

720 Uppsatser om News papers - Sida 43 av 48

Nöjescentrum : en fallstudie av upplevelsekonsumtion!

The society today, reflects a high welfare, where the human being has a better financial position than before. This has generate that more money is spend on pleasure and events. A result of that can be the development of a new line of business; The industry of experience.This kind of branch is fast growing in the Swedish labour market. The characteristics of this branch are, depending of trends, continuous variations and integrated education.A new phenomenon within this branch is ?Centre of experience?.

Strategisk kommunikation : En fallstudie om kunskapshantering och kommunikationsstrategier vid produktfel

Aim: The aim of this study was to analyse how corporations can learn from past issues and corporate crises and to see how they use this knowledge in the management of subsequent issues and corporate crises. Furthermore, the influence of media on the possible intensification of the issue or corporate crisis, but also its impact on the company?s usage of knowledge management, was to be analysed.Method: The study was carried out through a case study method, in the hope of being able to analyze how a company makes use of knowledge management in the communication that occurs during issues and corporate crises. A semi-structured interview was conducted, with the head of public relations of the chosen company as a respondent. The purpose of the interview was to analyze the underlying factors behind a specific way of communicating.

Att erbjuda nyheter på surfplattor i framtiden : En marknadsanalys av nyhetstidningars digitala närvaro i surfplattor

Denna studie av den digitala marknaden för svensk dagspress är ett examensarbete utfört åt kvällstidningen Expressen. Undersökningen syftar till att utreda den strukturella marknadssituationen för svensk dagspress och dess förutsättningar rörande framtida närvaro i surfplattan. Via intervjuer med branschexperter söks tolkningar om läsartrender och behov i surfplattan, paketeringsstrategi och behovet av personifierade nyhetsflöden. Undersökningen och dess tolkningar understöds av en inledande litteraturstudie vilken behandlar den svenska dagstidningsmarknaden, dess digitala transformation och tekniska förutsättningar gällande surfplattan och rapporterade konsumenttrender.Studien visar bl.a. att den svenska dagstidningsmarknaden är utsatt för en hög intern konkurrens vilket ställer höga omställningskrav på bolagen i en digital era.

"Ingen tror på Åkesson" : En jämförande studie om kvällspressens och public service rapportering om Sverigedemokraterna inför valet 2014

No one believes in Åkesson - a comparative study on the evening press and the publicservice reporting on the Swedish Democrats before the 2014 election.The purpose of this essay was to study how Aftonbladet and Ekot reports about the SwedishDemocrats before the election 2014, as well as comparing the two medias and reasoningabout their agendas towards the party. The tabloid, Aftonbladet, is one of the biggestnewspapers in Sweden, which depends on counter sales and commercials. Ekot, which is apart of public service, is state-funded and regulated by certain guidelines. Using aquantitative method we studied 80 articles, and through a qualitative method, six of thearticles were analyzed to reach a deeper understanding. The theories primary used in thisstudy were agenda-setting and framing, to stress the power of media.

En bild säger mer än tusen ord. En studie om hur unga tjejer och killar talar om droger

The aim of this study is to examine how young people look at and perceive drugs by studying how they discuss and reason about drugs. The essay's main interest is not whether young people use drugs or not. We are primarily interested in how young people talk about drugs. The questions that we want to get answered are:What are the beliefs that young people have about drugs, drug use and drug users? More specifically we seek answers to which images, symbols and attributes that young people links to drugs, drug use and drug users.What is important in young people's construction of beliefs about drugs and drug users? More specifically, which are the information sources and reference groups that young people assigns significance?We used focus group interviews as the research method.

Corporate Social Responsibility : en koppling mellan marknadsföring och finansiering

Background: The debate about environment, labor conditions and aid to developing countries has the last years been a much discussed subject The pressure on the companies to live up to their responsibility is beginning to be noticed in the market.Purpose: To find out if a retail company investing in Corporate Social Responsibility thereby direct can effect it?s stock value. Using interviews to investigate if and how stock analysts and corporate finance professionals valuate a company?s CSR initiatives.Theoretical perspective: The description of CSR is leading to the main theory, The Brand Value Change, and the Market Hypothesis. Additionally a theory of the Consumer Buying Process and CAPM-model about financial risks is presented.Method: An event study of 30 companies to investigate if there is any change in their stock values and interviews with three professionals from the financial sector to find out about their attitude to CSR.

Vad håller vi på med? En kartläggning av kommunikationsprocessen kring kampanjen "Vad håller du på med?"

The aim of this thesis is to use Gabriel Tardes theories concerning imitation, repetition and the public opinion as a way of understanding how transmedial communication develops over time. This involves a study of social media, traditional press and public organizations in relation to each other. The campaign, What are you doing? (Vad håller du på med?, 2013), launched by the Swedish military as a way of drafting more soldiers, is used as an example of how the theories can be applied to help us understand connections, patterns and social behavior in the rapid mutation and viral spreading of information. By discussing the campaign and its effects, the ambition is to give an understanding of how a campaign of this scale could be planned for and structured.

Sjuksköterskors attityder till och upplevelser av att vårda personer med emotionellt instabil personlighetsstörning

Background: Patients with borderline personality disorder represent a large group in healthcare who are struggling with painful emotions in life. Caring should be based on strengthening health processes by focusing on the patients, but research made by the patient's perspective has shown that this population rather felt that their health processes was counteracted, than promoted. The patients felt that the nurses displayed a negative attitude towards them. Attitudes are defined as a system of values, emotions and actions towards others. Aim: the purpose of this study was to highlight the attitudes and experiences of nurses towards caring for people with borderline personality disorder  Methods: A study on the literature based on nine scientific papers was performed. The articles have been analyzed, systematically coded and compiled into a new unit. Results: This study shows that nurses have an overall negative attitude towards patients with borderline personality disorder.

En ekonomisk utvärdering av framtida biobränslebaserade processkoncept inom energisektorn

The main purpose of this bachelor thesis is to create a product in the form of a database that can be used for cost estimates of equipment within bio refineries. Through interviews and literature searches the key components and their costs were identified. The database was constructed in Microsoft Excel with different tabs for different categories of components; these tabs are further divided into three parts: one part with costs, one part with calculations and an information part. Most of the part with costs contains the expenses found in scientific papers during the literature study, the calculating part converts different capacities according to user preferences and the currency to euro (?) from 2010 and the information part consists of references and information about what is included in the cost.The database is a good tool for making cost estimates for bio refineries.

ALBA : Ett regionalt integrationsprojekt med goda förutsättningar?

AbstractEssay in Political Science, autumn 2010. ?ALBA ? A regional integration project with good conditions?? Autor: Anna Sjögren. Course: Political Science, C-level, Tutor: Sten Berglund An essential part of the political science research on regional integration has been about why states join economic unions and what forces drive the process of integration. This essay is a case study on the Latin American regional integration project called ALBA.

Mötesplatser för samarbete : En studie om fysiska och virtuella mötesplatser för att främja utveckling av innovationer

This study focus on how physical and virtual meeting places may promote collaboration between firms and academia for the development of innovations. A case study was conducted on a meeting place that aims to support collaboration for the development of innovations in eHealth between different actors in the Linnaeus region. Data was collected through 6 interviews, whereas 3 with scientists and 3 with entrepreneurs. The data was analyzed based on a theoretical framework based on different perspectives on collaboration and networks, meetings and interaction and, physical and virtual meeting places.The results show that the purpose for collaboration is to be included in a network with other actors in the same area, gain increased knowledge of the subject area and to acquire new external contacts. Furthermore, in order to support collaboration, physical meeting places have to organize effective and interesting meetings.

Bestyrkande av hållbarhetsredovisning : kostnad & nytta

Sustainability reports have during the last decade had a strong development. Both in terms of establishing a sustainability assurance, in its form, and get it assured together with standards, principles and regulations which organisations and accountants have utilized. The growth of sustainability reports and the choice of getting them assured have in particular favoured the accounting business. Due to this result, some critics have voiced that assuring a sustainability report gain accounting firms more than it gains the actual organisation. Other say that it is necessary in order to increase the credibility and the eligibility of the report, while it also has become a requirement from stakeholders.

Hur en övergång till ett automatiskt mjölkningssystem påverkar juverhälsan :

Automatic milking systems (AMS) have been in commercial use since 1992 and have since 1998 increased a lot. The objective of this study has been to examine the development of udder health on farms converting to AMS. The study also included a comparison of how udder health developed depending on how farms handled cows with mastitis. This was because farms choose to either milk cows with mastitis in a separate barn or in the milking robot. Other studies on udder health on commercial farms have shown that somatic cell count increases both among individual cows and in the bulk milk when converting to an AMS. No differences between before and after converting to AMS in the proportion of cows treated for mastitis can be found in the literature.

Some people get it. Others are assholes. Kontradiskurs, subversiv potential, hegemonisk makt och performativ marginalitet utifrån tre nivåer av skräpkultur.

Sustainability work is something that is emphasized more and more. Corporate Social Responsibility, CSR, is discussed and the question of how much responsibility companies should really take is frequently in the news. Companies tend to ask themselves how much responsibility they should take. CSR is a common concept of companies environmental and social work and a concept we tend to see here and there in our modern society. CSR includes companies? social responsibilities, both in terms of carbon footprint, working conditions, social responsibility and more.

Medialisera mera. En medielogisk thriller ? Kvantitativ innehållsanalys av partiledarutfrågningarna i P1/Ekot och P3/Valfestivalen år 2014

This study aims to map out the degree of mediatization present in the communication between Swedishpublic service journalists and politicians in the 2014 election campaign. In doing so we chose to look at thepresence of media logic in their communication with each other. Specifically, we have used the pre-electioninterviews with the party leaders from Sweden?s two biggest parties. Furthermore, we have chosen to focuson Sveriges Radio, the Swedish public service radio company.Sveriges Radio concists of four different radio channels, of which we have chosen to focus on the channelsP1 and P3, the first having a somewhat more ?serious? profile, focused on producing quality news and otherjournalistic products, while P3 is leaning towards a younger audience and describes its own work as ?soft,humorous and important radio?, mixed with music and other forms of entertainment.

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