

1021 Uppsatser om Organisations förändring - Sida 2 av 69

D?lig st?mning i kyldisken? Konsumentens uppfattning av Oatlys marknadsf?ring

Inledning: Som svar p? den l?nga traditionen av mejerikonsumtion producerar varum?rket Oatly alternativa produkter framst?llda p? havre (Oatly, u.?). I ett samh?lle som k?nnetecknas med h?rd konkurrens mellan f?retag och ett marknadsf?ringsklimat med medvetna och kr?vande konsumenter ?r det sv?rt att sticka ut och positionera sig (Hamzah et al, 2014). Oatly anser sig vara en drivande akt?r (Oatly, u.?) i debatten kring mejeriprodukters klimatp?verkan och har en m?ls?ttning att f?r?ndra beteenden i syfte att minska konsumtion av dessa produkter.

Gymnastiktjejer och Ishockeybrudar : En studie om genus och normer i två idrottsföreningar

The aim of this study was to examine which norms are applicable and how they are reproduced in two sports organisations. More specifically the aim was to find out how the leaders worked with gender roles and what message the organisations give out to young people. And at the same time, find out if there are similarities and differences between two different organisations, regarding norms and gender roles.  The study was based on observations and interviews. The observations were made during and after training in an ice hockey team and two gymnastic teams for girls nine to thirteen years old. The interviews were conducted with seven leaders and one senior ice-hockey player.

Övergång mellan förskola och förskoleklass : En inblick i hur pedagoger ser på kunskap, social förmåga och samverkan.

The curriculum of the Swedish school system explains how the transitions between the preschool class and the pre-school should be. The co-operation between the organisations should aim for a long term perspective with the students learning process in mind (Lgr11).The pre-school has almost the same aim in their curriculum, as the curriculum of the Swedish school system.The aim with my study is to examine how the teachers from the different organizations relate to knowledge and how they look at the students social interactions. Also how the transition between the pre-school and the pre-school class is viewed from their point of view. How do the teachers from the different organisations comprehend knowledge?How do the teachers from the different organisations comprehend the social abilities?How do the teachers from the different organisations work and interact in terms of the transition between the pre-school and the pre-school class?The study that has been made is about the transitions between the pre-school and the pre-school class. It´s been investigated by doing interviews with teachers from both the pre-school and the pre-school class.

Miljöpartiet de Grönas valkampanj i Skåne 2006 - En beskrivande studie av kommunorganisationernas planering och handlande i valrörelsen

This essay examines the Swedish party Miljöpartiet de Gröna and their election campaign 2006. Focus is set on the local organisations in the region of Skåne by examining how they have carried through their campaigns as well as if they have experienced any obstacles in their campaign work. The primary research aim is to give a theoretical contribution as well as an increased knowledge of the local organisations work in the election campaign.Mainly this is a qualitative examination that revolves around the experiences of the organisation members. The material has been collected by interviews and a question survey. For analyse a concept device that correspond with campaign work- and election theory through a partly rational point of view has been constructed.

Frivilligt arbete = frivillig könsfördelning?

This paper attempts to illustrate a gap when it comes to the knowledge about unpaid volunteers in Swedish organisations. The person-oriented explanations of individual preferences when choosing an orientation in which to volunteer does not suffice to explain and enlighten the fact that there is a gender-based division that orientates women towards voluntary work within organisations with a social direction, while men tend to choose sports-oriented voluntary tasks. This illustrates a pattern that is common in society in general. Eight interviews including four women volunteering in socially oriented organisations and four men in sports-oriented organisations have been conducted. An attempt has been made to explain results from earlier research as well as the respondents reasoning about their voluntary work with gender related theories.

Organiserad medling? Organisationers förutsättningar i medlingsprocesser

This thesis examines organisations as mediators and how different kinds of organisations have different prerequisites to act as mediators. Global, regional and subregional organisations are often asked to mediate in conflicts, but considering the circumstances, who should mediate?In a mediating process the mediator should be considered as important an actor as the disputing parties and should hence be scrutinized as one. Mediation is a complex subject to study and theoretically the opinions differ on what characterises a good mediator. I have taken many of the different views in consideration and constructed a model from which organisations and their prerequisites can be compared and evaluated.

Digitaliseringens påverkan på musikproducentens arbete

AbstraktI detta arbete underso?ks den spra?kliga fo?ra?ndring som skett i ungdomsbo?cker fra?n 1950- och 60- talet med ungdomsbo?cker fra?n 2000- och 2010-talet. Jag ja?mfo?r ungdomsbo?ckernas fo?ra?ndring med fo?ra?ndringen hos deckarbo?cker under samma period. I underso?kningen sammansta?lls ca 60 grafiska meningar ur vardera 17 bo?cker fo?rdelat pa? fyra kategorier: Fyra ungdomsbo?cker fra?n 1950-1965 samt fyra ifra?n 2000-2015.

"Att leva som andra" - om normalisering och den personliga assistentens roll i den funktionshindrades sexliv

The purpose of this essay was to investigate the view of what kind of role the personal assistant has in disabled people´s life and sexlife and how conceptions of a "normal" life and "to live like others" can be identified related to this. My research questions was: What does the expression "to live like others" mean to the organisations? What is the view in the organisations of the personal assistant´s role in the client´s life? What is the view in the organisations of the personal assistant´s role in the client´s sexlife? What is the view in the organisations of disabled people´s rights to get assisted help with sex? I chose to do semistructured interviews with different organisations related to disability and assistance and I analysed the interviews with theoretical aspects of social constructivism, the principle of normalization and the theory of SRV (Social Role Valorization), autonomy, individualism and models of action. My main conclusion were that the views of disabled people´s sexuality and the personal assistant´s role in disabled people´s sexlife were widely separate. However, almost all of the organisations were pointing out the autonomy of the individual and the importance of setting the limits.

Upphovsrätt i förändring? En undersökning av några upphovsrättsorganisationers remissvar på Ds 2003:35

In the year 2003 the Swedish ministry of Justice drew up a communication about the incorporation of the European Unions directive about harmonisation of certain aspects of copyright and related rights in the Information Society, 2001/29/EG. The communications name is Ds 2003:35. This study examines the arguments in the communications from some of the copyright organisations in Sweden. For this study we have used five referral statements from organisations who represents different types of originators. We have studied their arguments and how well they argue for their theses.

Genrebredd, jaha vad betyder det då? : En intervjustudie om genrebredd på estetiska program med uttalad genreinriktning

AbstraktI detta arbete underso?ks den spra?kliga fo?ra?ndring som skett i ungdomsbo?cker fra?n 1950- och 60- talet med ungdomsbo?cker fra?n 2000- och 2010-talet. Jag ja?mfo?r ungdomsbo?ckernas fo?ra?ndring med fo?ra?ndringen hos deckarbo?cker under samma period. I underso?kningen sammansta?lls ca 60 grafiska meningar ur vardera 17 bo?cker fo?rdelat pa? fyra kategorier: Fyra ungdomsbo?cker fra?n 1950-1965 samt fyra ifra?n 2000-2015.

Folkbiblioteken och informationsuppgiften: Fyra biblioteksorganisationers syn på folkbibliotek, folkbibliotekens bestånd samt deras roll i samhället.

The purpose of this paper is to examine different attitudes regarding freedom of information and how libraries should fulfil their information-task represented by four organisations. The organisations are important in shaping the Swedish public libraries in different ways. The purpose is to examine in what ways their definition of information freedom may differ from one another and what that means in defining the public library. For the survey the qualitative textual analysis has been used for examining the documents and websites that are part of the debate about the public library and information freedom. We chose to interview representatives of four organisations that in different ways influence the shaping of the public library.

Kan en standard för miljökommunikation förbättra miljöprestanda? : Ett examensarbete i samarbete med NQA Nordic AB

Mankind has always been communicating, it is almost impossible to not communicate. The communication tree has grown a new branch, the environmental communication branch, and an ISO standard, the ISO 14 063 Environmental communication- guidelines and examples was issued October 2006. The purpose of this thesis is commissioned by the managing director of NQA Nordic AB in order to examine and analyse how organisations communicate environmental issues today, and how big the need for ISO 14 063 actually is, and further more if there are needs and wishes to make ISO 14 063 a certifiable standard. The main conclusion is that the there is a need for the standard, but it is difficult to say in which form since the knowledge about the standard is far to low among the organisations examined in this thesis. Clarity and transparency as ISO 14 063 promotes are important ingredients in organisations? environmental work, so sure a standard for environmental communication can help improve environmental performance, for example through opening up for two-way communication and from that on take part of the stakeholders? opinions.This study is based on a literature study and a questionnaire survey where 70 organisations (in this case authorities, corporations and non-governmental organisations) randomly chosen from the seven criteria, which ISO 14 001 defines as the environment: land, water, air, flora, fauna, natural resources and man and his collaboration with those.

Ideella föreningar ur ett mervärdesskatterättsligt perspektiv

Non-profit organisations play a very important role in the Swedish civil society, both economically and for the employment policy. The organisations pursue various activities such as, activities aiming at social needs, sport activities and activities contributing to the political life. Depending on what activities the organisations practice different tax rules follow.A person who pursues commercial activity constitutes a taxable person within the meaning of the Swedish VAT act. The definition of commercial activity is an activity which is practiced independently, professionally and with an object of making a profit. The activity must be practiced regularly and to a certain extent to qualify as commercial.

Verksamheter för hemlösa missbrukare i Lund : viktiga andra?

The purpose of this paper was to study the various organisations that work with drug abusing homeless people in Lund. We have tried to compare the possibilities they have to change the way the homeless people look at themselves. The organisations that we have studied are Aluma, Diakonicentralen, the shelter Piletorp and the social welfare office.The methods used to collect data were interviews with professionals and homeless people as well as reading literature. We have used Ted Goldberg's (docent in social work at the university in Stockholm) theory. He writes that you have to be a significant other to persons with deviant behaviour to be able to help them become a part of the society and to change the way they look at themselves.

En ständig balansgång : En komparativ studie kring jämställdhetsarbete på en manligt dominerad respektive en kvinnligt dominerad arbetsplats

This study, entitled A constant balance ? Gender equality work in an organisation dominated by women and an organisation dominated by men focuses on attitudes towards gender equality issues in two organisations ? one that is dominated by women and one that is dominated by men. The study is based on the Doing gender theory, which primarily means that gender is something people do, it is constantly changing and it depends on the surrounding context.The organisations in the study are both working with gender equality issues, but the attitudes towards gender equality work are ambiguous. The primary gender equality issue in both organisations is to increase the number of employees of the non-dominant gender. The gender equality work in both organisations is formally supported but it is also being met with informal resistance.

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