
Renaissance of a CRM system ? Successful re-implementation out of an after market perspective

Problem: Today Frigoscandia Equipment Europe, FSEE, is not sure how their CRM-system, MSMS, is used along with other solutions at the different regions throughout Europe. The company is interested in a usage evaluation describing by who and how the system is used. FSEE is also concerned about the users opinions of future development and improvements.Management is also concerned about how MSMS would support the After Market and gain full leverage of the IT investments. MSMS is today only used to a limited extent in a few of the After Market departments, and FSEE is interested in what an overall usage would mean in terms of improved internal communication, customer focus and information management. The following questions will therefore be investigated in this study:· How, by whom and where is MSMS used within FSEE?s After Market and Sales divisions today?· What does the After Market division at FSEE gain from using MSMS?· What has to be done to improve the usage of MSMS at FSEE? Purpose: The purpose of this Master Thesis is partly to examine the current usage of the Sales and Marketing System within FSEE?s After Market and Sales divisions. A study of the reasons behind the limited usage will be done, and we will investigate what measures ought to be done to aid the unsatisfactory MSMS usage. We will also study what the After Market division has to gain from using MSMS. All this will finally result in an action plan for the company, how to improve the usage of MSMS. Method: To fulfill the objective of this study, an extensive empiric material has been gathered through personal interviews. Important factors to study have been people?s work routines, attitudes, relations and how the social context is based on people?s act. This addresses the need to conduct, complete and view the result of this study with both a system and actor approach. To get a wide spectrum of information and viewpoints we have interviewed regional directors, sales managers and service managers at FSEE?s sales and service offices in Sweden, England, Germany, France, Spain and Italy. The focus during these interviews has been to discuss their usage of MSMS and potential evolution of both the system and the usage. We have also conducted expert interviews concerning CRM and system implementation with Intentia and Accenture. Besides this gathered empirical material, theoretical knowledge concerning after market, customer relationship management and change work has been obtained. These sources have worked as the foundation in the creation of an action plan how to improve MSMS usage, and when After Market?s gains from CRM has been specified. Conclusions: When investigating how, who and where MSMS was used within FSEE?s different regions, we found the usage extent very varying. Among many other things, we observed varying training, experience, demands, attitudes and reasons behind limited usage. We have identified several benefits from using a CRM system such as MSMS within the FSEE organization. These advantages are among other things improved customer segmentation, effective work routines and increased communication. From our extensive empirical material, we have distinguished several problems, which we believe are reasons behind the current limited MSMS usage. These problems are lack of vision, clear strategy, commitment, training, communication and evaluation. Also factors like the human aspect and varying needs of system functionality has caused problem. We believe a full re-implementation of MSMS is necessary to remedy these identified problems. Therefore, we have developed an action plan containing several key success factors we believe FSEE has to consider achieving an increased and improved MSMS usage. This action plan can work as a checklist, with important factors not to be forgotten, but also form the basis of a discussion concerning MSMS? future within FSEE?s Sales and After Market departments.


Cecilia Nissen Emil Särnstrand

Lärosäte och institution

Lunds universitet/Företagsekonomiska institutionen


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