1976 Uppsatser om Older patients - Sida 52 av 132
En komparativ studie av matematikböcker i grundskolan 1842-2006
This paper is a study of some of the mathematics textbooks that were used in Swedish public schools from 1842 to the present. During this period several revisions of the curriculum took place and led to a change of contents in the various books. The first part is a description of the books chosen and highlights from each are given and compared with the corresponding curriculum. Also social and political change and the role of men and women can be studied in the examples presented. A comparison between similar topics and how they were accounted for in the older versus the newer books follows suite.
Operationssjuksk?terskans erfarenheter av kommunikation och teamarbete i operationssalen
Bakgrund: M?nga patienter drabbas av v?rdskada i samband med kirurgi. F?r att minska
risken att patienten drabbas av skador beh?ver operationssjuksk?terskan och ?vriga teamet ha
goda kommunikationsf?rdigheter f?r att teamarbetet ska fungera. Alla yrkeskategorier har ett
gemensamt ansvar f?r patienten och ska systematiskt arbeta f?r att f?rebygga v?rdskador.
Operationssjuksk?terskans titel ?r skyddad och en stor del av professionen ?r att arbeta
f?rebyggande mot komplikationer under operation.
Mindfulness-träning med kognitiv psykoterapiinriktning för patienter med långvarig smärta
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of mindfulness training in the treatment of chronic pain, estimate the degree of mindfulness before and after intervention, and to describe the participants experience of mindfulness training. Mindfulness is defined as moment to moment, non-judgmental awareness. After the treatment of chronic pain 16 patients were offered and nine agreed to participate in mindfulness training. The intervention group took part in an 8-week group-program. The comparison group, not randomized, was 16 former patients.
Isolerande balkonginfästningar : Thermally-insulated balconies
In this work a study has been performed to show the different kinds of insulated balcony connections exists on the market. In the work there is also a short description of thermal bridges concerning balconies. A description of older solutions for balcony connections is given as well as a calculation of the difference in energy costs for a insulated balcony connection compared to the standard connection. The work includes a short description of the different products. After that there is a short information about their insulation properties, durability, acoustic performance, assembly, computer programme and a short analyses for each product..
Hur påverkar hörselskadan det dagliga livet? En jämförande studie mellan barndomsdöva och vuxendöva.
The study emanates from the national quality registry for persons with severe and profound hearing impairment. The aim was to examine possible differences between signing deaf and adults with acquired severe hearing loss, with reference to self-assessed problems, how the hearing loss influences daily life.In total 234 adults aged 30-90 years were included (128 women, 106 men). In the registry, there are background variables and questions that the patients have answered. The results, indicated on a visual analogue scale (VAS) from 0-100, from a question ?To which extent does your hearing loss at present influence your life?? were analysed.The study was performed by pooling the results of VAS and dividing the patients into signing deaf and those with acquired severe hearing loss, and in age groups 30-60 and 61-90 years.
"Olikheter berikar" : En kvalitativ intervjustudie kring rektorers syn på integrationsarbete av nyanlända elever med utländskt ursprung.
In this essay, I make a queer feminist analysis of Mats Strandberg?s and Sara Bergmark Elfgren?s teenage novel ?Cirkeln?, which is about six teenage girls who learn that they are witches with a mission to save the world from demons. Using Judith Butler's theories, I examine the norms of sex/gender, ethnicity, class and sexuality found in the text and how these standards are created. I also analyze whether, and if so how, these standards may change when the magical elements enter the text.I also discuss the fact that older Gothic novels with magical elements often have been regarded as queer through history. .
Kartläggning av fallriskfaktorer för äldre i ordinärt boende inom landstingen Västmanland och Uppsala län (underlag för intervention)
AbstractObjective: To investigate the occurrence of and the risk factors for falls and to investigate level of fall-related self-efficacy and health-related quality of life in people living in community living, 75 years or older within Uppsala and Västmanlands county. A further aim was to identify predictive risk factors for falls. Design: A cross-section study with a descriptive, comparative and correlative design based on a questionnaire was used. Participants: The participants were recruited from Uppsala and Västmanlands county. A random selection on 525 individuals was done, from a population based sample, in the detailed municipalities.
Visuell handelsortering av furu och gran
This essay concerns the visual trade grading of pine and spruce.In the 1800s developed rules for sorting of wood. The rules used to facilitate the export trade.The terms of the regulatory sorting systems developed in the 1900s. While it still used some of the older terms.The essay deals with how the grading rules affect the use of wood and how the rule work and how the terminology works.Some of the terms used for sorting are O/S, Kvinta, Utskott and A,B,C,D.You sorting by counting the numbers of knots, cracks and other characteristics of each piece of wood.The sawmills have much influence in how the rules developed.Today it is often already determined in the sawmills which uses each piece of wood most have..
Rehabiliteringsträdgården : hur människan påverkas och utformningens betydelse
In today?s hectic society more and more people experience stress and our lifestyle gives us a very limited chance to recover. For some it sometimes goes that far that they get burnt-out, they have pushed themselves to the ultimate limit. There are different methods and treatments to recover but one very efficient treatment is to spend time in a rehabilitation garden. There the patients get treated by therapeutics that uses the garden as the main tool.The fact that gardens and parks have a positive effect on humans have been used by people for a long time but it?s not until recently that the research has taken speed.
Upplevelsen av livskvalitet hos kvinnor med fibromyalgi : - en litteraturstudie
AbstractObjective: To investigate the occurrence of and the risk factors for falls and to investigate level of fall-related self-efficacy and health-related quality of life in people living in community living, 75 years or older within Uppsala and Västmanlands county. A further aim was to identify predictive risk factors for falls. Design: A cross-section study with a descriptive, comparative and correlative design based on a questionnaire was used. Participants: The participants were recruited from Uppsala and Västmanlands county. A random selection on 525 individuals was done, from a population based sample, in the detailed municipalities.
Svenska kyrkans funktion i den palliativa vården : - ett religionssociologiskt perspektiv
Through the lenses of religion?s role in society, the purpose of this thesis is to examine, the role of the Church of Sweden in providing support to people at the end of life. Questions asked are: "What types of spiritual support is offered by the Church of Sweden during terminal care provided in patients' homes and how is this support expressed in church orders, assembly instructions, plans of operations and congregation letters?" and " How can the work of the Church of Sweden be understood, based on theories of religion's role in society? The method used is a content analysis of the Church Order, assembly instructions, plans of operations and congregation letters in 17 different congregations within the diocese of Lund. I then engage in a discussion with theories on differentiation and the privatization of religion as a means to interpret my results.
Kvinnligt eller manligt - En studie av könsbedömningsmetodernas utveckling för humant material
This study focuses on the development of methods for sexual determination of human skeletal remains, mainly between the years 1981 to 2007. By comparing an older analysis from 1983 (Persson and Persson) with my own on the same material, a difference of 40% was shown, which indicates that the methods has changed through time, and that these should not be used for newer conclusions about a population if the method is not throughoutly described.The main cause of the difference was identified as a change in the reliability of the sexual indicators, rather than a total change of method. Any general tendencies did not show, it is however considered that the pelvic bones are able to make a better conformity between the analyses as opposed to using the cranium..
Jämförelse av resultat mellan manuell gelkortsanalys och automatisk immunohematologisk gelkortsanalys vid utförande av blodgruppskontroll och antikroppsscreening (BAS-test)
Incompatibility between donors and recipients can cause fatal hemolytic transfusion reactions (HTR), kidney damage and death and immunization of the recipient. Antigens on the surface of erythrocytes in the ABO blood group system and regular natural antibodies against these in the patient?s plasma must be considered. An individual always has a corresponding antibody of IgM in their plasma. Irregular antibodies acquired by transfusion or pregnancy and active in body temperature also cause the HTR incompatibility.
Effekter på attityd, beteende och kunskap av hörselrelaterad information riktad til barn och ungdomar
ABSTRACTProblems with high turnover in nursing has escalated during the last years both nationally and internationally. according to previous research job satisfaction and quality of care was connected to specific features of the hospital work environement. It was also recommended by Coomber & Barriball (2007) to analyze job satisfaction at ward level with qualitative interviews to get a deeper and more extended insight in which specific features are of importance.The aim of this study was to investigate and describe the experiance of job satisfaction in relation to quality of care from nurses perspective. This study was carried out at an orthopaedic ward with primary nursing as organizational context of care.Two focus group interviews were conducted, they comprised nine nurses with at least two years experiance of primary nursing. A qualitative content analysis with inductive approach was used in order to develop more detailed insights of potential factors influencing work satisfaction at ward level.
Cancersjuka patienters upplevelse av livskvalitet och välbefinnande i samband med yogautövning. : En deskriptiv kvalitativ studie med semistrukturerade intervjuer.
AbstractAim: The aim of this study was to describe cancer patients? experiences of quality of life and wellbeing in relation to yoga practice.Method: A descriptive qualitative study with semi structured interviews was carried out during the fall of 2009 at the University of Uppsala. Informants in the study were cancer patients who were participating in the yoga/psychotherapy group at the clinic of oncology at the Akademiska hospital in Uppsala.Result: Five out of six informants experienced that their quality of life and their wellbeing improved by practicing yoga. One informant had mixed feelings which were not due to the yoga practicing, but to the place where it was practiced. For her this place was associated with illness.