

3620 Uppsatser om Modern marketing - Sida 11 av 242

Att blogga om hus : En studie om hur mäklare använder sociala medier

This is a study about how realtors or estate agents market their services in social media. Social media is an upcoming channel in marketing and is becoming more important every day. The user generated content on internet is a new way of communication where companies don?t have to be considered as soulless, if companies use it correctly. This study investigates estate agents efforts to market their services in these channels and how they do it.

Dokusåpor är en sport!(?) Ett bidrag till diskussionen av konceptet modern sport

Sport är en viktig del av samhället. Sport är så mycket mer än matcher och spel. Sport är integrerat i de sociala och kulturella kontexterna i vårt samhälle, människor identifierar sig själva och världen runt omkring sig med hjälp av sport ? det är därför viktigt att studera sport. Då sport är viktigt att studera är det också viktigt att ha en diskussion kring hur konceptet modern sport bör tolkas, förstås, förklaras och hur det påverkar och är med i förändringsprocesser i samhället.

Event Marketing : En Begreppsutredning

Event marketing har allt sedan begreppet instiftades runt tiden för OS i Los Angeles 1984 varit starkt praktikerdrivet, vilket även återspeglas i den litteratur som skrivits om fenomenet. Den största delen av denna är av normativ karaktär och antar skepnaden av handböcker snarare än av akademisk litteratur. Bland författarna råder dessutom stor oenighet angående vad som faktiskt innefattas av begreppet event marketing. För den person som försöker förstå vad event marketing handlar om utgör detta ett problem; ett problem som ligger till grund för denna undersökning. Utifrån den ovan beskrivna situationen formulerades för undersökningen följande syfte: Genom att ur ett marknadsföringsteoretiskt perspektiv studera olika författares och praktikers definitioner av och uppfattningar om event marketing, precisera de fenomen som bör innefattas av begreppet.

Att bli framgångsrik musikartist : De karaktäristiska dragen i marknadsföringen av artister

The research this report is based on aims to find out the characteristic features of the marketing tools that are essential for a music artist, and define a successful artist. The thesis arises and discusses how different medias can have an affect on an artists career and on his/hers achievement. To bee seen in the right medias can have an important influence on their career. To be able to answer our aim we have interviewed people who have a solid knowledge about music business, we have also used a qualitative method. The outcome of the research is that there are some indications that show important factors which are essential when it comes to marketing artists.

Emotioner och marknadsföring : en studie om parfymannonser

Reaching out with a specific message to consumers is the idea of marketing. Advertising is among the most common elements when it comes to marketing a product or a service. There are various ways to provide marketing with a message. A relatively new way that has become larger in marketing is to provide marketing with emotions. It has been shown in several studies that emotions can have a direct or an indirect effect such as ad-attitude and brand-attitude, and that is what our essay is about.

?Det gäller att hänga på?- en studie om marknadsföring av folkbibliotek via sociala medier

The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to examine how public libraries use socialmedia for marketing purposes, and what librarians think about this. My focus of this thesislies on what librarians think about marketing of libraries through social media and if theythink that marketing through social media can create a better relationship between the libraryand its users. The questions I wanted to answer were:? Libraries using social media, for what purpose do they use them? ? Do the libraries choose to use social media to market their organization? Why? ? What attitudes exist among librarians about marketing through social media?The theoretical framework for this thesis is Evert Gummessons model off Relationshipmarketing and the process of Internet marketing, which both are based on relationalperspective. The methodology used for this study was structured interviews.

Branding och Event Marketing : en studie om kunders imageuppfattning av svenska möbelproducenter

This essay describes the Swedish furniture business and its strong competition between domestic and foreign producers. As the demand on higher development speed grows stronger, alongside a fierce competition between the companies, long lasting and unique qualities such as customer relations and strong brand names become crucial. Nowadays many furniture producers chose to sell their products through retailers and they therefore miss out on invaluable direct contact with their customers. Consequently, this means that they lack the perquisite to build relations or more importantly, to communicate their brand.To illustrate the problem a case study and a survey have been carried out. The study compares the strategic marketing works between producers who have own concept stores and those who uses retailers.

Marknadsföring av folkbibliotek ? om fyra folkbibliotek i Kalmar län på väg mot visionen att bli Sveriges bästa biblioteksregion år 2010

The aim of this Bachelor´s thesis is to describe the phenomenon ofmarketing. Four public libraries in the County of Kalmar have beenstudied in the aim to obtain information on their current marketingin the autumn of 2004, as well as their view of marketing and itssignification in connection to a vision that the Regional Library inKalmar has established. The vision is that the County of Kalmar isgoing to be the best Region of Libraries in Sweden in the year of2010. Target markets for the vision is the general public, studentsand entrepreneurs. The study has done a landing at an early stage ofthe vision, the starting point of which was in the year of 2001.

Marknadsföringen biblioteket : En fallstudie av Broby bibliotek

The purpose of this master thesis is to use marketing theory on the library?s activities. The marketing theory used is the 4Ps; product, price, promotion and place, as it's presented by Philip Kotler. Because the library can be seen as a service oriented organization Christian Gronroos theory of marketing in the service industry also has been used. A case study of the public library in Broby was made to illustrate how the public libraries? activities can appear in the light of marketing theory.

Utvärdering av övervakningssystem för att upptäcka skogsbränder : En kostnadsnyttoanalys för Sveriges län

The aim with the study is to find key factors relating to internal marketing and to improve the process between the operating organization and its customers. A qualitative study is carried out within an organization active in the Swedish healthcare. The qualitative approach is carried out by collecting empirical data through observations, personal interviews and group interviews.The Physiotherapy Clinic at the Karolinska University Hospital is in the focus of the empirical study. The study locates existing differences in perceptions and comes up with recommendations for actions to improve the process of organisations within the Swedish healthcare and their customers. The study's results are that internal marketing can bring a lot to service-selling organizations and that the organizations internal conditions are as important as the external ones.Communication appears to be a key factor for an organization that has applied internal marketing.

Hur ett företag kan uppmärksammas genom en grafisk profil och en gerillamarknadsföring

The purpose of this thesis was to create a visual identity to the café Trädgårdscafét. This was to increase the awareness of the cafe among the population of Borlänge. To make the company's visual identity visible, we also organized a guerrilla marketing. The outcome of the guerrilla marketing were then measured by calculating the number of guests during a certain period of time and also through a survey conducted in Borlänge.Graphic material, such as a graphic identity, business cards, feel good-cards, store signs, standing information folders to place on the tables and pavement board was created. Flyers and posters were also created for the guerrilla marketing.

Från Monopol Till Konkurrens : Telias hantering av den ökande konkurrensen genom förändrade marknadsföringsstrategier

The Swedish telecommunication market was prior to the official deregulation 1975 characterized by Telia?s former monopoly position. This thesis studies how the deregulation of the market, and the thereby increasing competition, has affected Telia and how it has influenced Telia?s marketing strategies.The theoretical framework, from which the conclusions will be made, is a combination of the theory about strategic learning behaviours by Slater et al, and Grönroos? theory about a marketing continuum. The empirical work material is the result from two interviews with former key figures at Telia, and a briefing of Telia?s annual report between the years 1993 and 2006.Research findings indicate that Telia has gone from being product oriented with a strong technical focus, to becoming gradually more market oriented with competition orientation but foremost customer orientation as their most distinguished learning behaviours.

Med framsidan framåt ? En studie av taste-cultures och face-front marketing på två svenska folkbibliotek

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to examine how librarians in two Swedish public libraries view the subject of face-front marketing and literary hierarchy. The questions posed in this thesis are: How do two public libraries in Sweden market fictional literature? Which literature does get marketed? How do the librarians view fictional literature? How do the librarians view marketing? and Does Herbert Gans? literary scale work to examine the marketing of fictional literature in two Swedish public libraries? The theoretical starting-points are Niels Ole Pors? thoughts on stock development, Philip Kotler?s thoughts on the responsible non-profit organisation and Herbert Gans? thoughts on taste-publics and taste-cultures. The empirical material was gathered through qualitative interviews with library staff in two public libraries in the south of Sweden, and by reading a sample of the fictional literature exposed in these libraries.

Sinnesmarknadsföring : En jämförelse mellan två galleriors tillämpning av sinnesmarknadsföring

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to analyze the application of sensory marketing in malls.Problem discussion: The competition between malls is increasing, where visitors are increasing demands on the shopping malls layout. Shopping malls surface and its atmosphere becomes essential in the design of a mall so it will be attractive enough. Sensory marketing can be an appropriate method to stand out from the crowd and attract visitors. Sensory marketing is a process of engaging visitor?s senses to create a strong relationship between the brand and visitors.

Celebritet i marknadsföringen : Hur påverkas företaget?

The aim of this thesis is that through a case study, analyze and evaluate whether the customer is high - or low involved and connect with the choice of marketing strategy using a celebrity.This thesis is about how a celebrity can be used in marketing to affect a company's customers. The essay is facing the fashion retail industry, where three companies, Lindex, H&M and MQ, has been studied and compared. Lindex is using celebritiy Emma Wiklund by an internal collaboration within the enterprise. MQ is using various celebrities in various campaigns throughout the year and use them in external advertising campaigns. H&M is using interactive marketing with different celebrities in the form of, for example, guest collections for the company.

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