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Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur autenticitet konstrueras i en nätgemenskap som bland annat ägnar sig åt att återskapa historiska kläder. Gruppen heter Vi som syr medeltidskläder och återfinns på Facebook. Konversationerna mellan medlemmar i gruppen analyseras med en netnografisk metod. Det teoretiska ramverket för undersökningen består av en konstruktivistisk syn på autenticitet, subkulturellt och socialt kapital, kategorier, dikotomier och formella och informella hierarkier.
Undersökningen visar, bland annat, att autenticitet konstrueras genom konversationer mellan medlemmar i gruppen som har högt subkulturellt kapital och står högt upp i den informella hierarkin, med stöd av medlemmar högt upp i den formella hierarkin. Resultaten visar också att medlemmar med högt subkulturellt kapital ofta har en relation till museum och universitet och att dessa institutioner påverkar konstruktionen av det autentiska även här.
Verklighet eller en politisk illusion? : En studie av den svenska pressens syn på sjukförsäkringsreformen i USA.
Essay in Political Science, C-level, by Camila Alvarez Cea, spring semester 2010. Tutor: Alf Sundin?Reality or a Political Mirage? ? A Study of the Swedish Press Views on the Health Insurance Reform in the USA? The purpose of this essay is partly to examine whether the picture that Swedish press presents of the health insurance reform in the US, which is part of the Patient Protection and Affordable Act bill, will be of crucial importance to the possibilities that the American population has to receive health insurance. The main research question is accordingly: ?Does the picture that Swedish press presents of the health insurance reform in the USA, seem like something that will be of radical importance to the possibilities of the population to receive healthcare?? The purpose is also to examine in which model (demand or market) the opinions of the Swedish press fits. This purpose will be answered by using three specific questions asking whether their opinions differ when it comes to three criterions: organization, financing/resources and delivery systems.
L?t maten tysta mun? De nationella elevorganisationernas inst?llning till skolmat och skolmatsdebatt 1957-1982
The purpose of this study is to examine the Swedish national student organizations attitudes towards school food and the school food debate between 1957-1982. The previous research on the subject maps the historical background and development of the school meal, but lacks a contemporary student perspective from the chosen time period, not least on a deeper and more political level. The theoretical starting points in the study concern organizations and their influence on public authorities as well as student influence. These theoretical frameworks are used to describe the conditions for the currently active national student
organizations; Elevf?rbundet and SECO, in the political arena.
Personarkiv på Kungliga biblioteket -ordningar, kopplingar och krockar på ett nationalbibliotek
The departure point of this thesis is the context of the institution and the processes surrounding the handling of personal archives at the National Library of Sweden. These processes are examined using Actor Network Theory. Around the personal archive a network is constructed and contained by actors ? the archive itself, the librarian, the conservator, the researcher, organizational structures and others. Within this network choices are made of what is significant.
Rätt till sjukersättning : en praxisstudie om orsaker till skillnader i bedömningar vid förvaltningsrätterna
Since the nineties the words customer, effectiveness and quality have become part of everyday school life. Municipalities? makes regular customer surveys to measure both independent schools as municipal schools ' quality. A common method for customer research and background studies is that parents and students are asked to respond to simple Web-based surveys. Customer satisfaction and/or customer dissatisfaction options are presented in tabular form, based on the percentage that expresses a particular position within a query.
Svensk design i MoMAs samling : en studie om samlingens samband med marknadsföringen av svensk design i USA 1930-1960
Museum of Modern Art har varit mycket tongivande för historieskrivningen och definitionen av modernismen, "the international style". Svensk modernisms mest kärnfulla period 1930-1960, representeras av 55 objekt i MoMAs arkitektur och designsamling. De svenska objekten i samlingen visar på en reception av svensk design som mest inflytelserik under 1950-talet. Årtiondet är det mest välrepresenterade, till antalet objekt räknade, men ger också den mest representativa bilden av hur svensk design marknadsfördes i USA.De mest inflytelserika tillfällena för marknadsföringen av svensk design i USA under åren 1930-1960 är enligt konstprofessor Jeff Werner (Medelvägens estetik: Sverigebilder i USA), världsutställningen i Chicago 1933, världsutställningen i New York 1939 och utställningen Design in Scandinavia 1954-1957. Knappt hälften av de representerade formgivarna i MoMAs samling fanns med under marknadsföringen ,vilket kan visa på samband mellan marknadsföringen och samlingens karaktär..
Kvalitet och jämställdhet : En undersökning av kvalitetsbegreppets definition och dess relation till jämställdhet mellan könen inom bildkonsten
Quality is a vague concept, it seems to be about a ?gut feeling? but is used as if it were a concrete property. This paper examines the defenition of the concept of quality, the relation between quality and gender equality and also what the representation between the genders in exhibitions, purchases and donations looks like in this day. As method for this paper text analysis, with searchlight on the two parameters of quality and equality, have been used on documents that provide a historical and a cultural policy perspective. The main part of the paper is an analysis of the visual arts on Värmlands museum, Kristinehamns konstmuseum and Rackstadmuseet.In the discussion of the paper, chapter 5, the result of the research is presented.
Beräkning av värmeenergiförluster i flerbostadshus genom analys av den totala fjärrvärmeenergianvändningen :
This thesis has been carried out on behalf of IV Produkt AB and intends to set an average ratio of thermal energy losses in apartment buildings that were built during the 1960-1990. This shall be derived by analyzing the total district energy consumption that has been divided into three parts: heat energy losses (the actual heating requirements), the heating of domestic hot water and heating energy consumption for the controlled ventilation.Three different residential areas that were built during the years 1962-1966 and one that was built in 1993 has been analyzed. All residential areas are located in Växjö urban and contains between four and six apartment buildings.The analyzed objects have a mechanical exhaust ventilation systems and district heating as the heating method. No own laboratory work or experiments have been done in this thesis, the calculations have been done on the basis of parameters from VEAB, interviews with property managers, and literature studies. By calculations, we have got a result that is reported in Chapter 6.
Försvenskningen av Skåne, 1658-1720 : I danska och svenska populärhistoriska framställningar från 1920 - tal till 2010 - tal. Historiesyn, nationalism och vetenskap
The title of this study is: The Swedish assimilation of Scania during the period 1658-1720 - In descriptions of Danish and Swedish popular historians` during 20th century to current view. View of history, nationalism and science . The study concerns the Swedish, after the conquest of Scania 1658, attempts to induce feelings of Swedish nationality to the people in former Danish province of Scania 1658-1720. The goal of this study was to analyze 20th century and present Swedish and Danish historians? descriptions of the Swedish and Danish treatment of the native Scania population. The aim was further to describe this historians` view of native rebellious group called ?snapphanar? and which measures were taken to assimilate the Scanian population to Swedish realm.
Privata markägares attityder och inställningar till föryngringsfrågor :
Even though Sweden is a small country which has a low rate of inhabitants is it one of the
worlds leading nations of exporting products from the forest industries. The Importance of a sustainable use of the Swedish forests has been known for many years. In 1903 the first law of forestry were establish. Today the National Board of Forestry carry out inventories of regeneration result. The result of the latest inventory showed that especially the non-industrial private forest owners did not full fill the regeneration work after a clear cut.
Transnationell kooperation : en studie av DLA Agro
Farmers Cooperative has in recent years developed from national markets to cross-border, international, collaborations. One example is the merger between the Swedish dairy company Arla and Danish MD Foods, where the companies collectively are sought to reduce transaction costs and thus improve efficiency. The Swedish market for commodities (fertilizers and pesticides) in agriculture has for many years been dominated by a few large players, with little opportunity for grain associations and local grain companies to offer their customers a varied range of commodities with a competitive pricing.To change this state, a majority of Swedish and Danish grain associations and local grain companies have established a trans-national cooperation. Through the establishment of the organization DLA Agro, they offer their customers a good variety of products with competitive prices. This study investigates thus according to the theory of cooperative models to what extent and how the DLA Agro helps to create benefits for the Swedish member companies.
Boendemiljo? i nationens skyltfo?nster : Internationell orientering i Svenska institutets material om stadsbyggnad 1945-1976
This thesis scrutinises the material on post World War II Swedish architecture produced by the Swedish Public diplomacy organisation "Svenska institutet" ("The Swedish Institute") during the period of 1945 through 1976. The outset is the dilemma encountered by every such organisation: how can the projected narrative of the own nation relate to as many countries as possible, without becoming too general? And how can the organisation address specific countries, without excluding others?By employing a two-sided model of interpreting the material, where it on the one hand is interpreted from the universal properties projected on the narrated architecture, and on the other hand from the particular ideological notions related to the same, the thesis suggests that the Swedish Institute continously relates the architecture to a West-European and American context by consistently connecting its universal properties to particular ideological notions orientated towards the West.The results underline the malleability in regard to ideological notions connected to modernist architecture. Earlier research in the Swedish context has focussed on how modernist architecture in Sweden, under the local tag "funktionalism", was established in regard to a Swedish audience as a particular Swedish architecture by relating it to a alleged continuos Swedish tradition, as well as to notions of a a progressive welfare state. By studying a similar material, though aimed towards a foreign audience, the thesis suggests that these allegations constitue an elucidatory example of how national and ideological narratives can form within the framework of technological-ideological dynamics of modernist architecture.
Jeanne d'Arcs kanonisation : en kyrkopolitisk strategi eller skapandet av en nationell symbol
The following essay is named The canonization of Joan of Arc, a Church political strategy or the creation of a national symbol? Joan of Arc, the French heroine of the Hundred Years War, was canonized as late as 1920, in a process that began already in 1869. In the following essay I am trying to work out if this canonization is a work of the Vatican in order to gain popularity in France after the breakup with the state in 1905. The Catholic Church had, since the French Revolution, faced difficulties withstanding its position of power in the presence of the upcoming Secularism and Liberalism and their growing public support. The Catholic Church had been fighting for its members and at the same time fighting the new ideas of Socialism, Communism and Liberalism.
Genusperspektiv i historieundervisningen
BakgrundForskningen kring kvinnors historia började ta form under 1970-talet. Det forskningen visar är att det finns två inriktningar i genusforskningen, antingen kvinnohistoria bredvid manshistoria eller att man flätar ihop kvinnornas i männens historia. I de läromedel som finns på skolorna idag omnämns främst drottningar och religiösa kvinnor.SyfteSyftet med studien är att undersöka om lärare synliggör de båda könen. Frågeställningarna är vilka som står i fokus i historieundervisningen och hur lärarna gör för att skapa ett helhetsperspektiv i undervisningen.MetodVi har använt intervju som metod, och har intervjuat fem lärare på fyra olika skolor, inom samma kommun.ResultatVårt resultat visar att lärarna fortfarande har fokus på kungar och krig i undervisningen men har med ett genusperspektiv i sin undervisning genom att undervisa kring folkets historia istället för enbart makthavare. Resultatet visar också att lärarna har för lite kunskaper kring genusperspektiv kopplat till historieundervisning.
Kommunala bolag och demokratin - Om bolagiseringstrendens inverkan på folkstyret.
Kulturvårdscentrum was a project that had great significance for local folklore societies in Bohuslän.Bohusläns museum was i charge of the project that lasted from 1987 until about 2001 when most ofthe original staff have retired. The staff was mainly recruited from a large shipyard, Uddevallavarvet,at it's closure due to recession. Financing was largely made by the government to help outthose unemployed who otherwise should have a hard time finding a new job. At start there was about25 employees who where trained for one year by staff from Swedish museums, conservation studios,and teachers the university. The education was aimed at serving local folklore societies, and dealingwith their special problems.