

7574 Uppsatser om North Sweden - Sida 1 av 505

Så gör vi gott för Norrland - : En kvalitativ studie av Norrmejeriers visuella kommunikation

In a time where information overload is a fact, well formulated messages is required and communication is a big contributing element for building strong brands. In the north of Sweden, Norrmejerier is one of the big actors with dominance on the dairy factor market. Through making milk products that lands in the consumers refridgerators, they are not only working for economical interest but also for improving the nature of the north of Sweden. Through visual communication, Norrmejerier shows the consumers a beneficial view of the north of Sweden which corresponds to the populations own impression of their part of the country. This contributes to a feeling of belonging that makes strong and loyal consuments. The feeling of belonging is also reflected in Norrmejeriers commercial movies, that uses the consumers conscience to make costumers. By two group interviews and a semiotic analysis of Norrmejeriers commercial movies, this study aims to examine how Norrmejerier uses qualities of the north of Sweden when building their brand.

Tas Nordkorea någonsin på allvar? : En studie av Nordkoreabilden i två svenska tidningar

North Korea has been on people?s minds lately. This essay is a study of what image Swedish press gave of North Korea starting in 1948 and ending in 2011. The study looks at two of the largest newspapers in Sweden, Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter.  During the 1950´s the image given was that North Korea was part of the communists, a puppet state of the Soviet Union.

Härnösand och E4:an - vägen som lokaliseringsfaktor

Cities have always been founded on nodes of different roads.The city Harnosand was founded where the road along the coast of North Sweden meets the sea and the calm bay of Nattviken behind the island of Harnon. Harnosand has a big historic heritage as one of the first cities in the north part of Sweden, centre of the church and education city. The incrising centralisation of Sweden and the globalication of the world have made north of Sweden to the backside of Sweden.The coun- tryside and the smaller cities don ?t live anymore. In Harnosand is big moving out and many empty spaces. In the middle of Harnosand next to Nattviken, is one of these empty spaces. This empty space next to the road of E4, that leads out in the world and Europa.

Nordkorea - En nutida Furstestat?

This essay is about North Korea, Kim Jong Il and how the future looks for the states political system. The purpose is to explain how Kim Jong Il and the North Korean regim rules the state and with help of Machiavellis theory about the Prince, tell about the states future. The essayinvestigates how well Kim Jong Il and the North Korean regime are keeping their power overthe state and if their possibilities to continue in the same way are good or bad. The essayinvestigates North Koreas possibilities for further reign through Niccolo Machiavellis theory.The argument is that the North Korean state and Kim Jong Il have few or noneconditions to continue with the same political system that the state in this time have.The result shows that, through a Machiavellian perspective, Kim Jong Il and the North Korean regime have bad conditions to continue ruling the state in same way as now. The investigation, unfortunately, do not show when and how North Korea will be exposed to a government switch , but the result points to a change..

Population genetic analysis and breed assignment of three Swedish horse breeds

The genetic relationship between three Swedish horse breeds was investigated using microsatellite data from 144 loci in 30 horses. The North Swedish Trotter is believed to have been crossed with the Standardbred in the 1950?s to produce a faster trotter. If true, the North Swedish Trotter should be more alike the Standardbred than what the North Swedish Draught Horse is, from which they originate. This was investigated using F-statistics and Nei?s distance in GENEPOP and GENETIX and cluster assignment in STRUCTURE.

Beräkning av vågkrafter på en gravitationsplattform

This essay is about North Korea, Kim Jong Il and how the future looks for the states political system. The purpose is to explain how Kim Jong Il and the North Korean regim rules the state and with help of Machiavellis theory about the Prince, tell about the states future. The essayinvestigates how well Kim Jong Il and the North Korean regime are keeping their power overthe state and if their possibilities to continue in the same way are good or bad. The essayinvestigates North Koreas possibilities for further reign through Niccolo Machiavellis theory.The argument is that the North Korean state and Kim Jong Il have few or noneconditions to continue with the same political system that the state in this time have.The result shows that, through a Machiavellian perspective, Kim Jong Il and the North Korean regime have bad conditions to continue ruling the state in same way as now. The investigation, unfortunately, do not show when and how North Korea will be exposed to a government switch , but the result points to a change..

Uppskattning av översvämningsrisken i dagvattensystem

This essay is about North Korea, Kim Jong Il and how the future looks for the states political system. The purpose is to explain how Kim Jong Il and the North Korean regim rules the state and with help of Machiavellis theory about the Prince, tell about the states future. The essayinvestigates how well Kim Jong Il and the North Korean regime are keeping their power overthe state and if their possibilities to continue in the same way are good or bad. The essayinvestigates North Koreas possibilities for further reign through Niccolo Machiavellis theory.The argument is that the North Korean state and Kim Jong Il have few or noneconditions to continue with the same political system that the state in this time have.The result shows that, through a Machiavellian perspective, Kim Jong Il and the North Korean regime have bad conditions to continue ruling the state in same way as now. The investigation, unfortunately, do not show when and how North Korea will be exposed to a government switch , but the result points to a change..

Jämförelse mellan DAGVL-DIFF, EXTRAN och S11S vid simulering av ledningssystem

This essay is about North Korea, Kim Jong Il and how the future looks for the states political system. The purpose is to explain how Kim Jong Il and the North Korean regim rules the state and with help of Machiavellis theory about the Prince, tell about the states future. The essayinvestigates how well Kim Jong Il and the North Korean regime are keeping their power overthe state and if their possibilities to continue in the same way are good or bad. The essayinvestigates North Koreas possibilities for further reign through Niccolo Machiavellis theory.The argument is that the North Korean state and Kim Jong Il have few or noneconditions to continue with the same political system that the state in this time have.The result shows that, through a Machiavellian perspective, Kim Jong Il and the North Korean regime have bad conditions to continue ruling the state in same way as now. The investigation, unfortunately, do not show when and how North Korea will be exposed to a government switch , but the result points to a change..

VNÄT - Datorprogram för beräkning av flöden och tryck i vattenledningsnät Del 1: Beskrivning Del 2: Manual

This essay is about North Korea, Kim Jong Il and how the future looks for the states political system. The purpose is to explain how Kim Jong Il and the North Korean regim rules the state and with help of Machiavellis theory about the Prince, tell about the states future. The essayinvestigates how well Kim Jong Il and the North Korean regime are keeping their power overthe state and if their possibilities to continue in the same way are good or bad. The essayinvestigates North Koreas possibilities for further reign through Niccolo Machiavellis theory.The argument is that the North Korean state and Kim Jong Il have few or noneconditions to continue with the same political system that the state in this time have.The result shows that, through a Machiavellian perspective, Kim Jong Il and the North Korean regime have bad conditions to continue ruling the state in same way as now. The investigation, unfortunately, do not show when and how North Korea will be exposed to a government switch , but the result points to a change..

Strömning hos vågor runt en vertikal cylinder - En experimentell och teoretisk studie

This essay is about North Korea, Kim Jong Il and how the future looks for the states political system. The purpose is to explain how Kim Jong Il and the North Korean regim rules the state and with help of Machiavellis theory about the Prince, tell about the states future. The essayinvestigates how well Kim Jong Il and the North Korean regime are keeping their power overthe state and if their possibilities to continue in the same way are good or bad. The essayinvestigates North Koreas possibilities for further reign through Niccolo Machiavellis theory.The argument is that the North Korean state and Kim Jong Il have few or noneconditions to continue with the same political system that the state in this time have.The result shows that, through a Machiavellian perspective, Kim Jong Il and the North Korean regime have bad conditions to continue ruling the state in same way as now. The investigation, unfortunately, do not show when and how North Korea will be exposed to a government switch , but the result points to a change..

Effektiva gränsorganisationer: en fallstudie av regionkontoret North Sweden European Office

Regional European Offices with the purpose to represent regions and municipalities in the EU-system have had a substantial expansion over the last years. One example is the North Sweden European Office for the counties of Norrbotten and Västerbotten, consisting of seven different headmen who are representing both the private sector as well as the public system. This diverse leadership representation makes North Sweden a very good example on a so called Quango, organisations that stand under simultaneous influence from both public and private sectors. These Quangos opens up new possibilities to solve public problems, but they also bring together two different working models which is not always easy to handle for a Quango. According to earlier surveys some characteristic Quango problems within North Sweden exist, for example the ability to prioritize and thereby be as effective as possible.

Spåren efter Mesolitikum : en studie av 10 mesolitiska platser i sydöstra Sverige

The paper focus on the first people in south-east Sweden. I investigate why they moved to the north, how they adapted to a new environment, and how they used new materials. I study ten locations in my investigation, which starts with Årup in north-east Scania, and ends with Mörby in Östergöland. The survey deals with the research history concerning the Mesolithic Stone Age in southern Scandinavia, and why ethnicity, adaptability, imagination and the will of survive is so important to us human beings..

Häckar för Norrland

I have observed that hedges are not as prevalent in gardens in the north of Sweden as in the south despite a number of beneficial qualities attached to their use. Consequently, the primary purpose of this essay is to examine the potential for the use of ligneous or woody plants as hedges in a cold climate. The aim of this study is to provide information about the various varieties of ligneous plants that can be used for both pruned and unclipped hedges in the north of Sweden. Because the hardiness of the ligneous plants is a vital factor here, only plants that are hardy enough to survive in the Swedish hardiness zones V to VIII are included in this study. Roses, dwarf shrubs, conifers, bushes with a final height of less than 1 metre and plants that ?bleed? have been excluded.

Omvänt Förvärv, ett fenomen på First North : en studie i skillnader mellan bolags sätt att ta sig till Nasdaqs tillväxtmarknad

New companies go public through Nasdaqs growth market First North constantly. The reasons for going public are many, and the interest at the moment is big. There are different ways to go public, the most common being the traditional IPO. This study is about the companies that have been listed on Nasdaq First North between 2008 and 2013 through traditional IPO, or by RTO (reverse takeover).The differences between these two ways of going public are that the IPOs are reviewed more thoroughly by Nasdaq and the market. This makes the study interesting, as the RTOs go public in a faster way, and avoid the review from outside parties largely.

Avel och fruktsamhet hos nordsvenska hästen : en enkätundersökning

The fertility of the North Swedish horse was investigated using a questionnaire. Data concerning altogether 73 North Swedish stallions and 213 mares used for breeding during the season 2005 were collected and analysed. The survey also included the analyses of 305 breeding case books, especially distributed for this study, from 27 stallions. The aim was to collect information on how the breeding was carried out in the North Swedish horse, and to learn what categories of mares that were covered and what routines were used in these farms. Breeding statistics from 1999 to 2004 was also analysed to complete the questionnaire.

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