2164 Uppsatser om Modern landskapsarkitektur - Sida 51 av 145
Originell, exceptionell, kontroversiell : Bildningsdiskursen i media
Vad är bildning och vem är egentligen bildad var frågorna som inspirerade till denna studie. Bildningsdiskursen har en lång tradition bakom sig vilket inneburit en mångtydighet i begreppets betydelse. Debatterna har gått upp och ner och än idag finns konflikter som sätter prägel på kultur, utbildning och samhällsdebatten. Frågor som uppdagats är vad bildning innebär och till vilken samhällsnytta den har i en modern tid. Den digitaliserade närvaron med dess makt i meningsproduktion ligger till grund för att undersöka hur bildningsdiskursen ser ut i media.
Art in Healthcare A study of the Art in Diagnostic Center (DC) University Hospital in Malmö.
The role of Art in Healthcare and its requirements through a study of Diagnostic Center (DC), a Hospital with Art and Architecture integrated.Issues: Who selected Art for DC and on what foundations? How are Art and Architecture integrated, and what is the established knowledge of Art in Healthcare?Studies of reference material, theses, research articles and interviews. Hermeneutic and discourse analyses were used.Theorists: Barthes, Bourdieu, Foucault, Arnheim, Sjögren, Rasmussen.Results: A regional group selected local Art, mainly nonfigurative, and integrated it early in the architectural process. A stimulating non-traditional hospital environment with a modern design and two artists created work specifically for the environment.Art affects our Health and Caring Sciences is a scientific field that is studying how art affects patients and staff. It is relatively new but it is growing into a vast field of research, learning more about Art's effect on Health..
Akustisk trädgårdskonst : att ge sonisk karaktär åt en plats
Ljud och trädgård är kanske inte det första par man tänker sig som gifta men de tus
historia kan spåras längre tillbaka i tiden än man kan föreställa sig. När jag bestämde
mig för att skriva min kandidatuppsats om akustisk trädgårdskonst trodde jag att
ljudinstallationer i trädgårdar och parker var ett nytt fenomen. En helt ny värld
öppnade sig framför mina ögon då jag insåg att så inte var fallet. Konstgjorda
ljudkällor, såsom gyllene fåglar och vattenorglar, har kommit och gått genom tiderna
medan naturliga ljud, såsom vind och fågelsång, bestått. När det kommer till vår
egen tid är trädgårdsljud, även om moderna material och tankesätt används, en
konstform som starkt präglas och inspireras av sin historia.
Du kan skapa olika sorters ljudmiljöer i din trädgård beroende på vad du väljer att
använda för material.
Boda glasbruk : en designprocess rörande fytoremediering som ett arbetsverktyg för landskapsarkitekten
Detta kandidatexamensarbete har gått ut på att undersöka och beskriva hur landskapsarkitektens
designprocess kan se ut. Syftet har även varit att se vad landskapsarkitekten har för potential att använda
jordsaneringsmetoden fytoremediering, som ett arbetsverktyg. För att ge läsaren en inblick i
designprocessen, dess komplexitet och natur, har vi dokumenterat vårt arbete med uppstarten av ett
pilotprojekt i Småland. Under kursens gång har vi arbetat fram ett gestaltningsförslag av ett förorenat
området utanför ett gammalt glasbruk, i orten Boda Glasbruk. I gestaltningsarbetet har metoden
fytoremediering varit projektets utgångspunkt.
Effektivisering av UI-utveckling i datorspel
This thesis presents my work at the company Fatshark AB in Stockholm. My supervisor Rikard Blomberg, who works as a chief technology officer at Fatshark and is one of the owners of the company, explained that they had experienced weaknesses in the methodology used when developing heads up displays (HUD) for their games. In the latest production, Lead and Gold, the HUD had been redesigned a number of times, becoming an unnecessarily big expense due to the number of work hours invested. In modern software development, an iterative workflow is commonly encouraged. Despite this fact, the work efficiency could likely be increased by setting up guidelines as a help in the process of developing HUDs and reviewing the solutions.
Det svenska medialandskapet i förändring : en fallstudie av musikvideokanalen MTV.
This is a case study of the music channel MTV and it?s impact on the Swedish mediascape. We want to look into the process that lies behind this huge intercontinental corporation. Through literature studies we present the mechanism?s that paved the way for MTV growing into the number one music channel of modern time.
Feberkramper hos barn - Sjuksköterskans preventiva arbete / Children with febrile seizures - The nurse?s preventive work
Background: Febrile seizures are common in childhood. When a child is stricken with febrile seizures it is not only the child that is suffering, in fact the whole family is affected. There are different ways to prevent recurrence of febrile seizures, such as use of different drugs. The parents also need information about febrile seizures and support from the nurse. Aim: The aim of this literature study was to illuminate the nurse?s preventive work for children who have been stricken with febrile seizures.
Gamla tallars betydelse för biologisk mångfald på Gotland
Modern methods for managing pine (Pinus sylvestris) create homogenized forests. This decreases nature?s potential for biodiversity and might threaten species in need of different types of milieu. The main purpose of this study was to investigate how important older pine trees are for biodiversity. In the Hall-Hangvar Reserve in the north-west part of Gotland, insects collected from traps showed that more species were found in old or dead trees compared to younger pine trees.
Närvaro och frånvaro : en studie om elevers tankar runt skolk
Truancy is a problem in the Swedish schools today, just as well as in other European and other developed countries where educataion is gratuitous. Teachers all over Sweden go to classes with a clear and well-planned schedule for the day. But some are unable to do their work because of asent students. In this study I have chosen to focus on the perspective of the youths and the main question is: how do students discuss and think about truancy. During the study I have chosen a qualitative approach and have therefore done observation in various classes in a Swedish senior high school in a suburb outside Stockholm during twelve weeks.
Att göra stad. Om demokrati och deltagande i det offentliga rummet
Malmö has often been described as a segregated city, with relatively low democratic participation and high poverty and alienation. Behind this kind of statements we often find a material reality, with unequal distribution of assets and potentials that needs to be taken into consideration for political action. At the same time this categorisation of people into different groups can take stigmatising effects and result in increased inequality.I find the theoretical basis for my thesis in Lefebvre?s writings on ?the right to the city?, that shortly means that all inhabitants of a city have the right to take active part in the constantly ongoing process of producing and reproducing the city ? on all levels, from a hands-on everyday life level to a more abstract political level.With an interdisciplinary approach, where the right to the city is discussed in relation to citizenship, presence, representation and public space, I try to understand the connections between democracy, participation, justice and equality. These discussions are then applied to examples from Malmö; both publically initiated projects and individual physical markings in the city.
Beckholmen : Varv & Marina
A new shipyard on the island of Beckholmen consisting of a new ship hall and complementary workshops. The program is extended with rentable industrial space for other smaller companies to take advantage of synergies with the yard and to create an active maritime cluster around Beckholmen. By building a marina and a port at the northern shoreline of the island the shipyard can expand their potential customers to non-commercial and larger recreational boats that are becoming increasingly common in Skärgården. The port is also supplemented with a combined naval fuel station, harbor office and a small café. The boat traffic in the region gets a additional stop at the end of the port and act as an additional gateway to Djurgården. Several small retail spaces with direct access to the water is created along the promenade between the port and Djurgården. The shipyard gets a modern and efficient industry building, while the island is made available to the public again, and Beckholmen will hopefully take an equal place in the city's consciousness as it does visually in the inlet to Stockholm..
Målar författare till religionsläromedel med bred pensel? : - En kritisk undersökning av fyra gymnasieläromedels framställning av buddhism
This study is based on qualitative and hermeneutic methods. The investigation summarises how four textbooks present Buddhism in (school) subject Religion, such as texts and images. Two of them are used in Religious studies A, the rest is used in Religious studies 1. The study rests on the theories of orientalism and christocentrism, where both can be related to the concept of making secondary. In the research background there are descriptions of how the western world looks upon Buddhism in a historical perspective, but also how Buddhism in a modern age is represented.
Det sköna landskapet : med antroposofin som inspiration
Det finns inget som specifikt kan benämnas som antroposofisk landskapsarkitektur. Dock bidrar den antroposofiska helhetssynen till en omsorg om landskapet och en förkärlek att tydligare visualisera samband. Man menar att människan måste ta ett högre moraliskt ansvar för sin omvärld och tänka i kretslopp istället för avfall. Samtidigt finns inom antroposofin en ständig medvetenhet om de estetiska aspekterna på såväl detaljnivå som i det övergripande landskapet. Läran grundades av österrikaren Rudolf Steiner i början av 1900-talet, mycket av hans tankar var vidareutvecklingar av Johann Wolfgang von Goethes filosofier.
Språket - Basis för modern undervisning
Hot och våld inom vårdyrket är något som inte är unikt för Sverige utan det förekommer i andra länder med. I vissa fall kan hot och våld leda till längre sjukskrivningar men även till dödsfall. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att undersöka vilka faktorer som kunde reducera hot och våld gentemot sjuksköterskan på arbetsplatsen. Studien har utförts enligt Goodmans systematiska tillvägagångssätt och sökningarna har gjorts i Pubmed, Cinahl, Medline och i The Cochrane Library. Kvantitativa samt kvalitativa studier har inkluderats i litteratursökningen.
Användbarhet och turism, är det lätt att kombinera? : En studie om turismsajters användbarhet
In this essay we discuss the broad area of website usability from a tourism perspective. Our goal was to investigate the usability in smaller and bigger tourism websites. We have declared what website usability means and the importance of involving the users when designing a user interface. In a pilot study, we conducted three interviews with people who work with usability and then used the information we got to form questions to use in a focus group interview. In this focus group, we asked three people to assess two Swedish tourism websites, one bigger and one smaller, to find out if they were considered usable and if there was any difference in usability depending on the size of the site.