

41 Uppsatser om Orchestral musician - Sida 2 av 3

Innan provspelningen? : En kvalitativ studie av professionella musikers syn på förberedelsen inför en provspelning

Detta arbete består av en undersökning om några professionella musikers (violinister) syn på förberedelser inför en provspelning. Detta inkluderar tankar och strategier de använt för att förbereda sig på bästa sätt för att möta de utmaningar musiker ställs inför vid en provspelning, samt vilka råd de anser viktiga att förmedla till andra om innehållet i dessa förberedelser. Undersökningen gjordes genom kvalitativa intervjuer med fyra musiker ur Göteborgs Symfoniker.Följande viktiga resultat framkom i undersökningen. Ingen av informanterna hade fått någon utbildning i hur de kunde förbereda sig för en provspelning men samtliga hade värdefulla erfarenheter och råd om hur goda förberedelser bör göras. Musikernas råd och strategier kan hänföras till en eller flera av följande fyra kategorier; färdigheten på instrumentet, färdigheten att framträda, träning inför den specifika situationen samt mental inställning.

Klassiska violinister möter folkmusik- fokus på fotstamp och rytm

In this work I have examined how two violin students, who are used to the classical music tradition, think when they learn to play Swedish folk music, with focus on rhythm and beating the time with their feet. One of the students is studying on her first year to be a classical violin teacher and the other student is studying on her third year to be a classical musician, both are studying at Malmö Academy of Music. I had three lessons, one hour each, with these two students where I taught them some basics in how to play Swedish folk music. After the last lesson I interviewed the two students. I have done interviews with two teachers at Malmö Academy of Music; Wieslawa Szymczynska and Mats Edén.

"Hur känd kan jag bli på fem veckor?" : En studie om distribution av musik via Internet.

Internet and the digital channels for distribution have meant big changes for the musicindustry. The physical record that has been symbolising this market for a long time is slowlybeing replaced by digital based music. The technical progress during the last ten years has ledto a democratization of music production. The amateur musicians of today can produce highquality music on their laptops and later distribute it via free music sites. MySpace andYouTube are two of the biggest sites for this free distribution and is therefore my main choiseof study.The purpose of this essay was to find out how and if these changes have made a difference formusicians without a record deal to reach an audience by themselves.

Tonala skillnader mellan två gitarrer med olika kroppstjocklek

As a guitarbuilder it is an advantage if you can control and understand what is creating the character of the tone. To approach this vast jungle of variables that controls the tone in a guitar, I built two guitars and in one, guitar 2, reduced the thickness of soundboard, back and sides.The purpose was to compare the guitars and establish if there was a significant difference and what it was, in the guitars ability to produce sound. The thought was also to try the thesis: loud but short, long but moderate tone. Also if a lighter built guitar has an advantage in producing a loud but short ton and vice versa.The instruments has been examined by five guitarist, one guitarbuilder and a professor in Speech, music and hearing at KTH in Stockholm.The relative obvious conclusion is that guitar 2 is a bit louder and has a clearer base and treble but the more part of the guitarists fancied guitar 1 better. This one has got more mass fore the tone to stay alive with.

Georg Stubendorff, organist i S:t Jakob : En musiker i stormaktstidens Stockholm och hans concerto "O Jesu dulcissime"

AbstractJan Johansson: Georg Stubendorff, organist i S:t Jakob ? En musiker i stormaktstidens Stockholm och hans concerto "O Jesu dulcissime", [Georg Stubendorff, Organ Player in S:t Jacob's Church ? A Musician in Seventeenth Century Stockholm and his Concerto O Jesu dulcissime], Uppsala universitet, Institutionen för musikvetenskap, uppsats för 60 p, 2006.Georg Stubendorff, organ player in S:t Jakob's church in Stockholm 1663-1672, was one of the very competent foreign musicians that came to work in Sweden in the 17th century. The purpose of this essay is to contribute to the knowledge about him and about the conditions in general for church musicians in Stockholm during that era, and to present an edition of his Concerto a 3. It is shown that Stubendorff may have come to Stockholm from Livland, rather than Germany as earlier accepted. The Concerto a 3 is the only composition by Stubendorff that has survived (now in the Düben collection at Uppsala university library).

Får man spela fel? : Studier kring improvisationens betydelse i musikundervisning.

Musical improvisation is an infinite artistic well. It helps the musician to make a personal performance and lets the music reflect the inner feelings. It is a language with which the performer can adapt the formulation to the specific situation. Yet so many have fear and respect when facing the phenomenon. In this study Dan Alkenäs discusses the advantages and disadvantages of using musical improvisation as a pedagogical method in school education.

Teknik och känsla : konstruktioner i samtal med lärare inom högre musikalisk utbildning

Denna uppsats studerar anva?ndandet av spra?k kring konst och konstna?rlighet i fra?ga om musik. Den problematiserar sva?righeten att dela spra?k kring dessa be- grepp inom olika musikpedagogiska inriktningar; utbildning till la?rare i musik, utbildning till musiker och utbildning till musikterapeut.Hur konstrueras mening i tal kring konst i musik, kring pedagogisk konsekvens av konstbegreppet i konstna?rlig utbildning samt det statliga uppdraget att utbilda i musik. I de samtal som ligger till grund fo?r studien, deltar verksamma pedagoger inom ho?gre musikutbildning vid tre olika la?rosa?ten.

Melankolin som manligt privilegium : Studier av melankolin i breven från tre romantiska män

The essay deals with the idea of melancholia as an exclusively male feeling associated with geniality and eminence, as it is shown in the letters of three romantic men. These letters were written by the philosopher Benjamin Höijer, the poet P.D.A Atterbom, and the musician Adolf Fredrik Lindblad to their female friends Henriette von Rosenstein, Euphrosyne, and Malla Silfverstolpe. Romantic masculinity is a neglected topic that is in need of further research. An essential characteristic of romanticism is the appreciation of feeling. According to the traditional dualistic gender division though, women represented sensibility, while men instead were associated with reason.

Pianoimprovisation enligt Czerny och Liszt : 1800-talets preludierings- och pianoimprovisationspraxis i analys och exempel

This essay in musicology is combined with a CD-recording of piano improvisations. Its purpose is, on the one hand, to examine some of the ideas permeating piano improvisation during the first part of the nineteenth century, and, on the other, to find ways to apply these nineteenth century ideas of improvising to modern piano playing. The artistic part of the work is as important as the theoretical, and the two strands are supporting and reinforcing each other.The first section of the text focuses on preluding ? that is, a genre of improvisation. The second section investigates some aspects of the improvising of Franz Liszt ? that is, different types of improvisation as practised by an important nineteenth century musician.

Analys av relationen mellan titel och musik - i ett urval av Torsten Petres pianostycken

The aim of this essay is to analyze the relationship between the title and the music in a selec-tion of piano pieces by Torsten Petre. Based on the work list, a categorization of the piano titles has been made and the categories have been named ?emotions, moods and minds?, ?na-ture?, ?mankind?, ?dances and similar titles?, ?supernatural beings, fairy creatures and popu-lar belief?, ?foreign countries and foreign culture?, ?nationalism and tradition?, ?artifacts?, and ?miscellaneous?. Two pieces from the category ?emotions, moods and minds? Skizzer för piano, third series Op.

Musikalisk känsloresa - En studie i hur musik kan skapas och associeras med känslor

Mitt intresse för film- och tv-spelsmusik har lett mig in på detta musikaliska arbete, vars utgångspunk har varit att utröna om man med hjälp utav egenkomponerad symfoniorkestermusik kan skapa och förmedla olika känslostämningar. Det känslomönster som jag har försökt återspegla i min komposition är hämtad ur Bröderna Grimms saga om Rödluvan och vargen. För att genomföra detta arbete har jag samtalat med två kompositörer angående deras syn på känslor, musik och skapandeprocessen samt fördjupat mig i litteratur och undersökningar inom områdena musikpsykologi, musikvetenskap och grundläggande fakta kring en symfoniorkesters uppbyggnad. Musikpsykologin har exempelvis delat upp musiken i tio olika byggstenar som alla mer eller mindre kan påverka vår känslostämning inför musiken. Musiken skrevs och producerades i sequenserprogrammet Nuendo 3 samt mjukvarusynten Edirol Orchestral.För att ta reda på hur känslorna i min egenkomponerade musik uppfattades valdes en lyssnarpanel ut.

Examenskonserten - Är den utvecklande?

Den 31 mars 2006 genomförde jag min examenskonsert ackompanjerad av Spårvägen Malmö. Efteråt började jag fundera på om orkestern fick ut lika mycket av själva konserten och förarbetet som jag. För att ta reda på detta genomförde jag en enkätundersökning med orkestern samt intervjuer med utvalda musikanter. Arbetet tar upp relationen mellan amatörer och professionella och hur man väljer repertoar i en amatörorkester. I resultatkapitlet redovisar jag enkäten och intervjuerna.

Äh! Vadå nervös? Kör nu bara! : En studie om hur lärare och elever kan arbeta i gymnasieskolan för att lära sig hantera rampfeber

The purpose of our study is to find out how teachers can help their students to learn how to managestage fright. By interviewing high school teachers and high school students and also observe one oftheir classes, we wanted to find out how they think about the causes of stage fright and what youcan do to relieve it. We also wanted to find out how teachers are working to teach students how todeal with stage fright, and how they think that you also could work. As a teacher of music, among other things, the task is to assess and rate the students performancesin music. Several components are based on the students' courage to play on his or her instrument infront of other people.

Musikers karriärvägar : Flöjtisters karriärvägar och utbildningars påverkan

If guidance counselors are to do as good a job as possible, they need to have as much comprehensive information as possible when it comes to possible career paths for their clients. To get on the way to get this information I, in this study, examined how musicians - specifically flute players career paths could seem. I examen this by doing five interviewees. This study is for guidance counselors, so they hade a more solid foundation to stand on, but also for aspiring musicians to get new perspectives to consider when faced with career choices.The study is conducted through five interviews with professionals flutists; Agneta, Harry, Jenny, Eva and Pepita who all work or have recently worked as professional musicians or teachers. With professional musician, I mean the ones in one way or another is or has been employed musicians and also is in the same or higher level in terms of their music ability than those who are employed.

Elevrekrytering? - Tre kontrabaslärares tankar kring barns och ungdomars första tid på musik och kulturskolor.

Student recruitment? - Three teachers? thoughts concerning children's first experiences in municipal arts and music schools. The aim of this thesis is to explore three teacher' experiences of recruitment of students to arts and music schools. The thesis includes thoughts about how teachers can inspire students and why the orchestral string bass is an infrequent choice of instrument to study. I have examined the issues through a qualitative study where I have interviewed three licensed string bass teachers of different ages and backgrounds.

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