1976 Uppsatser om Older patients - Sida 50 av 132
Kontraster eller anpassning?
Should new buildings blend in or contrast from the older buildings around? Could contrasts even emphasize different characters? This report is a discussion on that theme. I´ve studied different architects wiev on the question and studied different of examples of where new buildings contrast to the context in a successful way. In part two I´ve done a proposal on a new housing settlement next to Hammarbyhöjden in Stockholm. The new buildings contrast to the existing and the aim is to emphasize the characters in Hammarbyhöjden as well as in the new structure.
SARS [Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome] penetrated China in spring of 2003, created havoc in the social society, exposed weaknesses within the political system and pushed the nation towards a crisis of confidence. At the same time the crisis revitalised the Party's position, brought people from different social stratum together and had a beneficial impact on the populace's knowledge on health related issues.What makes the SARS crisis in China interesting for further and deeper investigation is the method it chose to respond to its national crisis. They plan of response was indeed a retrogression back to "older" times, using methods and propaganda very much like those used during Mao Zedong and later Deng Xiaoping. The first step of response was denial and cover up of the real situation, which quickly turned to unprecedented transparency, as the magnitude of SARS became known. The Party and the government were quick to proclaim themselves as the bearer of the key knowledge and information on how to best fight the disease, this in sharp contrast to the political trend of more co-operation between the private and public sector and political transparency.
Invandrares upplevelser av hälso- och sjukvården i Sverige. En litteraturstudie om invandrares möte med den svenska vården.
The purpose of this study to examine and compile qualitative articles to receive knowledge about the cultural and religious cognizance and also the understanding a nurse ought to have, when she meets and nurses dying patients from other cultures and religions than her own. We also had intention to find out which outlook Jews, Muslims and Buddhists have on dying and death associated with their own or death within family..
Jordlöparfaunan i bestånd av contortatall (Pinus contorta) och svensk tall (P. sylvestris) 1987 och 2010
In the 1970´s the North American lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta) was introduced to Sweden in large scale. The lodgepole pine affects its new environment different from Scots pine (P. sylvestris), leading to a change in biological diversity.
Forestry today affects the ground beetle fauna (Carabidae). Habitat specialists associated with older forests are first affected. When the canopy closes again after a clear-cutting species that prefer open habitats reduces and those who prefer mature/closed forests increase.
In this study we compare differences in diversity and community structure of ground beetles in stands of lodgepole pine and Scots pine.
Kännedom om och handhavande av Vocal Cord Dysfunction : bland logopeder och läkare i Sverige
Vocal Cord Dysfunction (VCD) is characterized by paradoxical vocal cord movement during inspiration or expiration, and generally affects adolescents and predominantly women. Previous studies have shown a large inconsistency concerning terminology, definitions, etiology, assessment, differential diagnosis, co-morbidity and treatment. The purpose of this study was to map knowledge on and management of VCD in Sweden. The study was conducted as a written survey addressed to speech-language pathologists and physicians, and attained an answer percentage of 79 percent. The results showed that several professions were involved in the management of these patients, but no clear pattern of referral could be observed.
Audionomers tillvägagångssätt vid utvärdering av audiologisk rehabilitering: Fokusgruppsintervjuer med erfarna audionomer 2008
BackgroundOur main goal in the clinic is to offer rehabilitation for individuals with hearing losses. The outcome of audiological rehabilitation shall be evaluated in line with the HSL (Swedish health law 2008:3). It is most important to evaluate the results of the audiological rehabilitation for the individual as well as to make sure to reach the goals of HSL.AimThe aim of this study was to try to investigate the audiologists? opinions end experiences how to evaluate audiological rehabilitation. The aim with the focus group interview was to collect increased knowledge regarding questions, answers and observations audiologists consider when evaluating audiological rehabilitation.
Icke-farmakologiska åtgärder för att förebygga förstoppning hos äldre personer - En litteraturstudieNon-pharmalogical measures to prevent constipation for older people - A literature review
Bakgrund: Förstoppning är ett av de vanligaste symtomen från mag- och tarmkanalen och att drabbas av förstoppning kan vara en hemsk upplevelse. Tillståndet påverkar personen både fysiskt, mental, socialt och existentiellt, vilket leder till försämrad livskvalité. Syfte: Att beskriva vilka icke-farmakologiska åtgärder som finns för att förebygga förstoppning hos äldre personer över 65 år. Metod: Studien genomfördes som en allmän litteraturstudie där vetenskapliga artiklar söktes i databaser på Internet och manuellt i referenslistor. Åtta vetenskapliga artiklar inkluderades i studien och dessa analyserades och utformades till ett resultat.
Ombyggnad av 1950-talets kontorshus till flerbostadshus
This thesis aims to increase understanding and knowledge of issues affecting the redevelopment of older office buildings to housing. The rising demand for housing in recent years has resulted in a need and an increase in cost housing projects. The need has led property owners wanting to build old office buildings to apartments. The case study is carried out in Lycksele town and in close contact with consultancy TM (Technician Mercantile) ? consulting, which has operations in the area.
Sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att fråga patienter om våld i nära relation
Aim: The aim of this study was to examine nurses experiences of asking patients aboutintimate partner violence and what the nurses believed could be of help or hindrance whenasking the question.Method: The study design was qualitative. Nine nurses from four different divisions wasinterviewed. The participants worked at a Swedish university hospital with an action plan fortaking care of violated women. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews usingan interview guide. The results were analyzed using qualitative content analysis.Main result: The question about intimate partner violence raises a variety of feelings amongnurses, for example anger and empathy.
?detta Otrevliga klientel? : En studie av de flyktingar som vårdades i Växjö mellan åren 1944 -1947.
?this Unpleasent klientel?A study on refugee care in Växjö between the years 1944 and 1947.The purpose of this study was to examine the treatment of sick refugees in Växjö in the 1940s. To achieve this a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods were used. The material found in the local archive and local newspaper was then put together and analyzed from the theoretical perspective, gender, class, ethnicity and social status.The result of this study shows that there were two main treatment wards for refugees, one that was supposed to treat women and children with active tuberculosis and the other ward treated refuges with ?epidemic diseases.? Foreign citizens were also taken care of in other words that were also not meant for refugees only, like the Epidemic hospital, which treated about 80 patients of a foreign nationality between 1944 and 1946.
Informationsöverflöd : En studie av hur erfarna Internetanvändare hanterar informationsmängden på nätet
AbstractPurpose/Aim: In my essay I study the use of Internet with information overload as my perspective. I compare two age groups in order to find out whether there is a difference between generations in how they use the Internet and experience the vast amount of information that is found on the net.Material/Method: I gather information from six frequent World Wide Web users to find out whether they are experiencing information overload when using the Internet in their spare time and how they structure and make sense of the vast amount of information that is found on the net. I use semi-structured interviews to gather qualitative, not quantitative, material for my study. I have also used literature and websites on information overload, the Internet, and connected themes in order to get a broader picture of the subject and help me analyse the material.Main results: The main results of my study are that frequent Internet users do not feel that they suffer from the vast amount of information found on the World Wide Web. They rather enjoy it and if they have heard the term information overload they assume that it does not apply to their use of the Internet.
Diabetes hos hund : en uppföljning av behandlade hundar ur ett djurägarperspektiv
Diabetes Mellitus is one of the most common endocrinologic disorders among
dogs. The disorder has a complex background, and successful treatment requires a
well-functioning co-operation between pet owners and the veterinarian. The
purpose of this study is to investigate the owners? perspective of diabetic
treatments offered, and to estimate expected length of survival post-insulin
therapy. The research findings are based on a survey mailed to 77 pet owners,
whose dogs were diagnosed with diabetes between 1999 and 2003 at the small
animal clinic of the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.
The median survival for the dogs that underwent insulin treatment was 31 months,
Den rivna simhallen - en etnologisk studie av bevarande, materialitet och kulturarv
In this essay the aim is to look at difficulties in preservation of buildings in general, andespecially the ones of the modernist era. To navigate in this huge field the study is narroweddown to take place in Finspång, a small Swedish town. In Finspång there was a swimmingpool facility built in 1967. In 2003 the facility was closed down due to its unusable conditionsand then after seven years with discussions of different plans about what to do with thefacility it was demolished in 2010. This case is the base in the essay, and why it was notpreserved.The purpose of this essay is to look at what the people in Finspång think about preservation ofbuildings with the demolished swimming hall facility as base, and what impact materiality hason questions regarding preservation, cultural heritage, memory and history.
IBS-patienters upplevelse av låg FODMAP-kosten
IBS patients experiences of eating the low FODMAP-dietIrritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common, functional gastrointestinal tract disorder. The disease is benign but may cause much suffering for the individual. The treatments available are used to relieve symptoms. One nutrition therapy is to exclude fermentable oligo-, di-, monosaccharide and polyols, so callde FODMAPS, from the diet. This diet is proven successful and even significantly better than the standard nutrition advice for IBS.
Objektiv rörelseanalys : ett stöd vid den visuella bedömningen av hälta hos hund?
Lame dogs are a common group of patients for the practicing veterinarian. In the
literature it is described how a clinical examination can be performed, based on
general clinical-, orthopedic- and neurological examination, and visual evaluation
of the dog when standing and during motion. For research, objective gait analysis
systems are also used to study clinically healthy and lame dogs during motion.
The aim of this degree project was to compare objective kinematic gait analysis
with a visual evaluation of dogs with different types of lameness. The project was
a pilot study to show if objective gait analysis could be used as a support for the
visual examination.
Ten lame dogs of different breeds and with different diagnoses were included in
the study. They were all patients at the University Animal hospital, Uppsala.