

1268 Uppsatser om Open - Sida 32 av 85

Mjölkraskvigors tillväxt på naturbete :

To turn the dairy heifers out on pasture is the most natural way for the cattle to get feed. At the same time it is cheap and if it is right treated a feed of high nutritive value. The problem today is to get dairy heifers to grow enough when they are grazing at natural pasture for the entire summer. Therefore, the opinions differ whether pasture is a resource or a problem. The increasing interest of pasture production is due to the fact that you can receive grants for preserving valuable natural assets and cultural landscape elements in the pasture land. A high grazing pressure is necessary to preserve an Open landscape and a great variety of species. In the same time the heifers have to supply their nutritive needs in order to grow and be large enough to show heat and be pregnant in right time to calve with a sufficient body size and at an economically right age. This paper includes a literature review on natural pasture, pasture production, and growth of dairy heifers together with own interviews with dairy farmers about their point of view to the pasture husbandry on the farms, how they plan for pasture, look after natural pasture, treatment areas and take care of the calves and heifers. The results indicate that the time it takes and the demanded work are the biggest factors to how and why the farmers do as they do..

Kost och hälsa : En utvärdering av utbildningseffekter

The purpose of this study is to examine possible teaching effects in the subject home economics at a school. The study has included one question, which aims to identify if there are any differences in the knowledge between boys and girls in the subject.The theoretical survey is discussing the subject diet and health in school and is emphasising on the different parts that are included in the subject home economics. Further, a historical point of view is given on the development of the subject, and also on Swedish research concerning health and diet.A questionnaire with fixed and Open answering options has been constructed and handed out to two different groups of students. One of the groups are students in year 7, who have not yet had education in the subject, the other group are students in year 8 who have had education in the subject. The results show that the effects of education are different between groups that have been educated in the subject and groups that haven?t had any education.

Stjälkröksvamp (Tulostoma brumale) : stora eller små individer?

The spatial population structure of the saprotrophic basidiomycete Tulostoma brumale was investigated at a site in south eastern Sweden. Sporocarps were mapped and collected, and somatic incompatibility tests between mycelial cultures cultivated from the sporocarps were used to identify genets. Calculations of the size and numbers of genets and their distribution were performed. The spatial distribution of the tested sporocarps and the identified genets are presented graphically in a grid. The total number of identified genets within the investigated area (1210 m2) was 27 based on 48 tested sporocarps.

Vision och verklighet - En analys av jämställdhetsimplementering

This thesis treats the question of how a political vision is given a concrete form. The Swedish government has defined a view of gender inequality. To change the subordination of women national goals have been established. These give guidelines to the different parts of the administration. The primary scope of this thesis is to analyse the conditions for the implementation of these goals in two parts of the administration, the county administrative board and the local municipal authority.

Bilprovningen : -Nytt läge på en konkurrensutsatt marknad

The purpose of our study was to identify and present experiences encountered by parents with a child with diagnosis. Those narratives are made Open for the public. Data has been collected through ten interviews with parents having children with a diagnosis. These interviews have also been complemented by interviews with one child and one youth. The parents and the children who have been interviewed, all have their own stories and experiences of how it is to live with a diagnosis in the family and for all families there are different diagnosis.

Mötet mellan misshandlade kvinnor och vårdpersonal : En litteraturstudie

Men abuse women every day. It has become a Health Problem which we affects all of us. Help is available for those women who have the strength to seek it. Health care personnel are often these women?s only contact with the surrounding world.

Det Relationella Perspektivet : En induktiv fallstudie om relationen mellan ledare och följare

This thesis investigates the dynamics of the relationship between a leader and the followers within a chosen organization. The research on leadership has generally been focused on the leader, and consequently treating the followers like passive subordinates. We pursue a more multidimensional view of the subject, meaning that leadership descends from an interaction between leaders and followers, which makes it relevant to study the dynamics of the relationship from both perspectives. We chose to do a qualitative case study on a middle- and preschool which has won a price for being an ideal place to work at. This price peaked our interest to investigate why the relationships are highly functional in this particular organization.

Skillnader i upplevelser av tandhygienistutbildningen mellan nyutexaminerade tandhygienister födda utomlands och födda i Sverige - en enkätstudie

The aim of this study was to examine the differences in experience of the dental hygienist education between newly examined dental hygienists born abroad and born in Sweden. A quantitative study was performed. The questionnaire was sent out to all dental hygienist (n=162) examined in Sweden 2006, except newly examined dental hygienists in Karlstad University which is a distance education. The number who answered after the reminder was 102 respondents, 24 born abroad and 78 born in Sweden. The questionnaire contained 20 Open and closed questions.

Gallery Wall

För vissa är graffiti konst, för andra är det ett tecken på förlorad kontroll. För mig är det ett redskap för att mötas. Jag har delat in mitt examensarbete i två delar. Den första behandlar visionen jag baserat mitt arbete på. Den andra handlar om design och placering av de fysiska paviljongerna. I den första delen har jag utgått ifrån ett scenario där den fysiska arkitekturen återspeglas i ett virtuellt gallerisystem jag get namnet Gallery Wall. Denna del finns bara på idébasis men har varit utgångspunkt då jag formgivit mina paviljonger. Jag har skapat fem olika paviljongstyper som tillsammans på ett teoretiskt plan utgör en och samma virtuella huvudform.I, eller rättare sagt på, paviljongerna ges tillfälle för vem som helst att måla och presenteras sin gatukonst. Min förhoppning är att mina paviljongtyper skall inspirera andra att bygga egna varianter som alla är del av Gallery Wall.

Civila samhället, organisatorisk autonomi och politisk utveckling i Ryssland

Since the disintegration of the Soviet Union a lot of hope has been put on civil society to help develop Russia into a more democratic society. This study explores the constructive elements in the relationship between civil society and the state in Russia, and how this enables the work toward political development. By using Julie Fishers theory about political development and organisational autonomy I discuss the varying and often complex ways in which civil society and the state interacts. These are often not mentioned in the liberal tradition, which believes that civil society's most important democratic function is to act as a watchdog for the state.There is very limited political space for NGO's in authoritative Russia. The existing oppositional NGO's are important for the political development, but they are few and their impacts on society are limited.

Huset som pussel : En black box vid Slussen

Färdplan Flen är ett utvecklingsprojekt som drivs av Flens kommun och beräknas vara klart år2019. Den negativa utvecklingen inom kommunen med ett allt mer sjunkande befolkningsantal som i sin tur genererar mindra skatteintäkter har gjort att Färdplan Flen inrättats. I projektet ligger ett antal delprojekt som bland annat handlar om ortsutveckling och där har kommunen redan börjat arbeta med Malmköping som ett första steg. Ett annat delprojekt är Flen 2019 som handlar om att Flens kommun 2012 ska vara klara med en vision som kommer att arbetas fram under 2011 och vara verkställd 2019.I dagsläget arbetas det också på att skapa mer delaktighet mot invånarna och de anställda inom kommunen. Färdplan Flen är intresserad av Open Space och ska utföra workshops med detta tema för att få in invånarnas åsikter.

Medborgardialog i ortsanalys : ett arbete om värdet av kommunikation tidigt i planeringsskedet

Citizen participation is fundamental in place analysis, where the aim is to define the sites specific character and identity. The local citizens know the village better than anyone else since they lead their daily life in the environment. I have in cooperation with Sala municipality suggested guidelines on how to involve the local people in dialogue during place analysis. The target was to involve and enthuse as many people as possible with relatively small resources in time and money. The suggested methodology was tried out in a place analysis of Västerfärnebo, a community with about 3 000 inhabitants of which 500 live in the main village.

Familjen & Döden : föräldrars förhållningssätt till sina kvarvarande barn

The aim of this study was to explore the role of death in the Swedish family. How do parents and families cope with the loss of a child/sibling? How do the remaining children in a family fare after loss of sibling? The study was caused out partially through a selective review of the literature on children loss in families and partially through interviews with families who had experienced death of a child. The results were analysed with help of Family system theory, Emotional theory and with an Esoteric perspective. The findings of the study were that although families do eventually cope with the situation the majority is struggling to adjust.

Kunskapens värde. Mot en dygdepistemologisk position

"The Value of Knowledge - Towards a Virtue Epistemological Position" The classical question, first posed in Plato's Meno, concerning the value of knowledge constitutes the starting point of this essay. Value analysis has long been neglected in epistemologist's accounts until its re-emergence with the tradition called ?virtue epistemology?, in particular with scholars following Ernest Sosa. Like virtue ethics virtue epistemological accounts changes the focus from the object to the agent, i.e. from knowledge to intellectual virtue.

Analys av orsaker och tid för åtgärder vid driftstörning i elnätet :  

Idag har vi mängder av data på våra lagringsmedia vilket gör dem till en värdefull informationskälla. Om denna data raderas betyder det inte att den är borta för alltid. Data finns fortfarande kvar på lagringsmediet och går att återskapa med så kallad file carving. Att kunna återskapa data är en viktig del inom den polisiära verksamheten, men även för andra verksamheter som förlorat data. Det finns dock vissa problem som kan ställa till med besvär när data ska återskapas. När filer inte är lagrade i sammanhängande datablock blir de fragmenterade vilket innebär problem.

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