

6320 Uppsatser om Modern greek literature - Sida 53 av 422

Förskola och bibliotek - förskolorna som användare av och samarbetspartner till biblioteken i Kalmar och Växjö

The purpose was to examine how the pre-schools used the public libraries in two Swedishtowns. We also examined if and how the pre-schools and the public libraries were coopera­ting.Literature showed that it is possible to stimulate children's language development and this is a duty for pre-schools and public libraries. We sent an inquiry to all pre-schools divisions in both towns. We interviewed two librarians. Our results showed that the pre-schools did use the libraries to a great extent but they didn't cooperate with the libraries in the sense that they had elaborated agreements.

Fysisk aktivitet och etniska minoriteter ? Faktorer som påverkar fysisk aktivitet bland medelålders och äldre personer

BACKGROUND: The relationship between physical activity and health versusphysical inactivity and poor health are well known. Ethnic minorities are generallyless physically active than the residence country's majority population andgenerally have a poorer health status. The study has a health promotion perspective.PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to describe factors that influencephysical activity among middle-aged and older persons, belonging to an ethnicminority. METHOD: The method used to answer the purpose is a literature-basedstudy. The searching for literature has been carried out in a systematic way.Scientific articles to base the results on, has been gathered from various databases.Included articles were analyzed with a qualitative content analysis and identifiedsimilarities and differences in the content were divided into themes and categories.RESULTS: Recurrent themes in the literature, that influence physical activity inmiddle-aged and older people that belong to an ethnic minority, was support, healthand illness, external factors, internal factors, community related and socioeconomicfactors and ignorance and beliefs.

Artisten i vardagsrummet : Gränsöverskridande och samförstånd i det moderna genombrottets dramatik: Leffler, Benedictsson och Stéenhoff

Anne Charlotte Leffler, Victoria Benedictsson and Frida Stéenhoff were all part of the Modern Breakthrough in Swedish literature. By utilizing Jürgen Habermas theoretical works on communicative action, and Nancy Fraser?s supplementary reading of his theory, this essay makes clear that the authors? struggle for an understanding and a rethinking of social norms in their plays Skådespelerskan (1873), Romeos Julia (1888) and Lejonets unge (1896) can be read as a contribution to the public debate. Dialogue has a key function for female authors during the Modern Breakthrough. Women and mens? possibilities to take part in conversation and argument as equals, requires the professional woman?s transgression and access to the privileges of both public (State) administration ? ?system?, and world of everyday life ? ?lifeworld?.

Ungdomar som rymmer hemifrån : en kunskapsöversikt

The aim with this thesis is to study how the phenomenon young people who run away from home (runaways) is presented in the research literature. The question at issue in our thesis is: How does research literature present the phenomenon of young people who run away from home? We have selected seven primary documents that we consider gives a broad picture of the knowledge about runaways. We have a postmodern and a hermeneutic approach in our thesis. Our material has been analyzed on the basis of social constructionist theory and the new sociological paradigm of childhood.

Läsutveckling : En studie av elever i år 4

Syftet med vår studie var att undersöka, analysera och diskutera lärarens, elevers och föräldrars medvetenhet och engagemang om elevernas progression inom läsinlärningen. Analys och slutsatser byggde vi på våra resultat och modern forskning om barns språkinlärning. Detta gjorde vi med hjälp av en klass bestående av 1 lärare, 19 elever och deras föräldrar. Vi använde oss av kartläggningsmetoderna God Läsutveckling och Ordkedjor, enkäter och intervju. Resultatet av vår studie visade att kartläggningsmetoden var betydelsefull, men metodvalet inte var det avgörande för läsutvecklingen hos eleverna.

Erfarenhetsåterföring :  

This thesis has been done in collaboration with Peab Stockholm Building 3, which is a region within the Peab Sverige AB. The report is based on a survey and studies of Peab business management systems and production literature. For general information gathering has literature from well-known sources collected in libraries and through the Internet. It shows through the work that Peab has routines for experience feedback in the construction process, but that these procedures work in a small scale and the practical work experience feedback does not work at all. This is also something the construction industry in general also perceived as problematic. The questions in the report are of a wide scale and concerns construction errors cost, how the employees perceive that the company takes advantage of the skills and the mental stress in production line. The goal is to find how Peab Stockholm Building 3 will work on the experience feedback to allow for better productivity. In conclusion, the report author tries to demonstrate what can lead to increased productivity and improved work experience..

Ekoby i Vetlanda

Den senaste tiden har intresset kring ekologisk bebyggelse vuxit. Passivhus är en teknik som växte fram under 90- talet och som pressenteras som ett miljövänligare och effektivare alternativ till modern regelverksbebyggelse. Men är det egentligen så? I den här uppsatsen används teorin om ekologiska fotavtryck för att presentera, resonera kring och jämföra de båda byggteknikerna. Utöver detta pressenteras ett planförslag för exploatering av området Himlabacken i Vetlanda..

En insyn i waldorfskolan : en kvalitativ studie av fyra lärares syn på sin egen undervisning

Background: The Waldorf school was founded by Rudolf Steiner during the early nineties in Austria. The pedagogy is established in the antrophosofical sight of humanity, which contains focus on three watchwords when it comes to teaching. These are the will, the feeling and the thought. Purpose: The aim of this study is to investigate how teachers in three Waldorf schools are working during to the curriculum and to bring out the differences and the similarities with the municipal school. This essay is focusing on four themes and theories; artistic learning processes, gender, multimedia and environment.Method: In order to investigate this kind of teaching I choose interviewing as a method, specifically semi structured interviews. Four teachers at three different schools in Stockholm county was interviewed.

En föreställning om samhället : militära marscher som social och politisk kommunikation i frihetstidens lokalsamhälle

Denna uppsats intresserar sig för den tidigmoderna människans interaktion och kommunikation med centralmakten. Utgångspunkten är att lokalsamhällets föreställningar om centralmakten skapades i lokala möten med denna. Ett sådant möte var den indelta krigsmaktens marscher i frihetstidens Sverige. Denna uppsats syftar till att analysera dessa marscher såsom kommunikativa och ideologiladdade ritualer där marschens estetik, disciplin och symbolik gjorde centralmakten konkret och greppbar för lokalsamhällets människor.Jag argumenterar för att marschen bör förstås som en kommunikativ arena där centralmakten och lokalsamhället interagerade inom ramen för ett föreställt samhällskontrakt. Denna symboliska interaktion visade på att centralmakten och lokalsamhället delade många föreställningar och hade mycket att vinna på ömsesidighet och förhandling.

Barns inflytande i förskolan  : Pedagogers perspektiv

The purpose of this study was to find out what pedagogues in preschool think when it comes to children?s influence and how they do to give the children opportunity to express their thoughts and point of views and thereby influence their situation.The literature review treats the conception of the competent child and shows that having child perspective is important in meeting children. The literature review implies that participation and influence means sensitivity to children?s expressions and that pedagogues lets these expressions influence the activities in preschool. It is not about children always getting their ways, but that they are respected and are given space to think freely.Searching for pedagogues? thoughts on children?s influence and how they do for giving it, I interviewed six persons, working at six different preschools.

Att leva med inflammatorisk tarmsjukdom (IBD) : En litteraturöversikt om vuxna människors upplevelser i vardagen

Background: Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) includes Crohn´s disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UK). The diseases are chronic and have a pattern of relapses interspersed with relatively symptom-free periods. Common symptoms during relapse are diarrhea, abdominal pain and weight loss. Since you have IBD for life it is important to find ways to relate to and cope with the disease. In that process a nurse can be of great help.Aim: The purpose of this literature review was to increase the understanding of how adult patients with inflammatory bowel disease experience their daily lives.  Method: The method used was a literature review.

Paradoxens styrka och kraft : En studie av paradoxala inslag i Samuel Backetts verk i väntan på Godot

AbstractThe purpose of this investigation is to find out how the pupils can discover and to feel joy in their creative art activity and also to believe in their own ability. The aim is to figure out if creative art activity is able to raise the pupil?s self-image. By literature, pedagogue interviews, and interviews with pupils at the age of ten years old and by action research is the way that I have searched for an answer for my question. The main result is that fantasy, creativity, courage and lust are important parts to develop in the job of raising the self-image.

Finding Course Literature: Exposing Overlooked Alternatives and Streamlining Targeted Information Retrieval

Na?r en student idag utbildar sig vid ett svenskt la?rosa?te beho?ver denne info?rskaffa sig kurslitteratur som ett komplement till undervisningen. Det finns inget sja?lvklart tillva?gaga?ngssa?tt fo?r hur studenten info?rskaffar sig sin kurslitteratur och information om litteraturen presenteras inkonsekvent o?ver olika ka?llor . Vi utvecklar da?rfo?r ett sto?dsystem fo?r so?kning av kurslitteratur, med syfte att effektivisera so?kprocessen samt att exponera studenten fo?r eventuellt tidigare fo?rbisedda ka?llor till kurslitteratur. Systemet utva?rderas i fo?rha?llande etablerade so?kstrategier hos 22 studenter. Resultaten visar att anva?ndandet av detta sto?dsystem inte bara minskar antalet steg markant utan a?ven minskar antalet tja?nster studenten anva?nder fo?r att info?rskaffa sin kurslitteratur ja?mfo?rt med studenters egna so?kstrategi idag..

Barnens trädgård : Barnsjukhusets utemiljö - Uppsala

The outdoor environment at Children's hospital, the University Hospital, Uppsala, is used by sick children at the Children's hospital, their families and the hospital staff. The staff at the Children's hospital wanted to render the site more attractive and available. This graduation thesis is a proposal about how the outdoor environment at the Children's hospital can be improved. The aim is to design an environment for the sick children, their families and the hospital staff that will serve as a place for relaxation and privacy, as well as for play and movement. In order to find support for the redesign of this site I read literature about theories concerning healing environments, healing gardens, children's play and designs for children.

Hur fungerar skolbiblioteken? : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om skolbibliotekers och pedagogers syn på litteraturförmedling

This master thesis is aiming to find out how school libraries work towards children in school years 1-6. The mainfocus is how the school librarians and teachers work with literature and reading. The theoretical viewpoints aremainly the sociocultural theory and the child perspective.The study was conducted with participants from five different schools in Uppsala, in the form of qualitativesemi-structured interviews. The results show that schools work with literature first and foremost in a pragmaticway, with reading-strategies and activating discussions. Very little time is spent on reading for its own sake.

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