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Ett pulshöjande reklammedium -Är det effektivt att exponera konsumenter för reklam i en gruppträningssal relativt i ett traditionellt reklammedium?

It appears that it has never been easier for the marketer to create and distribute advertising messages. The technical development has created new possible channels, which in addition to the traditional advertising media has resulted in consumers encountering loads of commercial messages every day. Unfortunately for the marketer, the overload of messages has contributed to an extensive advertising avoidance. This forces him to think outside the box in order to come up with attention-grabbing and innovative methods to reach out to consumers. This paper aims to examine if facilities for group exercise classes at fitness centres could be a potential advertising medium due to the unexpectedness of encountering advertising in those premises.

Livet med gränsen : Norsk närvaros påverkan på gränskommunen Strömstad

Gränsers betydelse har både suddats ut och aktualiseras i och med en ökad grad av globalisering och mobilitet. Den svensk-norska gränsen har i stora drag legat fast i nästan 350 år och under tiden har kulturella och nationella identiteter skapats. Genom sitt läge vid riksgränsen påverkas Strömstad av nationella händelser på ett helt annat sätt än Sverige i stort samtidigt som det även finns ett starkt inflytande från en annan stats nationella politik.Syftet med studien har varit att undersöka den norska närvarons påverkan på Strömstad ur ett socialt och kulturellt perspektiv. Det första man ser är effekter av ekonomisk art då Strömstad toppar listor för både turism och handel, men i förlängningen ser vi även en påverkan i hur strömstadsborna ser på sig själva och sin kommun..

Livet med gränsen : Norsk närvaros påverkan på gränskommunen Strömstad

Gränsers betydelse har både suddats ut och aktualiseras i och med en ökad grad av globalisering och mobilitet. Den svensk-norska gränsen har i stora drag legat fast i nästan 350 år och under tiden har kulturella och nationella identiteter skapats. Genom sitt läge vid riksgränsen påverkas Strömstad av nationella händelser på ett helt annat sätt än Sverige i stort samtidigt som det även finns ett starkt inflytande från en annan stats nationella politik.Syftet med studien har varit att undersöka den norska närvarons påverkan på Strömstad ur ett socialt och kulturellt perspektiv. Det första man ser är effekter av ekonomisk art då Strömstad toppar listor för både turism och handel, men i förlängningen ser vi även en påverkan i hur strömstadsborna ser på sig själva och sin kommun..

Hur skulle hemlösa och bostadslösa människor vilja bo? : 10 intervjuer i storstadsmiljö

The purpose of the essay was to discover how homeless persons want to live. Does it matter what it looks like? The method used was a qualitative study including literature and 10 interviews with ten homeless persons, of which seven lived outdoors and three in temporarily residences. The central questions were the following:How do homeless people want to live?In what sort of houses do they want to live and where?How do they look upon their situation and their future?What obstacles can occur if they for example got an apartment to live in?Are there any proposals to solve the problems?Most of them had been living outdoors for five to ten years, perhaps more, and they were worried and sad about their future.

En strategisk planeringsmodell: Att införa medborgarkontor i ett folkbibliotek med hjälp av strategisk planering

This Masters thesis is concerned with the complex planning process of setting up a citizen bureau in a public library. The aim is to find out how citizen bureaux are designed and to suggest a simplified model of strategic planning. The planning process is studied from a business perspective in the library context, and this perspective is also used to study citizen bureaux and their written plans elsewhere. A combination of qualitative methods are used: observations, focus group discussions and interviews. Observations in the public library showed a great need for an environmental analysis as well as structure to the planning process.

Det synliga och det osynliga : en studie av fritidsledarens yrkesroll

Recreation leaders on youth recreation centres is a professional category, mostly mentioned in the public conversation when it comes to taxes and youth problems. But what do they really do, what outlook do they have to their task, and finally, how are their daily lives like at work? The stories of twelve people represent the basis of this essay which itself consists of two separate studies. Six professional recreation leaders speak about their view of their own work, based on background, mission, education, ethics and position. The recreation leaders´stories reflect a worksituation with meetings of great significance andimportant standpoints.

Förslag till ett ramverk för att evaluera funktionalitet i eCommerce-plattformar

In this thesis we have developed a framework of features associated with eCommerce platforms and then defined them. Thanks to our interviews with eCommerce-developers, we have been able to define multiple eCommerce features with the focus on an owner?s perspective. Much of the previous research in the area, takes a user perspective when the functionality of eCommerce-platforms have been assessed and evaluated. We have therefore taken an owner?s perspective in the evaluation of eCommerce platforms and therefore produced a suggested framework with key features associated with the owner's functions.

Bokprat - en pedagogisk metod for barnbibliotekarier

The topic of this bachelor thesis is the art of book talk. Book talk is when a librarian orally presents a book in front of a group of people, in this thesis, a group of children. The first part of the thesis treats book talk as a method and its development. It will also go through which role book talk plays in the daily work of a children's librarian today, and if they got any education in book talk during their librarian education. The purpose of this study is to investigate and compare Lev Vygotskij's pedagogical theories on fantasy and creativity to book talk performed by children's librarians.

Bokförvaringsplats eller serviceinrättning? Direkt eller indirekt service på Göteborgs stadsbibliotek 1891-1960

This paper describes the development of direct and indirect service at the former Gothen­burg city library. This was during this period of time not the public library of the town, but a scientific library mostly serving the college, although also open to the public. Furthermore the services offered in Gothenburg are compared with those of the two old Swedish university libraries in Uppsala and Lund. The investigated direct serviceforms are "making material available", "guidance", and "localities". The indirect service areas are "the catalogue" and "the personnel and their competence".The conclusion is that the differences weren't that big and that Gothenburg city library was a modern library providing about the same services as you could find in Uppsala and Lund.

Ett levande klassrum : Undersökningar kring hur reenactment och historiska lekar kan implementeras i historieundervisning på högstadiet

In today?s history teaching in Sweden, role-play and historical re-enactment receive littleattention. Even though many students find history as a subject boring and irrelevant, verylittle is done to improve the mode of teaching. My theses is that this could be done bypresenting new ways of teaching and at the same time find a way to make more studentsinterested in history. The main aim is to investigate if there are ways to offer students anexperience of history by carrying out different interactive exercises with a touch of roleplayand historical recreation.

Utvärdering av insamlingssystem för hushållens farliga avfall

The collection of hazardous waste from the household around Swedish municipalities varies. 1% of the households waste is hazardous waste. It has hazardous features that can give bad consequences for the nature and human health if we don?t collect it and treat it. Therefore the law controls it, the municipalities have responsibility for the household waste.

Euthanasi : avlivning av häst

The term euthanasia is derived from the Greek terms eu meaning good and thanatos meaning death, "good death". The penetrating captive bolt is an effective method of euthanasia, when use of drugs is inappropriate. The horse becomes immediately unconscious and falls to the ground. First after the blood is emptied from the body the horse is dead. The use of injectable euthanasia agents is a rapid and reliable method of performing euthanasia. The aim is to stop the flow of oxygenated blood to vital organs and tissues. The muscle relaxants may be used either in combination wih or following an anaesthetic dose of barbiturate, their use use as a sole agent is totally inhumane.

Killar gör det grova, tjejer gör det andra: en studie om tjejers och killars syn på kön och genus

The purpose of this essay was to study how surroundings form young peoples gender and where gender patterns are maintained. This was done by interviewing 12 students from two advanced classes at a comprehensive school in a small town in the southern parts of Sweden. The students where divided into four groups. Two groups with three boys in each, and two groups with three girls in each. We used R.W.

Områdeseffekter av ett renoveringsprojekt i Stockholm CBD  : - Fallstudie av Diligentias fastighet Sveavägen 44

Stockholm står inför en historisk befolkningstillväxt och nu väntas en tid av ombyggnationer och förtätningar av Stockholms storstadsregion. Denna utveckling bidrar starkt till att även CBD växer. Det finns ett flertal projekt som pågår eller planeras i CBD. Ett av dessa projekt är totalrenoveringen av Diligentias profilfastighet Sveavägen 44 i utkanten av norra CBD.Tidigare har det funnits andra projekt som genomförts i utkanten av CBD. I Centralenområdet genomfördes ett flertal stora projekt.

Tala är silver, tiga är visdom : Användningen av konventionaliserade flerordsuttryck hos vuxenstuderande i svenska som andraspråk

Systematic quality work in preschool ? How preschool teachers thinking and working with systematic quality work The purpose of this study was to investigate how Swedish preschool teachers thinking and working with systematic quality work. All Swedish preschools are required to work systematically with quality. This involves several steps that follow each other in a specific order. It includes following up, documenting and evaluating preschool activities.

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