

17587 Uppsatser om Packaging information - Sida 4 av 1173

En jämförelse av Sveriges och Storbritanniens producentansvar för förpackningar :

The purpose of the thesis is to compare Sweden's and Great Britain's total costs for their systems regulating producer responsibility for waste packages. Producer resonsibility is a strategy implying that producers are responsible for their waste also after its use. Sweden and Great Britain introduced different systems systems after an EU directive was adopted in 1994 (94/62/EC), and they have resulted in entirely different recycling levels in the two countries. In the Swedish system, responsibility has been delegated to the industry who are responsible for reaching the determined goals. The economic instrument used is a fee, set and managed by the industry. The British system is more centrilised, and the economic instrument used to finance recycling of waste is a system based on transferable permits. The thesis compares the four different alternatives: delegated and centralised methods, and fees and transferable permits analytically.

Carbon offset management : worth considering when investing for reforestation CDM

The idea for this project was initiated together with one of the leaders in the forest, paper and packaging industry. To get through an A/R CDM process the company is exposed to the risk of failing the process or that the overall costs will exceed the benefits of the project. This would delete the incentives to invest in GHG removals compared to purchasing emission allowances on the carbon market. The questions that have been raised and needs clarification in the thesis are the following:? From a company perspective, what are the incentives for implementing Forest Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) projects?? What is a likely financial outcome of a reforestation CDM project on degraded land in the Guangxi province of the Peoples Republic of China?? When does an investment like this break even with the cost of buying market based carbon emission allowances? The objective of this master thesis is to carry out a research about the incentives for forest, paper and packaging companies to invest in reforestation through the clean development mechanism.

Modell för klassificering av inköp: en fallstudie på SCA
Packaging Munksund

SCA Packaging AB i Munksund Piteå är ett pappersbruk som tillverkar kraftliner. De har för en tid sedan inlett ett arbete för att utforma en inköpsstrategi. Arbetet gick ut på att utveckla en strategisk samsyn för inköpsverksamheten som ska vara genomgående för hela SCA Packaging Munksund. Syftet med arbetet var att skapa en gemensam bild av inköp i företaget med såväl brister som förbättringsmöjligheter. Ämnen som togs upp på möten angående inköpen på företaget var bland annat avtalshantering, avtalstyper och klassificering av inköp med hjälp av en positioneringsmatris i detta fall Kraljics matris.

Modell för klassificering av inköp: en fallstudie på SCA Packaging Munksund

SCA Packaging AB i Munksund Piteå är ett pappersbruk som tillverkar kraftliner. De har för en tid sedan inlett ett arbete för att utforma en inköpsstrategi. Arbetet gick ut på att utveckla en strategisk samsyn för inköpsverksamheten som ska vara genomgående för hela SCA Packaging Munksund. Syftet med arbetet var att skapa en gemensam bild av inköp i företaget med såväl brister som förbättringsmöjligheter. Ämnen som togs upp på möten angående inköpen på företaget var bland annat avtalshantering, avtalstyper och klassificering av inköp med hjälp av en positioneringsmatris i detta fall Kraljics matris.

Svält vid akut diarré hos hund, beprövad forskning eller gammal vana?

The idea for this project was initiated together with one of the leaders in the forest, paper and packaging industry. To get through an A/R CDM process the company is exposed to the risk of failing the process or that the overall costs will exceed the benefits of the project. This would delete the incentives to invest in GHG removals compared to purchasing emission allowances on the carbon market. The questions that have been raised and needs clarification in the thesis are the following:? From a company perspective, what are the incentives for implementing Forest Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) projects?? What is a likely financial outcome of a reforestation CDM project on degraded land in the Guangxi province of the Peoples Republic of China?? When does an investment like this break even with the cost of buying market based carbon emission allowances? The objective of this master thesis is to carry out a research about the incentives for forest, paper and packaging companies to invest in reforestation through the clean development mechanism.

Performance Control in Multinational Corporations - A case study of SCA Packaging

Syftet med uppsatsen är att öka förståelsen för aspekter gällande ekonomistyrning och dess utveckling gällande alternativa mätmetoder i multinationella företag på dagens mogna marknader. De teorier som används är ekonomistyrning i allmänhet relaterat till ekonomistyrning i multinationella företag samt presentation av traditionella och nya mätmetoder. Vi har utgått från en modell av Anthony & Govindarajan, vilken vi sedan utvecklat till ett teoretiskt ramverk. Vår studie bygger på intervjuer med 17 personer på olika nivåer och i olika positioner inom vårt fallföretag SCA Packaging. Dessa personer har befunnit sig i Sverige, Tyskland, Storbritannien och på huvudkontoret i Bryssel.

Förstärkning av bro 17-803-1 : En jämförelse av förstärkningsmetoder

AbstractThis master thesis was performed at Scania transmission department in Södertälje, where the manufacturing of gears is done. Today a large amount of manual handling is performed between the machining and the hardening process. Most of the manual handling is done at the heat treatment department. The purpose of this master thesis is to give a suggestion on how to reduce or eliminate the manual handling at the heat treatment department. The possibility to use the same packaging throughout the processes will also be investigated.

Väggjutning med självkompakterande betong : Vad påverkar gjutresultatet?

AbstractThis master thesis was performed at Scania transmission department in Södertälje, where the manufacturing of gears is done. Today a large amount of manual handling is performed between the machining and the hardening process. Most of the manual handling is done at the heat treatment department. The purpose of this master thesis is to give a suggestion on how to reduce or eliminate the manual handling at the heat treatment department. The possibility to use the same packaging throughout the processes will also be investigated.

Beräkning av optimal batchstorlek på gavelspikningslinjer hos Vida Packaging i Hestra :

This final thesis aim to create a support that can decrease the uncertainty when planning the cable drum flanges lines that produces cable drums in the interval 100 to 320cm in diameter at Vida Packaging in Hestra. The purpose attains through finding an optimal batch size that minimizes the total storage cost and order prime cost, without degenerate delivery capacity to the customer. Through survey the sale and stock balance development during 2005 and 2006 for cable drums in Hestra and give alternative suggestions how to plan the production after installing a new cable drum flanges line. The study also explores different ways of working during product change in existing nailing line, to minimize the order prime cost. Vida Packaging in Hestra is a part of the Vida group, which is Sweden?s largest privately owned sawmill group with seven sawmills placed all around southern Sweden.

Hantering av kugghjul : -Vägen från mjukbearbetning till hårdbearbetning

AbstractThis master thesis was performed at Scania transmission department in Södertälje, where the manufacturing of gears is done. Today a large amount of manual handling is performed between the machining and the hardening process. Most of the manual handling is done at the heat treatment department. The purpose of this master thesis is to give a suggestion on how to reduce or eliminate the manual handling at the heat treatment department. The possibility to use the same packaging throughout the processes will also be investigated.

Har avslöjandet om fusket med köttfärshanteringen lett till ändrade rutiner inom livsmedelsbranschen

My bachelor thesis deals with how food stores have changed their handling of minced meat after ICA?s cheating with minced meat packaging was revealed..

Ekonomiska styrmedel för förpackningsavfall : En studie om vad som påverkar återvinningen i EU

In 1994 the EU directive of packaging waste was adopted. The result was that all EU member states developed different systems to manage packaging waste and recycling. This paper examines the various systems and the factors that affect the level of recycling. This is done by a cross-sectional study between countries. The results of my study suggest that take-back system generates less recycling than other systems, the mandatory deposit system can affect the recycling in a positive way.

Cellulosa : en alternativ isolering med hänsyn till brand och fukt?

AbstractThis master thesis was performed at Scania transmission department in Södertälje, where the manufacturing of gears is done. Today a large amount of manual handling is performed between the machining and the hardening process. Most of the manual handling is done at the heat treatment department. The purpose of this master thesis is to give a suggestion on how to reduce or eliminate the manual handling at the heat treatment department. The possibility to use the same packaging throughout the processes will also be investigated.

Smakar konsumenter med ögonen En undersökning om förpackningens visuella attributs inverkan på smakupplevelsen av singelmaltwhisky

Packaging has had little impact in marketing literature. Research has focused on a single transaction approach. Lately researchers are looking at packages as a tool for brand building purposes. Thus, the focus is moving towards a multiple transaction approach, where packages can affect the consumer also after the purchase. For a range of goods extrinsic cues has been shown to have stronger effect on consumers' evaluation than intrinsic ones.

Återvinningsstationer på Lidingö : attityder och lokalisering

When the producers? responsibility for packaging was introduced in Sweden in 1994 the industry set up public recycling stations to facilitate the collection of the waste material. In order to establish recycling stations at suitable locations the municipalities assist the industry?s service organization for operation of the recycling stations, the Package and Newspaper Collection Service (Förpacknings- och tidningsinsamlingen, FTI). The objectives of this thesis are to improve the service of the public recycling stations within Lidingö town and to increase the accessibility to these stations for the inhabitants of Lidingö.

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