

7550 Uppsatser om North Sweden - Sida 2 av 504

Klimatförändringar och dess effekter på ogräsfloran i Sverige :

Land management for food production is a fundamental human activity and one of the greatest challenges of the 21st century will be to increase the global food to accommodate a world growing to 10 billion or more people, while undergoing climate change. The increasing temperature and the current and projected increase in concentrations of CO2 lead to concern over possible impacts on agricultural pests. This assay is summarizing the knowledge of weeds in a changing climate in Sweden. Global warming and other climatic changes will affect the growth, phenology, and geographical distribution of weeds. The climate change will also affect the weed composition indirect by causing changes in the agriculture.

Friluftsliv på gymnasiet : En jämförelse mellan friluftslivsinslag i tre svenska gymnasieskolor

AimThe purpose with our study has been to investigate if upper secondary high schools in the south of Sweden, Stockholm and north of Sweden follow the outdoor education regulations stated in the curriculum (Lpf-94). Moreover, we aim to study if the teachers? previous experiences as well as the students affect the outdoor education. Finally, the purpose is to find out how the outdoor-life-education can be improved. These are the research questions:o How do the chosen high schools follow the outdoor education regulations stated in Lpf-94?o What obstacles, advantages and differences exist between the outdoor-life-education in these high schools?o In what way do the teachers? outdoor life experiences influence their education at school?o How can the students influence the outdoor education in their High Schools?o How can outdoor education be improved?MethodThe study is based upon data collected from four interviews with PE ( physical education) teachers from four different high schools.

Måste Aftonbladet minnas vad en jämtländsk by heter? : En kvalitativ studie av hur jämtländska nyheter porträtteras i rikstäckande press

For years the northern parts of Sweden, Norrland (translated: North land) has been considered mystified and exotified by the southern, more urban parts of the country. The rural Norrland ? though 60 percent of Sweden ? is seldom a part of the common conversation, meaning that most of the people living in the southern parts simply have no idea what is happening in the north. The one million people living in Norrland, on the other hand, every day gets to know what happens in the south on the evening news. The question about this possible structural relation between the urban and the rural became a large matter of cultural debate in the spring of 2015, If this thesis is true, we have a problem on our hands; can the national news be considered national if half the country is misrepresented? That question is what this essay is trying to find out by analyzing two of Swedens largest national newspapers.

Biologin hos svenska Lilioceris arter och åtgärder för att begränsa deras skadeverkningar :

Summary The leaf beetles, Lilioceris lilii and L. merdigera have existed in Asia, Europe and in North Africa for a long time, but have become much more abundant the last twenty-five years. Even North America has been affected during the last years. The purpose of this investigation of Lilioceris species in Sweden, is to give advice to gardeners, which type of control measures is the most effective in order to restrict their damage to lilies. Lilioceris species overwinter normally as pupae in the soil under the host or close by. Literature and contact with advisors have described the life cycle and spreading of Lilioceris. Under favourable conditions these leaf beetles have two generations/year in the south of Sweden. Both the adults and the larva eat the foliage, and by strong attacks even flowers can be eaten and only the stem is remaining. My own observations include different treatments of both lily foliage and of the leaf beetle.

Diplomati till varje pris - En studie om varför USA väljer diplomati framför militär intervention i Nordkorea

North Korea is considered to be the most autocratic dictatorship in the world today. Its citizens are denied their most basic human rights and North Koreas ambition to pursue nuclear weapons is looked upon with great fear from the international community and the US in particular. Some experts say that the threat from North Korea is far greater than the one possessed by Saddam Hussein. Although North Korea seems to inhabit all the necessary criteria for an US military intervention the United States has openly declared its diplomatic ambitions with the state. Why?With the use of realist and social construction theory this study will bring clarity to why the United States prefers diplomacy instead of a military intervention.

Inre och yttre landskap : Tre platser i norra Europa från järnåldern och dessa platsers senare betydelse

This study sets out to investigate the social significance and political use of three historical places, from the theoretical starting points of landscape, objects, society and rituals. The Teutoburger Forest in North Germany has had an international effect, being a german national icon during the reformation and through two world wars, Old Uppsala is a place of great importance for the creation and reproduction of Swedish national identity during several hundred years, and Eketorp ring fort on Öland in Sweden is of more regional importance. All these places have been used for social and political reasons through history. History can be used in a constructive or a destructive way. This study stresses the importance of a critical scientific tradition..

Det blänkte som av silver i jorden : En studie av den glimmermagrade keramiken i Norrland under bronsålder och äldre järnålder

As to now, no study has been made of the mica tempered pottery found along side the asbestos tempered pottery in Norrland during the Bronze Age and Early Iron Age. Its occurrence has previously only briefly been noted in a few published works and the dating and geographical distribution of mica tempered pottery in the north of Sweden has to a large extent been unknown. This paper aims to compile the available information about this type of pottery and the locations where it has been discovered in order to date and explain the occurrence of mica tempered pottery in Norrland. It's also suggested that the occurrence of mica tempered pottery is connected to the spread of the early metalwork from the east to areas that today makes up the north of Norrland..

Återvändarna : en undersökning av hur det svenska samhället påverkades av återvändande emigranter 1860-1940

Between 1860 and 1940 approximately 1,1 million Swedish citizens emigrated to North America. But over 200 000 of them returned to Sweden. In this essay I have tried to estimate the impact of these people on the Swedish society. To make a deeper analyze possible, I have studied the parish of Glima?kra in southern Sweden and tried to trace the immigrants? lives after their return to Sweden and thus estimate their impact on society.By statistical analysis of migrants between Sweden and USA and between the parish of Glima?kra and USA I have concluded that the result can be used as a model for Sweden on a national basis.

Aspektorienterade vittringsprocesser : En studie i ett nordiskt klimat

Weathering on rocks is an important component of the world?s geomorphology. One way to measure weathering on rocks is to analyse rock hardness. This is a study conducted in the northern hemisphere on granite rocks in Uppsala, Sweden. A Schmidt hammer is used to create a correlation analysis between the aspects on three glacial erratic boulders and rock weathering.

Hommage till slit och släp - västerbottniska arbetarskjortor i en undersökning om mönsters påverkan på kläder

Hommage till slit och släp is a tribute and a resarchabout patterns relation to clothes. The primary goalof the project was to examine how a pattern couldchange the apperance of a garment and how thegarment?s construction and material would impactthe pattern. The formative survey was about thesparsely populated areas in the north of Sweden andhow theese areas have been treated by the swedishgovernment. The issue worked as an inspiration andmethod which I used in the patternresearch.

Värdering av immatriella tillgångar enligt IFRS : Verklighet eller utopi?

Immateriella tillgångar har traditionellt värderats till anskaffningsvärde i de nordiska länderna. Genom implementeringen av IFRS är det nu möjligt att värdera de immateriella tillgångarna enligt omvärderingsmetoden. Trots möjligheten är det få bolag som har omvärderat sina immateriella tillgångar, något som eventuellt skulle kunna förklaras av försiktighetsprincipen.Problemformuleringen lyder:?Skiljer sig attityden till omvärderingsmetoden mellan stora traditionella bolag noterade på Large Cap och små tillväxt bolag noterade på First North samt kan det hänföras till bolagens redovisningsprincip?? För att besvara problemformuleringen har stora traditionella bolag noterade på Large Cap jämförts med små tillväxtbolag som är noterade på First North. Den ekonomiskt ansvarige på respektive bolag har kontaktats via E-mail för att svara på om de har värderat de immateriella tillgångarna till anskaffningvärde och varför.

Passivhus vid polcirkeln : Fungerar det?

This report is the product of the course AF101X, a bachelors degree in Samhällsbyggnad atKTH. The task of the course is to design a small house at a given location and also implement adeepening study. The house in this report is located in Kiruna in the north of Sweden, where theclimate is much colder than in the rest of the country.The deepening study of this report is to evaluates how realistic passive housing north of thePolar Circle is based on those facts. The house will to some extent be designed to fit the passivehousing standard.

Strategier för nyligen listade bolag på First North - Vad är det som styr?

First North är en alternativ handelsplats för aktier, som är till för att små bolag med stor tillväxtspotential ska kunna plocka in externt kapital för att möjliggöra en snabbare expansion än om de varit privatägda aktiebolag. First North ställer dock inte samma formella krav på de listade bolagen som det ställs på företag som är noterade på Stockholmsbörsen då dessa är betydligt mycket större.Under år 2007 har de växt fram en stark förtroendekritik mot bolag som är listade på First North. Analytiker och media har framfört stark kritik och menar att bolagen är alldeles för kortsiktiga i sitt tänkande och att de blygsamma krav som ställs på bolagen inte garanterar en trovärdig förvaltning. Kritikerna menar att detta tillsammans med ledningens girighet leder till att företagen vill lura externa intressenter på kapital.För att undersöka om de finns någon sanning i dessa påståenden har vi undersökt hur strategierna ser ut för bolag som nyligen listats på First North. Detta har möjliggjorts genom fem stycken intervjuer med listade bolag på First North.

Strategier för nyligen listade bolag på First North - Vad är det som styr?

First North är en alternativ handelsplats för aktier, som är till för att små bolag med stor tillväxtspotential ska kunna plocka in externt kapital för att möjliggöra en snabbare expansion än om de varit privatägda aktiebolag. First North ställer dock inte samma formella krav på de listade bolagen som det ställs på företag som är noterade på Stockholmsbörsen då dessa är betydligt mycket större.Under år 2007 har de växt fram en stark förtroendekritik mot bolag som är listade på First North. Analytiker och media har framfört stark kritik och menar att bolagen är alldeles för kortsiktiga i sitt tänkande och att de blygsamma krav som ställs på bolagen inte garanterar en trovärdig förvaltning. Kritikerna menar att detta tillsammans med ledningens girighet leder till att företagen vill lura externa intressenter på kapital.För att undersöka om de finns någon sanning i dessa påståenden har vi undersökt hur strategierna ser ut för bolag som nyligen listats på First North. Detta har möjliggjorts genom fem stycken intervjuer med listade bolag på First North.

Institutions Matters - En teoriprövande studie om institutionell struktur och ekonomiskt välstånd inom transitionsländerna

This thesis analyzes and discusses the role of institutions concerning countries' abilities to create economic wealth. The countries that we are analyzing are the former members of the Warsaw pact and former Yugoslavia. These countries are referred to as transition countries. In order to analyze the transition countries institutional structure we are using Douglass C. North's theory regarding institutions and institutional building.

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