

685 Uppsatser om Out-of-town shopping centres - Sida 12 av 46

Cittaslow i Falköping :

Cittaslow is an international organization founded in Italy in 1999 by a few towns in Northern Italy, in order to stop the trend of people moving to bigger cities. The aim was to show the advantages of small towns and to strengthen their identities. Falköping is, since the certification in the summer 2008, the first Cittaslow in Sweden. Cittaslow is an international organization founded in Italy in 1999 by a few towns in Northern Italy, in order to stop the trend of people moving to bigger cities. The aim was to show the advantages of small towns and to strengthen their identities.

Problem : en begreppsanalys

The elderly care is an area of great importance to women. Women are more often in need of elderly care; they work with the service and provide a majority of the informal service. Research shows that managers? work-related prerequisites are significantly different between the male dominated technical administration and the female dominated care and educational administration. Studies also show that what the highest managerial organisation gives priority to, often permeate the whole organisation.

Tonåringars upplevelse av livskvalitet : En beskrivande och jämförande studie

The aim of this study was to describe how adolescents experiences their quality of life, and tocompare if there are any differences in how they experiences their QOL depending on wherethey live, big town or smaller town. The aim was also to examine how adolescentsexperienced their schooling. The study is empirically, quantitative with a descriptive andcomparative design. To measure quality of life a tried and tested instrument ? LifeSatisfaction Questionnaire (LSQ) was used.

Stockholms framtida shoppingevent : En studie insipirerad av Istanbuls Shoppingfestival

I den här studien har Stockholms potential till att presentera ett internationellt shoppingevent undersökts. Studien har haft fokus på framförandet av festivaler med utgångspunkt Istanbul Shopping Festival i Turkiet, som anses vara en stor mode- och shoppingfestival i en växande modestad. Det är väsentligt för studien att använda en redan existerande internationell shoppingfestival som inspirationskälla..

Prediktiv validitet hos Assessment Centres: en studie av Assessment centre bedömningar utförda av PAT Management för Ericsson Mobile Platforms.

The purpose of this study was to investigate a Swedish assessment centre and more specifically the predictive validity of its assessments of ten managers from a Swedish technological company. The study was made by interviews with these managers' executives in order to find out how well their opinion about their employees matched the assessments made by the assessment centre consultants. The results showed that the congruence of the managers' strengths was 74% whereas that of their weaknesses was 59%..

Ungdomars läsvanor och hur vi skulle kunna inspirera ungdomar att läsa mer skönlitteratur

AbstractThe purpose of this work is to try to find out how young people's reading habits among students look at different types of secondary school, ie. both theoretical and practical, and what factors might encourage them to read more. My questions have been; do young people read today? Is there any difference between city, gender or program? What can a teacher do to inspire young people to read more? I have made a questionnaire survey among different students at two different high schools in Skaraborg. The first school is a high school located in a medium sized town, where I made inquiries to the scientific program, social program, Business and Administration Program and the Electricity Program.

Att arbeta konsultativt, vad innebär det? : En utvärdering av en organisations utbildning i konsultativt arbetssätt

The elderly care is an area of great importance to women. Women are more often in need of elderly care; they work with the service and provide a majority of the informal service. Research shows that managers? work-related prerequisites are significantly different between the male dominated technical administration and the female dominated care and educational administration. Studies also show that what the highest managerial organisation gives priority to, often permeate the whole organisation.

Professionella bloggar - girl power eller genusfälla?

Denna uppsats är en kvalitativ studie av de två största professionella bloggarna i Sverige, blondinbella.se och kissies.se. Studiens syfte är att ta reda på vilka markörer för klass och genus som kan hittas på bloggarna och utifrån dessa vilken bild av att vara ung tjej det är som förmedlas till bloggarnas läsare. Debatten om de två aktuella bloggarna pågår i media och speciellt är det författarna bakom bloggarna som uppmärksammas, Isabella Löwengrip och Alexandra Nilsson. Med hjälp av teorier kring kön och klass analyserar jag bloggarnas innehåll och försöker utkristallisera vilka teman som är dominerande på dessa bloggar. Resultatdelen är uppdelad utifrån dessa teman som handlar om shopping, kroppsuppfattning och valmöjligheter.

Unga (arbets)sökande : En kvalitativ studie av arbetssökande ungdomar. Hur bakgrund och identitet påverkar ungas möjligheter och livsvillkor.

Örebro UniversityDepartment of Social SciencesSociology and social psychology, Continuation course, 61-90 p.Essay 15 p, Spring -08.Title: ?Youth (work)seekers?Author: Karolina LindellAbstractThis essay focuses on young people?s social background when they apply for their first job. I have interviewed four young people from a small town in Sweden, to see how social background and identity affects their vital conditions in general. I?m interested understanding the relationship between structure and agency.

Ett fornnordiskt tempel som inte blev en del av den lokala identiteten i Bollnäs köping år 1923

During the 1920?s the town of Bollnäs had the ambition to expand. The expansion included a merger with Björkhamre and the colonization of unused areas, e.g. the area around Onbacken. The archaeologist Gustaf Hallström came to Bollnäs to investigate an ancient tomb located on Onbacken.

Forum shopping genom artikel 3.1 i insolvensförordningen

Syftet med denna uppsats är att analysera huruvida, och i så fall på vilket sätt, EU-domstolens avgörande Eurofood och därpå följande nationell domstolspraxis har minskat utrymmet för insolventa bolag att utföra forum shopping genom artikel 3.1 IF i jämförelse med rättsläget innan Eurofood. Uppsatsens slutsats är att EU-domstolens uttalanden i Eurofood i viss mån har försvårat genomförandet av forum shopping. Innan Eurofood var det en utbredd praxis (fallen Enron Directo SL, Daisytek-ISA Ltd m.fl.) att bryta sätespresumtionen med hänvisning, såsom primärt och avgörande skäl, till att det insolventa bolagets huvudkontorsuppgifter utförs i den medlemsstat där den aktuella domstolen är belägen, trots att bolagets (hela) verksamhet utförs i en annan stat där bolaget även har sitt säte. I Eurofood uttalade EU-domstolen att sätespresumtionen enbart kan brytas med hänvisning till objektiva och fastställbara omständigheter för tredje man. Därvid uttalades att när ett bolag bedriver verksamhet i den medlemsstat där det registrerade sätet är beläget, är den omständigheten att dess ekonomiska val kontrolleras eller kan kontrolleras av ett moderbolag i en annan medlemsstat inte i sig tillräckligt för att kullkasta presumtionen.

Specialpedagogers användning av styrdokument och förväntningar på kommande läroplan, Lgr11

Women today feel that their urban surroundings are unsafe, and because of that they use different strategies to reduce the risk of being exposed to criminal acts towards them. The focus of this study is to develop an understanding of the insecure feeling that women feel and what that feeling might originate from. By using previous research and theories we have been able to incorporate a gender perspective on the study this because the gender role is central to understand women?s feelings of insecurity. The purpose of the study was to develop a deeper understanding of women?s sense of safety and insecurity.The central questions of the study are1.

Med avfall upp till knäna - En osteologisk studie av tafonomi och medeltida avfallshantering i kvarteret Blekhagen i Lund

The subject of this master level thesis in historical osteology, is a study of waste management in the medieval town of Lund. The aims of the study is achieved through looking at the taphonomic aspects of bonefragments from the quarter Blekhagen. The study is divided in two separate sections, one that is a litterature study of what is known about waste management, and another one that contains a taphonomic and spatial analysis. Through examination of the taphonomic variables weathering, average weight and trampling and a spatial analysis, I am able to deduce that there are signs of controlled waste management in the material. It is not possible to draw any general conclusions about waste management in the medieval town however.

Webbutiker ? Hur hanteras frånvaron av det fysiska rummet för kommunikation?

Online shopping is growing and its turnover increases each year. Internet hastherefore become an important retail location for companies. Web shops lack thephysical room for marketing as well as face-to-face interaction between customer andsalesperson. Therefore there is a need to develop marketing and customercommunication methods for this way of shopping. In physical shops the customer hasthe ability to try on the garments and be pampered by the staff.

Bergsbrunna södra : analys och programförslag

This final project includes an analysis and a programme proposal for the area Bergsbrunna södra. The area is situated along the railway between Uppsala ? Stockholm, just south of Uppsala city. A new railway station is planned here, which make the area attractive as residential area. There are several values to take into consideration when developing an area. An extensive analysis and valuation may define and protect different characters and values, and also find the places most suitable to build upon. The area consists of three separate characters of landscape: the wide open cultivated fields, the hilly wooden ground and the more varying little valley. There are visual, cultural, social and ecological values to preserve. The south part of the area is woods with high natural values that borders to a national park in the natural forest of Lunsen.

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