

1054 Uppsatser om Natural remedy - Sida 24 av 71

Honung och biodling : honungens ursprung, egenskaper och effekter på människans hälsa

This report describes honey, its origin, properties and effects on human health. Honey has been used for a long time in most civilizations and apiculture is an important activity sector in many parts of the world. The trend is an increase in honey production but a decrease in the number of beekeepers in Sweden. Honeybees live in a highly developed society with a strong hierarchy and a well organized distribution of the tasks. They visit a broad spectrum of plants and collect nectar to store it as honey.

RA Detect - Antikollisionsskydd förlantbrukssektorn

SecRePac is a household appliance that simplifies sorting of packaging such as milk, juice and yogurt containers. By shredding the packages SecRePac reduces its volume uptake both in the home and at the recycling station. This leads to minimization of both transports to the recycling stations and truck transport for emptying the containers at the recycling station.The greenhouse effect deteriorates and becomes worse and worse leading to extreme climate changes and natural disasters such as floods as an example. Carbon dioxide emissions are the major reason for this and at least 30 percent of all these emissions come directly from transports. In the EU carbon emissions has decreased in the past few years.

Förskolepedagogers arbetssätt i naturmiljö : En enkätstudie med pedagoger i förskolans verksamhet

Syftet med den här studien är att få en större förståelse av hur verkligheten ser ut gentemot förskolans uppdrag som står skrivet i läroplanen vad gäller Studien bygger på en enkätundersökning där förskollärare, barnskötare och pedagoger med annan utbildning har deltagit. Dock har jag valt att utgå från förskollärarnas svar på enkäten. Studien visar att majoriteten av förskollärare besöker naturen ibland oavsett pedagogens ålder. De aktiviteter som vanligtvis sker i naturmiljö är fri lek och motoriska aktiviteter. Det finns även inslag av exempelvis trädgårdsarbete samt berättande av sagor. Förskollärarnas uppfattning om det egna arbetslagets kompetens inom naturkunskap är att, majoriteten av förskollärare anser att deras medarbetare har tillräckligt med kunskap för att bedriva en meningsfull verksamhet i naturen.

EQ - det nya skolämnet? : En studie om pedagogers uppfattningar om arbetet med social och emotionell intelligens i skolan

This essay aims to investigate the perceptions of responsible personnel in a primary school about the use and importance of EQ, emotional intelligence, in the school's early years. With a hermeneutic approach and by qualitative interviews, we have taken note of the respondents perceptions about EQ. The result shows that EQ can be understood in different ways. Instead of having a common understanding of what EQ is the respondents mention that there are different areas associated with EQ.  Two major results are 1.

Patienten i "reumateamet" : -en intervjustudie om patientens upplevelse av vårdrelation och delaktighet inom "reumateamet"

To reach health and wellbeing, despite a disease as rheumatoid arthritis, the patient needs help to manage and cope with his situation. The caregiver?s task is to give this support. The aim of this study was to illuminate how patients with rheumatoid arthritis experienced the relationship to the caregivers in the ?rheumatic-team?, and the participation in this team.

Guds bekräftande blick : en undersökning av anknytning i kristen själavårdslitteratur

This paper is based on Bowlby's attachment theory in the exploration of Christian pastoral care literature. Kirkpatrick and Granqvist account for the majority of previous research on the subject, however, not related to counselling or counselling literature. The selected pastoral literature, which is three books by each author: Liselotte J Andersson and Margareta Melin provide several possible associations with attachment theory. In the process, nonetheless, more literature has been studied than those reported here. This paper aims to investigate whether a relationship with God is given as an attachment relationship of the selected pastoral literature.

Musik i reklamfilm : Synkroniseringsprocessen och dess effekter

The purpose of this paper is to analyse, identify and clarify:- The integration of music and brands in commercials that are created for television, cinema or internet,- The effects that this integration has for the involved parties and the movie that is being created.Music is a big part of today's society and advertising is a big part of people's everyday lives. It is therefore natural that music in advertising can have the power to affect, attract, influence and interest human beings. We think that the music in commercials is a fascinating subject to study because the phenomenon is relatively unexplored in the academic sphere. The knowledge of the synchronization process of music and commercials is also becoming increasingly important for involved parties to understand and manage. The essay is developed through a qualitative methodology.  We have conducted six interviews, with different players who all have extensive experience and knowledge about the chosen topic.

Renaissance of a CRM system ? Successful re-implementation out of an after market perspective

Problem: Today Frigoscandia Equipment Europe, FSEE, is not sure how their CRM-system, MSMS, is used along with other solutions at the different regions throughout Europe. The company is interested in a usage evaluation describing by who and how the system is used. FSEE is also concerned about the users opinions of future development and improvements.Management is also concerned about how MSMS would support the After Market and gain full leverage of the IT investments. MSMS is today only used to a limited extent in a few of the After Market departments, and FSEE is interested in what an overall usage would mean in terms of improved internal communication, customer focus and information management. The following questions will therefore be investigated in this study:· How, by whom and where is MSMS used within FSEE?s After Market and Sales divisions today?· What does the After Market division at FSEE gain from using MSMS?· What has to be done to improve the usage of MSMS at FSEE? Purpose: The purpose of this Master Thesis is partly to examine the current usage of the Sales and Marketing System within FSEE?s After Market and Sales divisions.

Valfrihet eller inte? : En kvalitativ studie av svenska riksdagspartiers motionerande över privatiseringen av skolan.

The aim of this work was to investigate how it is to move in hierarchy from crew toofficer within the seafaring profession and how to be affected by this. How you areperceived by the crew when going from to represent a part of a system to represent adifferent part of the same system and if you are ready to assume the responsibilities of thenew role entails?This is relevant and interesting as we will soon is facing at this transition. The work isbased on a qualitative approach. The choice of this method gave the information neededfor a perfect result.Interviews were conducted through personal meetings with active officers which alsoprovided the opportunity to ask follow-up questions and the respondents were given theopportunity to share their experiences.

Från manskap till befäl : en studie om att ta steget inom samma verksamhet

The aim of this work was to investigate how it is to move in hierarchy from crew toofficer within the seafaring profession and how to be affected by this. How you areperceived by the crew when going from to represent a part of a system to represent adifferent part of the same system and if you are ready to assume the responsibilities of thenew role entails?This is relevant and interesting as we will soon is facing at this transition. The work isbased on a qualitative approach. The choice of this method gave the information neededfor a perfect result.Interviews were conducted through personal meetings with active officers which alsoprovided the opportunity to ask follow-up questions and the respondents were given theopportunity to share their experiences.

Urinsorterande toaletter : rensning av stopp samt uppsamling och attityder

It is important that the current urine separating systems are evaluated to allow improvements to be made and consequently increase their future propagation. In order to increase the knowledge about urine separating systems this study was made. It included, among other things, measurements of amounts of urine as well as of the composition of urine collected at Nytorgsgatan 4 in the city of Hallsberg. The study was increased after an inquiry that also included the district of Understenshöjden in the city of Stockholm. In the inquiry, the users were asked questions about odour, cleaning of toilets and occurrence of blockages in the urine water locks etc.

Effektiv intern kommunikation : En studie av kommunikation mellan värdar och värdledare i en idrottsförening

AbstractTitle: Effective internal communication ?A case study on communication between a manager and the employees in a sportsclub.Number of pages: 40, without enclosuresAuthor: Susan AnderssonTutor: Peder Hård af SegerstadCourse: Media and Communication Studies CPeriod: Second term 2005University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala UniversityPurpose/Aim: I aim to do a case study of a work situation, where there is no natural or direct form of feedback between the manager and the employees, and compare the purpose of the information efforts with how it is perceived by the employees.Material/Method: Qualitative research method, including an assembling method in the form of interviews, and a processing method of those interviews.Main results: All the used channels combined together (except one channel) seem to have created the right condition so that the content of the information can be perceived and used as the way it was supposed to, even though there?s no direct feedback of the information. The manager gets feedback indirectly and can therefore adapt the messages, or the information efforts, to the receivers.Keywords: Organizational communication, Internal communication, Information, Feedback..


Analysis of the piece Pygmalion in set at the Gothenburg City Theatrefrom a gender perspective with the purpose to investigate which genders that arepresented and how the piece relates to the heterosexual norm. The method consists inthe analysis and discussion of how the pieces portrays females and males (with focuson feminine and masculine coded expression and presentation of desire) and whatconsequences it brings. This based on various method books of norm-breaking designwork for Aesthetic staff, and a theory based on Judith Butler's research. Primarymaterial consists in a piece analysis of Pygmalion, from a spectator's perspective.Main Results: The designing is consciously working with a set of norm-breakinggender expression, particularly female genders. The set translates socially criticalviews against patriarchal hierarchies.

Miljöarbete i förskoleklass : Jämförande studie om hur pedagoger integrerar miljöarbete i verksamheten och barnens kännedom om återvinning

The purpose of this study is to investigate what knowledge children in preschool have about recycling, and to examine how teachers work with environmental efforts to increase children's understanding of environment and sustainable development. And if there is differs between the two preschool classes, one of which has a environmental profile. The study is based on qualitative semi-structured interview methods of teachers and children, and observation of the children during a sorting exercise with a number of garbage objects. The result shows that teachers in the environment profiled preschool spend more time per week on work related to environmental and natural issues and worked more thematic. Similarity between this preschool classes is that the use of outdoor education to get into environmental awareness.

Go East!: En fallstudie av lokaliseringsbeslutet vid offshoring

This paper aims to determine what is decisive for localisation of production units when a company engages in offshoring. By performing a case study on Electrolux and comparing the results with theoretical literature we discuss the implications for manufacturing companies in general. To facilitate a structured analysis we have developed a model dividing the localisation decision into five perspectives and four geographical levels. We have found that the determinants of localisation vary depending on the geographical level of the decision process. Since all geographical levels are interconnected, the analysis needed for a decision on all levels simultaneously is very comprehensive.

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