

685 Uppsatser om Out-of-town shopping centres - Sida 10 av 46

Butikslayout- mer än bara estetik

The purpose of this study was to investigate the connection between store layout and how it affects us as shoppers. We formed our research questions based on literature. The study was based on observations of shoppers without their knowing they were observed. We didn?t tell shoppers since the science of shopping says that shoppers pattern of movement is something that?s subconscious and if the shoppers had known it would have affected the result of the study.

Identitet i ett konsumtionssamhälle : En studie i hur identitet och konsumtion påverkar varandra

Denna studie vill belysa hur konsumtion och identitet är sammankopplade och påverkar varandra åt båda håll. Identitet påverkar konsumtion och konsumtion påverkar identitet och det kan vara svårt att se vart det ena börjar och det andra slutar. Studien frågar sig hur konsumtionsmönster och känslor kring konsumtion beskrivs samt hur konsumtionsmönster kan förstås i relation till den fysiska identiteten?Enligt de teorier som finns runt konsumtion och identitetsskapande påverkar möjligheterna till konsumtion individens identitet och känslor vid konsumtion påverkar hur ofta individer konsumerar. Empirin i studien som har samlats in från sex kvinnor med olika åldrar genom semistrukturerade intervjuer illustrerar att ålder inte påverkar kvinnornas likheter och olikheter.

Hearing is believing

Today most studies regarding marketing are made on traditional marketing channels, answering questions like which jingle is best or which TV-channel a company should focus their marketing budget on. There is also the science regarding the best way of marketing on Social Networking sites or how to get as many 'likes' as possible, and so forth. However research has also been made in the field of in-store marketing and how a retailers or brand owners can affect customers in "the moment of truth". Until now most of these studies discuss how to get the attention of the customer in the store since both time as well as level of commitment in general is scarce when a customer is in a grocery store doing the necessary weekly- or complementary-shopping. It seems like most of them make the very same conclusion; catching the attention of a customer is vital to sell them your product.

Shopping Cart Support

This is a product development project which has developed a prototype in order to facilitate for people using mobility devices when they want to buy a larger quantity of groceries. The prototype is a shopping cart composed with the upper part of a walker.Today there are many different types of mobility devices used by elderly and people with physical impairment. According to Myndigheten för samhällsskydd och beredskap (MSB) are accidental falls the most common cause of accidents in Sweden.This project has been using Computer Aided Design (CAD) as a tool to create a visual image of the prototype. The advantage of this is to modify the functionality and performance of the prototype on the computer before the modification takes place in the real model. Using human manikins, the CAD model was rendered in natural surroundings to get as true a picture as possible.

Thank you for dining with us! En fallstudie av mystery dining på O`Learys

SammanfattningTitel: Thank you for dining with us! En fallstudier av mystery dining på O`LearysFörfattare: Maria Andersson, Cecilia Karlemark och Maria LöhrHandledare: Jörgen Eksell och Veronica ÅbergNyckelord: Kvalitet, servicekvalitet, kvalitetsarbete, O´Learys, mystery dining, mystery shopping, utbildning. Problem: Kvalitet i ett serviceföretag går endast att mäta i vissa avseenden. Problematiken uppstår eftersom kvalitet värderas efter ?kundupplevd tjänstekvalitet? som utgår från gästens egna bedömningar och preferenser. Följaktligen är det oerhört viktigt att ledningen kontrollerar och tillser att deras personal levererar god service under hela servicemötet.

Samernas åsikter om nomadskolan : -åren 1917-1919

It is widely recognized that the town of Södertälje, a small Swedish town of 85 000 inhabitants, has alone received more war refugees from Iraq than the US and Canada have put together. Whilst writing this thesis had nearly 6000 Iraqi refugees sought their way to Södertälje since the US invasion in Iraq 2003.Nevertheless, life is not what the media and the government retail. Six of these Iraqi refugees who resided in Södertälje share their life stories in the following thesis. They discuss their escape from Iraq and the difficulties of living in the segregated parts of Södertälje where they solely speak Arabic and Assyrian, whilst learning Swedish at sfi (Svenska för invandrare, Swedish for immigrants). Another distress is related to the unsecure future in Sweden waiting ahead.      The aim of this thesis is to engage in, and highlight the studies of six sfi-students in their endeavor to learn Swedish, whilst struggling through Swedish bureaucracy and experiencing despair due to their situation and uncertain future.       .

Riksintressets roll En studie av ombyggnaden av rådhuskvarteret inom riksintresset ?Centrala Kristianstad?

Uppsats för avläggande av filosofie kandidatexamen iKulturvård, Bebyggelseantikvariskt program15 hpInstitutionen för kulturvårdGöteborgs universitet2014:18.

Connection to nature - exploring opportunities by the Riverside Glerá in Akureyri, Iceland

In this thesis I have decided to take a closer look into my own ?backyard?. A river that runs through my hometown, Akureyri, has been a thorn in some people?s side. Glerá river has taken lives but it has also given the town possibilities to develop.

E-handel : Vilka faktorer styr vid valet att handla kla?der via Internet?

Internet har blivit na?stintill oumba?rligt i dagens va?rld. Fra?n online-spel till e-handel och fra?n kommunikationskanaler till ett informativt na?t, a?r Internet fo?rmodligen en av de mest framtra?ngande och vitt spridda uppfinningarna av va?r tid. Medan sa?kerheten kring anva?ndandet av Internet har diskuterats vilt sa? har anva?ndbarheten av Internet i olika omra?den inte utforskats till samma grad.

Sjuksköterskans syn på svårigheter i telefonrådgivning: En litteraturstudie. : Difficulties in telephone advice as perceived by registered nurses: A literature study.

Background.Telephone advice increases the accessibility to health care and the streamlined work at primary health care centres. The goal of telephone advice nursing is to give the caller a correct advice, adapted to the caller?s situation, in order to reach correct care level. However, registered nurse?s telephone advice includes risks for misjudgement.

"Jaha, det gick ju bra den här gången också" : En kvalitativ undersökning av seniorers förhållande till e-handel

In this paper we have examined why seniors do not use e-business to the same extent as other age groups. Seniors belong to the age group that, according to statistics from Statistics Sweden (SCB) in 2011, utilizes e-business the least in relation to the number who use the internet. To understand how seniors reason and perceive the possibility to shop on the internet, we have conducted four interviews with people from 65 years and older. We have let the respondents answer questions regarding utility aspects, e-business interfaces, general shopping habits, risks, and whether or not they usually shop online. We also found out how seniors reason when they sell products and services.

Parkplan för Kungälv med förutsättningar för sociala värden :

To work with environments outdoors for people, animals and plants is the main topic for the landscapearchitect. On several occasions the work is about public places that is to be in relation with other parts of the town. It is about the activities and the life that take place. The physical environment and the interpretation of it gives possibilities or obstructions for people who moves around or spend time in it.Since public places, parks and places for movement are used in daily life they strongly effect the people who use the places. The concequences of this effect can be positive or negative experiences.A positive example is a passage over a brook on the way to school while a negative one is to be afraid while passing a tunnel when it is dark outside. Other examples of concequences are stress effect from traffic noice or calming environments with twitter of birds. The physical environment is also a part of the total interpretation of a town.

Från rådhus till stadshus En fallstudie på ombyggnadsprocessen Göteborgs rådhus

Uppsats för avläggande av filosofie kandidatexamen iKulturvård, Bebyggelseantikvariskt program15 hpInstitutionen för kulturvårdGöteborgs universitet2013:5.

Ordning, reda och reglementen : en studie av disciplinen i tvågotländska folkskolor

Questions about discipline have always been current within the Swedish school system, from the sixteenth century until today. The purpose of this study is to compare the discipline in two old-time elementary schools, located on Gotland, with each other.This study will compare an old-time elementary school from the countryside with an old-time elementary school from a town to show the differences in discipline between the coun-tryside and a town. This study will also focus on how questions about discipline changes from 1847 to 1937/1941. In order to do so I have studied the regulations from the two schools and compared them with each other. When I discuss discipline I will use Michel Foucault?s theory concerning the development of power and discipline in modern society.My study shows that it did not differ much in questions of discipline between the two ex-amined old-time elementary schools.

Kvinnor njuter, män jagar -Myt eller sanning?

Idag riktar många butiker in sig på sina kvinnliga kunder. De är väl omtalat hur kvinnor handlar och att de ser shopping som ett nöje. Butikerna sätter upp erbjudande för att locka kvinnor att handla mer och göra dem tillfredsställda; då kommer de tillbaka igen. Det läggs inte ner lika mycket tid och engagemang på de manliga kunderna, då det finns olika teorier som säger att män inte tycker om att shoppa. Samtidigt som samhället har förändrats har också männen och kvinnorna förändras.

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