

1268 Uppsatser om Open - Sida 31 av 85

På rätt spår i en osäker miljö? : En fallstudie av Banverket Telenät

Background: Today, the environment of a company is characterized by quick changes like leaps of technology and market shifts. The problem is how this turbulent environment and an uncertain future affect how a company creates strategies and how its structure is adapted. Can a certain choice of strategies or a certain structure be a way of dealing with an changing environment? Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to explore if and how Banverket Telenät, as an example of a company in a turbulent business like the Swedish telecom industry, tries to deal with an uncertain future through strategy and structure. Procedure: We have carried through a qualitative case study with interviews and gathering of additional information concerning the business.

Dimensionering av ackumulatortank : Undersökning hur en ackumulatortank kan införas till Övertorneå fjärrvärmenät samt dess ekonomiska innebörd

This report will detail the participator view of partnering in Kvarteret Frodeparken. Kvarteret Frodeparken is a new construction project being jointly delivered by Skanska Sverige AB and Uppsalahem AB. The report will focus on the comparison between the participators view of partnering with an emphasis on common partnering goals. The report will also focus on the economical benefits, the time benefits and the social environment benefits you can find in partnering.The principals of partnering are; participants together make the common goals for the projects, make ice breaking activities to improve stakeholder engagement and working with an Open economy to find the profitable choice for the project. With a combination of the three principals the team together decide the best solution for the project.

Kvinnors upplevelse av planerad hemförlossning i Skandinavien : Women´s experience of planned home birth in the Scandinavian countries

Background: In Sweden and Norway planned home birth is not included in the health care system. In Denmark women with expected low risk birth have the right to choose home birth. Registrations of home births in the Nordic countries are not completed and women?s experiences of planned home birth in Scandinavian context are not earlier described.Objective: The aim of this study was to describe women?s experiences of planned home birth in the Scandinavian countries.Design: Inductive content analysis. Fifty-three Scandinavian women who have experienced planned home birth have replied an Open question in a questionnaire.

Integrering av Bild och Svenska : Att skapa sammanhang i undervisningen

The purpose of my essay is to see how teachers are working to integrate the two subjects Art and Swedish in their teaching, and to see how this integration is made. What do teachers think about subject-integration? What are the positive effects of it? Are there any difficulties involved? Do the teachers prioritize cooperation with other subjects?To answer my questions I have interviewed eight teachers, four of them in upper secondary school and four in lower secondary school. I have also studied literature about subject-integration and children?s learning, curriculum?s and syllabi in the subjects of Art and Swedish.The results of my study show that the interviewed teachers are positive when it comes to integrating Art and Swedish and other subjects.

Hedge Fund Style Analysis, Is an Index-Based Approach Viable?

This thesis aims to Open the Pandora?s Box of hedge fund styles through an index-based style analysis. This information asymmetry is due to both less strict disclosure requirements and inherent nature of hedge funds. We employ a multiple unconditional linear regression model wherein 23 Swedish hedge funds are regressed on 10 style indices. In addition to the increased interest in hedge funds and their performance drivers, our unique approach with regressing return on return motivates this study.

Lärares uppfattningar om arbetet med återkoppling i en lärplattform

The students participating in my development work will work with a process book for handicraft studies. In the beginning of their studies, the students need practical knowledge about the development of the profession itself, but they also need to be challenged and learn how to solve problems on their own which will help them gain a deeper knowledge of the subject.    I focus on Open questions to create a process with the students. This process is created when working with Solution-Focused-Education. Through ?assessment for learning? we can help the students to improve their self-assessment and understanding of the learning process.

Medmänniska och vän - en guldkant på tillvaron : frivillig besökstjänst i Trollhättan

The essay deals with questions concerning the reasons, difficulties and subjects for rejoicing which various people experience when visiting "voluntarily" old, lonely people in the congregation of Trollhättan. What knowledge is developed and which values are formed? How is aging and solitude experienced? The visits are co-ordinated by two lay workers employed by the Swedish Church. The study is built on oral interviews in April and May 2003 from a questionaire using Open questions. The research group consists of six women between 65-80 of age with 1-30 years´ experience.Inner reasons, contact with other people in similar situations, positive responses to visits, and meetings in the visiting service group seem to be the principal driving forces.

OSS-baserade e-postlösningar : En fallstudie

Syftet med studien är att analysera möjligheter och begränsningar med att använda programvaror baserade på öppen källkod för att förvalta en organisations e-post där utkontraktering inte är ett alternativ. Detta baseras på tio krav som identifierats som relevanta i relation till e-postlösningar. Inom studiens omfattning representeras OSS(Open Source Software)-lösningarna av programvarorna Zimbra Collaboration Suite, Citadel och Kolab Server. För att undersöka styrkor och svagheter hos dessa har hybridmetoden action case tillämpats. Genom ett interpretativt och iterativt närmande har representanterna ställts inför de identifierade kraven och deras förmåga att leva upp till kraven har analyserats.

Skapa kreativa möten : En visuell gestaltning av situationer och funktioner runt ett community table.

This work is a study in how I as a designer can create the conditions for people to work, socializing and refreshments at one place. A place that encourages creativity, where I made a suggestion at a community table designed for Urban Deli?s new business. By visiting various similar sites I have identified what I think is important in an environment like this and then gave an answer to it in a visual form.A cafe-office will draw lots of different people. Which guests come here to work? Residents, freelancers, but also those who may want surrounded by a new creative work place and maybe leave their regular offices for a day at Urban Deli.

Friskvård i ett diskursperspektiv

The term ?health maintenance? was introduced in the 1960?s. A common conception nowadays is that health maintenance is always beneficial. Gestaldo (1997) meant that health education on one hand could give the individual a feeling of autonomy, but on the other hand also put the individual in an inferior position where the teacher represented ?the truth?.

Läromedel och hjälpmedel på gymnasiet : En uppsats om hur lärarna gör och tänker

The main purpose with this study is to describe teachers? use of textbooks and other teaching materials in upper secondary school (gymnasiet) in Sweden, and to discuss the use according to school subject and teacher style. Data was collected in two different ways. At first twenty classroom observations were made during lectures concerning the subjects Swedish (mothertounge), English (foreign language) and religion. Then four Open interviews were carried out with the teaching teachers.

Linux : Användning på klienter i svensk industri

Vi, två studerande vid Karlstads universitet, har efter önskemål från IBM intervjuat tre representanter från utvalda svenska tillverkningsföretag om hur de ställer sig till Linux på klientsidan och sedan jämfört detta med vad IT-analysföretag anser om Linux och enövergång till detta på klientsidan. Vi har även utfört en djupintervju med en anställd på IBM för att ta del av deras syn och åsikter om varför de valt att satsa på Linux på klientsidan och vägt in detta i våra intervjuer med tillverkningsföretagen.Vi frågar oss, är det någon skillnad i uppfattning mellan hur olika IT-analysföretag ser och skriver om Linux och hur markanden ser på Linux och vad de egentligen tycker?Att Linux kommer gå en ljus framtid till möte är samtliga involverade parter i vår uppsats eniga om. Trots detta skiljer sig deras åsikter om vilket operativsystem som är det mest kostnadseffektiva, IT-analysföretagen säger Linux, tillverkningsföretagen säger Microsoft. En ökad konkurrens på marknaden ser samtliga som positivt men poängterar att det måste finnas ett verkligt skäl till en övergång då det kostar mycket pengar och att det är så pass mycket att tänka på..

Bland amasoner och eunucker : En kvalitativ studie av patografier av kvinnor med bröstcancer och män med prostatacancer

Narratives about life-changing events like cancer have become more common in today?s society. The purpose of the present study was to investigate whether gender patterns in society can also be found in pathographies about cancer, and further to investigate how gender is expressed in these cancer related narratives. Questions were posed on characteristics of the autobiographical cancer narratives, how gender is constructed by the authors of these narratives, and what these narratives say about gender structures? liability to change in the individuals affected by this disease.

Turordningsreglerna - snart ett obsolet arv?

Sweden's contribution to the world today is not labor-intensive industry, it is high technology and know-how. Many of the rules concerning employment security for the workers derived from the industrial era and have been to some extent modified by hand. This paper focuses on the discrepancy between the purpose of the priority rules in Swedish law and how it works in the reality. My opinion is that due to the development of the labor market, a powerful revision of priority rules is needed. In addition to today's job market is knowledge-intensive I point in the paper at a number of factors that contributed to the loosening of the priority rules. Examples of these are the increased incidence of temporary staffing, more Open markets and more multinational companies, political will to disadvantaged groups in the labor market should be prepared job and gender issues.

Interorganisatoriska relationer : Hur ekonomistyrningsmetoder används i interorganisatoriska relationer inom den svenska fordonsindustrin sett utifrån 3 underleverantörers perspektiv

Då det inom fordonsindustrin blivit vanligare med allianser och samgåenden har jag i denna studie valt att undersöka interorganisatoriska relationer. Jag har valt att undersöka hur olika ekonomistyrningsmetoder används i interorganisatoriska relationer inom den svenska fordonsindustrin. Då leverantörerna inom fordonsindustrin har fått ett större ansvar valde jag att undersöka ekonomistyrningsmetoderna utifrån leverantörers perspektiv. Ekonomistyrningsmetoderna som jag undersökt är target costing, Open book accounting och information som underlag i ekonomistyrningen. De olika ekonomistyrningsmetoderna kan karakteriseras av antingen dominans eller ömsesidighet, därför blev det också intressant att undersöka vilka tecken på dominans och ömsesidighet som fanns.

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