

1698 Uppsatser om Pain Assessment - Sida 5 av 114

Smärtbehandling - Sjuksköterskans inställning till ordination och dokumentation - En empirisk studie

The aim of this empirical study was to investigate how nurses on a ward within the emergency clinic deal with analgesia prescriptions and the pain management documentation. The used method was divided into chart reviews and qualitative interviews with nurses in clinical practice at the ward. This means that both a qualitative and quantitative approach was desired. The results incline that nurses generally apply to the laws and restrictions surrounding the nursing discipline, as used in pain treatment. Thus they generally fulfill the obligations accounting to documentation.

Prediktiv validitet hos Assessment Centres: en studie av Assessment centre bedömningar utförda av PAT Management för Ericsson Mobile Platforms.

The purpose of this study was to investigate a Swedish assessment centre and more specifically the predictive validity of its assessments of ten managers from a Swedish technological company. The study was made by interviews with these managers' executives in order to find out how well their opinion about their employees matched the assessments made by the assessment centre consultants. The results showed that the congruence of the managers' strengths was 74% whereas that of their weaknesses was 59%..

Lärare om bedömning och betygssättning : Hur ser bedömningen och betygssättningen ut på olika skolor och hur likvärdig är den?

This essay examines how high school teachers in physical education and health thinks about assessment and grading. The essay show how teachers assess pupils during lessons and how teachers grade their students. The survey was based on interviews, in which six different teachers answered questions on the topic of assessment and grading. The issues surrounding assessment was linked to the theoretical concepts of formative and summative assessment, to see if the assessment methods teachers use. The issues surrounding grading was related to the theoretical concepts of validity and reliability in order to see how similar the grading is.The essay provides a picture of how the assessment and rate again looks different teachers.

En tvärsnittsstudie rörande den samtida förekomsten av privat- och publik självmedvetenhet, social ångest samt smärta hos grupper i en studentpopulation.

There is much research into the reasons why a temporary pain, in some individuals, becomes chronic. Many of the causal factors linked with pain also seems to coexist with social anxiety, public self-consciousness and, to some extent, private self-consciousness. The purpose of this study was to investigate and identify possible patterns of self-consciousness (private and public), social anxiety and pain. This was done by a cross-sectional study in which a questionnaire was distributed to students at Örebro University. A total of 302 completed questionnaires were received.

Formativ bedömning - med samtalet som grund : En kvalitativ studie om lärares erfarenheter och tankar om bedömning

The purpose of this essay is to discover what Formative Assessment is used for in practice and also how teachers use the Curriculum for elementary school, preschool and after-school activity 2011 (Lgr 11) in their Formative Assessment work.The questions are as follows:What considerations do teachers take into account when assessing a student?How do teachers view assessment for learning?How do the teachers consider formative assessment works in relation to Lgr 11?I have used a qualitative research method to answer my questions. I have interviewed five teachers regarding their view on and experience with assessment. Using a hermeneutic approach I have tried to retrieve a deeper meaning from my interviewees regarding formative assessment. I have approached formative assessment using the socio-cultural perspective because I believe it to be the best fit.All of the informants believe formative assessment has made it easier to assess students and also that it works very well together with Lgr 11.

Kön och genus relaterat till smärta i upplevelser, uttryck och behandling

One area of responsibility for a nurse is to alleviate suffering. Gender research has shown that there are differences between men and women. The aim of this literary study has been to elucidate men and women’s experience and expression of pain and to examine to what extent sex and gender influence which treatment the patient receive. The study is based on 21 scientific articles from the databases PubMed and Cinahl. The result shows that women experience and express more pain than men, postoperative and experimental. It is however not possible to draw any general conclusions in terms of the need for men and women to be treated in different ways.

Individers och deras närståendes upplevelser av att leva med långvarig smärta

Background: Individuals in pain is something that most nurses encounter on a daily basis. Chronic physical pain is often followed by psychological pain. The total effects of chronic pain are felt by the patient as well as by close ones. The findings showed that life changed radically after getting chronic pain. Individuals and closeones both had to take every day as it came, because the degree of pain was hard to predict and could worsen at any time off the day.

Kan ett tillskott av tryptofan ha en inverkan på  sjukdomstillstånd som depression och/eller smärta?

5-hydroxytryptamin (5-HT) is biochemically derived from Tryptophan. Kynurenic acid and quinolinic acid are also known metabolites of tryptophan. 5-HT is considered to play a role in depression and today selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are used for treatment of depression. 5-HT may also play a role in pain perception. The aim of this study was to investigate whether a supplement of tryptophan may affect conditions such as depression and/or pain.

"Visst gör det ont" Patienters upplevelse av postoperativ smärtbehanling

Introduction: A big part of the patients that recently has gone through operation at surgical units experiences pain in different scales after their operation. Untreated postoperative pain has been proved in different studies to increase to risk medical complications, longer rehabilitation, more days at the hospital and higher expenses for the hospital. One of the nurses? main tasks is to notice and relieve the pain of the patients. To engage the patients more in the medical process and make the nurses´ work more person-centered could make an impact on the postoperative pain and contribute to a better pain relief.

Formativ bedömning på lågstadiet : En kvalitativ jämförelsestudie om synen på och användningen av formativ bedömning hos svenska och sydafrikanska lågstadielärare

This study is about assessment, in particular formative assessment also called assessment for learning. The purpose of this study is to investigate Swedish and South African primary school teachers? views and ideas about this didactic tool. The motives for this investigation are based on the fact that correct used formative assessment supports pupils? learning process and the fact that there are few researches made about this subject in Sweden.

Den osynliga smärtan : Sjuksköterskans smärtbedömning av patienter med långvarig smärta

Problem: Trots den kunskap som idag finns om smärtbe-dömningens betydelse för en adekvat smärtbehandling kvar-står på många sjukhus problem med smärtbedömning av pa-tienter med långvarig smärta. Syfte: Syftet med litteraturstudien var att belysa faktorer som inverkar på sjuksköterskans smärtbedömning av patienter med långvarig smärta. Metod: Studien var en litteraturstudie, 14 artiklar (10 kvanti-tativa och 4 kvalitativa) som motsvarade litteraturstudiens syfte granskades och analyserades. Resultat: Resultatet utföll i två kategorier: sjuksköterskans kunskap, kommunikation och attityd samt patientens upple-velser och uttryck av långvarig smärta. Att tro på patientens upplevelse och uttryck av smärta var en av de viktigaste tyngdpunkterna i smärtbedömningen av patienter med lång-varig smärta.

Anestesisjuksköterskans smärtskattning jämfört med patientens egenskattade smärta

Syfte: Syftet med denna pilotstudie var att undersöka om anestesisjuksköterskans skattning av postoperativ smärta skiljer sig fran patientens egenskattade VAS. Bakgrund: Flertalet studier visar att sjuksköterskor underskattar patienters smärta och att VAS inte används i tillräcklig utsträckning vid smärtskattning. Många erfarna sjuksköterskor tenderar att lita mer på sin intuitiva känsla om patientens smärta än på vad patienten säger. Metod: Åtta anestesisjuksköterskor på ett sjukhus i storstadsregionen fick genom ett frågeformulär skatta 44 patienters postoperativa smärta utifrån en beteenderelaterad skala och fysiologiska parametrar. Detta värde jämfördes med patientens egenskattade VAS/NRS.

Logopeders bedömning av funktionell kommunikation hos personer med afasi : En enkätstudie riktad till logopeder i Sverige

There are several different methods of assessment of functional communication in individuals with aphasia. However, these are not very established in Sweden. A number of assessment methods are not translated and adapted to Swedish. The views about what functional communication means are scattered. The purpose of this study was to, with the help of a questionnaire survey, identify how Swedish speech and language therapists assess functional communication, to what extent and what they want that an assessment method should contain to be clinically useful.The study involved 54 clinically active speech and language therapists in the area of aphasia.

?Jag är inte som alla andra. Vad får jag för betyg?!? : En studie i bedömning och betygsättning av elever med funktionshinder i ämnet Idrott och Hälsa

This study is a study of the assessment and grading of Swedish students with physical disabilities in physical education. The purpose of the study has been to look into how teachers assess and grade students with physical disabilities, and if there are any difficulties or problems in this assessment and grading. Focus has been on students in year three to six because this is where the assessments and grading take place. It?s a qualitative study, where eight teachers have been interviewed using a semi-structured interview model.

Opioder som smärtlindring till häst

Opioids are considered the "golden standard" in pain management for both humans and small animals, but is used less often in equine medicine - probably for fear of side effects. Are there any studies that suggest that side effects are a major problem, or is it lack of experience which is the greatest obstacle to use? As early as 1937 it was shown that morphine and morphine derivatives provide analgesia in horses. For species other than horses used opioids often both pre-, intra-and postoperatively. They relieve pain effectively and are often included in the anesthesia protocol.

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