach better efficiency.
Ett minnesmonument för framtiden - Carl Fredrik Reuterswärds Kolskyffeln i Nässjö 1999
1998 beslutade Nässjö kommun att ett minnesmonument skulle uppföras lagom till millenieskiftet. En av de drivande personerna till idén var Jan Holmquist som vid tidpunkten var Kultur- och fritidschef för kommunen. Monumentet skulle göras av "den bäste" varpå Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd fick förfrågan.Skulpturen gestaltar Nässjö stad med hjälp av ett minne, historien om stadens uppbyggnad med järnvägen som en central del. Tåg som rörde sig framåt med hjälp av hårt arbete och kol inspirerade konstnären. Skisserna till verket spelar stor roll för att kunna förstå konstnärens intention med Kolskyffeln.
Kålhuvuden och kopparputs : Läsaren som husmoder i svenska familjetidningar
Domestic weekly magazines in Sweden are characterized by an emphasis on practical editorial material such as cooking recipes and knitting patterns, and also contain a comparatively large share of reader material. This makes it possible to study the readers through texts produced by themselves. The aim of this study of columns of readers' tips on domestic work is to analyze how readers embody a specific femininity centered around the woman as responsible for the home, in the sense of everyday maintenance as well as aesthetic development. The author defines this femininity as "home maker". The theoretical framework for the analysis is the sociological theory of Pierre Bourdieu, and Jonathan Potter's and Margaret Wetherell's model of interpretive repertoire is also used where modality is discussed.
"Man kan väl typ dö" : Ungdomars föreställningar om narkotika
The purpose of this essay was to investigate the opinions of young people, age 14-16, at a school in a middle-sized city in Sweden, concerning narcotics. The questions we asked ourselves were;-What are young peoples' ideas of narcotics?-What do young people imagine when they think of a drug addict?-What reasons do young people give to start using narcotics?-What gender-related opinions do young people have regarding drug abuse?-What do young people think about legalization of narcotics?For this purpose we interviewed six girls and six boys. We interviewed them one at a time, for about an hour each. We used a qualitative method for the interviews.The young people in our study described narcotics as "dangerous".
Sjuksköterskors benägenhet att ställa frågor om våldsutsatthet till kvinnliga patienter inom primärvården
Syfte: Att undersöka i vilken utsträckning sjuksköterskor på vårdcentraler ställer frågor om våldsutsatthet i nära relationer till kvinnliga patienter och vad som påverkar sjuksköterskornas ställningstagande till att fråga. Metod: Tvärsnittsstudie i form av en enkätundersökning. Sjuksköterskor (n=81) vid 11 vårdcentraler i ett mellansvenskt län besvarade en enkät med 13 frågor. Svarsfrekvensen var 77 procent. Resultat: Sjuksköterskor inom primärvården frågar i liten utsträckning sina kvinnliga patienter om de utsatts för våld i en nära relation.
Kungliga blodsugare och markattor : En genusstudie av politiska brott på 1700-talet
The purpose of this study is to examine political crimes in and women?s political activity in 18th century Sweden. The cases of political crimes which has been used range from 1700- 1789 and they form an outline of the patterns of political crime in this century. These cases contain different types of political crimes, but most common ar defamation of the royal family, defamatory writings, rumor-spreading and treason. To study women?s political activity, seven cases ranging from 1749 to 1758 have been more closely studied.
Utveckling på höga höjder : en fallstudie av Åres destinationsutveckling över tiden
The aim of this paper is exploring questions regarding the problem of absenteeism among high-school students in Sweden. Fifteen students attending an urban high-school have been interviewed about their views and experiences of absenteeism. The author analyzes the students? answers by taking into account two different sociological approaches which give two different explanations about the way young people experience and estimate education. The French sociologist Bourdieu theorized that differences in cultural capital influence the permanent internalization of patterns of thought and behavior.