1976 Uppsatser om Older patients - Sida 51 av 132
Innovationsprojekt i en klinisk miljö : Utvecklandet av en designprocess för Sister Kenny Research Center
The Sister Kenny Research Center is part of the Sister Kenny Rehabilitation Institute locatedat the Abbott Northwestern hospital in Minneapolis, USA. The Sister Kenny RehabilitationInstitute provides rehabilitative services, treating more than 70,000 patients a year.The Sister Kenny Research Center strives to optimize the service to patients by nurturingnew innovations in rehabilitation care and treatment. Research projects are conducted ininterdisciplinary so-called Clinical Innovation Teams. As the Sister Kenny Research Center isrecently started, it did not prior to this thesis project have a design process or structured way ofworking in design projects.The outcome of this thesis project is a comprehensive innovation strategy package with a set oftools to enhance the innovativeness at the Sister Kenny Research Center. The strategy packageconsists of three interlinked parts:?A design process adapted to the work environment at the Sister Kenny Research Centerensuring projects are conducted in a structured and innovative manner.?An Innovation Handbook describing the design process to the Clinical Innovation Teamsand providing step-by-step guidance to designing.
Kvinnor och män i avlönat omsorgsarbete : Hur kön, etnicitet och sexualitet kommer till uttryck i tal och handling på ett sjukhem
The aim of this study was to describe and analyse the constructions andinterplay of gender, ethnicity and sexuality between female and male careworkersand residents in a nursing home. To explore this from a qualitativeeveryday life?s approach, material was collected through participating observations,interviews, and informal conversation with careworkers and residents.The result points out that historical patterns of gender and caring relatedto this context still matter and affect both careworkers and residents. Forexample, female careworkers talked about the concept of caring as a genuinefemale experience, while male careworkers, who were in a minority, insteadtalked about caring in more gender-neutral words. The result also indicatesthat a larger number of male careworkers not necessarily leads to a highergrade of gender equality.
Bakgrund: Kompetensf?rs?rjningen ?r en stor utmaning f?r den svenska sjukv?rden, i
samtliga av landets regioner saknas specialistsjuksk?terskor och det ?r brist p? erfaren
personal. Kompetensbristen kan utg?ra ett hot mot patients?kerheten. Trots att satsningar g?rs
f?r att fler sjuksk?terskor ska specialistutbilda sig ?r det inte tillr?ckligt m?nga som g?r det.
Syfte: Att unders?ka grundutbildade sjuksk?terskors inst?llning till att specialistutbilda sig
inom kirurgisk v?rd.
Metod: En fokusgruppsstudie med 16 grundutbildade sjuksk?terskor fr?n kirurgiska
avdelningar p? ett universitetssjukhus i Sverige.
Jarlabanke U150 : En runsten för mycket?
This paper deals with U 150, a rune-stone raised by Jarlabanke, a wealthy man who lived in the 11th century. He raised about 7 rune-stones telling us that he made bridges, roads and was the owner of the whole of Täby. U 150 is carved with ornaments that seem to be a lot older than the other ornaments of the Jarlabanke stones that Jarlabanke raised for himself, while he still was alive. It is argued that the rune-stone U 150 was in fact made by another man called Jarl Banke (not Jarlabanke), who was a Jarl in the 11th century and is mentioned on at least three rune-stones in the same area as the Jarlabanke rune-stones..
Erfarenheter bland omvårdnadspersonal av att bemöta personer med missbruks- eller beroendeproblem på en akutmottagning : En intervjustudie
The number of persons with problems of abuse or addiction seeking care has increased during the last years in Sweden. Recent international studies show stigmatizing attitudes among nursing staff, which affect the treatment and care negatively. The purpose of this study was to describe experiences among nursing staff of treating persons with problems of abuse or addiction at an emergency department. The participants were six nurses and one assistant nurse who worked at an emergency department. The interviews were analyzed through qualitative content analysis.
Patienters upplevelser att leva med diabetes typ 2
Diabetes typ 2 är en kronisk sjukdom som ständigt ökar. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att beskriva patienters upplevelser av att leva med diabetes typ 2. Nio vetenskapliga artiklar analyserades. Analysen resulterade i fem huvudkategorier; upplevelser av att ändra livsstil, coping - ett sätt att hantera sin diabetes, upplevelser av en förändrad självkänsla, upplevelser av vårdpersonalens bemötande och framtidssyn. Resultat som framkom i studien var svårigheter med att ändra livsstil beträffande kostvanor, hantering av medicinering och fysisk aktivitet.
Beredskap f?r kontrastmedelsinducerad allvarlig allergisk reaktion inom radiologin
Bakgrund: Kontrastmedelsinducerade allergiska reaktioner inom radiologin ?r s?llsynta men
kan orsaka allvarlig v?rdskada. D? allvarliga allergiska reaktioner (AAR) ?r ovanliga har
r?ntgenpersonal inom radiologin begr?nsad erfarenhet av att hantera dessa situationer. Syfte:
Syftet var att identifiera kompetensh?jande insatser och hj?lpmedel samt vilken inverkan de
har p? r?ntgenpersonalens beredskap inom radiologin att hantera AAR i samband med
administrering av kontrastmedel.
Konsumtion i den tredje åldern
In this thesis I try to examine the consumtion among people that are retired and therefore can be considered as being in the third age. This studie is carried out in Norrköping, with interviews of people living in or close to Norrköping. I have used theories about the third age, consumtion and the space of the city. I have examined the importance of the city space as a meeting place and where the elderly buy the things they need for there everyday life. I also try to examine if the things they buy has an importance that goes beyond the immediate use, such as communicating a persons status to others.
Vad behöver växter för att växa och överleva? : En studie om förskolebarns tankar om växters behov
The purpose with this study was to examine what kind of knowledge children in preschool have regarding what plants are, and what plants need in order to grow and survive. By means of qualitative interviews I have let 12 children in the ages of 3 to 5 years answer questions regarding the subject.From the results it is obvious that the children in the early age groups already have some knowledge of what a plant is and can also mention a few basic factors for a plants survival. In addition, the results show that their knowledge increases with the childs age and that the conversations become more distinct with more resulting questions the older the children are.Keywords. Enviroment, plants needs, Preeschool, science..
Lungemboli förändrar livet
Bakgrund: Ett stort antal personer drabbas varje år av venös tromboembolism i Sverige och ungefär en fjärdedel drabbas av lungemboli. Symtomen kan vara mycket varierande och diffusa vilket gör sjukdomen svårdiagnostiserad. De flesta patienter som kommer till sjukhus och får behandling i tid överlever. Det finns i dag mycket forskning när det gäller riskfaktorer, diagnos och behandling vid lungemboli. Däremot är inte upplevelsen av att drabbas väl studerad, inte heller hur det påverkar patientens livskvalitet.
Fotodelning på Facebook : Hur användare i olika åldrar upplever och förhåller sig till risker
It?s not unusual for people to upload photos to the Internet nowadays. Despite the fact that there are benefits from doing this, there are also some risks that people should take into consideration before they share private photos. The aim of this survey was to investigate how users of different ages respond to risks related to photo sharing on Facebook. The participants were between the ages of 16 and 64.According to the results it appears that in some cases, even if they can?t be statistically proven, there are patterns that indicate that younger people are more careless and that older people are more careful when it comes to photo sharing on the Internet.
ABSTRACTBackground: Most cases of lumbar disc herniation are asymptomatic. When symptomatic, LDH may cause a significant physical and mental distress. Initially, most patients are treated conservative but sometimes operations may be required.Aim: The aim of this study was to provide a review of the scientific basis of physiotherapy, including behavioural therapy, as a treatment to lumbar disc herniation regarding pain, function and the size of disc herniation in people suffering from lumbar disc herniation.Method: Four databases were used in the searches of literature. Assessment of the validity of the studies was done with the PEDro-scale and valuation of evidence rate was made according to guidelines made by the Swedish Council on Health Technology Assessment (SBU).Result: Nine RCT-studies were included with a total of 713 participants. The scientific basis is moderate to support a pain reduction and limited regarding improvement of physical function when it comes to physical exercises, including MDT.
Kliniskt datainsamlingssystem med beslutsstöd - Användarutredning och gränssnitt för Sahlgrenskas akutintag
Extra high requirements are made on all systems in health care that they are functional and usable,´something, however, that is not always the case. At Emergency Admissions at Sahlgrenska University´Hospital many systems are in use at the same time and it happens that much overhead is caused by having to fill in the same information in different places. In addition, data that is gathered is to a large extent saved in free text format, which means that it cannot be used in a larger context such as research, quality control or for decision support. Data is saved in the patient file only for the treatment process of the individual patient.A data collecting system with decision support functionality could be a first step towards reducing Emergency Admissions? costs and patients? waiting times by providing a structured method of data collection.
Att vara patient med HIV: erfarenheter av möten med sjukvårdspersonal : En systematisk litteraturstudie
Bakgrund: Humant Immunbrist Virus (HIV) är en infektionssjukdom som angriper kroppens immunförsvar vilket leder till att det stegvis försämras och slutligen helt avtar. Historiskt sett har patienter med HIV blivit diskriminerade i samhället och orättvist behandlade. Joyce Travelbee?s omvårdnadsteori tar avstånd från en generaliserande människosyn och förespråkar att se individens unika egenskaper, och sjukvårdspersonal ska enligt lag möta patienter med lika värde och lika vård oavsätt diagnos. Syftet är att beskriva erfarenheter som vuxna patienter med HIV har av möten med sjukvårdspersonal.Metod: En systematisk litteraturstudie.
Är bröstförstoring för alla kvinnor? En retrospektiv fenomenologisk studie på kvinnor som har genomgått en bröstförstoring
Background: The purpose of this study was to explore the reasons that motivate women to seek cosmetic breast augmentation surgery, to examine their self-concept and how they relate to their breasts.Methods: Ten female postoperative participants who have undergone an aesthetic breast augmentation surgery on private clinics were interviewed using an unstructured interview format. Self-report questionnaire was used as a complement to the interview. The purpose of this was to examine women's self-concept. Six female postoperative participants who have undergone a breast augmentation surgery on public clinic and had medically confirmed defect also completed the measures.Results: The results of the interview analysis showed that some participants experienced positive physical and psychological outcomes of surgery and some did not. Several main themes were identified relating to the initial reasons for performing surgery.