

5653 Uppsatser om Organization theories - Sida 48 av 377

Familjehemsutredningar : Socialtjänstens arbete med privata aktörer

This essay deals with the social services cooperation with the private sector relating to foster care. The aim was to examine whether and what the causes may be that the social service transfer tasks of authority to private actors. Furthermore, we have examined and discussed if such a working procedure can lead to consequences for the individual child and how / if the children's legal security is affected. Survey methodology is qualitative in nature where we conducted semi-structured interviews with three persons who work in different ways to be involved in work with a foster family. We have also made use of questionnaires sent to social workers around the country.The result has been interpreted on the basis inter alia, legal texts, legislative history, and two theories which have their origin in organization theory.

En ny värld? : En kvalitativ studie om hur förskollärare ser på sin första tid i yrket

The aim of this thesis was to use qualitative approaches to show how four preschool teachers experienced their start in the profession as a preschool teacher. The questions in the stydy were as follows: What kind of expectations did the preshool teachers have before the start in the profession? What did the preshool teachers experience as difficulty and opportunity at the start in the profession? How do they think now about their professional development during the early period in the profession? The empirical material, I got through a qualitative interview method. My theoretical starting point was to take the hermeneutic research perspective, aimed for interpreting and understanding. Theories of Socialization and socialization for teachers, socio-cultural theories and theories of tacit knowledge have been used to analyze the material.

Deloittes konkurrensstrategier : Försäljning av ekonomisk fastighetsförvaltning åt bostadsrättsföreningar

The aim of this study is to find out in which way the education about climate in school is taught and how the students experience the world situation today. There are various theories about the greenhouse effect and its origin and these theories should be addressed to ensure that students get a broader understanding of how climate change occurs. This includes the natural phenomena and also the human impact on climate change. Students in school are a source of concern that only human are the cause of global warming, and know little or almost nothing about the natural phenomena of global warming.  I will mention what has emphasized in the national steering documents in the case of environmental education at school.I have used a qualitative method, where interviews and document analysis were used as techniques. The interviews took place with five students in ninth grade and with three science teachers in the same school..

Arbete med etiska och moraliska frågor i styrning av företag

Sammanfattning Syfte:Syftet med vår undersökning var att skapa förståelse för hur företag arbetar med etiska och moraliska frågor i samband med ekonomistyrning. Metod:Vår undersökning har gjorts i tre svenska företag genom personliga intervjuer med personer i chefs- eller ledarposition på varje företag. Den insamlade empirin har sedan sammanställts och analyserats genom att jämföra den med vårt teoriavsnitt. Slutsats:Vi har kommit fram till fyra punkter som enligt vår undersökning är centrala för arbetet med etiska och moraliska frågor i de företag vi undersökt. Dessa är värderingar, förståelse, ledarskap och företaget. Abstract Purpose:Our purpose was to clarify how companies work with ethical matters in relation to its management control system. Method:Our thesis has been prepared at three Swedish companies where we have completed personal interviews with people in management or leading positions in each of the companies. The collected data was analyzed and compared to the different theories presented in our theory chapter. Result:We have found four central elements, which according to our research are central for the work with ethical matters in the companies we have researched. They are values, understanding, leadership and the company itself..

Kriminalitet sätter mannen på prov ? En studie av identitetsskapande i romanen Snabba Cash.

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to examine how representations of identity construction are performed through the characters in the novel Snabba Cash by author Jens Lapidus. I examine what means the characters are using, and how the identity construction processes are related to the idea of modern society. For a theoretical background I use sociologist Anthony Giddens? theories regarding modernity and self-identity, to study general identity construction.

Våld och hot om våld inom socialt arbete : - en studie om fem socialarbetares upplevelser och förståelse av våld och hot om våld från brukare

The aim of this study was to understand how social workers perceive and understand violence and threats of violence from clients, and how it effect their working environment. It seems that the respondents understand the violence and threats of violence from clients as a result of the clients background problems, vulnerability, dependency and from ?the reason" that the client is currently in the contact with the organization. How respondents interpret the client´s behaviour based on the above-mentioned factors, seem to determine how the respondents perceive and define the violence and threats of violence by clients directed against them. Interestingly enough, although all respondents in the study experienced violence and threats of violence from clients, none of them perceived themselves as exposed at work. The answer to this is consensual.

Internkommunikation vid förändringsarbete : en studie av internkommunikationen vid omlokaliseringen av Konsumentverket

The main purpose of this essay is to through theories about internal communication, channels to communicate through and change management study how these can be related to the processes at the Swedish Consumer Agency due to its future relocation. The main question within this essay is therefore:- How has the internal communication and the change management at the Swedish Consumer Agency developed in comparison with the prescribed theories?This essay is divided into three different parts (ideal, reality, ideal/reality) which can be derived to the essays theory, result and analysis chapters. The theories are the ideal while the result describes the internal communication and the change management during the process (the reality). In the analysis chapter, the ideal and the reality are compared to distinguish how the reality has been working in comparison to the ideal.The internal communication has mainly been distinguished through the authority?s intranet and the information communicated has comparatively been fast, open, objective and reliable.

"Aha, det är bara studentradio" : En kvalitativ studie om medielandskapets underdog och kampen om legitimitet

The Bachelor thesis ?Oh, it?s only student radio? is a qualitative study of the Swedish student radio and its members. The study aims to investigate the professionalisation of the radio hosts through Pierre Bourdieu?s theories of field and habitus as well as theories of profession. In order to do so, it?s also necessary to establish the radiostations? perceived role in today?s media landscape by analysing their ambition in relation to other media organisations.

Banbrytande formgivning i Sveriges textilindustri En studie om Astrid Sampes m?nsterproduktion

The main focus of this study are the textile prints created by Astrid Sampe (1909-2002). Her fabrics can tell us more about her than a biography ever could. They can reveal how we experience patterns, why we are attracted to them and how our preferences can evolve over time. This study examines four different patterns, and the thesis aims to define Sampe and her textile prints using three different theories and a formal aesthetic analysis. Modernistic and postmodernism theories are relevant when explaining the period where the fabrics were created and how Sampe's ideas were conceived during her lifetime.

Supportervåld och strategisk kommunikation : Hur arbetar fotbollsklubbar med strategisk kommunikation med avseende på supportervåld?

Aim: The overall aim of this survey was to show whether, and possibly how, Stockholm?s three biggest football clubs (in supporter counts) works strategically with their communication regarding to supporter violence. A further goal of this paper is to contribute with knowledge that could be used by football clubs in their efforts against supporter violence. From this purpose two questions were constructed: 1) Do football clubs work strategically with their communications with regard to supporter violence? In that case, how? 2) Can work with strategic communication in terms of supporter violence improve? In such cases, how?Material and Method: The method used in this studie is of a qualitative character.

Ledarskapsutbildning ? till nytta eller nöje för Kommunstyrelsens ordförande? : En uppsats om betydelsen av ledarskapsutbildning

Many IT projects that have been developed in recent years are often considered to be unsuccessful. According to a study by Exido up to the 72% of all IT projects are considered to be failed. A failed IT projects means that the organizations that have ordered the new system may have higher costs or/and the system will not be ready in time. If costs are too high the new system might not be installed in the organization or if the system is not completed within the specified time frame the organization can become stagnant.In this paper we conduct an investigation of the failure of IT projects there we will examine where, in the systems development lifecycle four different phases, projects fail. We will conduct an empirical study of each phase, where we describe the key steps in the process; we will also investigate failed IT projects that are linked to the current phase.

Akustisk mätning av U-värde

This pre-study investigates the possibility of U-value measurements through an acoustic method. A hypothesis about an acoustic model built on acoustic theories combined with U-value theories is presented to answer the questions: ? Can U-value theory be combined with acoustic theories? ? Can the coefficient of heat be affirmed trough an acoustic measurement? The idea for this dissertation begun with a logical idea in mathematical similarity, between the coefficient of heat transmission units and sound intensity units. The U-value theory is based on assumptions such as initial resistance for inner walls and initial resistance for outer walls. The resistance in the material is interpreted through sound intensity theory. The argument is built upon mass law theory, which means if the frequency or thickness of the material layer doubles it implies an increase of sound reduction by 6 dB.

Personalliggaren : Hur har svartarbetet påverkats?

This essay was written at Södertörn University during the spring semester of 2010, in the field of Business Administration, and more precisely within management and organization. The essay is based on a case study of the management of the staff working at the commuter train stations in Stockholm. The study consists of a number of interviews with the management staff and with the personnel working at the stations, where the aim of the study is to describe how management works within ISS Trafficare AB and what the personnel working at the stations think of it. ISS Trafficare AB is the entrepreneur who runs the commuter train stations in Stockholm by an agreement met with Stockholmståg KB.The study is based on information from the interviews with the personnel and other material from ISS Trafficare AB. Research on the area of management have been used to put data into perspective and to further deepen our analysis and conclusions from the case.The essay shows that the management has tried to implement several changes on the organization in order to provide more service to the travelers.

?Tolkien himself would be proud? - En studie av fansens deltagande i expanderanderingen av en fiktiv värld

This essay examines fans contributions in a transmedia culture. I examine how fans relate and use the fictional worlds in the creations of their own films. The study focusing on the use of graphical elements and character design in some fan films. The examination is done by using two intertextual theories. One of the theory is Lubomir Dolezel theory on transfictional relationships and the other one is Gérad Genette theory on the realtion in transtextuality.

Cykelparkeringsplatser : Grundläggande principer för planering, lokalisering och utformning

This bachelor thesis is about illustrating the fundamental principles for planning, locatingand designing bicycle parking spaces. The study aims to give an understanding of theneed and demand for bicycle parking spaces today, as well as to determine how these canbe met according to different theories. The study also aims to investigate the issue withincorrectly parked bicycles, which occurs frequently in the cityscape and therefore createsan obstacle in street spaces.An observational study on the new bicycle lots along Götgatan was conducted in orderto analyze how the theories of bicycle parking spaces are applied in practice. Cyclistswere then interviewed in order to obtain a deeper understanding of the cyclists? revealedpreferences.

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