

9048 Uppsatser om Organization and personnel management - Sida 25 av 604

NBF- Förmågan att se på andra sidan kullen eller ?Kejsarens nya kläder"

So- called ?Network Based Defense? (NBD) was introduced in Sweden in connection with the transformation of the Swedish Armed Forces in 1999. NBD is based on the U.S. variant Network Centric Warfare (NCW), which in turn is derived from research on the concept of Revolution in Military Affairs (RMA). In Sweden the concept was introduced and included not only the Armed Forces but was intended to also support the Swedish civilian agencies in order to create networks and hence share the available information and thus more effective crisis management and to provide more "bang for the buck." In developing the concept of NBD the Swedish Armed Forces used both economic and human resources, in the form of research, new technologies, new organization and new methods.Between year 2004 and 2006 the Armed Forces once again entered the process of reorganization.

Den professionella kommunikatören : En undersökning av svenska kommunikations-ansvarigas syn på sitt arbete jämfört med de formuleringar som anges i Stockholm Accords

The purpose of this study is to investigate the Swedish Public Relations and Communication profession from the Stockholm Accords point of view. The Stockholm Accords are an attempt to reflect Public Relations and Communication Management practice as it stands today and to provide a global common ground for the practitioners.The method used for this study is a quantitative research method conducted by a web survey answered by more than 400 Swedish communication managers. The questions posed were examining these managers view of their profession compared to the Stockholm Accords.The research shows that the Swedish way of implementing communication in the organization broadly corresponds to the Stockholm Accords when it comes to internal and external communication. However, there are some areas where Swedish communication practice diverges from Stockholm Accords. The issues which link governance, management and sustainability to communication have a much wider distribution of responses.

Produktutveckling av EMV och LMV ? en jämförande studie

Existing studies concerning private labels are unclear as to whether private label manufacturers carry out product development themselves. Furthermore, there is a lack of studies comparing product development processes in private label companies and national brand manufacturers. This study highlights a set of critical product development factors and assesses their prevalence in four different companies in the Swedish retail business. The study is based on a number of qualitative interviews with key personnel responsible for various table fats. Findings indicate two levels of involvement in the product development process on the private label side.

Att skapa enhetlighet - En tillsyn av en tillsynsmyndighet.

My problem comes out of the bigger question ?why the Catholic church is featured in horror films whenever a religious organization is in one?? I have detected in the horror films that I've seen that when a religious organization is in a horror movie it's the Catholic church that gets to act as church and religion. I have chosen the following problem: How is the Catholic church presented in the horror movies The Exorcist and The Rite, and how can one understand these presentations from a role theoretic perspective?Since role theory has it's background in the world of the theater with it's actors and roles, it came naturally to use role theory, and specifically Goffmans dramatic model. I've used this model in a film analysis of the movies.

Hållbart agerande inomFacilities Management ? Fem förslag på förändrade arbetssätt vid outcourcing

Sustainability is a term that is constantly gaining focus in our society and we are becoming more and more aware of the need to take the next generation into consideration when making decisions. The sustainable activity within the core business is growing and is also connected to profitability in ways that have not been seen before. However, the activities that are not included in the core business have not yet reached this long-term perspective. These non-core businesses within an organization goes under the term Facilities Management (FM).This paper focuses onReal Estate businesses, FM-suppliers and the relation between them.The purpose is to investigate current knowledge regarding outsourced FM-services and the real estate organisation?s use of these services.

"Jag vägrar sätta in mig i en norm!" : En studie av "BRYT! - ett metodmaterial om normer i allmänhet och heteronormen i synnerhet"

In this essay I examine how the norm-critical material ?BRYT! ett metodmaterial om normer i allmänhet och heteronormen i synnerhet? is used by Hyresgästföreningen in Stockholm in their education of personnel in the perspective of equalisation. I?ve mostly been interested in how the personnel who takes part in workshops about the material react and reflect in relation to the purpose of the material. How do they discuss about norms and the connection to discrimination and how do they look upon the power and responsibility that comes with power in relation to norms?  Earlier research in norm critical pedagogy and the critic of tolerans pedagogy perspective helps me to analyse how critical pedagogy stands above non-critical pedagogy in many perspectives.By observing workshops and by interviewing personnels taking part in these workshops I?ve examined how they react on both the practical and theoretical parts of the material.To summarise my examination I find the personnel who is educated in working with the material discover new experiences in knowledge and on how norms and discrimination functions.

?Det finns inga genvägar? En fallstudie av Södra Älvsborgs Sjukhus verksamhetschefers upplevelse av strategisk internkommunikation

Communication is essential for the survival of an organization. The management formulates strategies to ensure thatthe organization will get to where they want it to go. The strategy is then communicated to the co-workers through the line manager. But who is to say that the co-worker experience the message the same way as the line manager or the management for that matter? The purpose of this study is toinvestigate how the middle managers at Southern Älvsborg Hospital experience strategic internal communication andfurther how they communicate with their co-workers.Through a case study approach, the case being the communication of the hospitals research strategy, I conducted 13 interviews.I analyzed the material from the interviews using a hermeneutical approach and I used an interpretative approach to get a deeper understanding.

Att dela eller inte dela kunskap - En multipel studie om utmaningar med Knowledge Management på svenska advokatbyråer

The law firm industry has during the last years met new demanding conditions and one tool to handle these new conditions has been to implement a Knowledge Management system. Large investments have been made in these Knowledge Management systems but the implementations have met many challenges from within the organizations.With a multiple study, based on interviews with Knowledge Management Managers included in a Knowledge Management network, this thesis aims to study the challenges with Knowledge Management and the underlying causes. The result, based on McDermott's theories shows challenges within technical, personal, social and management areas where the law firm need to shift a focus from Information to Knowledge Management, create a culture of trust and integration and use the informal powerbase.The causes for these challenges are found in the base of Mintzbergs theories of Professional bureaucracy where the Knowledge Management is affected by strong self-regulated individualist, a divided organizational structure and industry conditions..

Tid är dyrbart och det gäller att göra det bästa möjliga av det man har : Utvärdering av en ledningsgrupp baserad på intervjuer, enkätundersökning och observationer.

The purpose of this study was to identify the positive and negative aspects of the work and dynamics of a management team and from that recommend how the team can improve. The aim was also to investigate whether there was a gap between how the members of the management team comprehend themselves and how the project, section and team managers comprehend the management team. The management team contains of seven core team members and is the head function of a research and development site in central Sweden. The results are based on interviews with the present members of the management team and three former members, a survey among the project, section and team managers and by participating observation on meetings with the team. The results show that the management team is an overall well-functioning team that with some changes and improvements, especially concerning communication and information, can reach even further.

  Människobehandlande organisationer :   - En studie i upplevelser av positiva och negativa kontakter ur ett klientperspektiv

This is a qualitative study that includes participants that are in connection with a non-civic organization in Sweden. The study aims to capture the participants? subjective experiences regarding human service organizations. The starting point is to catch both their positive and negative experiences, and then try to concretize what directed their perception in both ways. Is there any specific organization that is represented in positive and the negative column? Is it possible to explain the experience by looking at the organization and the organizational goals? Is it possible to see variables that might explain the perception?The study has a narrative focus that seeks the answers in the organisational context rather than in the stories themselves.

Den lilla kommunen : En fallstudie av Torsås kommuns arbetsmarknadspolitik

The essay's purpose is to find out why municipalities engaged in local labor market policies and the study focused on a smaller survey unit. In the paper an analysis is made of the Torsås municipality's labor market policy. The work also intends to structure the political organization and their cooperation with other players. The survey methods used were interviews and a case study. The essay results are based on two interviews.

Svenska Basketbollförbundets Regionsutvecklingsprojekt U15 : En studie av förändringsprocessen för regionsutvecklingsprojektet och regionsledarnas attityder till organisationsförändringen

In 2009, the Swedish Basketball Federation started a Region U15 development project in order to change the structure of the regional organization to get into a more transparent and similar operations throughout the country. My purpose is to study the attitudes to the change among the region leaders in the regional operations and evaluate the change from an organizational perspective. The study is primarily based on the following questions: What are the experiences of the change process among the region leaders in the regional organization? How involved have region leaders been in the changing process? Which are the positive and negative aspects with the regional operation today? What can be done further to develop the regional operation and to what extent do the organizational change follow general organizational theories? In my study, a qualitative method was used in terms of interviews with 8 regional leaders to understand their attitude to the project and the changing process. To analyze the results of the region leaders ?responses, a transcription have been made.

Hjältar med låg lön : En studie om en ?yrkessåpas? påverkan på personalens motivation

The amount of television entertainment of the character ?reality program series? has increased on Swedish television, because of this it could be generally considered that television entertainment is in a ?reality series era?. In recent years so called ?work soaps? have become very popular. This is a television series, where through the TV screen; we have the possibility to view ordinary people in their daily lives and often dramatic work.

Upplevelser av att leva med medicinsk teknik

The purpose of doing this essay was to illustrate how people living with chronic disease, dependent on medical technology experience their life situation. The study includes people with either dialysis therapy, mechanical ventilator or chronic oxygen therapy. A meta-synthesis was used as a method where a systematically review of studies that are made in a given issue compiles. Findings of the studies resulted in a synthesis of three themes: Limitations in life as a consequence of life-long treatment, to take responsibility for your life provide self-esteem and safeness, and to be cared for in different contexts ?help or prohibit.

Var tar det stopp? - En studie om överensstämmelsen mellan planerad och realiserad HR-strategi

Syftet med uppsatsen är att skapa en förståelse för överensstämmelsen mellan planerad och realiserad HR-strategi hos HR-avdelning, mellanchefer och medarbetare; med fokus på urval, utvärdering, belöning och utveckling. För att uppnå syftet har en kvalitativ fallstudie genomförts. En ostrukturerad intervju och nio semistrukturerade har utförts. Teorier kring HRM och Personnel Management tas upp samt kopplingen mellan företagsstrategi och HR-strategi belyses. En redogörelse görs för de fyra HR-processerna; urval, utvärdering, belöning och utveckling.

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