

6320 Uppsatser om Modern greek literature - Sida 54 av 422

Barn och ungdomar skriver ? en undersökning av skrivarverksamheter

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to investigate what kinds of writing activities that are offered to children and young people in Sweden and if, how and why libraries are involved with them. The issues illuminated in this thesis are how children and youth can be motivated and advance in their writing, what the purpose of writing activities can be, and if writing activities can be suitable as a part of the work in libraries. The theory is based on a study with writing youth made by Catharina Nyström. In order to study the issues six interviews have been completed with persons who all have played a part in writing activities for children and youth.

Revisionsteam : vad påverkar effektiviteten?

Title: Audit teams ? what affects the efficiency?Authors: Petter Johansson and David RubinSupervisor: Andreas JanssonCourse: Dissertation Accounting, 4FE03E, 30 ECTS, Spring 2011.Key Words: Audit team, Efficiency, Team WorkBackground and problem: Theory and literature in the field of audit teams?efficiency are limited. The theory and literature that existed was not conducted inSwedish context. It was identified that no one had examined the factors thatinfluence the efficiency of the Swedish audit team's. Efficiency affects howresource-and cost-effective an auditing firm can be while the audit is performedwith quality and therefore it is of interest to be examined.Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to explore and explain what may affectSwedish audit teams? efficiency during the work processMethod: The thesis has been based on existing theory and literature to explainwhat affects audit teams? effectiveness.

På tal om källor: En studie av lärarstudenters informationsanvändning i examensarbetet

The purpose of this Master?s thesis is to investigate the information use in teacher education students? degree projects. The first study is a reference analysis used to categorize the cited sources in 33 degree projects from the teacher education program at one Swedish university. The aim was to find out what types of sources were used, in particular the amount of citations to scholarly publications. The results of the reference analysis showed that the majority of sources used were text books.

Social kompetens - What?s the point? : En kvalitativ studie om hur begreppet används inom bemanningsbranschen.

The term ?social competence? is widely used by organizations in job advertisements, despite the problems of making a unified definition of it. The purpose of this study is to investigate which features the organizations require, why organizations require them and how the assessment is implemented for recruitment. To answer the purpose of this study, eight qualitative interviews conducted with recruiters from four different staffing agencies. Further a literature study was performed to define the concept of ?social competence? and its meaning, in order to later connect this to the result.

"En skör människas verklighetsuppfattning" : en teoretisk diskussion kring positioner, sanningsanspråk och subtiliteter utifrån Maja Lundgrens bok Myggor och Tigrar

Genom en textanalys av författaren Maja Lundgrens bok Myggor och Tigrar undersöker uppsatsen skönlitterära texters möjlighet att förändra kvinnors positioner och potentialer. I den teoretiska bakgrunden redogörs för såväl historisk som nutida självbiografiforskning med fokus på diskussioner kring sanningsanspråk, textens konstituerande karaktär och specifikt feministisk forskning på området. Med betoning på hur förtryck kan beskrivas på alternativa och komplexa sätt för att i förlängningen skapa nya förståelser för kvinnliga subjektspositioner, undersöks Lundgrens försök att skildra subtila maktutövanden..

Nutritionens och smärtans påverkan på välbefinnandet vid Reumatoid Artrit

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disease, which affects mostly women. RA is also a chronic disease and the treatment is focused on moderating the immunological process. RA-patients experience daily pain which affect their prosperity. The aim of this literature study is to illuminate some factors that influence the well-being of patients with RA. The factors that have been studied are pain, nutrition and need of knowledge about nutrition.

Uppfödning av slaktgrisar (Sus scrofa domestica) i stora grupper : gruppstorlekens betydelse för grisars välfärd och produktionsresultat

This literature study deals with the pig industry and how group size and available floor area affects the animal welfare and the production results. It shows that both the pigs? welfare and production result can be affected negatively if the environment seems stressful for the pigs, and if they are housed in a narrow area. If the pigs are being exposed to either physiological or psychological stress factors their immune system can be decreased and the growth can be impaired. Influence by the social status of the pigs is also reviewed.

Professionell kultur i grundskolan : En studie om Skapande skola i Värmland

Formal writing is an essential part of teaching Swedish and is fundamental for higher education and professional career. The aim of my essay is to research what didactic methods Swedish teachers utilizes in upper secondary school to improve students' abilities to write formal texts. I will also examine students? project papers in an attempt to measure the extent of formal word choice.  In the presentation of the literature I decided to use, for example, Per Olov Svedner?s perspective on writing as a process, Siv Strömquist?s manuals for essay writing and various literature regarding linguistic correctness and essay layout. Interviews with three upper secondary school teachers reveals that active feedback is a basis for students development regarding formal writing in both school and professional career.

Den manliga sjuksköterskan, En feminin sexuellt avvikande person med tvivelaktiga avsikter som vårdare

A literature review about attitudes and expectations on the male nurse..

En kartl?ggning av inv?ndiga f?nsterluckors utbredning och konstruktion

Interior window shutters can be found in historical buildings, but they are an uncommon occurrence in modern buildings. In modern contemporary construction, large glass panels are often the ideal because of increased light inflow and for architectural purposes. However, this can generate several negative effects, such as increased energy loss, lack of privacy and high sunlight penetration. Problems that window shutters could have accommodated historically. This thesis identifies a lack of knowledge about interior window shutters in the Swedish building stock.

Hur klär man ett moln i svenska byxor? : En komparativ analys av svenska översättningar av Vladimir Majakovskijs poesi

Abstract of How to dress a cloud in trousers? ? A comparative analysis of Swedish translations of Vladimir Majakovskij?s poetryIn this essay I present a comparative analysis of Swedish translations of Vladimir Majakovskij?s poems ??????? ? ??????? and ??? ???? ??????.[1]My ambition is to analyze and understand methods of translation and reasons of devices in transforming Majakovskij?s poetry into a Swedish language and context. On the basis of my theoretic perspectives (which contain fundamental problems of translation, the development of the subject ?translation? and English translations of Russian texts) I methodically execute a parallel reading of the original poems, literature concerning Majakovskij as a poet and selected, biographic literature with a concentration on the works of the Swedish translator and scientist Bengt Jangfeldt.[2]The chapters of my analysis was formed during my methodic reading of theoretic and biographic literature and creates a frame for my results: the analyze of three different kinds of transforming the Russian rhymes into Swedish, the way of translators actualizing and making poems more understandable by placing it in a different context by changing names/national clichés, the effect of using hard or vulgarized language and the inevitable transformation from Russian to Swedish when translators are showing underlying meanings in the strophes by using more poetic language, a discussion of errors in translation, implicit difficulties in Russian use of certain words and the ideology of Majakovskij?s poetry and the Swedish publication/relationship to the authorship.[1]?A cloud in trousers? and ?At the top of my voice?[2]An interview with a Russian-speaking reader is also executed for another perspective of the Russian language.

Finansiering av företag : är bristen på externt kapital en faktor som hämmarlandsbygdsföretagens tillväxt?

The interest in businesses active on the countryside and their funding situation has increased in recent years. In a survey, conducted by Leif Berndtsson (2003), it was reported that there is a lack of external capital in rural areas. According to Berndtsson (2003) the lack of external capital inhibits the rural firm?s growth. The essay attempts to answer whether the shortage of external capital is a factor that inhibits development for rural businesses.

Splittrad kvinnosjäl. En litteraturstudie om hur sjuksköterskan ska bemöta misshandlade kvinnor.

Violence against women is an extensive social problem that concerns us all. The women who seek health- and medical services when they have been exposed to violence and abuse have the right to expect being well taken care of and treated by competent and understanding personnel. A kind reception can make the patient feel comfortable enough to talk about their situation. The aim of this literature review was to determine how you as a nurse should treat a woman who has been exposed to battery, to be able to offer a professional and individual care. The frame of reference is Gustafsson´s SAUK-model since the acknowledged care aim to maintain and strengthen the human´s self-judgement and self-determination.

Litteraturrecensioner i Expressen och BLM 1964-2004 : En studie av genreförändringar i två skilda pressorgan

The aim of this study is to describe how reviews of literature in Bonniers litterära magasin and Expressen changed during the period 1964-2004. The investigation is based on 20 reviews of novels and short stories, which are analysed with a method described in Hellspong and Ledin (1997) and inspired by Halliday. The theoretical frame of the investigation is founded on critical discourse analysis (Fairclough 1992 & 2001) and Habermas´social theory of the public sphere.The investigation shows, among other things, that the reviews became shorter and easier to read in both paper during the period. The investigation also shows that the genre´s style, composition and contents are relatively stable, and that current ideologies in society have a tendency to be reflected in the reviewers´evaluation of the books. To generalize, the reviews thus developed from a poetic genre in 1964, to become political in the 1970s, academic in the 1980s, feminist in the 1990s and finally an intermedial genre in 2004..

Paul Tillich och Verkligheten : Är Bibelberättelserna "bara" symboler

In this essay I have aimed to examine how the theology of Paul Tillich relate to modern views of reality, both the way it was expressed in his contemporary time and the way I see it today. Reality I have defined as an entirety of the physic- and metaphysic reality. A so called panentism where God is reality and the world is a part of this reality.With Tillichs Systematic Theology as my principal material, I have first made a brief presentation of his theology, of its construction and main concepts. Then I have chosen to further examine the way he describes being, reason and revelation to see how this particular concepts of Tillich agree with my definition of reality. In this I have consulted the books Tillich in Dialogue by Mackenzie-Brown and Natural Theology Versus Theology of Nature, a book edited after the forth international Tillich symposium 1992, which had "Tillichs thinking as impetus for a discourse among theology, philosophy and natural sciences" as a theme.I have tried to point out the possibilities opened up by the ontology and epistemology of Tillich for the dialogue between theology and natural sciences.

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