

3620 Uppsatser om Modern marketing - Sida 12 av 242

WEBBENS VINNARE : - en studie om kommunikation och konsumtion på Internet

- ABSTRACT ?Title: Winners of the Web ( Webbens vinnare)Number of pages: 35 (including enclosures)Author: Lydia KellamTutor: Else NygrenCourse: Media and Communication Studies CPeriod: Fall Semester 2006University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information SciencePurpose: The aim of the research paper was to see Internet and the digital techniques impact on marketing communication and consuming behavior on the Web. By understanding the relationship between marketing communication and consumer behavior my intentions were to comprehend how consumer behavior on the web could be understand. The purpose of this paper is to understand how different marketing activities on the Internet are followed by consumption.Material/Method: By using focus group interviews I wanted to study how individuals act on the Internet. How different activities such as communication and participation on the web could lead to consumption on the Internet.

Businessclass.se - En trollbindande marknadsföringshybrid? : En trollbindande marknadsföringshybrid?

The purpose of the study is to examine the difference in attracting advertisers to marketing hybrids versus general internet forums, this based on selected theories and advertisers' preference for our case study object, the marketing hybrid, businessclass.se..

Mellan fri vilja och datadriven exploatering: En studie om drivkrafter, medvetenhet, makt och ansvar inom onlinecasinomarknaden

This essay examines the limits of marketing strategies in the online casino industry, focusing on how data-driven and advanced marketing practices influence consumer behavior and contribute to problematic gambling consumption. By observing the online casino industry, the study identifies how companies use sophisticated data analysis methods and psychological techniques to attract and retain customers, raising significant ethical and social issues. The study highlights three key perspectives: the consumer's, the producer's, and the legislator's. From the consumer's perspective, it explores how various consumer behaviors, from responsible gambling to problematic overconsumption, are influenced by marketing and gaming experiences. This includes an analysis of how cognitive limitations and psychological biases can lead to irrational decisions and an increased risk of gambling addiction. From the producer's perspective, it examines how gambling companies use marketing strategies and technologies to increase profitability and what incentives they have to take social responsibility according to modern Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) principles. It appears that companies do not see CSR as a business goal beyond the risk of current and future regulatory compliance requirements and policy changes. From the legislator's viewpoint, the current regulatory framework for the gambling industry is discussed, including the changes that occurred in 2019 when the special monopoly form we had in Sweden was transformed into a license market.

Onlinemarknadsföring inom spelbranschen: en fallstudie av två onlinespelbolag

This thesis addresses online marketing within gaming industry. Some customer identifying methods and website development were introduced as well as examined over the Internet. An empirical study focusing on two gaming companies has been carried out. The purpose has been to describe the use of internet by online gaming companies for online marketing. The thesis will focus on finding out how online gaming companies identify their target groups on internet and how they use internet to reach out to their consumers.

Men om skiten är fin då -En studie om estetikens inverkan på inkongruensens effekter inom marknadsföring

Established brands often market themselves in the same way as they've always done. There are two main reasons for this, it has worked before and general marketing strategies tells them to do so. However, a fairly new branch of marketing research have found that incongruent marketing may be a better way for an established brand to communicate to their target groups. This thesis is all about incongruency. Previous research in the area of incongruency have never dealt with aesthetics of the incongruent ads.

AstraZeneca : Vikten av intern marknadsföring och kommunikation i samband med fusioner

In the society of today it?s very hard for companies to succeed with mergers. (A.L.Pablo, M.Javidan:2004) This study intends to elucidate the importance of internal marketing and internal communication with mergers. The intention with this essay is to study and analyse the merger between the two companies Astra and Zeneca and study the employers at the time when the merger took place in 1999.I have chosen to do this study on the basis of an employer?s perspective.

Musikmarknadskommunikation 2.0 : En studie av hur svenska independentbolag i musikbranschen kommunicerar med sinmarknad via sociala nätverk på internet.

This essay has a purpose of looking at Swedish independent labels in the music industry and how they communicate with their market through social networks on the internet. There have not been much research about this in the past and we hope to contribute with knowledge to the area. In mind we had the changing music industry, an evolution of the internet and viral marketing communication.To answer our research question we decided to conduct three interviews with people who worked at independent labels and had market communication as their area ofresponsibility. The three independent labels in our study were based in Sweden, except for one that is based in London, England as well as Stockholm, Sweden. We selected the independent labels based on their tendency to work with marketing communication in the social networks on the internet.

?Den svåraste gruppen att nå?: Folkbiblioteks marknadsföring till pojkar i högstadieåldern

The object of this bachelor thesis is to examine how publiclibraries are working to reach out to boys in their early teens,and from a relationship marketing perspective see howlibraries are using marketing as a tool in creating long-termrelationships with this user group. The following questionsare asked: How do public libraries market themselves toboys in their early teens? How are children?s and youthlibrarians working to create long-term relationships with thisuser group? How do children?s and youth librarians viewmarketing as a way to create long-term relationships with theuser group? The theoretical framework of the study is EvertGummesson?s model of relationship marketing. Interviewswith five children?s and youth librarians make up theempirical data.

Tusen röda plastbåtar : En studie av framgångsrik gerillamarknadsföring

Background: Swedish consumers are daily bombarded with 1500 advertising messages. 22 percent of the Swedish people are avoiding all advertising in traditional media according to SIFO's research. To master this problem innovative methods are a necessity to reach consumers. Guerrilla marketing is such a method.Purpose: The purpose of this dissertation is to describe the components and the activities that asuccessful guerrilla campaign consists of. He purpose is also to examine the motives behind theseactivities, why they were chosen and what objectives they were supposed to accomplish.

Modern kontra traditionell styrning : - en studie av traditionellt tillverkande företag

Bakgrund: Traditionell styrning har kritiserats av en rad olika författare och en modern verksamhetsstyrning har utvecklats. Vi menar att traditionella tillverkande företag är intressanta ur den aspekten att traditionella ekonomistyrningsmodeller är uppbyggda kring dessa typer av företag. Frågan vi ställer oss är alltså huruvida modern verksamhetsstyrning är ändamålsenlig i traditionella tillverkande företag.Syfte och metod: Syftet med den här uppsatsen är, att beskriva och analysera tillämpningen av traditionella och modernare verksamhetsstyrningsmetoder i traditionella, tillverkande företag. Vår empiri är baserad på sex olika kvalitativa intervjuer på företagen Cloetta Fazer, Milko och Skånemejerier.Resultat: Traditionellt tillverkande företag möter inte samma förutsättningar som tidigare och behöver därför på många plan anpassa sin styrning..

Gårdsbutiken : att välja marknadsföringsstrategi

The agriculture of today is getting larger and larger and it demands more efficient machines to handle these larger units. But all farmers don?t have the opportunities or don?t want to expand. What should they do if they want to remain on the farm? An alternative is to start a farm shop.

Marknadsföring via sociala medier : Vilka marknadsföringsmöjligheter ger sociala medier för småföretag inom turism- och upplevelseindustrin?

This paper intends to show how micro- and small businesses in the tourism and experience industry makes use of social media as a marketing tool. The study also shows the possibilities for businesses to market themselves to customers through social media. Small businesses usually don?t have the same conditions or the same marketing resources that larger companies have. For small businesses that lack marketing resources, social media is a great addition to marketing since the technology around social media is relatively simple.

Att kommersialisera och sa?lja en plats : en analys av resereklam, representationer och geografiska fo?resta?llningar

Pictures are often used when marketing a tourist destination. Photographs of a place, a destination, are used to convince customers and stimulate daydreaming in order to turn a potential customer into a real customer. For some people the photographic representations of a place is the only one they experience. With this in mind, it is reasonable to question how representations of places and geographical imaginations are being (re)produced when marketing a destination by using photographs. This paper aims to study how representations of place and people are used when marketing a tourist destination via travel commercial.

Marknadsföring på Instagram : Det digitala skyltfönstret

In this study we are focusing on Instagram and marketing. We want to know how Web 2.0 and social media creates a new place for companies to market themselves and mostly how they are using the social network Instagram. The amount of swedes using Instagram is 28% and that is the double of what it was a year ago. This creates a whole new place for companies to market themselves and most importantly; it?s free.Our question at issue is In what way is fashion and interior design companies using marketing and Web 2.0 on Instagram and how does it reach individuals? To get an answer we contacted eight different companies and asked if they would like to answer some questions.

Grön marknadsföring i detaljhandeln

The purpose with this research is to examine how the green marketing in retail trade can be developed in order to promote the eco-labeled products closer to the consumer.The method for the survey includes interviews with managers of a few retailers and their customers in the industrial sector. The purpose with the interviews was to produce the retailer and the customer?s perspective of products with eco-label on.The research is limited to the region of Västra Götaland.The results from this research indicate that there is a lack of communication between the retailer and the consumer. The consumers don?t think that the product is available.

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