

9048 Uppsatser om Organization and personnel management - Sida 21 av 604

Sociala intranät - ett intranät för alla? : Uppfattningar bland leverantörer och beställare

A social intranet is an information and communication channel that is relatively new. There is still a small amount of research done around social intranet and what it is, and also on what organizations and their members may benefit from using such an intranet. Therefore, this paper was written with the purpose to em-phasize the reasons, possibilities and difficulties of implementing and using a so-cial intranet. With interview as method we took part of the experiences and views on social intranet from a number of organizations that are using or is about to establish a social intranet, and also from companies who deliver the service. Through the use of previous research in organizational communication, we then analysed the responses we received from our respondents.

Ekonomisk styrning och kostnadskontroll vid IT-outsourcing

Background: Many companies have outsourced their IT-operations and their expectations of what this IT-outsourcing will contribute to the business are high. Cost cuts are not always a natural outcome of IT-outsourcing. Many companies that have outsourced their IT-operations consider it to be problematic and complex to exercise management control and reach cost control which was the purpose of the IT-outsourcing. Purpose: To describe and analyze what affect IT-outsourcing has on a company?s management control system and a company?s possibility to exercise cost control.

Analys och förbättring av en order- och faktureringsprocess- en fallstudie med fokus på ledtiden

Syftet med denna uppsats var att genomföra en processanalys av order- och faktureringsprocessen och identifiera eventuella kvalitetsbrister i processens ledtid..

Effektiv och användarvänligresursplanering i reklambyrå

It has become more common for organization to operate a lot of projects at the same time. These projects affect each other, either in way of resources or technical. Projects in a multi-project environment depend and affect each other, and in most cases they rival about resources, decision-makings and priority. To lead a project portfolio with several projects is a major challenge. The most common problems that occur are vague objective, unclear working conditions, resource shortage and problems of priority.

Programvaruapplikation som stöd vid granskning i Dimensions

AbstractThe control of quality standard ISO 9001 has made the internal audit to be experienced as police authority and paragraph control. Because of that, motivation for internal auditors is low. To counteract the experience, there is a possibility to integrate internal audit with improvements in company?s processes. Theory has shown that a qualified and competent auditor can provide information that can help the organization's managements to make the right decisions that will improve product quality and result in new customer contracts.An opportunity to observe an internal and external audit at one of the case companies gave rise to this study.

Religionsfrihet i Sverige : En studie om högstadielärare i religions tolkning av skolans icke-konfessionalitet

The purpose of this thesis is to identify power structures and instruments of power within the Jehovah?s witnesses and investigate how they affect the baptized youths baptized within the organization. The material consists of qualitative in-depth interviews and is analyzed with Foucault's theories of power. The results show that the participants have a very strict relationship to the rules of the congregation and also that they take great care in observing these rules carefully. It becomes evident that young members are exposed to disciplinary measures from the organization.

Diskonteringsräntan påverkar graden av miljöpolitiska styrmedel : En studie om koldioxidskattens påverkan på koldioxidutsläppen

This qualitative study involves the implementation of Lean and Kaizen methods in a Swedish service industry. Lean philosophy is based on a method to achieve more with less. In practical terms this means that the use of an organization's resources is improved. The origin of Lean is the Toyota Production System. Now, Kaizen methods give managers and employees a better more efficient system to reach their goals within the organization or company.

Marknadsföring av folkbibliotek ? om fyra folkbibliotek i Kalmar län på väg mot visionen att bli Sveriges bästa biblioteksregion år 2010

The aim of this Bachelor´s thesis is to describe the phenomenon ofmarketing. Four public libraries in the County of Kalmar have beenstudied in the aim to obtain information on their current marketingin the autumn of 2004, as well as their view of marketing and itssignification in connection to a vision that the Regional Library inKalmar has established. The vision is that the County of Kalmar isgoing to be the best Region of Libraries in Sweden in the year of2010. Target markets for the vision is the general public, studentsand entrepreneurs. The study has done a landing at an early stage ofthe vision, the starting point of which was in the year of 2001.

Ständiga förbättringar : Motivera ICA:s kollektivmedarbetare till ett ökat engagemang

 AbstractTitle                                      Continuous improvement ? Motivating ICA´s  personnel to    a greater engagement.Problem                                  Getting ICA: s employees involved with continuing improvements.Purpose                                  To motivate ICA: s employees to a higher degree of commitment and    contributing with ideas and embracing approved improvements. Research questions   - How should the employees be properly motivated to contribute with   suggestions for improvement?  - What message and content should improvements send to inspire the   employees? - Witch channels should be used to capture the employee?s attention? - How can best practice be recognized and how can the knowledge be spread  through the organization?Methodology                          Initially a theory study was completed and from the results a case study were  conducted.Conclusion                             Combining success factors for continuing improvements.  To get the      employees feeling appreciated with their work. Results             By combining ten sucessfactors and trying to see the whole picture.                .

Lean på Menyn - En fallstudie av en rörlig personalstyrkas påverkan på en implementering av lean i restaurangbranschen

Today, the management concept of lean has stretched far from its origins in the Japanese automobile industry. When reaching the Swedish restaurant industry, the conditions for a successful implementation of lean change as a result of the high employee turnover and the significant amount of part-time employees characteristic for the industry. Combined with a high-end service profile, these workforce characteristics seem inconsistent with some of the basic principles of lean. By conducting a case study, this thesis aims to investigate the effects of a variable workforce on the enablers for a successful implementation of lean in a high-end service industry. Using a theoretical framework consisting of enablers for an implementation of lean in services, the study finds that the variable workforce inhibits an implementation of lean by complicating the effects of traditional training, as well as the possibility of understanding the lean concept at all levels of the organization.

Att överföra kunskap - En kunskapsteoretisk granskning av "Knowledge Management"-system

The right usage of tacit and explicit knowledge is becoming increasingly important for businesses worldwide. This thesis searches the answer to how management consultants tackle the challenges originating from converting this type of knowledge into codified use. With the help of a case study analysis it was possible to gain special insight into the processes of knowledge collection, codification and re-usage at a major organization built upon knowledge utilization. In order to provide the reader with a wider picture, the main subject of the study has been analyzed from two perspectives: a practice based and an objective based perspective. Furthermore, two different types of knowledge, tacit and explicit have been differentiated and studied in relation to each other, to gain a better understanding of their origin and conversion process.

Isomorfismer i kyrklig organisation : En ecklesiologisk undersökning av Svenska kyrkans regionala nivå

This thesis examines the regional part of the Church of Sweden. Existing as a Lutheran evangelical church since the declaration in Uppsala in 1593, the Church of Sweden became completely separate from the state in the year 2000. Apart from a small piece of legislation by the Swedish parliament, the now former state controlled church were to act on their own. This development can be seen as a result of several decades of discussions. The author is raising the question about the roll and function of bishops and dioceses in the Church of Sweden.

Strategisk kommunikation i ideella organisationer ? en fallstudie av Rädda Barnens modell med frivilligarbetande kommunikatörer

This thesis explores strategic communication management within the non-profit sector. Communication models need to be adapted to the specific sector as different sectors require different approaches of strategic communication management. In the spring of 2013, the non-profit organization Save the Children Sweden initiated a communication model based on volunteer communicators. The following study explores how non-profit organizations can manage communications with a focus on volunteers as a communication resource. The applied research questions concern how volunteers may be integrated into communication activities, the opportunities and challenges connected to involving volunteer communicators and how this may affect the role of the organization's employed communicators.

Bärande eller bristande? : - en studie av Bällstabergsskolans kommunikationssystem -

AbstractPurpose/Aim: The aim of this essay is to map out how the communication is organized at the Bällstabergs School in Vallentuna. The purpose with the essay is to illuminate the pros and cons with their system so that a communicationstrategy could be worked out from the basis of the results. The aim is devided into three different questions at issue: What does the organizational structure look like and how does it concide with the communication? What does the present communicative work look like? Which communicative needs can be identified?Method: The methodology contains two parts. The first part is an analysis of the present organization.

Bildbaserade instruktioner i Scanias Servicehandbok : - För effektiv informationsinhämtning

Technical products are becoming more and more complex, this means that the drivers, mechanics and service personnel?s need for assistance such as the service literature is increasing. In this degree project the focus is on the technical manuals of Scania?s Workshop Manual. Today, the information in the Workshop Manual consists of collaboration between text and illustrations.

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