

3620 Uppsatser om Modern marketing - Sida 10 av 242

Mata inte trollen : En studie i marknadskommunikation och internetkultur

Social media provides, as many points out, new possibilities for marketing. Marketing in social media requires a two way communication, rather than the traditional marketing where the communication model is typically sender ? receiver.To create a marketing campaign that is suitable for a two way communication model has its difficulties and risks as well as its opportunities. Opportunities in the sense that the campaign can become a viral, a Word of mouth and create a Buzz, which will reach potential customers, to a bigger quantity for lower costs, with a message that will make a different impact from the types of commercial messages we are used to. Risks in the sense that the message, if not properly aimed and phrased, can be turned overnight into something that humiliates the company and possibly harm its brand.The difficulties in creating such a campaign is to create something that will catch people?s attention, discuss and forward it, while at the same time avoid getting hurt.We aim to describe the internet from a cultural context, and from that point of view explore the types of misunderstandings which often seem to happen when a corporate message is created and sent out in social media, how to avoid putting the image of a company in danger when doing this, and examine if there is ways to know how the message will be received.

Mellanskog medlemmars och medarbetares inställning till SMS och e-post : en fallstudie

Communication, information and marketing are three of the main prerequisites for companies that want to increase their turnover. The everyday work for a Forest Manager within the forest owners? association Mellanskog consists to a large part of interpersonal communication, either by close vicinity contact or by phone calls. Interpersonal communication is time consuming and resource intensive. If the flow of information, communication and marketing does not function well then there is a lack of a base for development.

Från varuperspektiv till servicelogik : ett arbete om rollförändring och öppenhet på webben

This study focuses on the transfer between a product-oriented to a service-oriented perspective regarding marketing activities in companies due to the development of information technology. It illustrates how this very transfer has been, and can be, contemplated through the eyes of organizations working with marketing in a digital world on a daily basis. Technology has turned several industries - their price-setting, communication channels and supplying possiblities - upside-down. This turnpoint brings out a new way of observing and working with marketing. Therefore, we find it interesting to gain a better understanding of how actors within industries where the turnpoint is a fact observes marketing, and how this service perspective can be seen in their various organizations and daily.

Red Bull : En studie om hur word of mouth och buzzmarknadsföring påverkar konsumenters attityder.

Purpose: The aim of this thesis is to examine how word of mouth and buzz marketing affects Uppsala´s businessstudents attitudes towards Red Bull. To solve this purpose we intend to answer some underlying questions.Theory: We have used relevant theories within word of mouth, buzz marketing and consumer behaviour. Our thesis will bring up the essential parts within these three different theories that we believe are relevant to our purpose.Method: In this thesis we have used both quantitative and qualitative methods such as interviews and questionnaires. The questionnaires will be handed out at Economicum at Uppsala University.Empirical study: This part is based on our questionnaires handed out to business students at Economicum, but also on our interviews made with employees working for Red Bull.Conclusion: Our empirical study has given us a clear picture of how Red Bull works and use marketing tools to promote their product. Through our questionnaires we have also found out what attitudes consumers has against the brand and the product.

Dold marknadsförings effektivitet i sociala media

In this paper the authors examine three questions: 1) Is stealth marketing messages posing as status updates on Facebook a more effective way of advertising than traditional web banners? 2) What impact has learning about stealth marketing practices in social media on consumer attitude and post purchase behaviour? And finally 3) Will different generations respond differently to these questions?Our findings show that stealth marketing in social media is not more effective than traditional web banners. Furthermore, the result indicates that when consumers find out about stealth marketing practices it will have a negative impact on future purchase intensions and brand image. Most consumers will also have strong feelings of being deceived, which could instigate harmful post purchase behaviour such as negative word-of-mouth and possibly, based on some earlier cases, boycotts.The result of our research shows that the brand perceptions and future purchase intentions of Generation Y, persons between 18 and 30 years of age, are affected in a less negative way than the brand perceptions and future purchase intentions of older generations when finding out about stealth marketing practices in social media. However Generation Y:s reaction is still negative and they do consider traditional web banners to be more credible than status updates on Facebook.

Vad sägs om marknadsföring: En studie av 20 artiklar i svensk bibliotekspress

The aim of this thesis is to research if and in that case how, marketing of Swedish public libraries is used as a possible work method in a time when they are marked by changes in the form of cut backs and technical innovations. With a strive to get an overview by the possible debate I have chosen to do a closer exam of 20 texts published in five of the biggest Swedish library publications during a period of 20 years. My research is based mainly upon Philip Kotler?s marketing theories regarding non-profit organization as well as Eileen Elliot de Saéz interpretations of these to a library context. The first part of the essay therefore consists of an introduction of these, as well as a rendering of their method of work, which shows the width of the conception of marketing.

Ett medium som alla andra?: Folkbibliotekens marknadsföring av TV-spel mot ungdomar

This essay aims to investigate how Swedish Public Libraries market their activities in video games for youths. It also highlights how the library, on the basis of the unique opportunities of the video game medium, can develop this marketing to build a relationship with youths. The empiric evidence is based on a survey of answers given by 30 librarians responsible for video game collections, and qualitative telephone interviews with three of them. The essay?s theoretical framework is based on Philip Kotler and his co-authors? marketing theory which consists of five stages: Marketing research, segmentation, marketing mix, implementation and development.

Marknadsföring av licensierade e-tidskrifter på akademiska bibliotek

The purpose of this thesis is to examine if academic libraries market e-journals, and if so how this work is carried out. The ambition is to study what channels and methods the Libraries use, to inform their users that they have access to e-journals. The aim is also to survey if the libraries evaluate the use of the e-journals, and if so how. The objectives of the work are reached by using two main methods, document analysis and qualitative interviews. The study has been performed on three university libraries.

Är modern historia historieämnets framtid? : Den moderna historiens påverkan på historiemedvetandet.

Uppsatsen är en induktiv studie med kvalitativa intervjuer, som undersöker gymnasielärare och historikers inställning till regeringens förslag om att historia A på gymnasiet ska fokusera på modern historia. Denna inställning ställer vi sedan i relation till begreppet historiemedvetande och får på detta sätt fram spännande resultat. Vi kunde se att åsikterna går isär, men att de alla i grund och botten har en gemensam tanke om vad som vore bäst för eleverna. Den stora skillnaden ligger i hur detta kan uppnås. Är det en fokusering på moderna tider, eller är det en lång tidsvandring som ger möjligheten att dra långa linjer som är det bästa? Vi kom fram till att en kurs på 100 poäng, som till största delen fokuserar på modern historia, och ger möjligheter att dra paralleller bakåt i tiden vore den bästa lösningen på problemet med dagens förslag.

Marknadsföringens roll inom ishockeyföreningar : En fallstudie på elitserielaget Södertälje SK

Sports Marketing is a growing part in the world of sports today. Our main purpose of this paper was to analyze which role marketing plays for an ice hockey organization in the Swedish elite today. For this study we did a case study research on the Swedish team Södertälje Sportklubb, where we interviewed seven people. In addition to the people in the organizations we chose to interview two sport journalists. This research was made from an organizations point of view and all of the interviews were of qualitative character.

Butiksdemonstrationens mentala och beteendemässiga påverkan: - Ett fältexperiment som undersöker butiksdemonstrationens möjligheter att påverka konsumenten i butiksmiljön

The knowledge development regarding in-store marketing has shown that influencing a consumer in a store setting is a powerful tool to change the consumer?s buying patterns. However, the store as a marketing channel lacks, in many ways, conducted academic research and according to marketing theory investments into in-store marketing tend to be taken without advanced marketing consideration. As a consequence, we have chosen to generate new insights into the field of in-store marketing by studying in-store demonstrations both from a behavioral and a mental dimension. Furthermore, we have also chosen to study how different consumers with different degree of loyalty and buying patterns are influenced by an in-store demonstration.This study aimed to obtain a better understanding of in-store demonstrations through breaking down the demonstration into its core elements and from these elements construct different types of demonstrations.

Eventet som upplevelseproduktion: en undersökning av upplevelsebegreppets strategiska betydelse inom relationsskapande event marketing

Ordet upplevelse används idag av många företag i olika branscher för att beskriva företagets tjänsteutbud. Inom marknadsföring används upplevelser för att tränga igenom det tilltagande mediebruset och för relationsbyggande åtgärder. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka huruvida eventbyråer profilerade inom relationsskapande event marketing använder begreppet upplevelse och vad det har för betydelse för deras verksamhet. Med ett hermeneutiskt förhållningssätt och en induktiv ansats har jag genomfört en kvalitativ intervjustudie baserad på intervjuer med sju eventbyråer. Studien visar att upplevelse som fenomen är en viktig effekt av relationsskapande event marketing, men att det finns en paradox ifråga om användningen och beskrivningen av begreppet.

Sjukhusbiblioteket som en resurs hur tillgodoses sjuksköterskors informationsbehov genom bibliotekets tjänster vid Södra Älvsborgs Sjukhus

The purpose of this study was to find out what are the information needs of the nurses and if the hospital library can satisfy these needs, and see how the hospital library reaches the nurses with their information provision. The main questions are: what kinds of service exist at the hospital library? What kinds of needs have the nurses concerning the hospital library? How are the needs satisfied by the hospital library? What marketing strategies are used by the hospital library to reach out to the nurses? Is it enough to achieve the goal? The method in this study was a case study with the emphasis on the qualitative interviews. The study was conducted at the hospital library at Södra Älvsborgs Sjukhus in Borås. The interviews concerned the nurses views on the hospital library, information needs and marketing.

Positiva emotioner i marknadsföringen av kollektivtrafik

On the behalf of the European commission suggestions were made on how to increase the usage of public transportation in cities in Europe. A suggestion on how to make public transportation more popular was to use more emotions when marketing public transportation. However, according to theory emotional marketing is best suited for products that have a more hedonic character which public transportation does not usually have. The aim of this report was to investigate if emotional marketing could have a more positive effect on the attitude toward public transportation than less emotional marketing. Ads for the metro in Stockholm were made and it was tested to what degree they conveyed positive emotions.

Att blogga biblioteket - en kvalitativ undersökning om marknadsföring av folkbibliotek via bloggar

The aim of this Master's thesis is to examine how blogs are used by public libraries for marketing purposes, and how librarians who blog perceive their blog as a marketing tool. The thesis is based on a qualitative study conducted using asynchronous e-mail interviews with librarians representing eleven different library blogs. The theoretical framework and concepts are taken from marketing theory, including Kotler's marketing mix, relationship marketing, and theories on the marketing of non-profit organisations, knowledge organizations, the Internet, and blogs. Our results and analysis reveal that libraries use blogs because they are an easy tool to use, they represent a new way to inform users about the library, they are a way to improve contact with the users and a way to reach potential users. According to the librarians we interviewed, blogs can be used to market libraries in a number of different ways: by disseminating information on the library and its various media and events, by providing a forum to demonstrate the skills of the librarians, and as a way of changing the image of the library.

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