

1268 Uppsatser om Open - Sida 33 av 85

Maskeringens effekt på återgivning av semantiskt kategoriserade ord : om effekten av att maskera bakgrundstal med ett brus

Den här studien grundar sig på skillnader mellan återgivning av ord, sorterade efter semantiska kategorier, i förhållanden med rent tal och maskerat tal. 32 personer deltog i studien där de först blev visuellt presenterade för en lista med 15 semantiska ord som skulle memoreras och sedan återges i fri ordning i två olika betingelser av bakgrundsljud, tal och maskerat tal. Utifrån tidigare studier utformades studiens hypoteser; vid återgivningen ökar antalet visuellt presenterade ord när bakgrundstalet maskeras av ett brus jämfört med när bakgrundstalet spelas upp utan maskering. Antalet auditivt presenterade ord som återges minskar när bakgrundstalet maskeras av ett brus jämfört med när bakgrundstalet spelas upp utan maskering. Resultaten gav stöd åt hypotesen att försökspersonerna återgav fler visuellt presenterade ord när bakgrundstalet maskerades av ett brus.

Vad har en AD/HD-diagnos för betydelse för barnet i skolan? : Sett ur pedagogens, specialpedagogens, läkarens och förälderns perspektiv

The purpose of this research has been to study and find out if a diagnose AD/HD is of importance. Does a diagnostic significance matter for how to support and respond to children in school? Are diagnosed children with signs of AD/HD treated differently than children without diagnosis? My study is based on input from teachers, special educators, from two different schools and also one doctor and one parent.I have interviewed teachers, special educators, one physician and one parent. I have been using qualitative interviews with tape recorders and emailed them with Open questions. I have been using literature; see bibliography.

Musik i förskolan- ett verktyg för bättre sammanhållning i barngruppen? : En studie om pedagogers syn på musikaktiviteters betydelse för barngruppen.

The purpose with this study is to inquire how a number of active preschool teachers use music in their daily work with children. It also looks at the meaning they think music can have to the whole group of children, especially in terms of solidarity and interaction in the group. In order to study this I chose to use questionnaires as the method. These questionnaires consisted of Open questions to enable longer answers from de participants in an effort to hear their thoughts and get their point of view. The result of this study shows that all of the participants seem to have good experiences from musical activities with the preschool children.

Gravidas hälsovanor

Abstract Westerholm, I. (2011). Gravidas hälsovanor. Hälsopedagogiska programmet. Akademin för hälsa och arbetsliv, Högskolan i Gävle.This study aimed to investigate whether pregnant women change their health habits following recommendations and, if so, find out where they get this information from.

Vilken mjukvarubaserad fjärranslutningslösning är passande för ett mindre företag?

 Syftet med denna undersökning är att ta reda på vilken mjukvarubaserad fjärranslutningslösning som passar för ett mindre företag, då de har mindre ekonomiska tillgångar än ett större företag behöver de vara mer noggranna med sina produktval. Arbetet är utfört med litteraturstudier och en enkätundersökning till ett tiotal mindre företag, samt en laborationsmiljö där tester av de olika fjärranslutningslösningarnas egenskaper har utförts.Område valdes då ämnet fjärranslutning knappt behandlads under utbildningstiden, och fördjupar sig därför inom området.Resultatet visar vad mindre företag anser vara de viktigaste egenskaperna med en fjärranslutningslösning. Även de värden som uppkom vid tester i laborationsmiljön kommer att presenteras i resultatet. De samlade resultaten kommer sedan visa på vilken mjukvarubaserad lösning som passar bäst för ett mindre företag. .

Småpratets betydelse för ledarskapet

Title: The significance of small talk on leadershipDate of seminar: 13 October 2010Course: Bachelor paper in Business, in Organization, 15 ECTSInstitution: Swedish Business School at Orebro UniversityAuthors: Linda Andersson & Ebba HallbergAdvisor: Gabriella WennblomPurpose: The purpose of this paper is to identify and describe how leadership is affected by the small talk, with these three managers. This with the manager?s perspective as a starting point, within the three services we examined.Research methodology: This paper is based on a qualitative method. Targeted Open interviews were carried out with three respondents. Literature in the organizational field has been searched through to give a base for the study.Theoretical framework: This paper uses the theory of communication, the theory of leadership and the theory of small talk.Conclusion: The conclusion we make is that the small talk makes it easier for the modern leadership, this is because the small talk, among other things, allows the manager to spread information and to avoid misinterpretation, and that the manager become more involved in the company.Keywords: Communication, small talk, leadership.

Att leva med en diagnos : Utifrån föräldrars berättelser

The purpose of our study was to identify and present experiences encountered by parents with a child with diagnosis. Those narratives are made Open for the public. Data has been collected through ten interviews with parents having children with a diagnosis. These interviews have also been complemented by interviews with one child and one youth. The parents and the children who have been interviewed, all have their own stories and experiences of how it is to live with a diagnosis in the family and for all families there are different diagnosis.

Kommunikationens utformning i prospekt

Previous research analyzing information and communication effects regarding high-involvement purchases has so far concerned communication length and the use of salient attributes. Studies investigating the effects of communication on a word-level is however limited. For a high-involvement purchase like an apartment the need for information is vital in the customers purchase decision. The main purpose of this study is to investigate whether the communication in the prospectus varies based on sales success. The study connects research in information search, high-involvement purchases, communication length and information vividness.

Hur integreras fosterhemsplacerade barn i fosterhem?

The purpose of this study is to better understand, from a foster parent perspective, how the integration process of the foster child is carried out in the foster family. The purpose is to identify the challenges and success factors in the process. The study is based on a qualitative method. The data consist of interviews with six foster families. The study?s theoretical framework is mostly based on system theory and also on the theory of ambivalence.The results show that most of our families considered five factors to be important in order to facilitate the integration process.

Barns språkutveckling : Arbete med språkutveckling hos barn

The students participating in my development work will work with a process book for handicraft studies. In the beginning of their studies, the students need practical knowledge about the development of the profession itself, but they also need to be challenged and learn how to solve problems on their own which will help them gain a deeper knowledge of the subject.    I focus on Open questions to create a process with the students. This process is created when working with Solution-Focused-Education. Through ?assessment for learning? we can help the students to improve their self-assessment and understanding of the learning process.

Privatägda bostadsbolag i jämförelse med allmännyttiga bostadsbolag : Finns det skillnader mellan allmännyttiga och vinstdrivande bostadsbolag?

The purpose of this research has been to study and find out if a diagnose AD/HD is of importance. Does a diagnostic significance matter for how to support and respond to children in school? Are diagnosed children with signs of AD/HD treated differently than children without diagnosis? My study is based on input from teachers, special educators, from two different schools and also one doctor and one parent.I have interviewed teachers, special educators, one physician and one parent. I have been using qualitative interviews with tape recorders and emailed them with Open questions. I have been using literature; see bibliography.

Är homosexualitet legitimt inom islam? : En argumentationsanalys av nytolkningar och traditionella rättstolkningar inom islam

The aim of this study is to examine new interpretations of homosexuality in Islam based on Scott Kugle?s book ?Homosexuality in Islam? and the documentary ?A Jihad for love? by Parvez Sharma. Through a theological perspective, a critical analysis is performed in order to find new interpretations and compare them with each other and with the Islamic legal tradition. Argumentative analysis is also used for both the book and the documentary for this essay.     Both Kugle and Sharma use new interpretations and arguments about love to find space for homosexuality in Islam. They use a Muslim language to have relevance with their discussions to Muslim readers and viewers.

En studie om sambandet mellan självskattad astmakontroll och en inflamationsmarkör hos barn med astma

Background:Due to a more Open climate in society for homosexual people several lesbian couples have given birth to children in their relations. Research has shown no differences between children in lesbian families and children in heterosexual families considering mental and social health. International research has also shown that lesbian parents often have bad experiences from meetings with healthcare providers.Theaim of this study was to describe lesbian child families/familyplannings and the lesbian parents experiences and expectations of the healthcare.Themethod for the study was qualitative interview with 9 lesbian parents. The data was analysed by the queer theory heteronormative concept.Theresults of the research was that lesbian families considered themselves as a nuclear family and at the same time distanced themselves from the nuclear family concept. The findings showed that lesbian couples are involved in a very long process when they try to become parents.

Är själv bäste dräng

In part this paper is a contribution to the ongoing Swedish discussion about our public structures. The discussion has picked up speed in the last years thanks to a government backed committee trying to come up with a suggestion to make our public sector more efficient. A big part of the debate is about the independence and work of our municipalities, what they should do, what they shouldn?t do and when the state should step in and take over. I make a theoretical investigation into one of these issues, the one about job creation.

Att skapa en kulturell mötesplats : möjligheter och begränsningar

The purpose of the essay is to discuss from the theory about the established and the Outsiders if the Culture Centre Blå Stället can serve as a meeting point between the majority of the people and the minority of the people in Gothenburg. The idea of Blå Stället is that it shall work as a house available for everyone and as a cultural meeting point between people in and outside Angered. I argue if Blå Stället really is a place where people from Gothenburg as a whole go or if there are some hindrances for their visions. My study is comprised of interviews with three of the staff at Blå Stället. With the theory about the established and the outsiders I want to show that the division in the city between ?them? and ?us? has to do with differences of power.

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