

17587 Uppsatser om Packaging information - Sida 3 av 1173

Kostnadskalkylering på en förpackningsavdelning

This degree project is based on identifying and allocation of costs in a packaging section at Electrolux Distriparts in Torsvik.The purpose of this thesis is to identify the costs that emerge when packaging different articles and show how the costs are allocated. The report also contains improvement suggestions about how the company can use the current computer system more efficient.The methods that have been used in order to approach the problem and the collection of information have mainly been literature study, interviews and observation.The work started with answering the questions; which expenditure cost and direct cost exist in the section, how can they be allocated, if improvement can be done and how the flow of information is supposed to happen.In order to answer the questions we used our former experience and the knowledge we achieved by reading literature, interview relevant persons in the company and observations carried out in the section.Through our studies, we came up with an Excel file, which is the groundwork for a template that can be used by the company in different occasions depending on the situation and need. It is important to remember to modify the template if the presumptions change. In the template, we have identified the different kind of costs that emerge when packaging different articles and we have also allocated the costs. In addition formulas and estimations that are necessary for the cost calculation are presented.The work consisted in making the groundwork for a template.

Kommunikation av strategi inom organisationer - En fallstudie på SCA Packaging Sverige

Titel: Kommunikation av strategi inom organisationer ? en fallstudie på SCA Packaging Sverige Ämne/Kurs: FEK 582 Kandidatseminarium, 10 poäng Författare: Olof Ask, Linus Asu och Henrik Dreyer Handledare: Gösta Wijk Företag: SCA Packaging Sverige Nyckelord: Kommunikation, Strategi, Effektivitet, Kommunikationsverktyg, Återkoppling Syfte: Uppsatsens syfte är att redogöra för hur och varför kommunikationen av SCA Packaging Sveriges strategi bedrivs och visa på eventuella styrkor och svagheter i densamma.Uppsatsens syfte är även att visa på vilka problem som upplevs inom organisationen rörande kommunikationen av strategi. Vidare är syftet med studien även att skapa oss enuppfattning av hur kommunikationen upplevts och uppfattats hos de anställda samt hur detta skiljer sig åt mellan olika typer av anställda. Ambitionen med studien är vidare att utifrån det mönster vi ser hos SCA Packaging Sverige formulera ett antal hypoteser som vi tror gäller generellt vid kommunikation av strategi inom organisationer Metod: Studien har tagit utgångspunkt i empirin och har således en induktiv ansats. Vidare har i denna uppsats samlats in data dels genom kvalitativ metod, i form av intervjuer och samtal, och dels genom kvantitativ metod, i form av en enkät.


The aim of this thesis is to investigate if an automation of the manual packaging process at Legosan AB is profitable. Legosan AB, located in Kumla, performs subcontract work of dietary supplements and medical products to companies within Europe. The chapterportal robot is used in the other. As there are several options in the choice of packaging robot the suggestions of improvement are divided into two different designs. Other machines and equipment necessary for the different suggestions of improvement are showed and their measurements are presented.

Den som vet bäst vinner mest - Om information i butik och hur den används.

When in the process of buying a product based high effort behavior, the consumer needs information to decide on which product that best satisfies their need. There is a wide arrange of sources where this could be found. One of the most important, due to the great influence it has on consumer choice, is in-store communications. This is also one of the least developed sources. It is not uncommon that the only facts that can be acquired are found on product packaging and from contact with the store´s staff.

Jämförande kostnadsanalys av retur- och engångsemaballage

This report analyzes disposable packaging and returnable packaging with the methods life cycle analysis and life cycle costs analysis. These two different packaging are analyzed through the company Clas Ohlson?s packaging-flow. To get a picture of how the flow works, a visit at the company and email contact have been done with Clas Ohlson to get relevant informationToday Clas Ohlson has a big flow of articles to the stores without larger variations in the demand, with the exception of autumn, which is when customers start shopping for Christmas. Clas Ohlson?s articles are placed on a pallet and are wrapped into plastic-film for protection and to make sure that nothing will be stolen.

Kartläggning och analysering av produktionsplanering av order med specialkvalitet hos Stora Enso Packaging AB

This investigation?s task was to map manufacturing of special qualities at Stora Enso Packaging under a certain period, analyze if rules concerning special qualities is followed, which consequences this results in concerning use of paper, waste and costs and to give suggestions on alternative solutions. The goal was to give sugges-tions that help the company to reach its business ratio that the production de-partment uses within use of paper and productivity in the corrugated cardboard machine.Stora Enso Packaging is a part of the forest group Stora Enso and is one of Swe-den?s leading producers of corrugated cardboard. Stora Enso Packaging acts pri-mary on the Swedish market, where they have a market share of 25 %.To be able to analyze orders with special qualities we did a data collection during two months, where we mapped incoming orders.

Design och utveckling av kommersielltbabypaket för blivande föräldrar

This project is implemented as a thesis at the Royal Institute of Technology in the master?s degree program Integrated Product Design and Industrial Design Engineering. The project has involved development and efficiency of a free starter package for expectant parents with useful content consisting of useful products for both before and after childbirth. Areas that have been investigated include packaging development, service design and appropriate content for the package.During the work, theory about packaging design, materials, manufacturing techniques and logistics have been processed to base the further work on. The project process has involved competitor analysis and interviews with store owners and customer surveys, that have been conducted to identify areas for improvement of the current solution.

Utveckling och dokumentation av Systematiskt Brandskyddsarbete på SCA Packaging Munksund AB

När lagen om skydd mot olyckor (SFS 2003:778) trädde i kraft den 1 januari 2004 innebar den att ansvaret angående brandskyddet för fastigheten fördelades över på ägaren alternativt verksamhetsutövaren. Från att räddningstjänsten utfört brandsyner på objekten genomför de nu tillsyn som har till syfte att stärka de enskildas ansvar för att de ska skydda sig själva, sin egendom samt miljön. Det som räddningstjänsten främst granskar är det systematiska brandskyddsarbetet (SBA) och inte det tekniska utförandet av brandskyddsinstallationer. Enligt statens räddningsverks (SRV) allmänna råd och kommentarer om systematiskt brandskyddsarbete (SRVFS 2004:3) bör ett systematiskt brandskyddarbete pågå under hela anläggningens användningstid. SCA Packaging Munksund AB är en anläggning som ingår i de verksamheter som ska bedriva SBA och även föra en dokumentation.

Utvecklingsprojekt av förpackning inom livsmedelsindustrin

This report covers the thesis done by mechanical engineering at the engineering program at the University of Halmstad. Student Work Development of packaging in the food industry includes 15 credits and has performed over 20 weeks in spring 2009. The thesis work is a compulsory part of education and aimed at the student must apply the knowledge it has given during training in a project related to reality. Student work has been carried out in cooperation with Hanson & Möhringen AB and the project's main objective was to develop an environmentally friendly packaging to their brand Falk Salt. When salt is one of the world's cheapest commodity was packing all the costs have to be as low as possible.

Lagerhantering i framtiden på Aero Materiel AB

In recent years, increasing emphasis has been placed on streamlining the supply chain. Keeping inventory and warehouses is considered to be a waste of resources. It is however difficult to completely eliminate the need for inventory and warehouses in a supply chain. The purpose of warehousing is to provide a service for the customer. By keeping what the customer demands in inventory it is possible to make a quick delivery when a need arises.

Beslut som fattas a?r inte ba?ttre a?n den information besluten grundas i

Over the last 25 year IT development has greatly influenced the waycompanies are managed, the tremendous growth in the information society has made a huge amount of information extremely accessible. This has resulted in the problem of information overload where the large amount of information can affect the quality of a decision basis collected by a controller.The purpose of the study is to examine how a controller is affected by information overload and how this influences the decision basis. We intend to highlight the important elements to represent a high quality of information.A survey was conducted through a case study within a global affiliated company in the packaging industry. An adductive approach has been applied with a qualitative research method. Collected empirical material from interviews has been put into relation with existing theories.The case study indicates that there is no relationship between the problem of information overload and flawed decision basis.

Återvinning av dryckeskartonger : En studie som syftar till att öka återvinningsgraden av Tetra Paks förpackningar i Indonesien

People of the modern world consume more than they ever used to do. Because of the close correlation between consumption and the amount of waste, the waste volume is also expected to increase. The purpose of this study is to examine if some measures in the recycling process from Sweden could be implemented in Indonesia. In fact, Indonesia is one of the countries in which the waste management system is struggling. Tetra Pak, one of the world leading producer of food packaging, is studied in this report.

Förpackningslogistik på Haldex Traction Systems AB

the most obvious problem at Traction today is the in-between handling that demands much time and resources. The reason is that the packages are not designed with handling in mind. Several of the packages of today also have a poor degree of utilization that means there is room for a fewer number of articles. That in turn means more packages, more transports, more storage space and more staff. On the basis of a specification of demands ? which take quality and environmental influence, as well as transport, handling and economy in account ? we have developed suggestions on new packages that will facilitate handling and lower the total costs, The time of handling will in some cases abbreviate to just a few seconds with the new packages.

Optimering av produktionsflo?de fo?r hydraultankar : Fo?r en ba?ttre och sa?krare arbetsmiljo?

?Optimizing the workflow of hydraulic reservoir tanks? is a degree project made by Jonas Olsson, student within the faculty of technology and science, during spring semester 2012. The project comprise 22,5 ECTS.Volvo Construction Equipment, located in Arvika, was the client in this project. The mentor at Volvo CE was A?sa Barck, and the mentor at Karlstad University was Monica Jakobsson.

Visuella elements påverkan på konsumenters beslut till köp
av yoghurt

The purpose of this thesis is to provide a better understanding of how dairies use colour, picture and shape in order to influence customers? buying decisions of fruit yoghurt. In order to reach this purpose the research was conducted through case studies of three dairies. In this research three research questions were created with focus on the visual elements colour, picture and shape. The method of data collection was performed through interviews with dairies as well as documentations.

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