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Att kommunicera mångfald : En undersökning om kommunikation och engagemang inom Landsrådet för Sveriges Ungdomsorganisationer
AbstractTitle: Communicating diversity ? A study about communication and involvement in The National Council of Swedish Youth Organizations.Number of pages: 58Author: Frida SamuelssonTutor: Peder Hård af SegerstadCourse: Media and Communication Studies CPeriod: Autumn 2006University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science,Uppsala UniversityPurpose/Aim: The general purpose of this essay is to analyse how the member organizations of LSU ? The National Council of Swedish Youth Organizations, see the communication,activities and their influence over the organization. I aim to do an analysis of the target group to find out if the lack of involvement in LSU is caused by communication problems.Material/Method: The method of this essay is quantitative and is based upon a web-survey.The chairmen of the member organizations have been asked to answer a survey about the communication in LSU. To get an idea of how widespread different opinions about LSU are the empirical data has been made into graphs to show the frequencies and also cross tabulations to find out if there are any correlations between the variables.Main result: This study has shown that the problem with involvement in LSU is only partly a communication problem. One important result is that many member organizations feel that LSU doesn?t listen to their opinions and they express a wish to have more influence over the organization.
Att skapa förutsättningar för lärande på science center
Uppdraget som låg till grund för detta examensarbete var att utveckla Vattenfall Science Centers utställning och verksamhet. Uppdraget formulerades i ett syfte att studera hur sciencecentret som koncept kan utvecklas genom att pröva hur ett sociokulturellt perspektiv pålärande yttrar sig i skapandet av en interaktiv installation. Målet med arbetet är att föreslå hurett science center kan formas och utvecklas för att skapa förutsättningar för lärande.Arbetet delades upp i tre delar. Första delen består av en studie av litteratur med syfteatt få en övergripande bild av den forskning som berör lärande på museer. Målet var att belysaviktiga aspekter för lärande på museer.
Styrning av stegmotor för robot med NICompactRIO
Arbetet handlar om styrning och reglering av stegmotorer och permanentmagnetmotorer, genom attanvända det grafiska programmeringsspråket Labview från National Instruments (NI) tillsammansmed hårdvara i form av NI CompactRIO och NI USB datainsamlingskort. Implementeringen har sketti form av en robot med ett för uppgiften specialbyggt styrsystem, PWM ? styrning av enpermanentmagnetmotor och en egenkonstruerad manöverdosa..
Isavsmältningen vid Arktis : Arktis på väg att bli isfritt
Arktis är den plats där den globala uppvärmningen är som mest märkbar på hela jorden (Arktiska rådet). Därför är Arktis ett intressant område att studera ur klimatsynpunkt. Enligt Gore (2006) så kan en ökning av jordens medeltemperatur på 1,5 °C leda till att de ekvatoriala områdena får en temperaturökning på 0,5 °C medan temperaturen vid Arktis kan stiga med hela 6 °C. De senaste 30 åren har medeltemperaturen vid Arktis stigit med drygt en grad per decennium (Anisimov, 2007) medan den globala medeltemperaturen för samma period endast stigit med ca 0.15 grader per decennium.Arktis tros ha varit isfritt under en värmeperiod för ca 6000 ? 8500 år sedan (Founder, 2011) men det som är unikt med den aktuella situationen är att avsmältningen går så snabbt.
Stockholms blodbad i historieboken: En l?romedelsanalys under perioden 1869 - 1996
This thesis explores in which ways the portrayal of the event known as the Stockholm bloodbath has changed during the period 1869-1996. This is done through textbook analysis. In Sweden, history has been a school subject since the 17th century, and has throughout its history had a formative role in the Swedish school system. In the middle of the 19th century it was specifically stated that the aim was to help students nurture a sense of national pride and love of country. The aim of the study is to investigate how nationally loaded events have been portrayed in text books, as well as if and how the evolution of said textbooks reflect the evolution of the history subject as a whole.
Bedömning av skada på naturmiljö och rennäring för den föreslagna fjällvägen mellan Borgafjäll och Saxnäs : - Väg- och transportforskningsinstitutets metod för bedömning av skada på bevarandeintressen
Assessment of impacts on nature and reindeer husbandry by the considered mountain road between Borgafjäll and Saxnäs- Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institutes method for assessment of damage to heritage assetsThere are plans regarding the building of a new road from Borgafjäll/Båtas to Saxnäs, and two road alternatives have been presented. The road has been localized to an area which is protected as a nature reserve and listed as a Nature 2000 area. This report aims to determine the effects on the Nature 2000 area and reindeer husbandry, and to be a source of knowledge for future environmental impact assessment in that project. In order to assess the impact on nature values and reindeer husbandry a method from the Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (VTI) has been used. A literature review has been made to prescribe the effects and consequences.
Avancerad webbaserad visualisering för Business Intelligence
Detta examensarbete är gjort för Kårhuset Trappan AB genom att använda ramverket Geovisual Analytics Visualization (GAV), som är utvecklat av National Center Visual Analytics (NCVA). Examensarbetet producerade en applikation för att följa företagets inköp och försäljning av artiklar. Applikationen är en webbplats i flash, och skrevs i Actionscript med Adobe Flash Builder 4. För att göra applikationen användarvänlig genomfördes en förstudie, och kriterier för den visuella designen sammanställdes..
Upphandling av vinterväghållning
This report was undertaken at the request of the Management and maintenance department of Swedish National Road Authority (Vägverket Region Sydöst) in Jönköping.In 1992, the management and maintenance of Swedish roads were laid out on external constructors. When putting out a tender for the work, the foundation is from a national set of rules which are in constant change. This report is limited to winter road upkeep.The trend in the invitation for tenders is that it is moving from the more conventional executional demands towards the less controlling demands. The downside of functional, less controlling demands is that it is difficult to articulate how to measure them. The order authority therefore has to find ways to make sure to get what has been paid for.In connection to the invitation for tender of winter road upkeep for 2005, the new set of rules, ATB Vinter 2003 was deployed.The main purpose of this thesis is to see which the big changes in the set of rules are and how these changes affect the organisation and activities of the constructor.It is also studied how the changes in execution is perceived by road users and how it affects the possibilities of the constructor to come as a newcomer to a new area of administration.Interviews and examination of sets of rules has led to a list of a number of changes that the constructors feel affect their work in any sense.Views from road users that have come in to the order authority have been scrutinized to see how they have experienced the change.
Datorbaserad bedömning i språk forskningsläge, erfarenheter och implikationer
To support uniform and fair assessment of Swedish students? English language competences, mandatory National tests are provided both for secondary and upper secondary education. The current thesis may be seen as a contribution to the further development and validation of these tests, with regard to the likely introduction of computerized testing methods. The aim is to gain further knowledge from current research in the field, to study and elucidate international experiences of implementation, and to gather and analyze feedback from students and teachers. Based on my findings, some tentative conclusions will be drawn, and recommendations made concerning future developments.
Vad ska de estetiska ämnena vara bra för? : En kvantitativ undersökning om elevers syn på de estetiska ämnena i grundskolan
This essay is an attempt to give indications of how pupils in the ninth grade value the arts subjects in Swedish schools. We believe that the subjects in arts education is mainly seen as ?fun? subjects rather than ?important? or ?useful?. However, this is not an attempt to find out the pupils view in a national scale, but instead an attempt to show what pupils may think and how this may affect the art subjects value..
Infectious bronchitis in Brazil : a minor field study in Bastos municipality, Sao Paulo
Infectious Bronchitis (IB) is a highly contagious viral respiratory and productiondepressant disease distributed world wide. The disease is caused by the InfectiousBronchitis Virus (IBV), a positive RNA strand Avian Coronavirus within thegenus Gammacoronavirus. Due to a combination of high mutation rate and atendency of recombination a constant emergence of new genotypes and serotypesis seen. In Brazil, a country with an extensive poultry production and majorproblems with disease control, the diversity of circulating strains are wide andoutbreaks of clinical disease despite intensive use of vaccines are common. Theaim of this study was to investigate the presence of IBV and to identify genotypesof isolated IBVs in a limited number of layer flocks in Bastos, São Paulo, as partof the screening for circulating genotypes in the country.
Så beskrivs flickors behov av stöd i undervisningen : En analys av åtgärdsprogram från år 1995-2012
The title of this study is: The Swedish assimilation of Scania during the period 1658-1720 - In descriptions of Danish and Swedish popular historians` during 20th century to current view. View of history, nationalism and science . The study concerns the Swedish, after the conquest of Scania 1658, attempts to induce feelings of Swedish nationality to the people in former Danish province of Scania 1658-1720. The goal of this study was to analyze 20th century and present Swedish and Danish historians? descriptions of the Swedish and Danish treatment of the native Scania population. The aim was further to describe this historians` view of native rebellious group called ?snapphanar? and which measures were taken to assimilate the Scanian population to Swedish realm.
Svensk offentlig diplomati i förändring : En fallstudie om Svenska institutet
The Swedish Institute is a public agency promoting Swedish interest, national image and confidence around the world. This work attempts to investigate how communication and a process over time influences and effects public diplomacy. The analytic discussion is based on a single case study research of this Institute representing ideas in the international science field of public diplomacy. The theoretical ideas of public diplomacy are placed in a theoretical perspective of social constructivism. The method is qualitative, with excerpts taken from interviews, literature, newspapers, articles, state public reports and social media.
Kommuner & Facebook : Hur hanteras regelverket kring allmänna handlingar?
The aim of this one-year master thesis in archival science was to examine how municipalities take regulations concerning public records into account when they use Facebook. Another aim was to examine the involvement of archivists, registrars or similar staff in the management of the regulations. Since Swedish archival theory and practice has a close connection to the application of these regulations, such an examination was hopefully going to reveal tendencies of importance for archival science. The method used to collect information was a web questionnaire and the result was based on answers from 21 municipalities with an official Facebook page. The questionnaire showed that six of the municipalities regarded documents originating from their Facebook page as public records.
attraktrivitet och regionplanering : Hur ska osby kunna ha en positiv ekonomisk tillväxt och befolkningsutveckling i region skåne?
AbstractAttractiveness may be defined by a variety of factors but you should see it in the public planning as it is to have a positive population growth and economic growth, through working with communications, service, housing, to name a few. This is done primarily through direct projects both within the municipality and through various partnerships between local and regional level. The progress we have seen in recent years has gone more towards a clear shell level, particularly a regional level where these have had a much greater freedom with clear geographical boundaries in between each other. Within these regions there are also clear regional groupings that have common interests and competing between each other. In my thesis, we have been distinguished including three levels of scale levels.