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En kommun - Tre grundskolor
In this essay, I will look at three different Compulsory comprehensive schools in one community and I will compare final grades from students who graduated in spring 2006. I will also examine how the three schools work with students, and in what way they approach students with dyslexia/reading- and writing difficulties, so that they could reach goals set by The Swedish National Agency for Education. The aim with this essay is to show differences between schools in the same community and my question is if it is the way you approach students with dyslexia/reading- and writing difficulties that affects the student?s grades and results.The study is concentrating on three schools in one community and students with dyslexia and reading- and writing difficulties that went to those schools. I have spoken to remedial teacher at each school about how they approach students with dyslexia/reading- and writing difficulties, what kind of methods the use, how they investigate if a student is in need of special help and how they grade their students who are in need of special teaching because of their learning disabilities.
Åtskildheten : En lacansk läsning av Birgitta Trotzigs roman Sjukdomen
While almost 23 percent of the students in the Swedish upper secondary school are foreigners, only a fraction of the school libraries? collections consists of literature written in other languages than Swedish or English. This study examines how five school librarians experience the task of working with literature composed in foreign languages in the multicultural and multilingual school of today. The results of the qualitative interviews are analyzed in relation to the legislation and policy documents that the school libraries are working by, and also in relation to the theoretical framework of sociocultural theory and the theories on second language acquisition developed by linguist Jim Cummins.The study shows that while multilingualism is discussed as an important matter in the legislation and policy documents that the school libraries work by, the librarians in this study largely view the question of foreign literature as peripheral. Most part of the librarians connects first language reading to leisure-time activities rather than curricular activities, and stresses that the Swedish language should be prioritized in Swedish schools.
Mångtydigt : En studie om hur föremåls definitioner är föränderliga
Studien är en föremålsanalys med semiotik som metod, och är en jämförelse mellan det konceptuella konsthantverket och kläder från varumärket Viktor & Rolf som drivs av Viktor Horsting och Rolf Snoeren. Syftet är att analysera hur två utstyrslar från Viktor & Rolf kan definieras på olika sätt när de placeras inom olika områden. Dessa områden är klädkonst, mode och konsthantverk. Här tolkas även hur de sammanhang som utstyrslarna visas inom (modevisning & museum) påverkar definitionen av dem. Frågeställningarna lyder:Hur påverkar sammanhanget föremålets identitet?Hur kan ett och samma föremål tolkas när det placeras in i områdena för mode, konst och konsthantverk?Vad krävs för att ett föremål ska kunna betraktas som ett superobjekt?Analysen uppmärksammar några aspekter av hur vi definierar och tolkar föremål.
Trafficking/människohandel : En människas egentliga värde
With focal point on the national directions, created by Länsstyrelsen (Swedish county administration) in cooperation with National Method support against Trafficking (NMT), this paper aims to depict the phenomena trafficking and also portray the concurrent counteracting against trafficking in Sweden that authorities exert. All involved participants in this mechanism have their particular remit and their ability to interact is hence of utmost significance.In order to fully comprehend and be able to analyze these unified operative execution-elements and processes in Sweden we also have to understand what is proceeding in the international arena. The organized crime-combine is not restrained by boundaries and continuously develop and refine methods in sexual trafficking, that has grown into an expanding multibillion industry. International counteracting is consequently a worldwide existing matter of utmost interest. Therefore we will also, in our report, present international machines such as International Organization for Migration (IOM).In regard to the proceedings in the international arena, concerning empirical and methodical techniques and information of research findings, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) occupies the leading place in the analysis.The main focus, the cornerstone of this paper, is an inquiry into the formerly relatively unknown and unexplored aspects of what happens to individuals who have been subjected to sexual trafficking in Sweden after governmental intervention implicating forced re-allocation to the country-of-origin.
Vad händer om man vänder på schh? : En undersökning om bakgrundsljud på bibliotek
Since the role of the libraries as merely a place for loans has decreased, the importance of giving the visitors a total experience has increased.The aim of my thesis was to investigate whether a change in the sound environment at the library of Jokkmokk could generate more satisfied visitors, whether they are borrowers or use the library for other purposes. The change in the sound environment was to be effected by means of a background sound experiment in the magazine room at the library. Action research was used as a research strategy and observations and interviews as method to collect data.The experiment was conducted with two selected sounds of nature: birdsong and a rippling brook. The observations and interviews were executeted in three stages: 1. Without any background sound.
Upphandling av vinterväghållning
AbstractThis report was undertaken at the request of the Management and maintenancedepartment of Swedish National Road Authority (Vägverket Region Sydöst) inJönköping.In 1992, the management and maintenance of Swedish roads were laid out onexternal contractors. When putting out a tender for the work, the foundation isfrom a national set of rules which are in constant change. This report is limited towinter road upkeep.The trend in the invitation for tenders is that it is moving from the moreconventional executional demands towards the less controlling demands. Thedownside of functional, less controlling demands is that it is difficult to articulatehow to measure them. The order authority therefore has to find ways to makesure to get what has been paid for.In connection to the invitation for tender of winter road upkeep for 2005, the newset of rules, ATB Vinter 2003 was deployed.The main purpose of this thesis is to see which the big changes in the set of rulesare and how these changes affect the organisation and activities of the contractor.It is also studied how the changes in execution is perceived by road users and howit affects the possibilities of the contractor to come as a newcomer to a new areaof administration.Interviews and examination of sets of rules has led to a list of a number ofchanges that the contractors feel affect their work in any sense.Views from road users that have come in to the order authority have beenscrutinized to see how they have experienced the change.
Teaching Maths in Primary School - Something more than adding up and ticks and crosses?
Syftet med det här utvecklingsarbetet är att ge ett förslag på hur man som lärare kan engagera och motivera fler elever till att sträva efter att nå målen i ämnena svenska och historia på högstadiet. Utifrån tidigare forskning, olika teoretiker, läroplanen för grundskola 2011 och de nya kursplanerna för svenska och historia utformas ett utvecklingsarbete som utgår från ett tematiskt arbetssätt där skönlitteratur har en central roll i temat och där läromedel ersätts med olika varierade moment som film, museum besök, gästföreläsare etc. Temat kallas revolutionernas tidevarv och behandlar 1700-1800 talet med fokus på Franska revolutionen, ideologier och de samhällströmningar som följer av detta. Eleverna jobbar både i grupp och med tre stycken individuella uppgifter. Temaarbetet sträcker sig över sex veckor och totalt 30 timmar.
Integritet och långsiktig användbarhet hos textdokument : En avvägningsproblematik vid digitalt bevarande
This thesis is about a potential trade-off between integrity and long-term usability in the choice of file formats for preservation of text documents. Five common formats are discussed: plain text, PDF/A, Office Open XML Document, Open Document Text, and Markdown. The formats are compared with respect to four criteria related to integrity and usability and to the records continuum model: support by widely used software, stability, rendering of contents and reusability.It is concluded that no single format is optimal with respect to all four criteria, when it comes to preserving typical documents in a modern environment, with more or less complex formatting and document structure. Therefore, the feasiblity of using two or more formats for preservation of a single document (e.g. PDF/A combined with Markdown and/or Office Open XML) is discussed.
Deltagarnas utställning : Utställningarana Hej! och Present i teori och praktik
Many institutions currently work with visitor participation. Participatory culture is basically to invite visitors to participate and to give an opportunity to co-creation. In my research I have studied two projects. The first one is the exhibition Hej! produced by Postmuseum (the Swedish mail museum) and the second one is Present by Riksutställningar (a Swedish government).This development indicates that the museums are on their way towards a new definition. Earlier museums were defined as a source of knowledge which purpose was to spread lore to the people.
Digital guidning på campus Alnarp : tekniska lösningar för riktad information till olika målgrupper
Today digital guides are most frequently used by the museum and tourism industries. They are also used for education purposes. They make it possible to distribute information and have it easily accessible. In addition to written information they add sound, pictures and videos which lift the whole impression of the visited place to a higher level.
A variety of systems currently in use today have been evaluated.
Förslag till gestaltning av miljön kring en byggnad med nyklassicistiska drag
Syftet med arbetet har varit att genom undersökning av denna klassicistiskt inspirerade tidsperiod välja ut lämpliga växter för att ta fram förslag för hur man skulle kunna skapa en miljö med historisk karaktär kring Gula magasinet i Nävekvarn. I denna process har jag studerat litteratur om sådana växter och annat material som skulle kunna användas för att sätta en stilriktig karaktär på miljön. Jag har även gjort en undersökning kring bruksorten Nävekvarn och om Gula magasinet och kortfattat sammanställt detta. I min undersökning har jag besökt Nävekvarn och Sörmlands museum för att hitta den lokala information som finns om platsen. Jag har även tagit bilder på platsen och samtalat med boende och verksamma i Nävekvarn för att få veta vad de har för syn på magasinet, hur det har och kommer att användas i framtiden.
Försvenskningen av Skåne, 1658-1720 : I danska och svenska populärhistoriska framställningar från 1920 - tal till 2010 - tal. Historiesyn, nationalism och vetenskap
The title of this study is: The Swedish assimilation of Scania during the period 1658-1720 - In descriptions of Danish and Swedish popular historians` during 20th century to current view. View of history, nationalism and science . The study concerns the Swedish, after the conquest of Scania 1658, attempts to induce feelings of Swedish nationality to the people in former Danish province of Scania 1658-1720. The goal of this study was to analyze 20th century and present Swedish and Danish historians? descriptions of the Swedish and Danish treatment of the native Scania population. The aim was further to describe this historians` view of native rebellious group called ?snapphanar? and which measures were taken to assimilate the Scanian population to Swedish realm.
Mödradödlighet i Afrika söder om Sahara: En kvantitativ studie om den nationella utvecklingens påverkan på mödradödlighet.
About 1000 women in the so called developing countries die every day associated with pregnancy and childbirth. Sub-Saharan Africa is the worst affected region. This study aims to explore the different key factors in national development that can interact with a reduced maternal mortality. The study compares 15 countries in sub-Sahara where the greatest reduction in maternal mortality occurred with 15 countries in sub-Sahara where maternal mortality reduction has been at its lowest, between the years 2000 to 2010. This study also analyzes the link between reduced maternal mortality and various key factors for national development.
Det är viktigt att förmedla normer och värden till elever i förberedelseklasser : En kvalitativ studie om vad lärare i förberedelseklasser gör till "svensk" kultur
Swedish municipals schools have been given an assignment to convey basic values to pupils. The assignment is to bring up the pupils through transmitting and developing a heritage such as values, traditions, language and knowledge. Together along with the lasting knowledge which constitutes the community frame of reference everybody needs. There by is the purpose of this study through a qualitative method to investigate how the schools assignment to create a community national identity of the pupils is interpreted by the teachers in introduction classes. Even how the teachers in this study response to ?Swedish? culture by presenting and educate the pupils in this.
Mellan bildningsideal och besparingskrav : En studie av Uppsala universitetsbiblioteks styrdokument 1999-2013
The purpose of this thesis is to investigate how structural changes are depicted as well as formally brought about in the documents of rule and regulation of Uppsala University and Uppsala University Library the years 1999?2013. Beside the documents of rule and regulation, also documents that is commenting on (or in other ways relates to) these are investigated. The study is based both in organizational theory and modern rhetorical theory. The results show that the University to a certain extent gained an increased possibility to micromanage the library?s working routines during the time span covered and the study traces the consequences this had on the library organization and reactions it evoked among the leaders and representatives of the library staffThis raised a debate between representatives from the University library and its mother organization, the University, regarding at which level in the whole organization decisions regarding the library?s forms of funding and everyday praxis.