

6617 Uppsatser om Pćfrestande situation - Sida 44 av 442

Att gestalta frÀmlingskap : En studie av hur alienationen gestaltas i Eugene Ionescos Enstöringen

This essay is a study of the portrayal of the theme of alienation in Eugene Ionesco's novel The hermit. In my study I examine the different ways in which the theme of alienation is portrayed and how the cause of the narrator's experience of alienation can be found in ideological, psychological and existential conflicts that the narrator has to face. The result is an experience of das unheimliche, a Freudian concept, which is a kind of uncanny detachment that the narrator experiences, when he is put up against an invisible force that lurks in the perifery of the world, which is portrayed in the story. The meaning of the ideological conflict is a portrayal of man's situation in a world that is ruled by capitalism, with marxism as a positive leveler and the meaning of the psychological conflict is a conflict in the narrator's own inner reality. The meaning of the existential conflict is a portrayal of man's situation in a world absent of God.

Lika makter leka lika? Sanktioner eller dialog, varför skiljer sig USA respektive EU handlingsplaner frÄn varandra angÄende Irans kÀrnvapen?

In this thesis I will discuss how US respectively EU general international security policies are formed with the scientific theories Rational Choice and Cognitive theory in mind. I?ll discuss how come US tends to go towards a more sanction orientated strategy while European Union seems to prefer a dialog and diplomatic problem solving strategy. I?ll exemplify respective security strategy through the qualitative cases study of Iran and analyse why they have taken different cores of action while trying to solve the problem with Iran's alleged nuclear weapon.

Intern kommunikation under krissituation : en kvalitativ studie av Polismyndighetens interna kommunikation under och efter terrorattentatet i december 2010

Att ha en vÀlfungerande intern kommunikation inom en organisation Àr av yttersta vikt. Att dessutom ha en vÀlfungerande intern kommunikation under en krishÀndelse Àr fundamental.Idag hamnar samhÀllen och organisationer ofta i olika typer av problematiska och hotfulla situationer. Detta Àr nÀstintill oundvikligt. Det som dock Àr hanterbart Àr kommunikation kring dessa situationer. Vintern 2010 sattes Polismyndighetens kommunikation pÄ prov i och med ett terrorattentat dÀr en sjÀlvmordsbombare sprÀngde sig i centrala Stockholm.Denna uppsats tar sikte pÄ att studera och undersöka polisens interna kommunikation under denna hÀndelse.

Ledarskap och etik : En studie om Strukturellt etiskt klimat & Situationsbaserat etiskt beslutsfattande i fastighetsmÀklarbranschen

AbstractTitle: Leadership and ethics in the Real estate agent-industry Level: Final assignment for Bachelor Degree in Business Administration Authors: Paula Massamiri & Therese Delmar Supervisor: Lars-Johan Åge, Jonas Molin & Jens Eklinder Frick Date: 2014 ? May Purpose of study: The aim of this study is to create an understanding of how leaders trough a Structural ethical climate can contribute to a Situation-based ethical decision-making of their employees. Method: We have used a qualitative method and conducted semi-structured interviews with respondents from real estate agent firms. When we studied our phenomenon, our overall research deign was qualitative interviews. Our data has been analyzed with an abductive method of analysis, influenced by Grounded theory. Results and conclusions: The study shows that leaders in the real estate agent-business trough a Structural ethical climate contributes to a Situation-based ethical decision-making of their employees by acting as role models, leads by example, highlighting the office values and rewards & punishes behaviors to control their employees? ethical decision making. Suggestions for further research: We believe that future studies can be conducted through observations to study both leaders and employees, to pay attention to employees? opinions and reflect on what affects them.

Fotbollsföreningarnas framtid: en studie om fotbollsföreningars situation och utvecklingsmöjligheter i Norrbotten

Syftet med studien handlar om fotbollsföreningarnas situation och utvecklingsmöjligheter i Norrbotten. Metoden Àr kvalitativa och utgörs av besök och intervjuer hos föreningar i Norrbotten. Studien Àr formad runt begreppen utveckling, förutsÀttning och motiv. Den teoretiska referensramen utgörs av funktionalismen och begrepp som kultur, solidaritet och socialisation diskuteras. I ett Norrbotten drabbat av urbanisering blir föreningarna lidande.

?NÀr högskolan kom till byn..? Folkbibliotekets roll vid högskolestudier pÄ distans.

The purpose of this Master's thesis is to investigate the role of the public library when the local government in the municipality arranges distance education at university level. The thesis has two main areas of questioning and these are goals and resources. In the study it is examined if the local goals have changed during the period 2000 until 2005, due to the development of distance education. It is investigated if change actually has occurred and if it has, in what way the goals have changed. It is also examined if and how the goals correspond with the work that is being performed in the public library.

Flygets framtid : FrÄn problem till möjligheter

The purpose of this essay is to investigate the airline industry and its part in the mobile community. Further on, to investigate the factors that throughout history are having an impact on the airline industry and have lead to the condition of today. Through this information we are outlining the future of the airline industry.This essay has been written in a qualitative approach. The empirical gathering has been made through interviews based on open discussions between the interviewers and respondents. We started out with creating a theoretical pre-understanding and continued by comparing how well these theories matched the reality.The gathering of the theoretical material was chosen on the basis how well it matches the subject of our essay.

I grÄzonen mellan lag och bedömning : MellanstadielÀrares förhÄllningssÀtt till sin anmÀlningsskyldighet

Barn som far illa a?r en utsatt grupp i va?rt samha?lle. Ma?nga ga?nger a?r orsaken till att barn far illa att de personer som barnet a?r i beroendesta?llning till, va?rdnadshavarna, brister i sin fo?ra?ldrafo?rma?ga. Till skydd fo?r barnen har vissa yrkesgrupper anma?lningsskyldighet till socialtja?nsten vid misstanke om att ett barn far illa.

Patienters upplevelser vid parenteral nutritionsbehandling hemma vid palliativ vÄrd pÄ grund av cancer ? en litteraturstudiePatients experiences of parental nutrition at home due to palliative care of cancer - a literature study

Malnutrition is a common problem for patients with cancer that leads to anxiety and frustration for the whole family. Patients with palliative cancer disease treated at home are entitled to an adequate nutrition treatment suited to individual needs. Aim: The aim of the literature review was to describe how cancer patients experience their nutriment situation before and after the introduction of parental nutrition and the experience of getting home parental nutrition. Methods: A literature study was carried out where qualitative and quantitative articles were examined. Findings: Five qualitative and five quantitative articles were examined.

Fallet SAS : En studie i hur medial diskurs reproducerar maktförhÄllanden pÄ arbetsmarknaden

Aim: The purpose of this study is to explore how the media through a certain discourse constructs a view of the labor market and the power relations between companies, unions and employees. The goal is to explore this through studying the media coverage of SAS? financial situation between September-December 2012 and our research question is the following: What view of the labor market and its power relations was constructed and reproduced by Swedish newspapers through their portrayal of SAS during September-December 2012?Method: This study analyses the findings with the help of questions based on theories of social constructivism, discourse, agenda-setting and power. A content and discourse analysis was compiled of 360 articles from five Swedish newspapers that addressed SAS and their situation from September-December 2012. The results of these analyses were further processed using power analysis and John Gaventa?s power cube.Results: In this study we conclude that the medial discourse constructs identities of the different actors and affect power relations between them, in favor of the company.

Typecasting av latinamerikaner i nordamerikansk film

filmhistorisk överblick av skÄdespelare med latinamerikansk pÄbrÄ eller ursprungs situation i den nordamerikanska filmindustrin..

Tecknade serier i bokhyllan: En studie i hantering och förvaring av tecknade serier pÄ svenska folkbibliotek.

This thesis investigates the situation for comics in Swedish public libraries. The main questions is separated into two groups, the first dealing with the physical situation were we investigate placement, cataloguing and shelf arrangement. The second deals with the librarians attitudes towards comics and how they may affect their work. The base for this thesis is the idea that the comic medium may sometimes be treated different than the rest of the libraries collections. Because of this, a theoretical basis is developed which focus on different views on comics.

Att möta fördomar : En kvalitativ studie om nÄgra finska och utomnordiska romers upplevelser pÄ bostads- och arbetsmarknaden

The aim of this study has been to examine how a few members of the Finnish and non- Scandinavian Romani subgroups experience their own, and their groups, situation on the Housing- and Labour Market. WeÂŽve studied our respondents? experiences of discrimination, which difficulties they think there are, what strategies can be used to deal with these difficulties and also their own ideas on how to improve the situation for the Romani people in the Swedish society. This has been done by six individual structured interviews which have been analyzed with concepts from Symbolic Interactionism, including Goffman?s Dramaturgical Role Theory, definition of Stigma and Kelly?s theory of Personal Constructions.

Varför gÄr hon?: en socialpsykologisk studie om kvinnors uppbrottsprocess frÄn ett misshandelsförhÄllande

Syftet med denna uppsats var att fÄ förstÄelse för vilka sociala faktorer som leder till att misshandlade kvinnor bryter upp frÄn ett misshandelsförhÄllande samt hur sjÀlva uppbrottsprocessen ser ut. FrÄgestÀllningarna var: Vilka mekanismer Àr det som antingen leder kvinnan mot ett definitivt uppbrott eller som hÄller henne tillbaka, kvar i förhÄllandet? Hur Àndrar kvinnorna sina tolkningar av sin situation och sina reaktioner pÄ vÄldet och mannen sÄ de tar sig ur förhÄllandet? Hur pÄverkar stöd och hjÀlp frÄn andra uppbrottet? Jag utgick frÄn en kvalitativ metodansats och intervjuade sju kvinnor. Som grund för uppsatsens teoretiska del lÄg det symbolisk interaktionistiska perspektivet samt uppbrottsprocessen. Teorier kring förÀlskelse och kÀrlek samt kön och makt stÀllde Àktenskapets roll och assymmetriskt rollövertagande i centrum.

Barn i sorg : Var kan lÀrare hitta vÀgledning i mötet med dessa barn?

Att under sin uppvÀxt förlora en nÀra anhörig Àr en svÄr upplevelse. De barn som drabbas behöver ofta mycket stöd och hjÀlp ifrÄn vuxna i sin nÀrhet för att klara av sorgen.Det hÀr arbetet handlar om var vi som lÀrare kan fÄ stöd i hur vi kan hjÀlpa dessa barn. Vi tror att mÄnga vuxna kan kÀnna sig otrygga i en sÄdan hÀr situation och kan behöva hjÀlp och stöd frÄn nÄgon med mer erfarenhet och kunskap i Àmnet. Syftet med arbetet var att genom intervjuer med representanter frÄn olika instanser ta reda pÄ var vi kan hitta denna vÀgledning och hur den i praktiken kan gÄ till.I litteraturgenomgÄngen tas skolans roll i barns sorg, barns förstÄelse av döden i olika Äldrar och nÄgra av de vanligaste reaktionerna upp. Detta för att ha möjlighet att möta dem pÄ sÄ rÀtt sÀtt som möjligt.

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