

17587 Uppsatser om Packaging information - Sida 5 av 1173

Engångs- eller returtransportförpackningar i livsmedelsbutiker

Master thesis for Mechanical engineering, at the University of Lund. Incorporated in project Pondora.The purpose of this master thesis is to compare the existing one way packaging system with a proposed return crate system not yet available in Sweden. The comparison is focused on packaging handling in the grocery store.The purpose is also to investigate how operating return crate systems in Norway and Finland function, identify, the problems they have encountered and survey economic and technical aspects. The knowledge we hereby have acquired was subjectively evaluated in the thesis.The Swedish survey has a focus on meat and bread. The surveys in Finland and Norway contain all the products utilizing the studied return crate systems.We have surveyed how the handling of transport packages for meat & provision and bread is done in the store.

Alternativa förpackningsmaterial och konstruktioner för »Hackman tools«-serien

Choosing a new plastic material for a container includes several different steps. In this case,the Finnish company Hackman needed a new type of packaging material for theircutlery- and kitchentool series »Hackman tools«. The project was carried out in cooperationwith the design agency Ytterborn & Fuentes, which has Hackman as a client.Several different demands were put on the material in order to fulfill as many of the clientswishes as possible. The most urgent problem with the existing container was the difficultysfor the customer to clearly see the contents in the container. Because of this problemthe customer tried to open the container in the shop.

Kvalitetsförbättringar och Emballageinstruktioner

This report is the result of a thesis carried out at the Department of Innovation, Design and Technology (IDT), at Mälardalen University on behalf of ABB AB Machines.The year was 1988 when ASEA and Brown Boveri formed a joint venture under the name ABB (Asea Brown Boveri).We perform our thesis at the division Discrete Automation and Motion where they primarily develops, manufactures and sells synchronous and asynchronous AC motors and generators.The main purpose of this thesis was initially to write a general packaging instruction, but the priority changed to develop more specific packaging instructions for Rotors, Stator gables, Bearing support and Outer Cover (plates) instead.The work started off to deal with a problem about that the staff had to start its work to grind away rust on the stator gables due to those stored outdoors. The result was mainly an investment in a new gable rack so that the material can be stored inside, as well as a packing instruction as it was originally intended.The problem on the bearing supports were that the staff thought it was demanding and difficult to clean them from the rustproofing they were greased in. If it is not possible to remove all rust protection it can cause the paint to not attach properly. After having compared with similar articles a test were done to order a pair of bearing supports without corrosion inhibitor, which gave good results. This initiative also set in motion a process to do the same for more different items.For special pallet, a survey were made of the process with two different VSM and a calculation of how much ABB would earn at ordering more special pallets than getting the material delivered on the A-pallets.

Product Development Processes in the Nordic Paper Packaging Companies : an assessments of complex processes

It is important for firms to continually develop their offerings as the business landscape develops in order to sustain their competitiveness (e.g. Schumpeter, 1934; Ansoff, 1979; Porter, 1985; Trott, 2012). In a context of globalization, rapid technology development and changing customer needs, the paper packaging industry is urged to enhance its product development activities (Hansen & Niskanen, 2007; Björkdahl & Börjesson, 2011). However, there is little research about paper packaging firms? product development processes (ibid).

McDonalds CSR-arbete : Utvecklingen och orsakerna

CSR - "Corporate Social Responsibility" is a concept that in recent years has become of bigger importance for companies. Even at McDonald's, which quickly grew into today's 217 restaurants, with up to 430 000 visitors daily. We have investigated how the McDonald's CSR work has evolved over time, how it looks today and what has influenced this development. Things that have influenced McDonald's and led to their CSR work proved to be scandals and changes in legislations. The PR value of working with CSR has also increased and a lot of the CSR work has shown to be economically viable.

Effektivisering av ledtiderna för nyorderprocessen på Stora Enso Packaging AB

Stora Enso Packaging är ett av Sveriges ledande företag inom wellpapptillverkning. Företaget tillverkar specialdesignade förpackningslådor och har fabriker i Vikingstad, Jönköping och Skene. Då alla företag i branschen har samma råvara, papper, har Stora Enso Packaging identifierat service mot kund som ett sätt att skapa konkurrensfördelar. Leveransledtiden mot kund är ett serviceelement som detta examensarbete avser att titta närmare på.Examensarbetets syfte är att utreda möjligheten att gå från en ledtid på femton dagar till tio dagar för nyorderprocessen på Stora Enso Packaging  i Vikingstad, kartlägga denna process samt föreslå rutiner och systemstöd för minskningen av ledtiderna.För att lösa uppgiften har kartläggning av Stora Enso Packagings nyorderprocess genomförts. Kartläggningen har tagits fram via intervjuer av anställda som är inblandade i nyorderprocessen samt av material på Stora Enso Packagings intranät.Då nyorderprocessen analyserats har en rad olika teorier fungerat som stöd.

Förpackningsdesign Inom Ett Exklusivt Segment

The competition amongst companies is getting tougher and the economic markets are getting even bigger with new products and businesses. One way for companies to differentiate themselves from the competitors is through packaging design. If the merchandise is to send a reliable and solid message to consumers, the attributes of the packaging must be consistent and uniform. If the different attributes are not coherent, the message loses credibility towards the consumer. Through the sent messages, the pack signals the products? expected quality and price.This paper includes two studies, in which the main objective is to discover and build understanding about Swedish consumers? perception of a product?s price depending on the pack?s design.

Packaging - det femte P:et? En studie om livsmedelsförpackningens betydelse i marknadskommunikationen

Problem: Förpackningen har föreslagits som det femte P:et (packaging) i marknadsmixen (Kotler (1999). Det anses att en i något avseende unik förpackning kan vara av stor betydelse för att skapa en framgångsrik märkesprodukt. Orsaken till detta är att förpackningen kan betraktas som märkesproduktens ansikte utåt, vilket gör att den i stor utsträckning bidrar till att skapa ett första intryck av märkesprodukten. Mot bakgrund av detta är det naturligtvis angeläget att förpackningen redan från början bidrar till att ge ett positivt intryck av märkesprodukten ? man får aldrig en andra chans att göra ett första intryck.

Påverkan av e-handelns framtida utveckling på pappersförpackningsbranschen

Syftet med denna studie har varit att analysera förpackningsbehoven hos olika e-handelsföretag som säljer varor till konsumenter. En ökning av den direkta distributionen av varor till konsumenter är av allmänt intresse på grund av dess inverkan på distributionskedjorna. Eftersom varor kommer att levereras som styckegods direkt till slukund istället för i stora volymer till en grossist kommer förpackningarna att behöva utvecklas. För det första kommer distributionen av varor via e-handeln att öka behovet av förpackningsmaterial eftersom varje enskild produkt behöver förpackas vid transport till slutkund. För det andra kommer nya typer av högkvalitativa förpackningar, som är skräddarsydda för att passa enskilda produkter, att behövas. Följaktligen, belyser denna studie förpackningsbehovet hos olika e-handelsföretag som säljer varor direkt till svenska konsumenter.

Plockanalys i Härjedalens kommun : En utvärdering av plockanalyser på hushållens säck-och kärlavfall under åren 2007-2011

As a result of an increased consumption, waste volumes has grown steadily throughout the 1900s, and this puts great demands on an efficient and ecological sustainable waste management on both local and national level. In order to evaluate collection and disposal of household waste, a large number of Sweden´s municipalities are using waste analyses. The overall aim of this study has been to summarize and assess results from waste analyses executed in Härjedalen´s municipality during the years 2007-2011.The evaluation has given information about the household waste´s composition, quantity and change in time. The report´s objective has been to create a basis which the municipality can use in planning of future information efforts and other measures, and give some proposals on how these can be designed and targeted. Therefore, the report also highlights research on motivations factors that affects environmentally conscious behavior such as recycling, and how different instruments like information can be used to promote this.

Nedskräpade återvinningsstationer - En studie om fördelning av ansvar

In Sweden, responsibility for the collection and recycling of packaging and newspapers lies with the producers. Therefore, the major producers created a jointcollection with 5800 recycling stations. The stations are the responsibility of a coordinating body, Förpacknings och Tidningsinsamlingen (FTI) which ensures Government regulations are adhered to by the producers.In 2006, the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) carried out an evaluation of the collection of packaging and newspapers. EPA´s research showedthat 80 percent of households were satisfied with the collection but that there were also shortcomings, including problems with littering at the recycling stations.We have tried to approach the litter issue from different angles in order to suggestpossible measures to reduce the problem. An important aspect proved to be uncertainties regarding the concept of operators.As there are currently many parties involved in the collection process this lead to the issue of who is legally considered as the operator of the recycling stations.

Förstudie om e-handel vid Stora Enso Packaging AB

Stora Enso Packaging AB (SEPack) är en av Sveriges fyra stora wellpapptillverkare och har cirka 25 procent av den svenska marknaden. I dagsläget är SEPack den enda av de fyra som inte har en generell lösning för elektronisk handel gentemot sina kunder. Representanter för värdföretaget efterfrågade underlag inför beslut om ett eventuellt införande av en e-handelslösning för företaget. För att hamna rätt med investeringen ville SEPack klargöra vilken information och vilka funktioner inom ramen för en e-handelslösning som innebar mest nytta för wellpappköpare. Man ville också klargöra vilken information och vilka funktioner som skulle vara mest intressanta ur värdföretagets perspektiv.Undersökningen delades upp i tre steg.

Den informella kommunikationens betydelse för de anställdas välbefinnande på Tetra Pak Packaging Material AB på Tetra Pak i Lund

Work is an important part of the lives of humans, fulfilling several functions; it establishes possibilities to interaction and to feeling as belonging to a context, it gives structure to time and space, creates common goals and it leads to a general well-being in individuals. For the well-being of employees it is essential with recuperation in a pleasant environment where you under relaxing and informal forms have a chance to interact with colleagues. The aim of this study was to investigate to which extent the employees of Tetra Pak Packaging Material AB at Tetra Pak in Lund experience that the informal communication during the coffee-break contributes to their well-being. The aim was also to distinguish if this potential well-being effects how the employees experience how work in general makes them feel. The hypothesis of the study is that the coffee-break effects the well-being in a positive way, and that it has a positive effect on how work in general makes the employees feel.

Real Optionsanalys - En fallstudie på SCA Packaging

Syftet med uppsatsen är att identifiera och värdera eventuell flexibilitet i en traditionell investering med hjälp av Real Options Analys. Traditionella statiska investeringsverktyg tenderar att undervärdera projekt. Ett verktyg har senare utvecklats för att kunna värdera osäkerhet och flexibilitet, ofta inneboende i projekt. Uppsatsen är en fallstudie på SCA Packaging och utgår från en deduktiv ansats där data har inhämtats via personliga intervjuer. Historisk analys av de variabler som har störst påverkan på projektet, genomförs med Monte Carlo simulering.

Vad spelar vi för roll? En studie om bibliotekariers syn på utvecklingen inom biblioteksfältet och sin egen yrkesroll vid svenska bibliotek

The aim of this bachelor?s thesis is to gain deeper knowledge about how librarians in public libraries in Sweden view theirprofessional role with regard to the last decades of change in the library field. Especially concerning the technical evolution and towards a higher user orientation and market mindset, and in which ways this has influenced the librarians everyday working tasks. A particular focus has been placed towards the reference transaction, the use of computers and e-media, and the stock development. We believe that there currently is a changeover, from the libraries traditional line of function, towards them as more of service institutions.The method used in this study for answering the research questions and to gather empirical information is semi-structuredinterviews.

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