1976 Uppsatser om Older patients - Sida 49 av 132
Pojkars och flickors lek : En studie av lek under 1900-talet
This study shows how boys and girls play has changed during the 20th century. The purpose is to make people aware of the change that has happened. In the background I show what the literature says about gender and play, before and now.To get a result I?ve interviewed two older persons and four children. These interviews has been compared to see similarities and differences.I discovered that today?s play revolves mostly around toys.
Motion som egenvård : en studie om personer med erfarenhet av självupplevd psykisk ohälsa och psykiatrisk vård
Backround: Many studies indicate that people with mental illness often suffer from physical illness. Many people with mental illness do not exercise even though they often have knowledge about the benefits of physical activity. Studies suggest that psychiatric patients have the desire to have an everyday life with more content. It is apparent in studies that healthcare professionals believe that it is the patients' own responsibility to keep themselves physically active.Aim: The primary objective with this study is to examine motivation and possible obstacles to exercise for persons with self-perceived mental illness and experience of psychiatric care. The secondary objective is to investigate how psychiatric care may be of importance to people with mental illness when it comes to exercise.Methods: Semi-structured interviews.
Föräldrars erfarenheter av stöd i sin föräldraroll genom deltagande i syskoncirkel- en intervjustudie
Introduction When a child comes into a family changing conditions for the older sibling, who may feel left out. This can be a problem for parents who face new challenges towards the older sibling, which can lead to parents looking for advice and support. Parenting is an activity that strengthens the role of parents and provides information about children's health and social development. Purpose The purpose is to describe the parents' experiences of support in their parental role by participating in the sibling circle. Method Semi-structured focus group interview was conducted and qualitative content analysis was performed.
Sjuksköterskans arbete på en akutmottagning,sett ur ett omvårdnadsperspektiv : en litteraturstudie
Aim: The aim of this study was to describe the nurse?s work at an emergency department trough a perspective of caring.Method: A literature review has been made of twelve studies published between the years of 2002 ? 2012. The focus of all the studies was on Swedish emergency departments. Results: The researchers found four themes that they choose to use as a way of describing the nurses work in the emergency room as detailed as possible. These themes were: ?The emergency room?, ?the nurse?s job assignments at an emergency department?, ?the patient?s experiences? and ?lifeworld and communication?.
Analys av prostaglandin F2? -metabolit i blodet : indikativt för pyometra hos tik?
Pyometra (chronic purulent uterine inflammation) is a common disease in middle-aged and older intact bitches. The disease most frequently occurs in metoestrus and previous research studies have shown that both hormones and bacteria are involved in the development of the disease.
Analysis of the blood levels of prostaglandin metabolite 15-keto-13,14-dihydro-PGF2? (PG-metabolite) has previously been shown to be clinically useful in the differentiation of canine uterine diseases such as pyometra and mucometra. The PG-metabolite concentration has also been correlated to severity in pyometra as determined by hospitalisation length. The purpose of the present study was to investigate if blood levels of PG-metabolite can differentiate uterine diseases such as pyometra from other diseases in female dogs.
Laktatnivån i blodet : en prognostisk markör för tikar med pyometra?
The purpose of the present study was to explore if blood lactate levels are increased in bitches with pyometra, and if the lactate measurement could be used as a prognostic indicator and to determine outcome. The present study
included 16 bitches with pyometra that were admitted to the University Animal Hospital, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden. For comparison, a control group consisting of 14 healthy staffowned
bitches was also evaluated. In all bitches, a physical examination was performed and blood samples for analysis of haematological and biochemical parameters were obtained. In all bitches with pyometra, surgical ovariohysterectomy was performed and a uterine sample for bacteriological culture and identification was collected.
Virtualiseringsproblematik i företagsmiljö
The purpose of the study was to identify and analyse the implications of client virtualisation in company environments. The study chose to focus on the aspects of the current hardware, license management, application management, maintenance work and the implications virtualization would have on these. The work in the study was chosen to limit itself to a Windows environment.The background to the study was due to a growing need to be more flexible and mobile in company environments and in collaboration with the University of Jönköping a problem description and the framing of questions was defined. The essay tooka qualitative initiative to comprehend the complexity of the problem at hand. The empirical data was collected from interviews, literature studies and laboratory work testing applications.
Interaktion med närstående till kritiskt sjuka patienter. : Vilka svårigheter finns?
Background:When the patient is critically ill the family is in a vulnerable position. The nurse's role is to support and help the family to find meaning in the difficult situation and to provide realistic hope. Balancing between the patient's and the family's needs is difficult. Knowledge about how nurses experience difficulties in the interaction with family is required in order to grant good care too critically ill patients and their family-members.Aim:To describe nurses' perceived difficulties in the interaction with family-members of critically ill patients.Method:The study is a qualitative literature-based study based on qualitative research. Results: The analysis resulted in four main themes; difficult disunion, environmental constraints, interpersonal difficulties and communicative difficulties.
Att vårda patienter i ett sent palliativt skede : Ur ett sjuksköterskeperspektiv
Background: Nurses´daily has to face death and dying in their work with patients in a palliative state. This means both emotionell and workrelated challenges. However nurses in this context are not experiencing more stress then others.Aim: The aim is to describe nurses´experiences of caring for patients in a palliative state.Method: A litterature review based on ten qualitative articles published between 2006- 2012. To collect data we used the databases Cinahl, PubMed, Nursing Allied Health Source and Medline. We worked with Fribergs (2006) model ?Contribute to evidensbased care with a base in analyses of qualitative science? in the analysis.Result: Four main themes were identified; The meaning of the nurses´ spirituality in the care, Why the nurse choose to work in this field, To be certain in the professional role and The meaning of the caring relationship.
Tillämpning av Teckal-undantaget på kommunägda aktiebolag. Fallstudie av Göteborgs stad och Gryaab AB
In this essay the aim is to look at difficulties in preservation of buildings in general, andespecially the ones of the modernist era. To navigate in this huge field the study is narroweddown to take place in Finspång, a small Swedish town. In Finspång there was a swimmingpool facility built in 1967. In 2003 the facility was closed down due to its unusable conditionsand then after seven years with discussions of different plans about what to do with thefacility it was demolished in 2010. This case is the base in the essay, and why it was notpreserved.The purpose of this essay is to look at what the people in Finspång think about preservation ofbuildings with the demolished swimming hall facility as base, and what impact materiality hason questions regarding preservation, cultural heritage, memory and history.
Sjuksköterskors upplevelser av kommunikation med patienter med invandrarbakgrund
Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate nurses? experiences of communicating with patients with immigrant backgrounds regarding language barriers, patient relations and use of interpreter. Method: Eight persons participated in this study. Four registered midwives were interviewed in a focus group and one clinical lecturer with a district nursing background, one midwife and two district nurses were individually interviewed about their experiences. The content was analysed using a qualitative content analysis.
Sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att vårda döende patienter på en akutvårdsavdelning
Det är svårt att bedöma hur lång tid en människa har kvar i livet och brytpunkten för när en patients döende fas inleds kan vara otydlig (Ellershaw & Ward, 2003). Det är viktigt att den sista tiden blir så bra som möjligt och här spelar sjuksköterskan en viktig roll. Syftet med studien var att belysa sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att vårda döende patienter på en akutvårdsavdelning. Metoden som användes var kvalitativa fokusgruppintervjuer och data analyserades med induktiv innehållsanalys. Ett övergripande tema för studien kan benämnas vårdens vågskålar, dilemman och tillfredställelse, vilket speglar den dubbelbottnade natur vården har.
Hälsosamtal i elevhälsovården : Vad uppfattas som ett positivt och betydelsefullt hälsosamtal utifrån elev- och skolsköterskeperspektiv?
The aim: was to describe and compare a group of experts and critical care nurses' agreement in detecting delirium in intubated, ventilator treated patients with sedation / analgesia, before and after an in house training intervention with the instrument Confusion Assessment Method for the Intensive Care Unit (CAM-ICU).Method: A quasi-experimental study, one group pretest - posttest design. A convenience sample of 17 critical care nurses in a general intensive care unit included. To detect delirium the instrument CAM-ICU was used, 21 paired tests before and 22 after an educational intervention.Main Results: The results showed that after an in house training intervention sensitivity and kappa coefficient improved of the characteristic 1 "acute onset and fluctuating course," an improvement that was significant. In other features, and overall values were signs of numerical improvement and deterioration in sensitivity, specificity and kappa coefficient but no significant change.Conclusion: Implementing a new instrument for detecting delirium in clinical practice requires education and follow-up. A small sample of critical care nurses with varying ability to use the new instrument and the fact that patients' status may change rapidly making it difficult to draw any conclusions from this study.
Skillnader i följsamhet och förutsättningar för basala hygienrutiner mellan personal inom kommunal- och sjukhusvård samt tillgången av skyddsmaterial
AbstractThe purpose of this study was to describe and compare the degree of selfreporting succession to the basal hygienic routines of emplyees working in municipal old peoples care versus hospital care. It is also to describe the access of material available in prevention of cross infections. The study was also carried out with a comparative and quantitative run up design. The study is based on a questionnaire in the district of Gävleborg in the spring of 2009. Nurses, auxiliaries and carers whom were in close contact with patients were asked to join the study.
Patientrelaterade riskfaktorer för postoperativ sårinfektion efter Coronary Artery Bypass Graft - CABG
Introduction Postoperative wound infections leads to increased patient suffering and cost society money because it leads to longer hospital stays. Previous research shows that patient related risk factors such as smoking, diabetes, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), advanced age (>65 years) a low preoperative hemoglobin level (<140g/L) and a high BMI (> 30) increases the risk of suffering a postoperative wound infection. Aim To investigate whether patients that underwent surgery with Coronary artery Bypass Graft (CABG) in a university hospital in central Sweden in 2013 and had any of these risk factors more often suffer from post-operative wound infection.MethodThe study has a descriptive design and is based on an ongoing infection registration area of operations. The study included 148 patients out of 255 (58%) undergoing CABG in 2013. Possible risk factors were collected through medical record review.Results There was no significant correlation between surgical wound infection and patient-related risk factors such as smoking (not quit smoking four weeks before surgery), diabetes, COPD, advanced age (>65 years), low preoperative hemoglobin (<140g/L) or a high BMI (>30) and suffered a postoperative wound infection.Conclusion More research and a larger sample is needed in the field to produce a reliable result could be presented..