

9048 Uppsatser om Organization and personnel management - Sida 20 av 604

Sociala medier för Knowledge management : Företags användning av webb 2.0 baserade kollaborationsverktyg för kunskapshantering

Knowledge is today one of the most important resources for an organization to handle. But knowledge can also be difficult for organizations to manage. The internet is still growing and new tools take form that allows users to effectively share information. The purpose of this report was to describe how organizations can make use out of internal social media to facilitate knowledge management processes. Three issues involving mapping, coding and dissemination of knowledge to were produced to answer the thesis. The study was limited to examining the identification, coding and dissemination of knowledge through the internal social media plattformen, IBM Connections. The theoretical framework emphasizes how social networks can promote knowledge sharing, how a knowledge mapping can promote knowledge dissemination and sharing, how knowledge can be stored in data sources and how important interaction is to spread awareness. The theory has been supplemented by descriptions of how the system IBM Connections works. Surveys were conducted on four companies that use IBM Connections as an internal communication plattformen. The four companies were selected to illustrate how they use the plattformen of knowledge management processes and we chose to interview the people who were responsible for the introduction of the plattformen. The study identified several similarities between the different companies and that although there were some technical and cultural recalcitrant units against this new type of system within the organization so favored IBM Connections knowledge in several ways. The built-in search automatic created a map of knowledge through the plattform's user profiles. Saved files and documents could be found even after the employees left the company, which encodes knowledge into the company knowledge resources. The opportunity to interact with one another, often over great distances, favored the sharing of knowledge. A comparison with the theoretical framework provided us with the conclusion that internal social media can be used in several ways to Knowledge management through automated knowledge maps, the ability to store knowledge within the company and to communicate knowledge across functional and geographical boundaries in interactive discussions..

Kunskapsutveckling och lärande vid utveckling av en ny mjukvara. En fallstudie på ESBE AB.

This study is based on the development of a new software, which is used as a recommendationtool for selecting the best product. As part of the software development has an external partnerbeen asked to assist. The report will process the expectations that different people have on anew project but also how information is communicated to an external partner.The results from this study show that a software's function is closely linked to its usability.Therefore shall usability been taken into account when a new resource is created. The study alsoshows the importance of being able to share information, on how the program will beconstituted, to someone outside the organization..

Chef över Erik men inte över Anna : påverkas företags styrning då inhyrd personal ingår i personalstyrkan?

The use of temporary workers gives companies the opportunity to be flexible, by avoiding hiring and dismissing workers because of economic conditions and trends in demand. The management control in use at the company has the purpose of influencing employees? behaviour to act in the company?s best interest and towards its goals. The management control should also influence the behaviour of the temporary worker. The companies have to create motivation and commitment among the temporary workers although they are employed by a staffing agency.

Stora Enso : Vägen till ett lyckat hållbarhetsarbete

 There is an ongoing reorganization within media industries today as they adapt to new and changing demands - the environment is changing fast and the organizations with it. The development of new technology is contributing to new forms of media distribution in the present media industry. The structure of media organizations is getting flatter and the co-workers are getting a new and bigger role. All this is bringing new challenges for the leaders of the organization. Caught in the middle of these new structures is the middle manager who now is facing different demands from all sides.

Omstruktureringars betydelse för organisatoriska lärprocesser : Ett kunskapsperspektiv på att dela en verksamhet och köpa verksamhetsnära it-tjäsnter

The thesis aims to understand how learning processes are affected when an organization split into two separate organizations. The study is designed as a single case, covering a new government agency?s takeover of a core activity from another agency and the use of a purchase-provider split between the agencies, providing the new agency with IT-services. The findings revealed a difference in productive system and knowledge types between core- and IT-activities. The core activity was found to be dominated by explicit knowledge while the IT-activity seemed to be dominated by a mix of explicit and tacit knowledge.

Behov av flexibilitet i COTS-system : Hur COTS-system möter användarnas behov i olika organisationer

This thesis examines if commercial-of-the-shelf (COTS) systems meet the needs in different types of organizations. This was investigated through a case study of a COTS system. The system is built for contact centers and used in different types of organizations. Contextual inquiries with users from six different organizations were held together with interviews with stakeholders of the system. This gave an understanding for how the system is used and the needs to be met in the different organizations were recognized.

Val av outsourcing-leverantör. En fallbaserad studie av hur organisationer väljer outsourcing leverantör.

This report explores how organizations act when they are choosing an Outsourcing supplier. The study was conducted through multiple interviews with managers of different organizations. The data from those interviews was then analyzed through the use of two theoretical models. Our findings indicate that most organizations share the same base factors (qualifiers) when selecting an Outsourcing supplier. What therefore become crucial are the key factors that the Organizations see as Order winning factors.

Att tala så det träffar : Om konsten att ge och ta feedback

To have a functioning organization where there is a self-development for employees them selves, as well as between managers and employees, where employees are empowered and work for the organization and its goals. Feedback seems to be the main instrument to solve problems and create that organization. At the Military Academy Karlberg and the basic officers training there is a lot of discussions about feedback and how it is supposed to be carried out. This essay discusses the matter of how well we live up to the demands set by leadership classes at the Military Academy, what the platoon leaders do think about how feedback takes its expression. The questions about how feedback is used are to be answered by interviews with five platoon leaders and their thoughts about how feedback is communicated at the Academy.

Arbetsmiljö för djursjukskötare på ett smådjurssjukhus : inriktat på belastningsergonomi

Purpose: The aim of this study was to observe and describe the work environment of veterinary nurses, focused on fysical ergonomics, in a Small Animal hospital. Method: An observational study was made in the stationary ward in an animal hospital. The observation was based on a checklist from the Swedish Work Environment Authority. Six veterinary nurses was observed over three hours when they nursed the patients. The checklist contained paragraphs concerning work postures, manuell work, knowledge, competence and the design of the workplace. Result: The results was divided into three categories; red, yellow and green.

Styrmedel för att hantera kreditrisk: En fallstudie av Handelsbanken Sergel

The Swedish bank Handelsbanken has, according to their own way of measuring, been more successful than a weighted average of their competitors during the last 38 years. They have also handled the recent financial crisis, as well as the one in the 1990´s, better than most other banks. This paper studies their management control system at branch level in order to identify the controls which have been enforced to ensure that a low risk level is retained in the lending. The controls that have been identified are; (1) A decentralized organization with the offices as profit centers where the manager has restrictions regarding risk level and the results are measured as K/I (cost/revenue). (2) The absence of bonuses and individual follow-up regarding performance measurement.

Sjuksköterskans erfarenheter av att i palliativ vård arbeta enligt standardvårdplanen LCP

The purpose of this thesis is to identify power structures and instruments of power within the Jehovah?s witnesses and investigate how they affect the baptized youths baptized within the organization. The material consists of qualitative in-depth interviews and is analyzed with Foucault's theories of power. The results show that the participants have a very strict relationship to the rules of the congregation and also that they take great care in observing these rules carefully. It becomes evident that young members are exposed to disciplinary measures from the organization.

En förändringsprocess på VCBC

In the beginning of the 21st century, a number of scandals were pointed out in the US. Enterprises like WorldCom and Enron went into bankruptcy, and inaccuracies in their account were made public. This led to the fact that a new law, SOX 404, was established in the US. The law says in its whole that enterprises must have better control of their internal accounts.The aim with this paper is to examine how the surrounding world of an organization with stakeholders as well as other surrounding elements, affect or force an organization to change, and how a changing process is introduced and accomplished.We carried through a survey as well as interviews at the actual organization. Furthermore, we investigated why the change has come into practice as well as attitudes and opinions towards the change, and lastly, how the changing process has been accomplished.

SCA Skogs arbetsmetoder för att fastställa nyttan av en väginvestering

The basis of road investments is to minimize the transportation cost. The forest industry wants roundwood to be available during the whole year. One way of determine which road to invest in is to do a cost/benefit calculation. SCA Forest lacks a uniform approach to determine the utility of a road investment. The goal of this report is to describe how the organization works today and find areas of improvement. The data collection was done through interviews.

Medicinen är kryckan, inte lösningen: personals upplevelser av de psykosociala inslagen i läkemedelsassisterad underhållsbehandling

The meaning of the concept of psychosocial treatment is ambiguous. The purpose of this study was to examine how professionals within some care institutions, which provide methadone, buprenorphine or naloxone treatment, regard and carry out the psychosocial features of such treatment. Central issues discussed were; how personnel approach the psychosocial features of the treatment, what personnel regard as a focus in the psychosocial treatment, what conditions personnel consider affect treatment positively in order for it to be successful and how personnel see the relation between the medical and psychosocial features of the treatment. The method used was interviews with nine professionals in six qualitative interviews. The theoretical perspectives and concepts used in our analysis were; the theory of biological dependence, an organizational perspective, Prochaska and DiClemente's Stages of Change Model, the concept of individual reality and the concept of marginal conflict.Results show that the conditions most important for successful treatment are; that the patient has a place to live, an occupation, motivation, that the patient take responsibility for his/hers progress and have realistic expectations about the effects of the medicine.

Verksamhetsstyrning i Stockholmsstad : En studie av verksamhetsstyrningen i Skarpnäcks stadsdelsförvaltning

This paper is a study of corporate governances in the municipal of Stockholm. The purpose of this paper is to enlighten the problems and opportunities for the corporate governances of the wards in the municipal of Stockholm. The municipal of Stockholm is made up of 18 relatively self-governing wards, whose activities bear a resemblance to one and other. Therefore we have specified our survey to corporate governances in the ward of Skarpnäck (Skarpnäcks stadsdel), to be able to use this ward as an example to corporate governances in the entire municipal of Stockholm. The essay emanates from the important management theories: Budget, Integrated Management system (ILS), Benchmarking and Balanced Scorecard.The essay is based on interviews and a poll survey we conducted in the administration of the ward of Skarpnäck, and also based on interviews with Stockholm?s city hall.

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