

7368 Uppsatser om Patient factors - Sida 28 av 492

Mer än bara träning : En studie om kundupplevelsefaktorers påverkan vid valet av träningscenter

The purpose of this study is to investigate and describe what factors are most important to students when choosing training center, and how these factors affect the choice of each training center. We investigated this by performing a qualitative research and a quantitative survey of students at Karlstad University that trains at Friskis & Svettis and Sats in Karlstad. The results show that there are a number of important factors in the total customer experience that affects a student's choice of training center and that they also differ between a premium center and basic center. Our conclusion is that when a total customer experience concept consists of a core, core experience and peripheral experiences well linked into each other competitive advantages is created, resulting in more satisfied and loyal customers. .

Kommunalt flyktingmottagande. En studie av Landskrona- och Vellinge kommuns flyktingmottagande.

The purpose of this essay was to find an understanding of what factors whichaffect refugee reception in two municipalities in the southern part of Sweden, themunicipality of Vellinge and the municipality of Landskrona. Three interviewswere made with three local politicians and these interviews were then analysedusing postcolonial theory. With the help of Matthew J. Gibney we identified sevenfactors which aided us in the analysis these were: Integration history, Ethnicaffinity, Determining who is a refugee, The wealth of the municipality, Thehousing market, The labour market and The action of other municipalities.We found that these factors were all useful in creating an understanding ofrefugee reception in the two municipalities. However they affected themunicipalities differently.

Med alliansen som utgångspunkt ? Behandlingspersonal och ungdomar om positiva förändringsfaktorer för ungdomar inom institutionsvården

The practice of residential treatment of youth has been up for debate for quite some time. The debate regarding institutional care has voiced concerns regarding the lack of follow-up and evaluation of treatment and its efficacy. It is especially important with additional research on residential treatment conducted from the perspective of those being treated, as well as the treatment providers. This study aims to add to this field of research. The study is based on two empirical studies conducted through qualitative interviews.

NATO:s luftkrig i Kosovo utifrån Wardens teorier

John A. Warden III is one the most mentioned air power theoretic of his time.He has written a number of theories concerning air power and the best way to use this to win wars.The author of this paper gives a short resume of what he consider are the central thoughts in John Warden´s theories. These thoughts result in four factors; Enemy as a system, centre of gravity, parallel attack/concentration and finally air superiority. These factors are then being used to inves-tigate if NATO used Wardens theories during the Kosovo war in 1999.The reason for the author to choose the Kosovo war specifically is due to the fact that NATO during the war only used air power as an instrument to get Serbia´s president Milosevic to the negotiation table but also the fact that this would turn out to be quite a challenge for NATO.The conclusion is that out of the four factors only one is traceable throughout the entire operation, and that is air superiority. Regarding the other three factors they can only be found in parts of the operation..

Systemtid eller vårdtid? : En arbetsplatsstudie i vårdens digitala arbetsmiljö

Swedish healthcare systems have endured harsh criticism from healthcare professionals because of their inability to understand healthcare processes. These systems have been identified as significant time consumers, and Swedish healthcare is therefore facing a major challenge to assure patient safety. The following paper is based on a workplace study, which aims to examine healthcare systems? impact on physicians? practices. Our findings show that physicians spend substantial amounts of time chasing information, rather than managing information and pursuing healthcare.

Den osynlige patienten ? en begreppsanalys av begreppet patient

När man studerar till sjuksköterska och fördjupar sig inom vårdvetenskapen benämns patienter kategoriskt med just begreppet patient, oavsett var i vårdsystemet denne befinner sig. Begreppet patient har innebörder och värderingar som inte alltid syns och som påverkar relationen mellan vårdgivare och vårdsökande. Begreppsanalys är ett sätt att konkretisera och synliggöra ett begrepps innebörd. Vi valde att använda oss av Walker & Avants modell för begreppsanalys. Denna innebär att man definierar de avgränsande attributen och skiljer dem ifrån de ovidkommande attributen.

Patienters upplevelser av livsstilsförändringar vid diabetes typ 2 : en systematisk litteraturstudie

Diabetes type 2 is a fast growing illness and a global health problem, often a result from less appropriate standard of living. Lifestyle changes related to diet and physical activity are important lifestyle changes regarding to get control of the self-management and to avoid vascular complications.AimThe aim of this study was to describe patient's experiences of lifestyle changes in diabetes type 2.MethodA literature study was carried through based on 12 qualitative scientific articles.ResultsThe analysis result into two main themes and eight subthemes. Main themes where barriers and motivators for lifestyle changes and the subthemes where struggle, denial, lack of knowledge, alienation, support, motivation, acceptance and knowledge.ConclusionThis study shows that lifestyle changes are experienced different by patient with diabetes and nurses should therefore be aware of the unique and specific demands these patients require. This is important for providing a good diabetic healthcare and to help patients with their self-management.

Individen bakom sjukdomen

Identity includes an individual´s self-image and the consciousness about their self. It is about being the same person despite changes in their life situation. The identity often get´s fragile because of the disease. Beacuse of the individual´s feeling of lost identity there may arise a conflict between the person and people in his or her surroundings. They may no longer see the sick person in the same way as they used to.

Anknytningens förändring och stabilitet i vuxna parrelationer: en integrerad helhetssyn

Several theoretical models of change exist concerning attachment, but an integrated view and knowledge of the role separate factors of change play for the individual is lacking. This phenomenon is hereby studied by semi-structured interviews of 20 persons. Change and factors of change are examined statistically with affectregulation as measure of attachment. The results show that these individuals´ changes are small and mostly towards secure attachment. Metacognition is related to greater change towards secure attachment.

Förutsättningar och hinder för att förtroende skapas mellan vårdare och patient med långvarig smärta

Bakgrund: I dagens sjukvård förekommer möten som inte uppfyller de kriterier vilka ligger till grund för ett förtroendefullt möte mellan sjuksköterska och patient. Dessa grundpelare är trovärdighet, kunskap/utbildning, attityder, tid och närvaro. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att belysa förutsättningar och hinder för att förtroende skapas mellan vårdare och patient med långvarig smärta. Metod: Författarna har använt sig av en litteraturstudie med kvalitativ inriktning. Studien är baserad på fyra vetenskapliga artiklar och två avhandlingar. Materialet har analyserats med hjälp av Burnards analysmetod. Resultat: Resultatet visar att patienter med långvarig smärta kan ha svårt att känna förtroende för sjuksköterskan. Slutsats: Ett förtroendefullt möte speglas av många olika samverkande delar..

Kommunikationens betydelse i mötet mellan sjuksköterska och en patient med diagnosen stroke

Varje år insjuknar ca 25-30 000 människor i stroke i Sverige. Sjuksköterskan måste ha i beaktande att dessa patienter kan ha kommunikationssvårigheter av olika grad. Syftet med studien var att undersöka och beskriva hur sjuksköterskan ska gå till väga när hon ska kommunicera med en patient som har fått diagnosen stroke. Resultatet visar att sjuk-sköterskorna ofta saknar kunskap i hur hon ska agera och bete sig när hon kommunicerar med en patient som fått diagnosen stroke. Brist på tid är också ett vanligt förekommande problem som gör att sjuksköterskan helt enkelt inte hinner lägga den tid som krävs för att kommunicera med den individ som insjuknat i stroke.

Arbetsmotivation i äldreomsorgen: en explorativ studie av uppfattningar hos medarbetare och chef vid ett äldreboende

An explorative study on the work motivation of employees at a retirement home. The three main factors are internal motivation, external motivation and control. A comparison between how important they estimate the different factors to be and how they experience them today reveals which factor is their key motivator and which areas that need improvement. Results indicat that internal and external motivation are slightly more important than control. And the amount of perceived control reflects the amount of creative and initiative behaviour of the individual.

Utemiljö för motion :

New technology and urban sprawl have resulted in almost half of the population in Sweden being insufficiently physically active. The sedentary lifestyle causes heart- and vascular diseases, diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer, stress etc. in the population. One of the biggest priorities in the society is to promote more physical activity. Through literature studies and a questionnaire this paper will examine how we can design the built environment in order to promote physical exercise and if we can change the sedentary lifestyle with a outdoor environment that invite physical exercise. There are both internal and external factors that have importance for people?s physical activity.


ABSTRACTBackground: The incidence of type 2 diabetes is increasing worldwide. Early intervention in form of medication, advice on self-management and lifestyle changes is necessary to avoid complications. Few Swedish studies are made on the diabetes nurse?s views on promotion of self- management.Purpose: To examine the diabetes specialist nurse?s experience of promoting self-management to patients with type 2 diabetes in primary care.  Method: A qualitative explorative study where eight diabetes nurses were interviewed. The interview guide consisted of semistructed questions concerning the promotion of self-management.Results: The diabetes nurse?s role in promoting patient self-management is significant, if resources are available in the form of adequate time for the patient and good team work.

Framgångsfaktorer i e-handelssektorn

The customer behavior is constantly changing along with the developement of new technical improvements. Together with knowledge and higher demands the physical store has received a viral competitor. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine the phenomenon e-commerce and how it has developed in recent years. The study will focus on identifying different success factors relevant for this field of interest. Furthermore the purpose is to analyze how relationships, service and value in the e-commerce sector and how they are connected to each other.

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