

720 Uppsatser om News papers - Sida 44 av 48

Kriminalideologier i svensk politik.

Authors: Patrik Jäverbo & Jon LindheTitle: Greener on the other sideLevel: Bachelor of JournalismLocation: University of GothenburgLanguage: SwedishIn later years the strict laws and policies surrounding cannabis use have been questioned around the world by several influential leaders, among them US president Barack Obama and former UN secretary general Kofi Annan. It has been argued that the ?War on Drugs? has done more harm than good and in some American states and a number of European countries the drug have been legalized or decriminalized. Everybody does not agree however, that legalization is the best course of action and in Sweden the emotions have sometimes run high in the discussions taking place in television shows and newspapers.The purpose of this study is to examine the image media portrays of cannabis; based on the theory that mass media is an important influence on the individual and the way in which he or she views the world. To put the result into a context the Swedish media image will be compared with the one in Denmark and Norway.

Vecko-Revyn : En studie av en ungdomstidnings tilltal till läsaren, dess reportage och intervjuer samt definition av kvinnlighet under en period av 20 år.

AbstractTitle: Vecko-Revyn, A study of how a women?s youth-magazine speaks to its readers, the content of the articles and interviews and the papers definition of femininity during the years1984-2004. (Vecko-Revyn En studie av en ungdomstidnings tilltal till läsaren, dess reportage och intervjuer samt definition av kvinnlighet under en period av 20 år.)Number of pages: 63Author: Anna WidénTutor: Göran SvenssonCourse: Media and Communication Studies CPeriod: Spring 2006University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala UniversityPurpose/aim: The purpose is to see how the women´s youth-magazine Vecko-Revyn speaks to its readers, what the content of the articles are with a special view at the articles that contains interviews and articles with the theme sex and relationships. The study will also see how the magazine Vecko-Revyn defines femininity and how that difference through the years. The investigation will study those different subjects over a timeperiod of 20 years, 1984 ? 2004.Material/method: The study is done with a combined qualitative and quantitative text analysis using five numbers of the magazine Vecko-Revyn from each of the years 1984, 1994 and 2004.Main results: The magazine Vecko-Revyn has a very open text to it?s readers.

Europeiska Unionen : En resa genom tid om hur dagspressen i två nationer framställer europeisk gemenskap

This thesis has its focuson media portrayal of a large political institution; the European Union. Articles from two nations daily newspapers have been analyzed in order to examine how the European Union is described and framed for their readers. The newspapers that was chosen for this study and from which the material was collected, were the Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet the American newspaper The New York Times. The material was taken from three periods of time, and by this the results did not only serve a presentiment on how the media reports about the subject, but also an idea over the media?s coverage character over time.


In July 2011 the journalists Martin Schibbye and Johan Persson are arrested in Ethiopia when on a mission to report the activities of the oil exploration company Lundin Petroleum. Following a trial, closely observed by media, the two journalists are convicted to a prison sentence of eleven years. The Swedish Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Carl Bildt, is now to act on their behalf to preserve their rights as Swedish citizens. However, doubts are raised as to whether Bildt has a conflict of interest because of his former engagements as a board member in Lundin Petroleum.

Rasa åtta kilo på en månad : En kvantitativ studie om hur bantning förekommer på löpsedlarna

Almost half of the population in Sweden suffers from obesity and the cases of eating disorders are increasing. We are exposed daily to the belief that losing weight will make us happier and it will just be through this particular diet. Even if it has been proven that short dieting plans like ?lose 20 pounds in one month? doesn?t give a long-term result, society continues to buy into the idea that they do.Every day 16000 placards are placed around us in Sweden with loud yellow colors and big black letters which make them almost impossible to avoid. Their main purpose is to attract and get as many people as possible to buy single copies.This essay deals with several questions: How diet tips figures on placards and how this has developed through years.

?Fred är inte breaking news? : En kvalitativ fältstudie av fredsjournalistik i norra Uganda

AbstractDenna uppsats handlar om hur community radiostationerna Mega FM och Radio Wa i norra Uganda arbetar med fredsjournalistik. Syftet med uppsatsen är att öka förståelsen för relationen mellan community radio och fredsjournalistik. Det är inte bara relevant för journalistikvetenskapen, utan även för alla som är intresserade av utveckling och freds- och säkerhetsfrågor i konfliktområden.  Hur ser det fredsjournalistiska arbetet ut i praktiken på community radiostationerna Mega FM och Radio Wa? Vilka förutsättningar är nödvändiga, enligt Mega FM och Radio Wa, för att skapa ett generellt freds- och försoningsrelaterat radioprogram? Vilka svårigheter finns för att lyckas genomföra ett fredsjournalistiskt arbete, enligt Mega FM och Radio Wa? Frågeställningarna har besvarats genom kvalitativa informantintervjuer med radiojournalister i Gulu och Lira, och observationer. Det teoretiska ramverket inkluderar fredsforskning, utvecklingskommunikation, deltagande kommunikation, teorier om community radio och fredsjournalistik.

?Everybody talks about the weather, but nobody does anything about it.? : En kvalitativ fallstudie av turistdestinationen Ölands väderkänslighet ur turismaktörers perspektiv.

Titel: ?Everybody talks about the weather, but nobody does anything about it.?Författare: Malin NybergInstitution: Fakultetsnämnden för ekonomi och design, Ekonomihögskolan, ELNUKurs: Turismvetenskap III ? Examensarbete, 15 hp.Handledare: Martin Gren, (Linnéuniversitetet, Fakultetsnämnden för ekonomi och design, Ekonomihögskolan, ELNU)Examinator: Stefan Gössling, (Linnéuniversitetet, Fakultetsnämnden för ekonomi och design, Ekonomihögskolan, ELNU)Syfte: Studiens syfte är att undersöka på vilket sätt och varför Öland som turistdestination är sårbar inför vädervariationer ur turismaktörernas perspektiv. Studien avser även att belysa på vilket sätt marknadsföring av Öland och medias rapportering om destinationens väderförhållanden är bidragande krafter till väderkänsligheten.Metodik: I undersökningen har en kvalitativ fallstudie använts som forskningsmetod med en induktiv ansats. Informationsinsamling har skett via semi-strukturerade intervjuer med respondenter från fyra turismverksamheter på Öland. Urvalet av fallstudieområde och respondenter har skett genom ett bekvämlighetsurval med hänsyn till access och karaktär av forskningsområdet.Slutsats: De viktigaste betydelserna av forskningsresultatet har bland annat visat att brist på alternativa turismprodukter innebär en stor sårbarhet för turismaktörernas verksamheter vid ogynnsamma väderförhållanden för de huvudsakliga aktiviteterna Forskningsresultaten har även påvisat att fokus på specifika väderattribut i marknadsföringen av destinationen medverkar till destinationens sårbarhet tillsammans med förväntningar om specifika väderförhållanden bland besökare..

Barnbibliotekariers förmedlingsarbete med lättläst barnlitteratur

The purpose for this Masters thesis is to describe childrens librarians work in supplying literature to children with emphasis on easy-reader materials. Our main questions are: · What do librarians believe characterizes an easy-reader book, and what do they base their decision on when classifying a book as easy-to-read? · How have the libraries in our study solved the hands-on difficulties associated with easy readers childrens literature? · Which factors do librarians consider to be important when supplying literature to children that are not used to reading or are not good readers? The theories we have used are Aidan Chambers Reading Circle and Karner Smidts view on the librarians professional roles when supplying literature. We have used a case study method, which means that we have gathered information through observation, objective papers and interviews. This has been done at six libraries.

Vems islam och kristendom? : En undersökning av tre gymnasieläroböckers beskrivningar och rekontextualiseringar

The purpose of this paper has been to highlight how three different highschool textbooks portrays Christianity and Islam. The aim of the paper has been to higlight and pinpoint how the three different textbooks uses different angles and perspectives on recontextualization; which ergo in turn creates a different field of transferred knowledge from each individual textbook.The paper uses an applied model of Bernstein?s theory of recontexualization, and from it derives two analytical tools to process and make an analysis of the textbooks transferred knowledge. The first analytical methodical tool of Bernstein?s theory is positioning, which is used in the paper to highlight what the different textbooks value and evaluate different kinds of knowledge of Christianity and Islam.

En union, ett samarbete och en valuta i kris : En kvantitativ studie om Spaniens och Sveriges mediala framställning av euro- krisen inom EU

AbstractTitle: A union, a collaboration and a currency crisis- a quantitative study of the media coverage of the euro crisis within the European Union in Spanish and Swedish newspapers.The purpose of this study was to see whether Sweden and Spain ?s differences in media climates and relations to the euro crisis would affect how the story was portrayed from a narrative perspective. Did the coverage differ between the two countries and who got to comment on the situation in the media were two of the questions I strived to answer. I also wanted to see how the coverage reflected on the situation that the euro crisis has created.In this study I used a number of theories that I based my research on. The main theories I focused on was about different media systems and Sweden and Spain ?s relation to the euro crisis.

Ethnicity and Politics of Exclusion in Nigeria : Employing Rawls'Theory of Justice in Plural Societies

With an estimated 250 ethnic groups, Nigeria, no doubt, has been grappling with the problem of pluralism of ethnic nationalities. It is not news in Nigeria that extreme ethnic consciousness of its citizens has led to the victimization of one ethnic group by another. This victimization has come in the form of exclusions in the distribution of both wealth and power in the country.Amidst all the exclusions, the unity of the country has been ironically regarded as sacrosanct, and should not be negotiated. It is often said that fate brought all the ethnic nationalities in order to form one great country. I subscribe to this belief that fate brought us together for the above purpose, especially now that several countries around the world are merging in one way or the other to form a formidable force to reckon with both politically and economically.

Ett salt i kulturdebatten : Mångbottnade berättelser om Stockholms stadsteater

Stockholms stadsteater (Stockholm?s city theatre) is a public theatre in Stockholm, Sweden. During the last ten years, the theatre has increased its audience by 40 percent, has been called a ?success story? by culture politicians in Stockholm as well as others in the cultural field, and is today the largest theatre in the Nordic countries. At the same time, there is a recurring debate, primarily in the national morning papers? culture sections, concerning Stockholms stadsteater.

Äktenskapet kommer ut : Dagspressens rapportering om registrerat partnerskap och könsneutralt äktenskap

Den här uppsatsen handlar om hur rapporteringen om registrerat partnerskap och könsneutralt äktenskap i svensk dagspress såg ut under perioden 1 januari till 31 mars 1995 respektive 1 maj till 31 juli 2009. Genom att jämföra hur samkönade relationer, äktenskap och familjebildning gestaltas i texterna under de båda tidsperioderna, har syftet varit att undersöka huruvida rapporteringen har förändrats i riktning mot en mer tolerant diskurs. Studiens frågeställningar rör bland annat förekomsten av olika former av uttryck för diskursiv diskriminering i texterna samt andelen positiva/negativa uttalanden.Studien utgår från ett socialkonstruktionistiskt perspektiv, och betraktar de dagliga medierna som betydelsefulla agenter när det gäller att befästa eller utmana diskurser om vad som betraktas som normalt avseende olika sociala grupper.341 artiklar i svensk dagspress har undersökts med hjälp av kvantitativ innehållsanalys. Tjugo artiklar har också valts ut för en kritisk diskursanalys baserad på Norman Faircloughs modell och Kristina Boréus typologi över diskursiv diskriminering.Resultatet visar att negativa uttalanden om samkönade relationer inte är lika vanliga 2009 som de var 1995, och att representationerna har förändrats i riktning mot en större mångfald när det gäller könsfördelning såväl som olika former av sexuell orientering. Samma mönster kan ses när det gäller negativ andrafiering och förslag som pekar mot negativ särbehandling av samkönade par, vilka inte är lika vanliga 2009 som de var 1995.

Gränsöverskridande och samhällets förfall. Om det sublimas ursprung och relevans för samtiden

The free choice of upper secondary school?A study of the meaning of the information channels for the choice of upper secondary schoolAuthors: David Fridner & Rikard ZeilonMentor: Ingela WadbringQuestionnaire studyDate: 2008-08-11AbstractThe choice of upper secondary school is a very important choice, both for the school and for the ninth grader. In Göteborg, the free choice of upper secondary school has generated several new information channels apart from the traditional counselor, daily news and the acquaintance. Today it is harder than ever to reach the pupil through the constant media noise and new forms of communication such as events appear. The fight for each pupil gets more and more important every term and it has now become real big business.Today?s youth is imprinted by a growing individuality and everyone knows that equableness is something very important.

Grönare på andra sidan Mediebilden av cannabis i tre skandinaviska länder

Authors: Patrik Jäverbo & Jon LindheTitle: Greener on the other sideLevel: Bachelor of JournalismLocation: University of GothenburgLanguage: SwedishIn later years the strict laws and policies surrounding cannabis use have been questioned around the world by several influential leaders, among them US president Barack Obama and former UN secretary general Kofi Annan. It has been argued that the ?War on Drugs? has done more harm than good and in some American states and a number of European countries the drug have been legalized or decriminalized. Everybody does not agree however, that legalization is the best course of action and in Sweden the emotions have sometimes run high in the discussions taking place in television shows and newspapers.The purpose of this study is to examine the image media portrays of cannabis; based on the theory that mass media is an important influence on the individual and the way in which he or she views the world. To put the result into a context the Swedish media image will be compared with the one in Denmark and Norway.

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