

7574 Uppsatser om North Sweden - Sida 3 av 505

Det svenska jordbrukets framtid :

The Common Agricultural Policy the European union´s common agreement about the agriculture financial support. A major change is about to take place in the next 3 years. This reform affects the first 15 members as well as the 10 new members in CAP2. This study contains a future of how agriculture will look like in Sweden in 10 years. The study is mainly based on interviews with key-persons3 in Sweden. The first part describes the CAP-reform in theory, the second part the interviews and the last is a conclusion of the material. The future will see larger farm units.

Amerikansk metodistmission i Sverige : Den svenska Metodistkyrkans etablering åren 1865?1876

This is a study of American Methodist Mission in Sweden and how this mission eventually formed the Methodist Church in Sweden 1876. The mission began as a consequence of returning Swedish emigrants and sailors who had encountered Methodism in America, mainly through the works of Swedish-American missionary Olof Gustaf Hedström on the Bethel ship in New York. During the 1850?s Methodist missionaries were sent to Scandinavia by the American Missions Society. The first to come to Sweden was Johan Peter Larsson, who spent two years in Sweden in 1854 before he was transferred to Norway.

Diseases and causes of death among camelids in Sweden : a retrospective study of necropsy cases 2001-2013

Camelids, especially alpacas, have increased in popularity during the last decade, with the result that they are more frequently encountered by field practicing veterinarians and pathologists. Knowledge regarding their health care and their diseases under Swedish conditions is, however, limited. This became clear in a postal survey among Swedish alpaca owners conducted in 2008. To improve knowledge about camelids in Sweden, this study has examined 107 necropsies, including 93 alpacas and 14 camels, conducted at the National Veterinary Institute (SVA) in Uppsala and at Eurofins in Kristianstad and Skara during the period 2001-2013. The study has shown that camelids in Sweden suffer from diseases similar to those previously reported in other countries in Europe and North America.

Skötsel av tätortsnära skogliga rekreationsområden : besökares upplevelser i norra och södra Sverige

The main purpose of this M. Sc. thesis is to increase the knowledge about managing urban forestry for recreational use. The analysis is focusing on differences between visitors? experiences in the north and south of Sweden, represented by Nydalasjön and by Härlanda tjärn.

Majsensilage i Sverige

Maize for silage has been used as fodder in different parts of the world for a long time and has recently become more common also in Sweden. Our cold climate has been a problem as maize is very sensitive to low temperatures and frost. With new varieties and better techniques for cultivation it is now possible to grow maize in the southern and middle parts of Sweden. As for the north of Sweden the length of the cultivation season is a limiting factor as there are too few days with temperatures of over +10 ºC. Maize is well suited for silage making but oxygen-free conditions are required.

Små vatten- och avloppssystem : Möjligheter till inskränkning av verksamhtesområden

This study is focused on small scale water and wastewater handling in Sweden. The study is divided into two major parts; the first describes common methods for water- and wastewater handling and the second part is a case study on three small and expensive systems in Gällivare municipality, in the north of Sweden. In the case study, abilitys for the local government to hand over unwanted systems to the water users is investigated and found to be a plausible solution to cut costs for two out of the three studied systems. In the third case, water and wastewater systems is not recommended to be handed over but other ways of cutting costs are suggested..

Höjdtillväxt, överlevnad och skador i praktiska etableringar av hybridaspbestånd i södra Norrland, anlagda 2004-2011

Hybrid aspen is a crossbreed between European and North American aspen. It is a fast growing tree species that has shown strong growth in the South of Sweden. The follow-ups that have been made on hybrid aspen stands, have mainly been done on plant material in the South of Sweden. In the North of Sweden, only occasional studies have been made, and the knowledge of Northern hybrid aspen stands is, thus, unsatisfactory.In the South of Norrland, land owners have planted hybrid aspen, but what kind of plants it is, and how well these stands have established, is not ascertained, since data has not been compiled on the subject.The objective of this study is to evaluate practical plantations of hybrid aspen in the South of Norrland regarding height growth, survival and damages. The ambition is to increase the knowledge about practical plantations regarding height growth, survival and damages, and from the conclusions thereof, give recommendations for future establishments of hybrid aspen in the area.For the study, eight hybrid aspen stands in the South of Norrland were localised.

Hjältar och förebilder : en studie av äventyraren och hans inspirationskällor

The purpose of this essay is to examine how the adventure is accomplished as a project, and how this is vindicated, through science or by other means. The scientists of today are not seen as adventurers or heroes, at least not as they used to, but this image lives on as a sort of role or social institution, that can be used by anyone and in any purpose. These roles could be seen as a type of rules for the modern adventurer, and act both as a limit or a possibility. This essay compares two North Pole travelers, Ola Skinnarmo and Salomon August Andrée..

Perenner i Norrbotten - Ja, varför inte? :

In this thesis, I have discussed which (herbacious) perennials that are sold most in the county of Norrbotten in the upper north of Sweden. Also discussed are the factors considering overwintering and factors that affect the chances of survival. The reason to the subject is that I m born and raised in Norrbotten and throughout the years I ve wondered why so many of the perennial flowerbeds look so similar. The purpose of the thesis is to give another approach to the composition of the garden by explaining some of the factors that controls the survival of plants. The information is gathered partly through interviews with plantshop personnel and partly by a literature study. The results of the interviews reveal that tradition and hardiness is the major reasons to the consumer s choice.

En framtida placering i Kinafond eller USA-fond? : Ett säkrare val för investeraren

To invest money in funds is increasing rapidly in popularity and one of the biggest reasons is that banks are offering a greater range of funds. Information about funds is always easy to find and it is easy to invest money in a fund because the bank takes care of all the management of the fund.The essay examines two funds from two different countries with an aim to choose the one with best potential yield. The first fund is entirely invested in North America and the second fund invests in Asia, with most of its possessions in companies from China. Both these funds invest in wellknown companies in respective region. The essay is limited to compare these funds with data from 2005 to 2009.Information was collected from Morningstar and Avanza Bank for the quantitative examination.

Magnetiska egenskaper hos Öje-Diabasen, Dalecarlia

A study of paleomagnetic remanence and anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) has been performed on the Öje-Diabase in Dalarna, Sweden, and on basic dikes associated with the alkaliquartzsyenite/granite Noran-pluton in central Sweden. Based on isolation of directions of characteristic magnetization in the basic rocks, a division into three different groups (A,B,C) has been made. Group Aconsists of dolerites of Jotnian origin, both dolerites from the Öje-Diabase and dikes associated with the Noran-pluton are included in this group, making them coeval. Group B is suspected to show a re-magnetization from the later part of the Svekonorwegian orogeny. Group C belongs to the Blekinge-Dalarna-Dolerites (BDD). Thermal demagnetization of dolerites revealed two different types of demagnetization behaviours, one where magnetite clearly was the source of the remanence, and an other with a linear decrease in magnetization intensity. The measurements of magnetic anisotropy reveals a magnetic fabric with an almost horizontal foliation and a lineation that indicates a fairly uniform NNW/ S-SE flow direction of the magma..

En terapiträdgård bortom Atlanten : en fallstudie om North Carolina Botaniska Terapiträdgård

Vad finns det för grundstenar inom den amerikanska odlingsterapin och hur används dessa i det odlingsterapeutiska programmet på North Carolinas Botaniska Trädgård? Jag ville få reda på svaren och bestämde mig för att åka över Atlanten och göra en fallstudie om NC Botaniska Terapiträdgård. Väl framme upptäckte jag genom litteraturen och människorna insatta i ämnet att det fanns ytterligare en designmetod som heter Universal Design inom den amerikanska odlingsterapin som jag inte kände till sedan tidigare. Resultatet av litteraturen och mitt platsbesök visar att det finns ett antal grundstenar inom den amerikanska odlingsterapin och Universal Design som används på det odlingsterapeutiska programmet på NC Botaniska Trädgårdar. Grundstenarna är följande: Tillgänglighet, Tydlighet, Variation och Utveckling och dessa påverkar designen av NC Botaniska Trädgårdens nya terapiträdgård. Denna resa har givit mig en inblick i vad den amerikanska odlingsterapin innebär och hur designen av NC Botaniska Trädgårds nya terapiträdgård kan se ut..

Bolagsstyrning på First North : Hur ska förtroendent stärkas gentemot investerare?

I en allt mer globaliserad värld ökar betydelsen för ett lands ekonomi att stora konkurrenskraftiga bolag växer fram. First North är en handelplats som erbjuder små och medelstora företag en möjlighet att tillgå externa investerares kapital, vilket kan möjliggöra en omfattande expansion som annars ej hade varit genomförbar. För bolag listade på en handelsplats, är investerares förtroende något avgörande för att kunna växa. Något som dock skett under de senaste åren, är att ett starkt misstroende riktats mot handelsplatsen First North från affärsmedia och investerare. Kritikerna menar att bolagen på First North handlar girigt, och den svaga reglering som omfattar bolagen, inte garanterar en trovärdig förvaltning.

Etablering av höstraps i mellansverige :

The production of oilseed rape is an important issue in Sweden and those who never have grown oilseed rape (OSR) are now willing to try. It is always a risk to grow oilseed rape, specially winter OSR, because of outwintering. This risk increases as you go north and therefore establishment and autumn growth is very important. These are some of the reasons that I have chosen to write about the establishment of winter oilseed rape in Middle Sweden. There are many factors that influence the outcome of the establishment, e. g.

En studie av åkermarkspriserna i tre regioner år 1995 - 2009 : Sveriges åkermarkspriser, påverkande faktorer

Since Sweden joined the EU in 1995 there has been a noticeable increase in the value of arable land occurred. This paper is intended to study the inflation of farmland prices. In order to ascertain what affects the market prices so much since Sweden affiliated with the EU three regions has been selected for a detailed study on the subject. These three regions are selected because each of them represents different parts of the Swedish farmlands. The time period that has been examined is the year 1995 until 2009.The price raises in the three observed regions was overall fairly even at the end of the studied period.

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