

710 Uppsatser om Oral squamous cell carcinoma - Sida 40 av 48

Förutsättningar för att utnyttja solceller i Sala-Heby relaterat till ekonomiska stöd

There have been several projects with solar installations in Sweden, and Sala-Heby Energi (SHE) wanted to create a solar plant. The question answered in this thesis is whether it is economically viable to create such a source of sustainable, renewable energy. The plant would be built with the help of the financial effort from 120 customers. This economic union would sell the electricity to the SHE, for SEK 4.50 per kWh up to a certain level over a period of 10 years. It would be a long term commitment to environmentally friendly electricity, using solar cells which convert sunlight directly into electricity.In year 2009 there was introduced a new state aid for photovoltaic systems, to create an increased and continuing interest in solar cells.

Kaliumgödsling på torvmark - effekt på tillväxten hos planterade granar (Picea abies)

Peat  lands  are  a  great  potential  resource  for  increased  forest  growth  in  Sweden, there  are  approximately  6.5  million  hectares  of  peat  lands,  whereof  around  70% produce less wood than one m3sk/ha and year and are therefore classed as forest waste  land.  There  are  over  200  000  hectares  of  peat  land  that  is  already  drained and  wooded,  and  that may  be  suitable  for  fertilization.  Forest  production  on  peat soils  usually  requires  drainage  and  fertilization.  Dewatering  requires  ditching  the area, so that the roots can have access to oxygen. Nitrogen is often abundant in the peat but other nutrients; especially potassium is in short supply. The  purpose  of  this  work  was  to examine  the effects  of  potassium  fertilization  on the  growth  of  spruces  that  were  planted  on  drained  peat  land  and  how  different amount of fertilizers affects the growth. Potassium deficiency is strongly growth inhibiting, since potassium is important for substance  transport  in  the  tree.  Potassium  is  also  important  for  the  carbohydrate formation, and because increasing the sugar content of the cells constitutes a lower freezing temperature does potassium availability in the soil play a major role in the winter  resistance  of  many  species.  Potassium  is  not  found  in  any  organic compounds in the tree, but is present in cell and tissue fluids. A fertilization trial was started in 1978 in Siljansfors Experimental Forest. The plots in the experiment were fertilized with different amounts of potassium and one plot was  left  without  fertilization.  All  plots  that  were  fertilized  with  potassium  grew considerably better than the unfertilized plot. The difference in production between the unfertilized plot and the plot that received the most potassium was 7.2 m3sk/ha and year. The unfertilized plot can still be classified as waste land. The theoretical production capacity was estimated using a Swedish system for site quality  estimation  of  wetlands  after  ditching  (dikningsbonitering).  The  plot  with most  potassium  produced  after  fertilizationaproximately  in  level  with  theoretical estimations.  Key  words:  Peat  land,  Fertilization,  Ditching,  Growth,  site  quality..

Seroprevalence of Rift Valley fever in domestic sheep and goats of Gaza province, Mozambique

Animal welfare is of increasing concern in present society. In commercial pig farming, animal welfare problems are common. One of the causes for these problems is the barren environment in which pigs are housed, which can cause oral manipulation of pen mates. Providing straw might be one solution to this problem. Another solution could be reached through genetic selection.

Simulering av COD-fraktioner i en aktivslamanläggning vid en sulfatmassafabrik

This thesis work was made for Södra Cell Mörrums bruk in Blekinge. The purpose of the work was to develop a computer model in the simulation program Extend for the removal and balance of organic oxygen consuming substances, measured as COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand), in the new biological treatment plant in the mill. The plant produces two different pulp products, TCF- (Totally Chlorine Free) pulp and ECF- (Elementary Chlorine Free) pulp, for sale. The different bleaching procedures affect the characteristic of the wastewater and thus the effectiveness of the biological treatment plant.In the model that was developed the COD in the wastewater was divided into five different COD-fractions: soluble easily degradable (SS), soluble hardly degradable (SR), soluble inert (SI), particulate inert (XI) and particulate biomass (XB). To create the model FlowMac? was used as a base.

Bibehållen position av endotrakealtub i munhålan : en kvantitativ deskriptiv tvärsnittsstudie

Bakgrund: På intensivvårdsavdelningar finns olika rutiner kring huruvida endotrakealtubens position hos intuberade skall skiftas eller bibehållas i samma mungipa, då sidbyten kan leda till allvarliga komplikationer. Rutinen vid CIVA har varit att byta endotrakealtubens position på alla intuberade patienter en gång per dygn. Varken rutinen med skifte samt bibehållen position har utvärderats. Syftet med studien är att undersöka oralt intuberade patienters munhälsa vid bibehållen position av endotrakealtub under vårdtiden. Metod: Studien är en kvantitativ deskriptiv tvärsnittsstudie.

Metodjämförelse mellan Hemocue WBC Diff, Advia 2120 och manuell mikroskopi avseende differentialräkning av leukocyter

Patientnära instrument kan i vissa vårdsituationer ge snabba analysresultat på ett kostnadseffektivt sätt. En viktig patientnära analys är differentialräkning av leukocyter, som visar fördelning och utmognad av dessa blodceller. Störningar i bildningen av leukocyter sker vid infektioner och hematologiska sjukdomar.Med manuell mikroskopi räknas leukocyter i ett blodutstryk färgat med May-Grünwald Giemsa. En kvantitativ och kvalitativ bedömning utförs av alla blodceller. Advia 2120 utför differentialräkning av leukocyter genom cytokemiska reaktioner och ljusspridning i olika vinklar vid belysning av celler. Celler identifieras baserat på kärnkonfiguration, granulering och cellstorlek.Hemocue White Blood Cell (WBC) Diff har en charged coupled device (CCD) kamera som scannar celler i en mikrokyvett.

Sjuksköterskors erfarenheter och upplevelser av att arbeta inom antikoagulationsmottagning

BackgroundNumber of patients treated with medicine that has an anticoagulation character is constantly increasing. Chronic atrial fibrillation is the most common diagnosis being treated, but other diagnoses such as venous thrombosis), pulmonary embolism, stroke, coronary stent thrombosis and arterial thrombosis treated. There are a variety of anticoagulant drugs. In Sweden Warfarin is used as standard medicine for oral anticoagulation therapy.PurposeThe purpose of this study is to examine and reflect nurses' experiences of working on anticoagulation clinic, and if he / she claims to have access to the necessary skills and resources to carry out a safe care.DesignThe study has a qualitative design with semi-structured interviews which were analyzed with an inductive approach. The interviews included six respondents.FindingsThe results showed that nurses who worked at anticoagulation Clinics had no specific training to operate these clinics.

Förstudie och utformning av grönrum och terrass, Tillbyggnad till äldreboende på Forellen i Partille

Partille municipality is planning an extension of the building Forellen. Green environments in health care have been shown to improve the health of patients, especially in elderly care. This report addresses the possibility of using the leftover space in close connection to a dementia and short-term accommodation to a winter garden and a terrace. The report also analyzes the impact of these green spaces on the residents.The purpose is to find alternative answers on the issue through the study of nursing homes and green spaces, and that these may be useful for Partille municipality and inspiration for future projects. The goal is to get conclusions in to a report, drawings, and an oral presentation.The results show that the design of environments can affect human well-being and also be healing both mentally and physically.

Smartphones, Användare och Estetik : En Användbarhetsstudie

The Ericsson R380 is a so-called smartphone, combining an advanced mobile phone with a Personal Digital Assistant (PDA). To evaluate the usability of the Ericsson R380 and benchmark it against the Nokia 9110 Communicator and the Motorola A6188 Accompli, a repeated measurements experiment was performed. 18 subjects (10 men and 8 women) with no previous experience of any of the interfaces participated. Half of the subjects had extensive experience from using Ericsson mobile phones and half of the subjects had extensive experience from using Nokia mobile phones. A set of 9 tasks to be solved on each interface was presented to the subjects.

Erfarenhetsöverföring inom markarenan med stöd av simulatorteknik. : En studie av StriSimPC.

One of the main tasks of the Swedish Armed Forces over the past few years has been International assignments, which increased the importance of the Lessons Learned process. Methods of simulator training with computers have become more frequent and the technical ability to collect digital data from sensors has been developed as well. This work demonstrates how the experience of Lessons Learned can be communicated with the computer simulator StriSimPC and how modern technology in future support experiences from the Lessons Learned process at the tactical level in the Army.Currently knowledge sharing consists of several processes and strategies in the Swedish Armed Forces. This is done by written reports, oral presentations and different practical exercises.This case study shows the functions of the simulator StriSimPC, methods of training and how it is used today. The study also describes the future opportunities, where digital metadata acquired from the modern combat vehicles could contribute sharing of experience in the Lessons Learned process.The summarized conclusions indicate that StriSimPC can combine the two strategies for personalization and codification of knowledge transfer to reach a higher level of learning.

Biståndshandläggares erfarenheter vid bedömning av munhälsobehov till personer med demenssjukdom i ordinärt boende

En fungerande munhälsa är centralt för att människan ska kunna tillgodogöra sig näring och för att känna välbefinnande. Hälso- och sjukvården har gjort stora framsteg som bidragit till att medellivslängden ökat och den äldre populationen blivit större. Tandvården har också gjort stora framsteg vilket bidragit till att den äldre befolkningen behåller sina egna tänder i högre utsträckning. Paradoxalt nog har den förbättrade tandhälsan hos äldre gjort att problemen med tandhälsan ökat på grund av att tandhälsan har blivit eftersatt. Det har visat sig att äldre personer med kognitiv svikt som bor kvar i det egna hemmet har stora munhälsoproblem.

Visuell informationshantering i tunga fordon : Behovsanalys och förslag till förbättringsåtgärder

The flow of information in road vehicles intensifies as new techniques develop. Informationsources such as cell phones, navigation equipment and radios demand the driver?s attentionwhile he or she must stay focused on the road to perform a safe driving. Today the visualinformation inside the vehicle is mostly located on the dashboard, which forces the driver tolook down when shifting attention between the environment outside and the informationinside the vehicle. One way to avoid this is to useHead-up Display (HUD), a technique thatprojects information in the visual field of the user.This master thesis has been performed in cooperation with Scania CV AB, a world leadingtruck producer.

Vad skriver de? Hur tänker de? : En undersökning av högstadieungdomars skrivvanor och skrivintresse

In the discourse of teaching it?s often mentioned that the pupil?s previous knowledge and experience plays an important part in the process of learning. For the teachers it?s in general crucial to be familiar with their pupils abilities and skills, talents and shortcomings in order to successfully teach them. Knowledge and an understanding of their pupils, also helps the teacher to organize and customize a successful teaching for each individual.

Cell för induktionshärdning : -En inledande studie för ett beslutsunderlag

Detta arbete är ett examensarbete utfört av en student vid civilingenjörsprogrammet i maskinteknik vid Linköpings tekniska högskola och omfattar 30 högskolepoäng enligt nya europeiska systemet. Examensarbetet är utfört vid företaget AB Wahlquists Verkstäder i Linköping. Vilket är en koncern inom verkstadsindustrin med cirka 180 anställda och har anläggningar i både Sverige och Estland.Genom insamling av fakta från både litteratur, muntliga källor och genom studiebesök på anläggningar har en kortare sammanställning om tekniken för induktionshärdning utförts. Sammanställningen behandlar hur tekniken går till, hur den används, vilka begränsningar som finns samt hur utrustningen fungerar. Utformandet är styrt och prioriterat efter vad som för företaget är intressant och valt att ligga till grund för den inledande vetskapen om tekniken.Den underliggande fakta som presenterats har därefter varit underlag för de diskussioner och idéer som presenterats i form av förslag på utformning av en induktionshärdningscell.

Determination of anthelmintic resistance of Haemonchus contortus to three classes of anthelmintics in a Kenyan sheep flock based on results from faecal egg count reduction test

Haemonchus contortus is the most important bloodsucking gastrointestinal nematode in small ruminants worldwide. It is often controlled by anthelmintics. Even though other methods to control are available, the most efficient way to treat an animal with clinically manifested haemonchosis is to use one of the available broad spectrum anthelmintics: benzimidazoles (BZ), macrocyclic lactones (ML) or imidothiazoles-tetrahydropyromidines or the narrow spectrum drugs salisylanilides or nitrophenols. Anthelmintic resistance (AR) against all groups of anthelmintics in nematode parasites has been reported from many countries, and even multiple AR has been observed. In this study I have investigated the resistance levels to all major classes of broad spectrum anthelmintics in a naturally infected flock of sheep of Red Maasai sheep (RM), Dorper sheep (D) and their offsprings on a research farm in Kenya.

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