

685 Uppsatser om Out-of-town shopping centres - Sida 22 av 46

Barnet i biståndet : - en kvantitativ studie om barnperspektivet i ekonomiskt bistånd

This study is about the child?s perspective when it comes to work with financial assistance. The purpose of the study was partly to describe how social workers regard the child?s perspective in their work with financial assistance and partly to look into whether they impose a child?s perspective in their practical work. To fulfill this purpose the authors used a quantitative method and sent out a web based survey to all the social workers actively working with financial assistance in Stockholm town.

Bakom fasaden: Haninge kulturhus - en organisationsteoretisk studie med fokus på den fysiska strukturen

This master thesis aims to describe and examine Haninge cultural centre, inaugurated in 2002. We study the centre from an organization theory point of view, with focus on the buildings physical appearance. The question we want to answer is to what extent, and if, Haninge cultural centre fulfills the underlying vision, formulated by the municipality of Haninge. Is the centre the symbol of a new era of Haninge and a vivid democracy as it was meant to be? Is there a congruency between the image the building creates and the vision that was formulated by the municipality? We also seek out to see how the cultural centre relates to an older tradition of cultural centres.

Studie- och yrkesvägledare samarbete med lärare i skolan : En studie om hur studie- och yrkesvägledare upplevelse kring hur samarbete och tillhörighet fungerar

In this study the author will search on how, co-operation between teachers and guidance counse-lors in school works. The study was too looking for if guidance counselors experiencing if they can feel cooperation in school, when they work by themselves in their profession, and if the guidance counselors feel a part of the whole school.Total interviewed four guidance counselors in elementary school, in a medium sized town somewhere in Sweden. The author have used qualitative methods for allow guidance counselors to answer free and not influence from other parametric.The result demonstrates that all guidance counselors believe that it is important to have coopera-tion with teachers in schools. Most of the guidance counselors believe that neither the directors nor teachers really know what skills guidance counselors possess. The respondents describe that they often turns to teachers who believe that guidance is an important part of the school's work for students..

"...men en berusad kvinna är värre!" En studie om arbetslivets attityder kring mäns och kvinnors missbruk utifrån ett genusperspektiv

Working life is an arena that often reflects attitudes that already exist in our society. When alcohol- and drug abuse is detected among employees the employer has a statutory responsibility for rehabilitation. But the way how these employees gets to be treated is also influenced by attitudes. The purpose of this essay was to illustrate from a gender perspective how women's and men's alcohol- and drug abuse occur in working life and how the attitudes in our society towards their abuse reflect on trade life. Referring that, our intention was also to examine which consequences are given of how the individual is treated.

E-handel : Inte bara guld och gröna skogar

 The purpose of this essay is to analyze and understand which difficulties that e-company's struggles with the most, and what their strategies are to overcome this problem. Sales of clothing through e-commerce have made the shopping experience faster and more comfortable, but on the other hand it has created a couple of problems which makes a big difference in the purchase of clothing, we are partly talking about the absence of the testing opportunity. To not know whether or not the shirt or pants will fit, leads customers to a game of gamble every single time they purchase a garment. Another problem which makes customers nervous before a purchase is the absence of a physical salesperson. This might lead customers to question whether or not the company exists.

En kvalitativ studie om frivilligorganisationens samverkan med myndigheter kring hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck

The purpose of this study has been to examine and analyze school counselors? experience of collaboration with other professions in the student health team and the preconditions for their work. The study is based on qualitative semi-structured interviews with six elementary-, and two high school student counselors in a medium-sized town in Sweden. The theoretical approach being used is: role theory, theory of professions and theory about collaboration. The study´s result shows that the school counselors? experience an unclarity in their job assignments and their role is often described as diffuse and vauge.

Spårbilsstation i Upplands Väsby kommun

Upplands Väsby municipality has a vision that podcars in the future will become an effective alternative in public transport, with reduced car-dependency as a result. The system would also attract new inhabitants and businesses to the municipality.This report deals with various issues that podcar stations may face. Also, suggestions for possible track laying at the stations and station design are presented. Two areas are investigated. Eds allé which is a neighborhood that is planned for housing and where the station may be planned into the cityscape from the start.

Ekologisk dagvattenhantering på parkeringsytor : Lösningsförslag för Eurostop köpcentrum i Halmstad

Stormwater from trafficked areas often contains high pollution levels. In traditional stormwater management design, stormwater is first transported away through piped networks, and then in most cases passes through oil separators before finally reaching the recipients. While this traditional method removes certain pollutants from the stormwater, it does not reduce the total flow, as in the case of ecological stormwater management. In the ecological method the stormwater is not simply transported away, but is recirculated through infiltration, percolation, and detention. The aim of this study is to investigate possible advantages of ecological management designs, in contrast to traditional management.

Aroma Theory: Scenting the Attitude

The thesis examines the relationship between consumer attitudes and a scented shopping environment. A relationship and phenomena concerning scent marketing, which could be seen as one of the more provocative forms of marketing since the human sense of smell, is connected to the limbic system where motivation and attitudes are created. The use of scent marketing has, so far, been proven effective in sales increasing whereas it is one of the less explored forms of marketing.The purpose of the thesis is to answer the following question: Is it possible to find differences in consumer attitudes in a scented buying environment compared to a nonscented buying environment, and thereby create new basis for segmentation?The thesis is based on a quantitative study where data has been gathered in a scent manipulated buying environment through structured interviews with consumers. The thesis applies a deductive approach to the main theories in the area of interest.The findings suggest new theory discussing that it is difficult to use consumer attitudes, towards a scented store environment, as a foundation for market segmentation.

Tevereklam riktad till kvinnor och män

Syftet med denna uppsats var att studera hur tevereklam till kvinnor och till män kan beskrivas. Vi ville uppnå syftet genom att undersöka hur ett företag arbetar med att utforma tevereklam till kvinnor och män: vilka mål samt fördelar och nackdelar de har med tevereklam, hur tevereklam utformas, hur traditionella könsroller eventuellt påverkar utformningen samt om lagar och egenåtgärder har någon påverkan på innehållet i tevereklam. För att uppnå detta syfte gjorde vi en fallstudie på RoxxEmotion Film & Television, ett mindre företag som är en del av Roxx Communication Group AB. Vi utförde en telefonintervju med en av de två personer som ansvarar för tevereklamfilm på företaget. Slutsatser från denna fallstudie visar att det är vanligt att rikta tevereklam till ett visst kön men att tillvägagångssätt vid utformning av tevereklam samt mål, fördelar och nackdelar med tevereklam är lika för reklam till både kvinnor och män.

Klimatanpassning av Ljungby stad mot översvämningar

Climate changing is a growing problem for many countries and communities over the world. The cities has a huge work to deal with in their reforcements of their cities to be resilient ones. This thesis makes an effort to investigate and illuminate some of the problem the cities has to solve related to flooding, hazards, erosions, rising sea levels and crotches. This thesis will help to find solutions that international and national efforts has produced and handed out to each other. A lot of communities are charing their excellent tools that works for them.

Vara och Kristinehamns folkbibliotek - en jämförelse av folkbiblioteken under år 1994

The aim of this essay is to try to find the differences and similarities of two public librariesin the town of Kristinehamn and the rural community of Vara during the year 1994. Especiallyinteresting was if the different political traditions of the two communities -left wing majorityin Kristinehamn and right wing in Vara- have influenced the forming of the public libraries.The comparison contains accounts from the annual reports produced by the libraries between1987 and 1994, a more thorough study of the activities and interviews with decision makers in1994. The interview with the decision makers indicates that there is a distinct difference betweenthe librarians and the rest of the informants, this distinction shows, that in a tight budgetsituation the librarians prefer not to cut down on staff while the other informants actuallyfavour to make cuts on the procedures handled by the librarians. The general opinionthough, is that they all agree that the role of the public libraries is to defend democratic rights.The final conclusion is that the material of this essay supports the opinion that the idea ofpublic libraries is stronger than the political differences in Vara and Kristinehamn..

Ett stort evenemang - En liten stad : Synen på Vätternrundan genom fem representanter

Vätternrundan is an annual sporting event that takes place in the Swedish town Motala since 1966. It is one of the world largest recreational bicycle rides and attracts over 20 000 participants each year. This study focuses on event effects and how an event can be of value within the principles of place marketing. Within this study five representatives were interviewed with semi-structured interviews.The results show that the representatives describe Vätternrundan as a positive event which mostly generates positive effects for the city itself and for the people living and working there. The effects consist of the events ability to create awareness of the place, the possibility to extend the tourism season and several social effects like solidarity and interaction.The result also shows that Vätternrundan is a well-known brand and because of this it can be used as an advantage in place marketing.

En attraktiv kollektivtrafik : Enkla metoder för ett ökat resande

The purpose of this paper is to find out if there are any simple solutions to attract an increased use of public transportation in a smaller town in Sweden. Simple solutions are measures that can be taken within the current budget, and which do not require large investments and extensive political decisions. In order to search for possible solutions I needed to find out which factors and attitudes that determine why people choose public transportation and peoples? traveling habit. I have made a survey study of satisfaction and attitudes among the consumers of a public transportation company in Växjö; Länstrafken Kronoberg.

Populärkultur på fritidshemmet : Hur påverkar populärkulturen innehållet i verksamheten?

This work is about popular culture in leisure. Teachers at leisure, on the basis of Education's governing documents working with developing an activity for students when applying the students' own interests. Although these councils are posted, several teachers around the country rejects certain activities or products that the students want to do or play with during their free time at the leisure time. Therefore the purpose of this study is to try to understand what teachers in leisure attitude to popular culture is and if they integrate the popular culture in there activities. To understand this, a qualitative study of interviewed teachers in various leisure was used.

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