2165 Uppsatser om Organization - Sida 6 av 145
På vilket sätt arbetar en Barn- och utbildningsförvaltning i en kommun med ett arbetssätt som motsvarar problembaserat lärande? : In what/which way works a child- and educations administration in a rural district with a method as fulfil a problem based l
AbstractSeveral of researchers have reflected that the school ought to be developed to a learning Organization. A method as proceed from such a perspective and should be able to match a local child- and educations administration is problembased school development. To investigate in which ways a child- and educations administration prosecute a problem based learning inside the Organization a case study was used as research strategy. The question this report gives answer to is:In what/which way works a child- and educations administration in a rural district with a method to fulfil a problembased learning.To collect empiric data a canvassing inquiry was accomplished among the child- and educations administrations group of management. According to the research result it can declares that there are good conditions for the Organization to prosecute problem based school development, but there is yet a great deal to do before it´s can be said totally fulfilled.
From a rough to a fair way of organizing : En analys av genomförandeorganisationen i Svenska Golfförbundet
AimThe aim of this study has been to inquire into how the Swedish Golf Federation can make their implementation Organization more efficient. The intention with the essay has also been to conclude with a proposal for Organization structure for the Swedish Golf Federation. The questions of issue have been: How does today?s implementation Organization look like? At which level and within which areas do the interviewees consider that the major problems are found today? How do the interviewees consider that the implementation Organization should look like?MethodThrough a strategic selection in cooperation with the assigner the Swedish Golf Federation 15 interviewees have been chosen. The data collection has been executed in form of semi structured interviews.ResultsToday?s Organization for implementation consists of one central function in Golfens hus with approximately 75 salaried employees, 21 district federations and 485 clubs.
Synen på idealelever i Pedagogisk tidskrift 1945-1962 utifrån en differentierande och exkluderande pedagogisk diskurs
AbstractSeveral of researchers have reflected that the school ought to be developed to a learning Organization. A method as proceed from such a perspective and should be able to match a local child- and educations administration is problembased school development. To investigate in which ways a child- and educations administration prosecute a problem based learning inside the Organization a case study was used as research strategy. The question this report gives answer to is:In what/which way works a child- and educations administration in a rural district with a method to fulfil a problembased learning.To collect empiric data a canvassing inquiry was accomplished among the child- and educations administrations group of management. According to the research result it can declares that there are good conditions for the Organization to prosecute problem based school development, but there is yet a great deal to do before it´s can be said totally fulfilled.
Utanförskapet möter Försäkringskassan. En studie om resande idéer, översättning och meningsskapande.
My problem comes out of the bigger question ?why the Catholic church is featured in horror films whenever a religious Organization is in one?? I have detected in the horror films that I've seen that when a religious Organization is in a horror movie it's the Catholic church that gets to act as church and religion. I have chosen the following problem: How is the Catholic church presented in the horror movies The Exorcist and The Rite, and how can one understand these presentations from a role theoretic perspective?Since role theory has it's background in the world of the theater with it's actors and roles, it came naturally to use role theory, and specifically Goffmans dramatic model. I've used this model in a film analysis of the movies.
Pedagogiskt ledarskap en utopi!? : en studie i pedagogisk ledarskap utifrån två olika organisationsformer
This work is a study of how the principal's educational leadership designs in two different forms of Organization. I have chosen to do a comparative study between how two headmasters identify educational leadership, and to what level they feel they can act as educational leaders in their school. The comparison is made between two educational Organizations, and two principals? image, one in Sweden and one in New Zealand. I have chosen interview as method and I have only two respondents on the grounds that is the person's unique perception I want to bring into focus.
Socialsekreteraren och organisationen : ett samspel på gott och ont
Different forms of Organization in the field of social work, creates different conditions of the individual social workers occupation. This affects not only the people who carry out this work, but also the clients who come in contact with social services. This survey was based on six interviews executed during spring in the year 2010. The respondents were social workers within economic aid and their nearest executive manager at two municipalities in Kalmar County. The overall aim for this survey was to examine how these social workers were influenced by various ways to organize the municipal work activity. This through following questions:How was respective social service in the municipalities organized?How were the social worker effected in their daily work by the Organization?Where there any specific up- or downsides in the way that economic aid was organized in the aspect of the social workers daily work? The result of this survey was synonymous with a lot of the previously executed research in the area in the sense that the larger municipalities were more specialized in its Organization than the smaller.
Interna informationsresurser ? Fallstudie av en statlig myndighet
The aim of this Master?s thesis is to study the relations between internal information and the principal business objectives in a knowledge Organization. The questions are: how does the Organization behave to its internal information resources, how is the information management related to the principal objectives and strategies, what information policy does the Organization develop, and how is the management experienced by the employees. The purpose was to study the supply and management of information designed for internal use and the study was carried out with qualitative, semi-structured interviews to get a picture of the internal information management. The informants were mostly key persons with deep knowledge of internal information.
Forskning och museer : en kartläggning av fältet
Today every Organization is committed to some kind of environmental scanning in order to get necessary knowledge of the world around them. The acquisition, Organization and storage of information in combination with a strategic use, is today an important factor for a successful organisation in any sector of our society.In this Master thesis I have studied how an organisation such as The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise (Svenskt Näringsliv) handles its information resources. I have also looked at the flow of information within the Organization. The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise is Sweden?s largest business federation representing 50 member Organizations and 55 000 member companies.
Subkultur och kommunikation : påverkar olika kulturer den hierarkiska kommunikationen i en organisation?
The essay studies the relationship between communication and Organizational culture; to determine if there are any cultural differences between the management of an Organization and its employees and to examine how a difference can affect the communication of Organizational policies. A case study, where the public school was examined, was used to answer the research question, and interviews were held with relevant people on different levels in the Organization.The interviews were analyzed with the theoretical frame of reference as a benchmark. Cultural differences could be identified between different levels in the Organization and between the two schools studied. The differences affected how and why people communicated but not how well the respondents understood each other.Keywords: Organizational culture, subculture, Organizational communication, affects, hierarchy..
Katolska kyrkans roll i skräckfilm En rollteoretisk analys av Katolska kyrkan i filmerna Exorcisten och Ritualen.
My problem comes out of the bigger question ?why the Catholic church is featured in horror films whenever a religious Organization is in one?? I have detected in the horror films that I've seen that when a religious Organization is in a horror movie it's the Catholic church that gets to act as church and religion. I have chosen the following problem: How is the Catholic church presented in the horror movies The Exorcist and The Rite, and how can one understand these presentations from a role theoretic perspective?Since role theory has it's background in the world of the theater with it's actors and roles, it came naturally to use role theory, and specifically Goffmans dramatic model. I've used this model in a film analysis of the movies.
Alldeles för byråkratisk? : En studie av Djurskyddsmyndighetens organisation
The purpose of this essay is to describe the Organization of the Swedish Animal WelfareAgency during the time it was in operation. The Swedish Animal Welfare Agency was established in 2005 by the government who saw it as necessary in order to strengthen the protection of cruelty to animals in Sweden. However, the agency was shut down already in2007 and its responsibilities as an agency was moved back to the government and the department of agriculture. During its time in operation, the Swedish Animal Welfare Agency, received much criticism, among other things because of its interpretations of the law which were seen as too focused on details and thus ?bureaucratic?.
Systemet framför allt? : En studie över dokumentationskraven i grundskolan
The education sector can be seen as a cornerstone of today's society, an Organization that is under constant change and evolve as society. The compulsory school system is of significant role in society that places high demands on its management. The following study investigates the requirements for documentation in primary school Organization and operations, and how these requirements are perceived and affect the school's Organization and activities of the study carried out at different levels of the Organization so as to get an overall picture of its impact. In order to analyze and create understanding of the results, the study applies the theory of New Public Management and various reforms that can be linked to the increased documentation requirements and its influence in the public administration. Study results show that there is a mixed picture of the documentation impact on the school system. Shown are both positive and negative effects of the documentation requirements.
Att leda den kommunala utbildningsorganisationen : En studie ur förvaltningschefens perspektiv
This study is based on interviews with five directors of educational administration within the Stockholm County. The purpose is to investigate how the directors of educational administrations, in the different municipalities, describe the relationship between the administration and the local school units. Moreover, the aim is also to describe the administration director?s work in relation to the various levels of the administration. To what extent can it be identified as a dimension of the learning Organization described in this report.The study shows that skepticism is usually directed upwards toward the next level in the Organization and that the decision-making right for local schools is consistently safeguarded.
Från Taylorism till Salutogenes : En studie inom svensk äldreomsorg
A publicly funded elderly care that is widely available at people?s homes has been described as unique for the Nordic countries. There is much research that focuses on the relationship between caregivers and care receivers, and also about how work is organized in these Organizations. However, research into how care work is organized in Organizations that have implemented a salutogenic approach is limited. This is a qualitative study aimed to examine how caregivers feel that the Organization of work in elderly care change after implementation of salutogenic elements in their daily work.
Det går som tåget : Organisationers kommunikativa krisutmaningar
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine different Organizations' views on their communicative crisis work. The study will analyze Organizations' crisis prevention efforts, its views on the crisis of accountability in relation to stakeholders and to work for a crisis to be elucidated. In order to delineate the study focuses the investigation on various train Organizations. Then the concept of crisis is something that circulated widely in the train sector in recent years.Theory: This examination has chosen to use the theory Situational Crisis Communication Theory. It is an empirically tested theory of a collection of different strategies.